Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Harmonizer

Harmonizer Announcements

Two Ways to Activate Your Harmonizer

We often get the question, “What the difference is between the two ways you can activate your Harmonizer?” Some people physically place it on top of the Environmental Clearing CD, and others play the CD or MP3 next to the Harmonizer.

Here’s what we’ve found. The field of the Harmonizer on top of the CD is calm and steadily grows to its maximum range. It begins amplification the moment it is placed on top of the CD. By expanding the coherent light field more and more, it gently breaks up and mitigates discordant energy surrounding the Harmonizer.

When you play the Environmental Clearing Frequencies (CD or MP3), the Harmonizer’s range of effectiveness immediately expands with force. Activating the Harmonizer this way transmutes the larger space into a more coherent light field. While at the same time, it helps to push out discordant energies to the perimeter, or may dissolve them all together.

Therefore, we suggest that when you are in an extreme situation, activate your Harmonizer by playing the Frequencies. For example, if you are experiencing intense air pollution, chemtrails, tornado or hurricane warnings, or heated arguments in the neighborhood.

Agricultural Harmonizers Have a New Name

All of our Agricultural Harmonizers will now be called Community Harmonizers. Just like we have already named our Empowerment Cubit Harmonizer, a Community Harmonizer.

Empowerment Cubit Community Harmonizer, Silver Plated

In the early 90’s, Slim Spurling created the first Harmonizers for Environmental Clearing work. Some of his friends who owned farmland, described to him their need for clearing out pests on their crops. To help them with this task, he created a Harmonizer double the size of the Environmental Harmonizer and named it the Agricultural Harmonizer. So the name was more referring to the extended range of effectiveness it was designed for; which happened to be sizable plots of farming land at the time. The positive changes this powerful Tool brings, go beyond farming, that is why we feel that calling it Agricultural does not encompass all the wonderful ways it affects large areas in which it is placed.

At that time, Slim only used the Sacred Cubit measurement, as this was the only one available to him. Later, when we had the Lost Cubit measurement available, we created Agricultural Harmonizers in that measurement. We found it was even more powerful for farming the land and plant growth than the Sacred Cubit one.

You can read my blog where I explain more about the different Harmonizers here.

Rest assured that only the name changes. The design, energy and highest intentions will remain the same in all Community Harmonizers.

Spring and Renewal – March 2019

2019 Spring and Renewal

Spring is a time for renewal, growth and expansion. As we become increasingly aware of the world awakening from its winter slumber, we find that we seem to have that extra energy and focus to get physically active, take action and create change. We find new energy in this season of promise! Spring is a great time to envision endless possibilities, and to use our creative gifts to reach new levels of wellness, happiness and success.

What do you want to achieve this spring? Are you planning your garden or perhaps starting seedlings on a sunny window sill indoors? Are you tapping into your creativity by taking a new course in art or photography? Are you heading outside into the crisp spring air for a walk or a jog? Here at Light-Life Tools, we understand and embrace the renewal and promise of the season. We are here to help you realize the wellness, happiness and success that spring can bring!

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer

Our Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizers are said to enhance plant growth and increase the size and quality of crops. Why not try one for your garden this year?

Empowerment Environmental Energy Harmonizers

Our Empowerment Environmental Energy Harmonizers  are very useful tool especially in social situations. We recommend that every office and school have one!

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer

Our Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizers seem to improve overall health and well-being and positively affect you and those in your vicinity. Maybe one could boost your vigor and help make your springtime walks more effective!

No matter what you want to accomplish this spring, there’s a Light-Life tool that can help you on your journey. In fact, March 13-18 we are offering 25% off all of our Light-Life Tools in celebration of the

25th anniversary of the Denver Clearing Project

There’s still time to sign up for the . . .

Geopathic Stress Reduction (Dowsing) and
the Applications of the Light-Life Tools Workshop
April 5-7, 2019.
For details on the workshop and to register please click here. Early-bird registration runs through March 22, so sign up today.

I encourage each and every one of you to embrace the change and renewal that spring brings. At Light-Life Tools, it is our vision – and our mission – to ensure YOU have the energy and vitality you need to live your most amazing life…by bringing harmony and healing to the Earth and its entire population!

