Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Slim Spurling’s Universe

Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone circles, pyramids, and churches).

With small, mobile populations and abundant land, it was relatively easy to avoid the negative areas of high geopathic stress. Notably, over the past 100 years, geopathic stress has grown to the extent that it now wraps almost the entire earth in a negative energy grid.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling not only helped us understand what geopathic stress is but he created the Light-Life Tools to help us relieve its effects. Moreover, it is important, when we search for ways to improve our health and well-being, our environment is a large piece of the puzzle. 

In this blog, we will explore what geopathic stress is, how it affects our well-being, and ways the Light-Life Tools can help.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geobiology: The study of the influence of ‘Earth energies’ on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stems from two Greek words:

  • Geo means “earth”, usually in the sense of “ground or land”
  • Pathos means “experience, suffering or emotion”

So the word “geopathic” can literally translate to “suffering of the Earth.”

Geopathic stress zones create energy fields with high positive ions. These positive ions actually have a negative impact on human life and on many animals and plant life.

Slim Spurling

According to Slim, “these harmful areas are often found near, around, and above earthquake faults, fissures, underground streams, natural gases, and underground mineral deposits.” However, they can also stem from man-made sources, e.g. landfills, gas lines, and telephone lines.

It’s important to remember that “every person is different; some people are more sensitive and easily affected, others may seem to remain totally unaffected, and still others fall somewhere in between the two extremes. When someone is ill and has tried a number of different approaches to healing without success, then it may be time to examine the concept of geopathic stress as a contributing factor. Those who seem to heal, and then have a reoccurrence, also should take time to examine this as a possibility (In The Mind Of A Master).”

Types of Geopathic Stress

As if it were a body with its own metabolism, the “wind” and “water” flow, and circulation of negative earth energies have been studied at great length. Proof is with us here and now that the earth is threaded with magnetic lines – meridian points of acupuncture – and our ancient people knew of these points. These points still retain their vibratory intensity and their powerful influence on people. Called in German “Orte der Kraft” they are defined as locations or sites endowed with an energy, a force, a strength.

Slim Spurling

The Hartmann Grid:

The Hartmann Grid are lines of the Earth’s natural radiation that crisscross the Earth’s surface. They are also thought to be a result of the electrification of the world. Points where these lines intersect may influence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike.

Curry Lines:

Curry Lines are another network of subtle energy lines running across the Earth’s surface. Similar to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Lines intersect at various points, forming a grid-like pattern. Curry lines, however, are thought to be influenced by the cosmos rather than the interior of the Earth. Therefore, its effects are intensified by occurrences like the full moon and are mostly felt in the form of insomnia.

Personal Lines:

Personal Lines uniquely affect one individual more than another. These lines can be compared to music that will annoy one person, but that someone else finds enjoyable. Lines in this category typically affect health, relationships, and finances.

Interference Lines:

These Lines affect the goals a property owner or tenant sets for themselves or the property. Essentially, these lines get in the way of what a person wants. Examples are communication (especially with neighbors), crime, or even the sale of the property.

Geopathic Stress Effects

One of the symptoms of geopathic stress after a very long term is adrenal exhaustion. So if any of you are practitioners and your clients are exhibiting signs of adrenal exhaustion, be sure you have a practitioner who can go out in the field and do the geopathic work for them. Recommend that. Another symptom you’ll find is the roller coaster effect. They’ll come in right here at the bottom of the pit and your practice brings them up to a high, and then when they leave and go back home, they’re back down in the pit again in about a week. Knock out the geopathic stress, and they’ll come back here and they’ll plateau and go on at a newer, higher level.

Slim Spurling

Common Symptoms:

  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression or depressive symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal allergy symptoms or new allergies
  • Behavioral changes
  • Resistance to medical treatment

Visual Clues:

  • Trees and plants that grow crooked
  • Cracks in pavement or walls
  • Termites, ants, wasps, or bees
  • Mold in the walls or ceilings
  • Areas where nothing will grow
  • Cell phone towers
  • Areas with high accident rates
  • Gaps in hedges or shrubs
  • Infertile fruit trees

Results of Removing Geopathic Stress

In removing geopathic stress from a home or business, we found the usual thing that happens is that people have more energy. Initially they may feel so tired that they just crash for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. As the stress is relieved, they just kinda let their breath out and report that they really need to go to sleep and just relax. The reason for that is that geopathic stress affects the adrenal flow from the kidneys, and you have a constant irritation, constant pressure, and a constant adrenaline rush that you’re not even quite aware of.