Warm Regards,


Harmony in Hurricane Season

Light-Life Tools Storm Chaser

Did you know that the Storm Chaser was created by Slim after Hurricane Katrina in 2005? As June marks the start of hurricane season, I thought it was important to highlight the usefulness of this tool as well as our other Harmonizers. I’ve included Slim’s words from his book about this tool:

The Storm Chaser came about as a result of my concern for the increasing levels of pollution, which exacerbates the natural tendency of tornadoes and hurricanes to wreak havoc. Hurricanes start off the coast of Africa as a result of the massive density of positively charged dust particles which blow off the west coast (the Skeleton Coast) during periodic sand storms in the summer months. These positively charged ions have a counterclockwise spin – or a negative spin. Anything with a positive charge and a negative spin is destructive to life. These charged ions tend to drag the atmosphere into a massive counterclockwise rotation which, depending on the density of the charge and duration of the sandstorm, may develop into a tropical storm and then a hurricane.

As the cyclonic rotation persists, it draws in (+) charges from different levels of the atmosphere consisting of any or all of the listed air pollutants: CO2, SO2, NOX, hydrocarbons (all toxic materials have a (+) charge). As we have all seen on the weather channel, these storms pull in clouds and atmospheric components from hundreds of thousands of cubic miles of atmosphere. As the density of the toxins increase and (+) charges accumulate near the center, the force behind the storm rotation increases.

Based on my personal observation of atmospheric pollution in the Caribbean during a couple of flights over the area, it is far and away more polluted than any comparable area I have seen in the past 10 years, with the exception of Belgium on my first flight over that country in ‘97. So we can see that these storms initiated off the coast of Africa rapidly increase in strength in the Caribbean and Gulf as they pull in polluted air from the populated mainland.

These huge storms are now appearing in the southern hemisphere; witness the recent one in Australia called Larry (2006) and the first ever storm off Brazil last year (2005). This is attributed to the increasing pollution and resultant drought conditions in that hemisphere. The impact of treaties related to globalization speaks to the issues of industrialization and the increasing use of petroleum fuels in the less developed world, as well.

Having a clear grasp of what lies behind the upsurge of violent weather that is wreaking so much havoc all over the globe, I decided to develop a Harmonizer that can cover large volumes of atmosphere. While the effects of my Environmental and Agricultural Harmonizers have been well demonstrated and proven over and over again, their field radius is not big enough to handle storms of this magnitude. In order to cover the amount of atmosphere that feeds these “super hurricanes”, I had to invent a larger unit. This is what led to the creation of the Storm Chaser in 2004.

To give you an idea of what the Storm Chasers are capable of, it might help you to know that right after the Katrina disaster (2005) I sent the first units to Florida where they were installed in Pensacola, Sarasota and Vero Beach. The next unit was sent to a site near Galveston, Texas, about 200 miles inland.

Predicted to be heading toward the middle of the Florida coast, Hurricane Wilma (2005) got diverted by the Storm Chaser manned by Anthony Cowan in Sarasota. That storm hit the Keys briefly. It then scooted out to sea and took a sudden northeastern path. Deprived of its negative ionic charge over the cooler Atlantic, Wilma dissipated rapidly, due to the high numbers of different sized Harmonizers maintained by people in our network up and down the Eastern seaboard.

Hurricane Rita (2005) was predicted to hit Galveston and inexplicably shifted to a Northeastern course, heading toward Houston instead. When it got to Houston, the eye of that storm ran into the 65-mile wall of energy produced by the dozen active Agricultural Harmonizers manned by the people in Sandee Mac’s network. Rita lost her steam and collapsed suddenly a few miles out to sea.

If you don’t have a copy of In The Mind of a Master, I highly recommend that you pick one up as you continue to heal and grow using the Light-Life Tools. It contains fabulous testimonials and information such as this, directly from Slim from one of his workshops, that can help explain how and why each tool was invented.


When you hear of a hurricane threat, I ask all of you to put your Harmonizers on a map of the area in the world that is affected by a tropical storm. While having a Storm Chaser is ideal, I truly understand that it doesn’t fit everyone’s budget. There are so many Harmonizers available! We’ve found that the Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to be the best at potentially diverting storms, however all of them will work. Remember to put your intention in and they work even better.. After you’ve placed your Harmonizer on the map, put a ring around the area you want to affect, turn on the Environmental Clearing CD (or download the mp3 file) and put headphones around the Harmonizer. This frequency was created by Slim to clean the air and seems to work best for diverting tornadoes and hurricanes.

If you or a loved one lives in an area that is currently being affected by a storm please do not hesitate to notify us. We often send emails alerting our worldwide community of the situation and it’s so powerful to watch everyone band together in solidarity. Together we truly make a difference!