Slim Spurling

Question: What are some observations you have made after clearing geopathic stress? (In The Mind Of A Master)”

Some of the interesting things we observed after the geopathic stress lines are neutralized is bird life seems to increase in the area. Even in small yards, it seems like the backyard is full of birds. They love to come in and be in that space, and other creatures as well. Sometimes squirrels, raccoons, and other animals will come to the area. Ants on the other hand tend to disappear after you’ve neutralized the geopathic stress.

Slim Spurling

It is important to note that some animals may actually thrive in geopathic stress zones. Bees may produce more honey in a hive located over a geopathic stress line, and cats will actively seek out and sleep in these zones. Owls and snakes are also animals that will seek out these areas. So while our instinct may be to eradicate all geopathic stress, you may be wise to leave some zones undisturbed to give these beneficial animals places they find more to their liking.

Geopathic Stress and the Light-Life Tools

The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind

Slim Spurling

Slim developed Light-Life tools to address geopathic stress and enhance the energetic harmony of living spaces. These tools, such as the Light-Life® Ring, are designed to channel and amplify life-enhancing energies while neutralizing the adverse effects of geopathic stress.

Mitigating Harmful Effects

The Light-Life Tools, the Tensor Ring, the Acu-Vac Coil, and the Feedback Loop just to name a few, can help to mitigate the harmful effects of geopathic stress. You can strategically place these tools in areas affected by negative energy, and they can help provide a protective shield and restore balance.

Practical Tips for Mitigation

1. According to numerous field reports, several Light-Life Energy Harmonizers can be effective in reducing the effects of the Hartmann Grid and geopathic stress. Having one of those in your home/office may help you create a harmonious space free of harmful EMFs or and geopathic stress.

2. Hanging a large Light-Life Tensor Ring on the headboard in alignment with the body while asleep has a curative impact and produces beneficial sleep patterns

3. Any configuration of Light-Life Tensor Rings placed under the mattress or under the bed alleviates chronic pain, and in some cases, has produced miraculous healing effects.

4. Also, standing or sitting in the Light-Life Tensor Ring’s field while working or meditating increases energy and clarity levels.

5. Some people have found that the Light-Life Tensor Rings are helpful in releasing the negative effects of the electromagnetic fields of electric meters.

Slim spurling

Harmonize Energy Fields

The Light-Life tools work on the principle of harmonizing energy fields. By interacting with the Earth’s natural energies, these tools help restore balance to the distorted energy fields caused by geopathic stress.

Amplify Positive Energy

Another key aspect of Light-Life tools is their ability to amplify positive energies. They act as conduits, enhancing the beneficial vibrations in the environment and supporting overall well-being. This amplification contributes to a more positive and nurturing living space.


The tools are there to support and accelerate the journey and the events on our life path as we learn to recognize who we are called to be. The tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The tools are based on universal truth and harmony. Always choose the universal truth.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress can be a subtle yet impactful factor that can influence our well-being. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life tools offer a practical and innovative approach to mitigating these energies. They create space that promote harmony, balance, and a positive energy flow. As we search for more natural ways to improve our well-being, exploring tools like what Light-Life Technology provides, can be a transformative step in producing a healthier and more vibrant living environment.

If you would like to learn more about Geopathic Stress and Slim Spurling’s dowsing method, consider signing up for our Workshop in March! Katharina will explain how to locate and remove the effects of geopathic stress in your home.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the Workshop quite yet, attend our Webinar to see if it’s right for you.

Sacred Geometry and Geometry

Recently, a customer asked, “What is the difference between sacred geometry and geometry?” And we thought, since our Light-Life Tools are partially based on sacred geometry, we thought more of you might have the same question.

Sacred Geometry

Refers to the study of geometric patterns you can find in nature and the universe. These patterns have spiritual, energetic, and symbolic significance. Some believe, that if you study and meditate on these geometric patterns, they can help you understand the world more deeply. These shapes, such as circles, triangles, and spirals, are in everything from plants and animals, to architecture and art.

Some of our favorite examples are the flower of life, the honeycomb hexagonal pattern, and the spiral of a sunflower’s seeds. The way these patterns manifest in nature is truly fascinating. It showcases the inherent mathematical and geometric principles that are the foundation for the beauty and structure of the natural world.


A branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, relationships, and measurements of points, lines, shapes, and solids. It is a fundamental field of mathematics that has been studied and developed for thousands of years.

If you’re anything like us, you might flash back to a high school math course … a2 + b2 = c2, anyone??

In reality, builders, architects, and engineers use geometry to design and construct our homes and offices, as well as the bridges and roadways we use daily. Artists use geometry in just about everything they do! And we bet you use some of your geometry skills when arranging furniture, without a second thought.


To recap, while both involve the study of geometric shapes, their focus and purpose differ:

We often study sacred geometry to uncover deeper spiritual truths or connections between the physical and metaphysical realms. That is to say, we approach it from a subjective/interpretive perspective. It tends to incorporate intuitive and mystical elements.

Conversely, we study geometry with an objective, analytical, and deductive approach. It uses rigorous mathematical reasoning and logical proof.

Sacred Geometry and Light-Life Tools

The Sacred Cubit measurement that Slim Spurling used to build the first Tensor Ring, is derived from the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is believed to represent a harmonious and divine proportion. Also, it reflects the belief in the connection between the physical world and the divine realm.

Sacred geometry; The Great Pyramids of Giza
Pyramid of Giza

The sacred geometric shapes we use in Light-Life Tools, resonate with the fundamental patterns of creation and the underlying fabric of the universe. That being said, we believe that when you align with these patterns, you can tap into higher states of consciousness, increase vitality, and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

A Few Facts about Slim Spurling

People always ask me about Slim and today on his birthday I wanted to share a few facts that I thought would help people to get a picture if what kind of man he was.

Slim the teacher

He was an extraordinary, yet humble man. Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met and a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim didn’t make a fuss of what he knew, and he didn’t appreciate devotion, which some people showed. He would say, “I put my britches/jeans on one leg at a time like everyone else.”

Slim Spurling teaching the principles of the Light-Life Tensor Ring

Slim loved people and was always available to talk. In other words, you could call him any time and he would speak with you if he knew you or not. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer and never made something up to look good. Slim would encourage people to work and experiment with his inventions and share with him their findings. Therefore, for him, everyone who bought a Light-Life Tool automatically became a Geobiology Research Associate.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet.

Slim the researcher

Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being. For example, he could spend hours in the shop, making products, as well as hours, reading and studying. He loved exchanging ideas and findings with other scientists and researchers. His mind was brilliant.

I remember when he received a report from South Africa where he held a workshop a few months earlier. A workshop participant had a friend with a liver and brain tumor and was sent home by the doctors after receiving many conventional treatments, to bring her affairs in order as they gave her only a few more months to live. This man gave her one of our 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings and two 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings to place over her liver and her brain where the tumor was. He suggested that she uses the larger ring to go up and down her body several times. I wasn’t there and don’t know all the details, i.e., for how long and how exactly. But long story short, he reported that after only six weeks of doing that both her tumors were gone.

Now, Slim, of course, was happy and was wondering at the same time how it was possible. So, one night he was sitting with his back to his desk. He held a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in one hand and a one Sacred Cubit gold plated Light-Life Ring in the other hand. He slowly moved the smaller ring through the larger one, back and forth. The tensor field of the larger ring was visible to normal vision, and it seemed to be stronger in the smaller ring. This is what Slim did. He would experiment, always an open mind asking, ‘what will happen if I do that?’

Slim the friend

Slim would do anything for his friends and wanted to see only the good in anyone. I read somewhere ‘Slim loved the women’. I would say he loved people, and, honestly, if he would have had to choose between a casual chat with a woman and a discussion with his research colleagues he would have chosen the second.

Unfortunately, he did not take good care of his health but cared more about everyone else’s health. He would run to a store to get remedies for a sick friend and drive for hours to deliver it. He was also available to anyone who called and picked his brain.

Slim in his custom made Bavarian “Western” jacket

Slim the wizard

He told me once that he had a recall coming from another universe. Sometime after his transition, I had a reading with a psychic who didn’t know anything about him. Early in the reading he asked me, “Who was this man? He was not from this world!” Even so, Slim was very down to earth and at the same time very connected to spirit and higher realms. He called himself an ‘Old Hill Billy’ and used that in my opinion to disguise his genius. Some people fell for it.

A few months ago, I connected with an old friend of his, a doctor who uses the Tools in his office. He has high respect for Slim and said, he was extraordinary, like Tesla, and way ahead of his time.