Lastly, when setting your intention as you activate the Harmonizer ask for collapsing hurricanes so no one else gets hurt. Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer that is free of natural disasters and hurricanes!


Ask Katharina – March 2018

Dear Katharina,

I really enjoyed your video about March’s intention: honor. I’m taking your advice and doing my best to honor myself. I feel like I can be really hard on myself. One of my greatest character defects is perfectionism, which is essential to the nature of my work (fine jewelry creation), but also can be my greatest personal challenge. I absolutely hate making mistakes and beat myself up when I do. Additionally, I find myself focusing unrealistic expectations upon others. Could you please let me know what tool you suggest to amplify compassion? I want to learn how to be kinder to myself and give others the necessary space to be human, perfectly imperfect.

Thank you,

Jane S., Boulder, CO

Dear Jane,

Thank you so much for your kind email. I’ve been dealing with perfectionism myself and one of my mentors once said, “Better done than perfect!” It shocked me at first, but then at the same time it freed me up. I’ve gotten more done since then and have much more tolerance towards my mistakes and others. After all, mistakes are just learning experiences. Please do your best to learn from them so you don’t have to make the same mistakes again as there are so many more we can make! Also remember: what you resist persists! Embrace your perfectionism and utilize where it fits (for example, when you make jewelry), but when you work on other projects try to be more forgiving. Embrace and enjoy imperfection and incorporate more humor, love for yourself and your need to have it all perfect. It takes the heaviness out of it.

If you are looking for a Light-Life Tool to support your process, I would take the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendant either in 24K gold plated or silver plated, lacquered. They can be programmed. Hold the tool in your hand and program it with something like. “Give me more compassion today!” or “Let me be kind to myself today.” I would recommend not to put more than one or two programs in the tool per day.

Last but not least, please stop judging yourself. Embrace yourself and know it’s all okay. When we are judging ourselves or others we get it all back even stronger than we sent out. I have a strong suspicion that judgement hasn’t had a positive impact in your life.  Try setting your intention towards honor, but more importantly to kindness, for yourself and others.

Please let me know how the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendant is working for you. Sending unconditional love to you and those around you.



Dear Katharina,

I had an extremely difficult childhood marked by significant trauma. I’m going to a tremendous amount of work to heal and grow. For a lot of time I tried to shove my pain underneath a rug, but I’m learning the hard way that this just seems to amplify the source and my anger comes out sideways. I’ve started doing work in a program called ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), started working with an EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapist and started my journey with body work. Most research studies show that trauma actually lives in the body and talk therapy is helpful, but won’t help you release the pain. I’m having fun exploring the different modalities: tapping, watsu, float tanks and healing touch. I’m also learning how to play! Trampoline park here I come!

Could you please recommend several tools that will support my healing practices? I absolutely adore the Light-Life Tools and I’d love your expertise on what will help with the traumatic release.

Thank you,

Susan F., Des Moines, IL

Dear Susan,

I am so sorry to hear about your childhood. I applaud you for taking action to completely heal and look at all the ‘stuff’. It takes a lot of courage to do that. I’m thrilled you are working with seasoned professionals. Trauma work is intense and it’s important to work with professionals who know how to help you in a safe, gentle and compassionate way.

When I was reading your message I immediately thought of our Seed of Life unit. I remember when Slim and I did a workshop in Germany, we used the Seed of Life and placed it on the solar plexus of women who  had traumatic experiences in their lives. We also placed rings on other places on their body.  It was amazing to see how their faces changed once they released all this trauma. Having said that, if you want to try this, make sure you have a friend around who can support you in whatever may come up for you. You could also wear one of our silver plated Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants. This has helped a lot with grieving processes and it sounds like this is part of what you’re going through as well. 

I am wishing you strength to go through your healing process. Please let me know how you’re doing and how the tools are supporting you.



Dear Katharina,

Although I’m extremely excited that spring is around the corner, I find that the change in seasons is taking a toll on my respiratory tract. Between catching colds and my allergies I feel like I’m always stuffed up! What Light-Life Tools do you use when you aren’t feeling that well? Do you have any essential oils that you recommend?

Thank you,

Charles K., Pittsburgh, PA

Dear Charles,

What comes first to mind is our Nose Mask. It has helped many people with allergies throughout the season. When you don’t need to fight off allergies, you can use it as massage tool. It feels great and – btw – one of our customers came up with this idea. She bought 20 at a time to give to her clients because it helped so much releasing tension in the body.

If you have a Harmonizer you put a few drops of essential oils on a Q-Tip and put in your Harmonizer. Make sure you’re not allergic to any of them. I was told that Eucalyptus removes over 90% of bacteria in a room. Thyme, Peppermint and Rosemary may also be good choices. Of course you can also use those oils in a steam bath. Please again, make sure you’re not allergic to those.

I hope those ideas help. Wishing you a free nose and an enjoyable spring time!


Harmonizing Your Health and Wellness

As this month comes to an end I’d like to revisit my intention. In the month of January I asked all of us to set our intention towards goal setting, and to each take a quiet moment of self-reflection. What makes you happy? What do you want to accomplish this year? This sentiment is a nice fit with February as we celebrate Valentine’s day and all that has to do with love. Self-love doesn’t get enough attention, in my opinion. How can you have love to spread to others if you haven’t started with yourself first?

On that note, I’d like to talk a little bit about self care. What do your morning practices look like? Do you have any? I love to take quiet time for myself each morning, say my prayers, set intentions for the day and offer gratitude. My evenings include lighting candles for dinner and sometimes I use essential oils to set the ambiance. I absolutely love essential oils and the natural and healing effect they have on the psyche.

I was chatting with my team the other day and the topic of essential oils came up. I sometimes put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton swab and place it inside my Agricultural Harmonizer.  I find a cotton swab is best as I don’t want to inadvertently harm the plating with the oil. The Harmonizer is an intention based tool and is said to clear the air and spread the information of the essential oils, as well as our intentions we have programmed into them. I like to think of it as a natural diffuser that adds life force energy instead of watery mist to the oils’ holistic objective.

I highly recommend using only high quality essential oils. It’s so worth the money and quality oils can even be used for cooking. When I lived in Germany, my preferred one was from Primavera. Here in the states there are excellent oil suppliers to find as well. I’m constantly changing what oils I use based upon my desired outcome. I use a few drops of dill when I cook fish, or a few drops of basil in winter in my salad.

Red mandarin oil dates back thousands of years where it was first discovered in China. It’s said to relieve anxiety and I find it to be a perfect antidote to the winter blues. Rose Geranium is also a wonderful mood elixir if you like the smell. For me it is the ultimate in self-care. Did you know that there are over 700  species of this flower on the planet, but only 10 varieties that are able to produce this intoxicating scent? Rose Geranium is used for vitality, healthy skin and is helpful in combating stress. Patchouli oil is a bit polarizing as I find people either love it or hate it! If you appreciate the odor you’re in luck as patchouli is helpful for those battling depression. It’s also rumored to be an aphrodisiac!

Essential oils can affect our mood, but they also are helpful for our environment. Did you know that lemongrass oil can clear the air? Back in my life in Germany, I had an advent wreath (which we use as decoration before Christmas) with four candles burning on my dining room table. I made the mistake to going back to my office, just to finish a “few” things on my computer and about an hour later smoke and the smell of burning pine twigs was coming out of my kitchen. The candles burned down and lit the wreath on fire and started on my wooden dining table. After extinguishing the flames I used a high quality lemongrass spray from Primavera and sprayed my kitchen, my hallway and the rest of my apartement. It was amazing how quickly it took care of the smell. I also used it on the walls of the cellar of this rental building as it always had a bad moldy smell when I opened the door. It’s the perfect oil if you are in search of a natural air freshener rather than using chemical solutions.

In addition to this natural wonder, Eucalyptus has also been shown to kill bacteria in lab studies. It’s a perfect natural solution to employ when cleaning your home. I like to use it in my Harmonizer when I feel a cold coming on. I love the perfume and I find it clears out my nose. If you don’t appreciate the smell of eucalyptus you can always try tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is especially helpful with any inflammation.

While on the subject of cleaning I can’t forget to mention the formidable sandalwood oil! Sandalwood is often found in aftershave lotions for its anti-inflammatory properties, but what I enjoy is the cleansing effect it has on the mind. A little goes a long way! One or two drops on a cotton swab put in my Harmonizer and I immediately can feel the clear of any mental fog. Sandalwood helps me focus. When you are in the process of re-organizing or de-cluttering your space, cypress is the perfect oil choice. It’s said to provide renewed vitality, energy and enthusiasm for the task at hand. Sandalwood and cypress are great scents for the office.