Slim and nature

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties. This came to good use when he put a puffball mushroom in an Environmental Harmonizer to save a man from Anthrax poisoning. You can read the whole story in the e-book Slim Spurling’s Universe.

“My” Slim

He loved his coffee, and bacon and eggs for breakfast and loved a good steak. But he could also forget about a meal when he was caught up in reading or discussing research and findings of the Tools with one of his research buddies.

He could get really angry when talking about politics and what’s going on in the world. Slim understood our constitution and felt we are moving away from it.

When Slim was still in his physical body I didn’t talk of him as ‘my husband’, I always said ‘Slim’. I felt he’s so much more and not ‘mine’. I loved his energy and great sense of humor. He could laugh till tears came in his eyes. I miss his humor and our laughs. If you want to see him ‘live’ watch his Interview with Alan Steinfeld. This is my favorite one of all and you get the essence of him.

Slim Spurling interviewed by Alan Steinfeld

You too can can make your home a harmonious place!

When one of our associates sent us the video of Kendall Jenner showing the copper energy rings (Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest. https://youtu.be/yjhibJ-OqxE – go to minute 8:00 in the video) in her bedroom saying she doesn’t know what they do, but they make her feel better, we had to smile. Because this is what many of our customers say, “I don’t know what they do and how they work, BUT they do work.”

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Light-Life Tools emit a coherent light field. Reports state they help people: stay calm in the midst of chaos, sleep better, and have more energy. In addition, water charged, or potentized, by a Light-Life Tensor Ring not only tastes better but seems to give people more energy and vitality. There are many more benefits that you can read about on our website. Also Check out Slim Spurling’s book: In the Mind of a Master, and the e-book: Slim Spurling’s Universe. Download the eBook for free here.

One of the best things about Light-Life Energy Tools, and especially Tensor Rings, are the countless applications. We are continually discovering more ways to use them to support peace and harmony in your life and in the world.

Ways to Use Copper Rings Around Your Home

Put a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your water bottle, like Kendall Jenner did when showing us the copper rings. You may notice that your water tastes better. Keep your produce inside a Ring to preserve the freshness. Place a Ring under your pillow to give yourself deep and restoring sleep. Customers have also said using a bigger Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Tensor Ring under your mattress works even better. Try putting a Ring around house plants that need a little more love. Household pets and animals can also enjoy the benefits of the Tensor Rings. Try placing one under your dog’s or cat’s bed and see how they positively respond to it. Keeping your skin care products and supplements within a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring seems to help them stay fresh and potent.

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

A lot of us know or have heard about harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Due to ever present electronics, EMFs are everywhere nowadays. We have found that Light-Life Tensor Rings addresses the harmful issues effectively. The way the wire is twisted creates a zero-point energy field that seems to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF. So, placing the Rings over your router, your smart meter, and any other electrical devices in your house, can bring you some relief and maybe even better health and harmony.

Hans Becker, one of Slim Spurling’s researcher friends, used a special device to determine that our Tensor Rings have antiviral and antibacterial properties. This may explain why the health-improving results people are reporting are so significant.

Just remember as you’re reading more about our Light-Life Tools, the applications are only limited by your imagination. It really comes down to getting some Tensor Rings for yourself and applying them around your house. And please let us know your findings!

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! Click here to subscribe to our list. We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Just special promotions with a few tips & tricks here and there.

Did you know your Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs?

Did you know your Environmental Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs in your environment? Our Energy Harmonizers have been said to be a radionic device, however, they can also help transmit healing herbs and essential oils.

Slim Spurling was a self-taught herbalist. He once tried to combine his knowledge of the Environmental Harmonizer and the Environmental Clearing Frequency to clear and clean a house, and surrounding property, of harmful bacteria. To begin with, he tucked a puffball (a fungus found in grassy open meadows and fields) inside an Environmental Harmonizer. Then he ran the Environmental Clearing frequency through the Harmonizer right away. Within three hours the area was clear and everything was fine. You can read the whole story in the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe. You can download the e-book here for free.

What herbs & oils can I use?

While most of you likely don’t have a puffball handy, you can use any antibacterial, antiviral or homeopathic remedies. Simply put it in a little tissue or cotton ball and place it inside your Harmonizer. The Harmonizer will then act like a radionic device. It can send the frequency, with its beneficial properties, as far as the Harmonizer’s energy field reaches. You can also use a variety of essential oils. Some of the top antibacterial and antiviral essential oils I found are Tea Tree, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Melissa, and Thyme. Other effective options are mandarin, lavender, rose, or rose geranium (one of my favorites) to help boost your mood. Experiment with it and let us know your favorites.