Finally, no blog entry on essential oils would be complete without mentioning beloved lavender oil. This soothing scent is said to calm the nerves and induce sleep. I love using this at nighttime or for meditation.

Ultimately the choices are endless! What is your favorite essential oil? Have you tried it out in your Harmonizer? I hope you do and report back to us how it’s working for you. Also, place your essential oils in a LIght-Life Ring, especially the citrus ones as they usually don’t last that long. It may extend their life span and will definitely bring more light and life to all of your oils. Let me hear what you’re doing. Enjoy your own special way to practice self-care!

Ask Katharina


Dear Katharina,

I’ve been an insomniac for as long as I can remember. I feel like I’ve tried absolutely everything! Can you please suggest what tool would be helpful as a sleep aid?

Thank you,

Sandy B., Brooklyn, NY

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water

Dear Sandy,

Sleep deprivation is more common than you might think and it affects our daily lives in such a profound way. It can cause us to be irritable, unfocused and at times, fearful. The tools are remarkable in that we have many testimonials from our customers about the wonders of sleep when using the tools. If you were only to buy one item, I would suggest our Light-Life Practitioner Set.

This set includes 3 items:

  • Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1 Cubit
  • Sacred Acu-Vac Coil
  • Sacred Feedback Loop

Individually all three of these items have countless uses, but when used in tandem, configuration pictured here, they can be used to “super-potentize” your water. Slim explains the super-potentization process in detail (insert blog link here), but I think in the simplest terms, you are providing a “super-filter” for your water. Not only are you removing the water’s impurities, but you are adding positive life-force energy. We are able to support these findings with the latest imagery from Dr. Emoto’s European lab (insert blog link here) who used the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring (24K gold plated, 3 bead) in their studies. Keeping water in the ring overnight causes the water to potentize.

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

Keeping the water in the Practictioner Set allows the water to become “super-potentized”. There are endless benefits for your health by drinking this water, but the one you will notice immediately is your ability to fall asleep much more quickly. Customers have reported it allows for a deeper sleep and helps them wake feeling refreshed!




Air Pollution

Dear Katharina,

We have seen more chemtrails and increased air pollution in our area and a friend of mine suggested to contact you as one of your tools may be able to help us.

-Sal V., Mexico City

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Dear Sal,

Heavy air pollution in Denver, Colorado was one of Slim Spurling’s major concerns. His regard for the environment guided him to create the Light-Life Harmonizer. When it comes to air pollution and chemtrails I would recommend the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. This powerful device can be activated using our Environmental Clearing CD. You can see my video on how to accomplish that in my video here.

Having the Harmonizer in your home may not only help you to divert chemtrails and decrease air pollution, it may also support more harmony and balance in your family and your neighborhood. Please make sure to let me know all the positive changes you experience.



dad with kids

Hello Katharina,

I am interested in the Light-Life Harmonizers and would like some guidance please.  I have been looking at the Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit and Empowerment Harmonizers. I have so many questions! Here are few of them:

  • EMFs: The Empowerment one seems to cover most of my requirements (in particular health& intuitive benefits), but does not mention EMF. Does this particular tool have any known effects on EMFs?
  • Environment: I live in a city suburb in the United Kingdom and we would like the Harmonizer to be of benefit to  both for ourselves and the surrounding area, but are unfortunately limited by budget, so are looking to do this at the most cost effective price, if possible.
  • Family Balance: We have two children, both fast approaching adolescence, and feel that covering mental and emotional issues would also be of benefit.
  • Harmonizer Details: Would there be any major benefit in purchasing all three or would one or two be sufficient?
  • Harmonizer Sizes: If it is possible to have the individual harmonizers, do they all need to be of the same size, or could we have for example the agricultural sacred cubit, together with the environmental Lost & Empowerment harmonizers?


Apologies for so many questions!  Although we already have several of the Rings  and Feedback loops, we have not yet had any experience of the Harmonizers.

Many thanks again for your assistance.

Kind regards

Andrew T., United Kingdom


Light-Life Harmonizers come in a variety of shapes, sizes and alloys

Hello Andrew,

Thank you so much for your inquiry. I truly understand that unless you have in-depth knowledge of the tools, questions are essential when making your purchase! There is no such thing as tool many of them and I’ll do my best to answer them all!

  • EMFs: When it comes to protect from EMF the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to work the best, either the Environmental or the Agricultural.
  • Environment: The Sacred Cubit Harmonizer would be sufficient to cover the energy field of your home, however, if you want to help your community and have also the benefits of the other measurements we have two options for you:
    • The Matrix 44 Harmonizer – It incorporates the Sacred Cubit inside and the Lost Cubit on the outside.
    • The Synergy Environmental Harmonizer incorporates all three measurements: Sacred, Lost and Empowerment Cubits.
  • Family Balance: When it comes to help your children going through mental and emotional challenges on their way to adolescence, I would recommend the silver-plated Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.
  • Harmonizer Details: You may decide to purchase two harmonizers. One in silver would benefit your children and the emotional balance while clearing up EMF. One in gold would be more environmentally focused as they gold alloy seems to negate air  pollution
  • Light-Life Synergy HarmonizerHarmonizer Sizes: Yes, you can choose Harmonizers in different cubit measurements! The size only affects how far the energy field can reach. As it seems you are budget conscious and really want to pack a punch, my recommendation is this:
    • Take advantage of our sale (ending July 11) and buy two Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers, one in silver, one in gold
    • Set your intentions towards balance, pollution reduction and harmony
    • Come back to us again when your budget permits and procure the Synergy Harmonizer which is a long-term investment in your health and happiness. Don’t forget the tool can be passed along to your children, even your grandchildren! The power of the tools does not dissipate over time, although sometimes we need to re-adjust our intentions.

I hope this helps. Keep me posted!

Warm regards,


Hollywood Medium

Hello Katharina,

I recently was watching the show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. While I’ve always been a skeptic of psychics, watching Tyler in action made me much more of a believer. One episode struck me immediately as a gentleman had a “spirit” or “entity” attached to him and needed more information to free his energy. I’ve been extremely weighed down lately and a lot of it has to do with grief. Do you have a tool that would aid me in clearing my energy and/or dispelling any unwanted spirit entities? It’s something I’m willing to try.

Thank you,

Doug L., Portland, OR


Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Dear Doug,

We live in a society where many are hesitant to talk about the spirit world. It’s fun to watch our spiritual lives become more mainstream with television shows such as these! We’ve had the opportunity to work with many clairvoyants over the years and the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil may be the perfect tool for you. However, I would advise you to work with a trusted spiritual guide if you are a novice to healing energy work. I’ll let Slim describe the coil’s attributes in more detail:

The Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil with the wire inside may be used to clean homes of unwelcome spirits and entities. Hold it horizontally with the bead pointing outward while scanning the area. This tool is for heavyweight issues that go beyond the dimensions. You don’t want to pull the negative energies into the coil; instead, you’ll enhance the positive by blasting light energy, and the negative has to go. It is almost like it is pulling you into a vortex in a higher dimension. You may feel like you’re becoming invisible. You’re becoming the anchor of the intention; your body becomes the intention to be cleared.

To support your grieving process  I would recommend our Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant silver plated. This has helped me a lot working through grief processes. I just recently lost a dear friend of mine and wearing this pendant helps me a lot.

I hope you find this information useful! Please share with me how the pendant and the coil worked for you!



Ask Katharina

The positive response from last month’s column has been overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your support! The questions have been rolling in and I found these all to be interesting as we focus on restoration for the month of April. Enjoy!


Dear Katharina,

I’m an avid green thumb and love to garden. Are there any tools you would recommend to help my plants grow stronger and bigger?

-Alice M., Illinois

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

Dear Alice,

Believe it or not, the Light-Life Tools were designed also with agriculture in mind! Slim was interested in inventing tools that could help the environment. It was only later on that he discovered the Harmonizers were beneficial to humans as well. There are so many tools that could be helpful for your garden. The testimonials I’ve received on botany are pretty profound. One woman went on vacation to come home and found her garden infected with bugs. She activated her Environmental Harmonizer using an Environmental Clearing CD (you can place the Harmonizer on top of it or for extra charge you can put the CD in a CD player and place headphones around the Harmonizer). Within a day the bugs were all gone! A Harmonizer is a great tool to have in your home as it is said to cleanse the air, water and soil. I also recommend buying a bunch of Plain Jane Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. You can put these over your sprinklers, the hose, your watering can or any other water source that you will use to nourish your garden. Let us know how you do.

Yours truly,



Dear Katharina,

I’ve done a ton of work on myself over the years, but still struggle with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of a traumatic childhood. What tools do you recommend I use or wear as I continue my healing journey?