Harmonizer and Essential Oils
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

I am sharing this with you to remind you of the power of our Light-Life Energy Harmonizer and that we do have ways to protect ourselves from unwanted energies and situations. Click here to watch the video where I give examples on how to broadcast essential oils and homeopathic remedies through the Harmonizer. Please, with everything that may be going on around you, stay calm, focus on love and what you want to create in your life, and go for it. The Harmonizer can support you. Use it!

Remember there is still a lot of good happening in the world so stay healthy, stay focused on the good, and let’s create a more harmonious and clean environment.

Slim Spurling’s Birthday

Here at Light-Life Technology, we celebrate Slim Spurling’s birthday every year during this time. He was such an extraordinary man who did great things while his physical body was on this Earth. We wanted to share a little bit about him with all of you!

All About Slim

Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met. He was a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim loved people and was always available to talk. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer. He never made something up to look good.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet. Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being.

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties.

If you would like to read more about the history of Slim, please download here a free eBook of Slim Spurling’s Universe.

Slim’s Letter to Himself

Slim wrote himself a “pep talk” letter back in 2006, about a year before he transitioned. He left it as a reminder for us all to use:

Dear Slim,

Take every opportunity to make life on planet Earth better for all – do it one project at a time – one technology at a time.

Work with the best. Give freely. Love largely. Stay humble. Keep going.

Highest Regards

– Slim…..

What health benefits does copper provide us with?

Ask Katharina: What health benefits does copper provide us with? Well… let’s find out about copper.

Sacred ½ Cubit Plain Jane Tensor Ring

What is copper?

Copper (Cu) is a chemical element, a reddish and extremely ductile metal. Because copper is durable and easy to form, it is particularly suitable as a conductor of electricity and heat. The current flows through copper wires without losing much energy.

Along with silver and gold, copper was one of the first metals that mankind came into contact with. People have been using it for over 9000 years. Copper is a relatively soft metal that is malleable yet still strong. It is found in the earth’s crust, a wide range of food, and inside the human body. The section below describes the other properties copper has.

Is copper magnetic?

Pure copper has a diamagnetic property and is, therefore, not described as magnetism. Thus, our Light-Life Tools are not magnetic in their nature.

What are the benefits of copper?

One of the good properties of copper is that it has an antibacterial effect and inhibits the growth of bacteria or germs. Because of this, door handles are made of copper and drinking water is allowed to flow through copper pipes.

Along with iron, calcium, and zinc, copper is a very important trace element for the body. Along with iron, it plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. It is also an important component of enzymes and relevant to respiration.

In small amounts, copper is incredibly important to health. In larger quantities, however, it has a negative effect on cell metabolism.

One of the most important health benefits of copper is its ability to improve blood circulation and promote oxygen flow. When the bloodstream is fluid, you will feel a greater surge of energy and a sharpened mind. For anyone struggling with anemia and a red blood cell deficiency, copper can increase red blood cell counts, allowing you to be combat ready and ward off internal diseases that affect immunity. Copper is also known for relieving stiff joints, pain, and discomfort that often accompanies arthritis and rheumatism. We recommend wearing a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your left arm for this reason.

What about mental and health benefits?

A wonderful equalizer of emotions, Copper is a must-have when it comes to mental well-being and emotional healing. It seems to shed all mental burdens and boost self-esteem through the power of high vibrations. For those struggling with a sense of lethargy, feeling lost, or falling into passivity, copper can help reawaken senses and bring you to a state of complete mental clarity. Conversely, if you are restless, irritable, and generally over-excited, copper can help calm you down. It’s a healing metal that knows exactly what you need and guides you to a place where you can find that space and softness. Copper is there for your success; it wants you to shine in a thousand wonderful ways and it will do the energetic vibrational work to clear negativity and guide positive and powerful thought patterns to help you achieve your goal.

What are the metaphysical properties?

Copper not only has healing properties in a physical sense but is also rich in spiritual and metaphysical properties. This metal seems to form a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. It can help clear negative energy and rebalance the chakras so one is well-equipped to receive all the good the spirit world has to offer. When we are open to receiving all that the universe has to give, we create space for deep healing, cosmic grandeur, and an abundance of possibilities to flow towards us.