Thank you,

John S., Colorado

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Dear John,

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough experience. It’s powerful to see that you are willing to get the help you need and move through the issues. Not everyone has this strength and you will emerge on the other side much better for it. While I strongly recommend doing work with a licensed therapist, the Light-Life Tools do have their place. I would recommend one of the newest additions to our assortment, The Song of the Soul Light-Life Pendant. It’s not only a gorgeous piece of art, but is said to clear away the blocks of ancestral patterns. I’ve also received a lot of testimonials that it gives the wearer strength to stand in their true self and speak their truth. You could also get a copper 2 Lost Cubit Seed of Life and place under your bed or under your mattress. This is supposed to help with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well. Please let me know how it works for you. Sending many blessings!



April’s Spirit Animal – The Bovine

April is my birthday month! While as many get older and start to dread their birthday, I’m all about celebrations. I mean what is the alternative?! I love any excuse to spread joy and happiness and that is what my birthday means to me. It makes sense as I am a Taurus, and I would go to any lengths for my friends or family. It’s a day not so much about me, but having fun with those I love around me.


Taurus is represented by the bull: stubborn, determined, reliable and strong. I thought it would be fun this month to make our spirit animal the bovine to include the bull’s relatives, the cow and the buffalo!

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Here in Colorado the buffalo has tons of significance as it is the mascot for many of our sports teams. My team often drives by them on their way to work as our office is in farm country. This majestic beast always make me think of my dear friend Tanah who has a ranch in Montana. She has testified that after receiving the Washtub Harmonizer, the largest Harmonizer we manufacture, she has seen an incredible transformation of her land and most importantly, her animals. She claims that she does not worm or vaccine any of her buffalo and the entire herd has been disease free for years. A pretty powerful testimonial!


Tanah also tells a beautiful story about her Buffalo named Junior. Although he was about 6 feet tall and 8 feet long, he was still smaller than his father, hence his nickname. He had injured Victor, one of her farmhands. Since the incident Victor was terrified of the buffalo where he used to run freely amongst them. As the story goes, Tanah was at the farm when she saw Junior come over the hill and run towards the house. She immediately called to Victor and the rest of her staff as where one bull goes, they all go as a herd. She assumed they all must of broken through the fence. As time passed they learned Junior had broken through two of the fences by himself to return back to the ranch and left the herd behind. Tanah is convinced it was to make peace with Victor. She tells us that the buffalo taught her about harmony and how we are all, humans and animals, part of one family.

Sacred Cow

In India, they may take their love of the bovine even further with their devotion to the sacred cow. There are more than 3,000 Gaushalas that care for the cows around the country. It’s been reported that over 45 million cows reside in India. The largest cow population in the world!


I love the idea of adopting a spirit animal every month because it reminds me of the beauty of Mother Earth. We are so lucky to live amongst such gorgeous creatures. After Slim’s passing I’ve made it my mission to carry on his legacy. His purpose was to restore harmony and balance to the planet. If we would have a Harmonizer in every community can you imagine how beautiful our world could be? After all, our company motto is “Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time”. Sending lots of love to all my fellow Taurus this month.


April Intentions: Restoration

Tree Planting

Here in Colorado we’ve welcomed April with a snow shower! However, our thoughts and the intentions are set towards spring and restoration. April marks Earth Day, which is celebrated by approximately 250 Million people around the globe. Environmental conservation has gone mainstream and we’re so grateful for it as the earth desperately needs our attention. I’m a big believer in positive energies and raising your vibration. Instead of focusing on all the damage we’ve caused Mother Earth, I’d like to focus this month on what we can do to help restore her beauty. You could plant a tree, make a promise to only buy sustainable goods, get involved with local environmental legislation or you could simply buy an Environmental Harmonizer.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Slim created the Light-Life® Harmonizer with the earth’s restoration and health in mind. It was a happy coincidence to discover that this powerful tool could also bring many benefits to our personal lives. He also wanted to help farmers to get better crop without the use of harmful pesticides, hence the Agricultural Harmonizer was born. The healers in his community finally persuaded him to create a smaller version that they could wear around their neck when working with clients. The  Personal Harmonizers are result of that, which have evolved over time and are available now in all three Cubit measurements, the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit. Our Light-Life® Jewelry was not far away. We’ve recently been reviewing Slim’s writings and came across this powerful thought:

The Environmental Harmonizer may be used in clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farms fields flourish in its environment. Plants grow lush, full and strong. Birds, butterflies and worms thrive and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive beneficial energy.