Slim holding Light-Life Tools

As you may know Slim was, among many other things, an alchemist and choosing copper for Light-Life Tools and then combining it with a layer of silver followed by a layer of 24K gold made it the perfect choice to help you tap into your inner energy source and create harmony in your life.

All about Slim Spurling.

Well, all about Slim Spurling would fill many pages, instead, I thought I would answer a question I got asked many times while Slim was still with us on the physical plane and since he transitioned.

What kind of a man was Slim?

Slim the teacher.

He was an extraordinary, yet humble man. Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met and a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim didn’t make a fuss of what he knew, and he didn’t appreciate devotion, which some people showed. He would say, “I put my bridges/jeans on one leg at a time like everyone else.”

Slim Spurling teaching the Principle of the Light-Life Ring

Slim loved people and was always available to talk. In other words, you could call him any time and he would speak with you if he knew you or not. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer and never made something up to look good. Slim would encourage people to work and experiment with his inventions and share with him their findings. Therefore, for him, everyone who bought a Light-Life Tool automatically became a Geobiology Research Associate.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet.

Slim the researcher.

Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being. For example, he could spend hours in the shop, making products, as well as hours, reading and studying. He loved exchanging ideas and findings with other scientists and researchers. His mind was brilliant.

I remember when he received a report from South Africa where he held a workshop a few months earlier. A workshop participant had a friend with a liver and brain tumor and was sent home by the doctors after receiving many conventional treatments, to bring her affairs in order as they gave her only a few more months to live. This man gave her one of our 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings and two 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings to place over her liver and her brain where the tumor was. He suggested that she uses the larger ring to go up and down her body several times. I wasn’t there and don’t know all the details, i.e., for how long and how exactly. But long story short, he reported that after only six weeks of doing that both her tumors were gone.

Now, Slim, of course, was happy and was wondering at the same time how it was possible. So, one night he was sitting with his back to his desk. He held a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in one hand and a one Sacred Cubit gold plated Light-Life Ring in the other hand. He slowly moved the smaller ring through the larger one, back and forth. The tensor field of the larger ring was visible to normal vision, and it seemed to be stronger in the smaller ring. This is what Slim did. He would experiment, always an open mind asking, ‘what will happen if I do that?’

Slim the friend.

Slim would do anything for his friends and wanted to see only the good in anyone. I read somewhere ‘Slim loved the women’. I would say he loved people, and, honestly, if he would have had to choose between a casual chat with a woman and a discussion with his research colleagues he would have chosen the second.

Unfortunately, he did not take good care of his health but cared more about everyone else’s health. He would run to a store to get remedies for a sick friend and drive for hours to deliver it. He was also available to anyone who called and picked his brain.

Slim in his custom made Bavarian ‘Western’ jacket.

Slim the wizard.

He told me once that he had a recall coming from another universe. Sometime after his transition, I had a reading with a psychic who didn’t know anything about him. Early in the reading he asked me, “Who was this man? He was not from this world!” Even so, Slim was very down to earth and at the same time very connected to spirit and higher realms. He called himself an ‘Old Hill Billy’ and used that in my opinion to disguise his genius. Some people fell for it.

A few months ago, I connected with an old friend of his, a doctor who uses the Tools in his office. He has high respect for Slim and said, he was extraordinary, like Tesla, and way ahead of his time.

Slim and nature.

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties. This came to good use when he put a puffball mushroom in an Environmental Harmonizer to save a man from Anthrax poisoning. You can read the whole story in the e-book Slim Spurling’s Universe.

“My” Slim.

He loved his coffee, and bacon and eggs for breakfast and loved a good steak. But he could also forget about a meal when he was caught up in reading or discussing research and findings of the Tools with one of his research buddies.

He could get really angry when talking about politics and what’s going on in the world. Slim understood our constitution and felt we are moving away from it.

When Slim was still in his physical body I didn’t talk of him as ‘my husband’, I always said ‘Slim’. I felt he’s so much more and not ‘mine’. I loved his energy and great sense of humor. He could laugh till tears came in his eyes. I miss his humor and our laughs.

Slim Spurling interviewed by Alan Steinfeld

If you want to see him ‘live’ watch his Interview with Alan Steinfeld. This is my favorite one of all and you get the essence of him.

If you want to learn about his favorite Tools please read my previous blog.