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

We cannot give any guarantees as there are so many factors that influence the outcome of working with the Light-Life Tools. They are energy based and if someone is operating at a lower frequency than the tools will have a less powerful effect. However, my expectation is as the collective conscious continues to grow that our tools will be more widely accepted. Let’s not forget that there was a time when people believed that the world was flat! And that without a scientist’s mistake, Penicillin, a drug created from mold to fight infection, would never been achieved. Before restoration can truly occur, there needs to be acceptance and a truly open mind.

Matrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K

Maxtrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K Gold Plating

As we set our intention towards restoration we have to accept responsibility for what has happened to our planet. While passing the blame might be top of mind as pollution is generational, nothing will be accomplished until we have acceptance that we are all in this together. We only have one earth and we need to nurture and restore her together.

Slim was once questioned in an interview if world peace could be obtained with use of the Harmonizers. He humbly said “I don’t see why not!” Slim was a man of discovery, research and action. He and his friends joined together for the
Denver Clearing Project. If more people joined together in these types of efforts imagine what we could do! We encourage you to join our community in conversation, workshops and stay tuned for our webinars which will be launched later in the year. However you choose to approach restoration this month, remember one thing: It starts with you.

Going Green for Earth Day

March’s Spirit Animal – Fish

The Light-Life Tools can help clean the environment.

Have you ever heard of the Red Tide? This environmentally damaging seaweed is created off the Florida coast when Karenia Brevis, a microscopic algae, revs up into overdrive. In small doses Karenia Brevis is a useful part of our ocean’s ecosystem, providing food and nutrients to surrounding wildlife. When Karenia brevis starts to bloom in massive quantities we have a problem on our hands. The harmful algae bloom happens so rapidly that when the microscopic plants die, they deplete the oxygen in the water. This causes massive amounts of fish to perish, shellfish can become toxic and the tide is said to have a harmful effect on the humans living in the area. The red tide got it’s name for the red color the algae can sometimes create in the water when releasing toxic gases. Essentially, red tide is a marine biologist’s worst nightmare.

Red Tide is said to be caused by pollution to our waters as well as global warming. It’s exact causes are still under investigation. Not only do scientists have difficulty pinpointing how the tides start, but they are stumped when it comes to stopping the bloom and it’s environmental damage.

Light-Life Tools can help restore ocean life.

After reading the book Slim Spurling’s Universe, Anthony C. and attending a workshop with Slim Spurling.  A massage therapist and environmental conservationist, Anthony came to believe that the Light-Life® Tools could be helpful in mitigating the Tampa Bay area of Florida’s red tide.  His first experiment was taking a harmonizer to Siesta Key and sound activating an Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. He was so thrilled with the results that he and his colleagues from the Rose Lettiere Water Project Group decided to invest in more tools. They were open to using higher conscious methods when finding a solution to the red tide problem as more practical and well-known methodologies were not producing any significant changes.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Light-Life (R) Harmonizer

Sacred Cubit Environmental Light-Life (R) Harmonizer

Anthony and his team put three harmonizers to work: the Storm Chaser, the Agricultural Harmonizer and the Environmental Harmonizer.  They activated all three harmonically starting on October 21, 2006 and ran the frequency 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Enclosed is an image of the shore provided by the FWRI (Fish and Wildlife Research Institute) in October, 2006. The red dots signify where the red tide (harmful Karenia Brevis algae bloom) are at their highest, over a million cells per liter of water.

Florida Red Tide- October 2006, Red dots are highest concentration of the harmful algae

Florida Red Tide- October 2006

After 10 months of activating the Harmonizers, the red tide was unable to be detected in any of the water on coast. The red tide went from 1 million cells to liter to “not present” in a report issued by the FWC (Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee, funded by the United States Government).

Enclosed are the results.  It’s easy to identify that all the red dots are gone and the red tide has cleared completely.

Florida Red Tide - April 2007

Florida Red Tide – April 2007

It helps so much for us to spread awareness about the Light-Life Tools when we have qualitative data to support our claims. If you are a marine biologist or scientist we would love to hear from you and collaborate on another experiment. Not only does the research benefit our product, but they can restore balance to the environment which is a like-minded goal for us both. In the meantime, let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the gorgeous ocean creatures that mother nature has provided.  This month we set our eyes on the fish, who not only is a vital part of our world’s ecosystem, but also reminds us of all our pieces friends.  Happy Birthday March babies!
