Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Geopathic Stress (Page 1 of 3)

How Dowsing Can Help Us Improve Our Lives

Geopathic stress, often overlooked in modern living, is a significant factor affecting our health and well-being. Today we would like to share a few testimonials of how dowsing and geopathic stress reduction can help us improve our lives in so many different ways, maintain a harmonious living environment and as well as better health.

Feedback from the expert

Scott Anderson, a renowned expert in geopathic stress removal, learned dowsing for Geopathic Stress Reduction directly from Slim Spurling and has been teaching Slim Spurling’s method with Katharina since 2008. Clearing areas of geopathic stress has been eye-opening for him.  He recently shared with us the two amazing experiences that show how powerful this work can be.

In Jenkintown, PA, I assisted a woman facing a tough battle with cancer. After addressing the geopathic stress in her home, there was a noticeable shift. Her next doctor’s visit brought unexpectedly positive news—an improvement in her prognosis. It was amazing to witness how our environment can influence our well-being.

In Harleysville, PA, I aided a neighbor in selling her house. Before addressing the geopathic stress, there was little interest. But after we cleared the energy and set positive intentions, things changed dramatically. Within just three days, she had five offers and sold her house at a fair price. It was incredible to see the power of intention and energy alignment in action.

Scott anderson

These experiences reinforced his belief in the importance of addressing geopathic stress. It’s not just about changing physical spaces; it’s about creating positive change and promoting healing in people’s lives.

Remarkable stories of how Geopathic stress reduction can help us improve our lives

After having my house dowsed remotely on Monday, March 13, 2017, I arrived home that night and immediately noticed my house to be warmer in physical ambient air temperature than what I am used to experiencing. The day’s outside temperature was not any higher than recent previous days and I had not changed the programing on my thermostat. So, neither of those issues could be the cause for the temperature increase.

That night I noticed that the dogs that live a few houses away from me which constantly bark at night were silent. This silence has continued every night since the remote dowsing.

The overall high energy buzz that I have felt since moving into the house has seemed to have dissipated. I have been able to arrive at the peaceful place in meditation much quicker since the dowsing occurred.

D.S., colorado

Since have my property dowsed and blocked for geopathic stress lines, I have noticed these changes:

• Immediately when I arrived home that night, and continually since that time, I no longer clench my jaw or hands with tension. I also no longer have to force my shoulders down from a scrunched position. I have noticed along with this, I am not so stressed by my long commute to work or by the job itself.

• After a couple days my sleep pattern improved significantly. I seem to sleep more deeply now and don’t wake up with intrusive thoughts of worry like I used to do.

• The dogs are much more relaxed and content. The cat is no longer camped out under the bed. Heck, even the parakeet is more chipper and playing with his toys more.


Learn form the best

Recognizing and addressing geopathic stress is an essential aspect of creating a harmonious environment. We can mitigate these harmful Earth energies, promote well-being, and create spaces that support our health and vitality. Slim Spurling created a simple and affordable way of doing that and we would love to spread this knowledge and equip you with the knowledge and the tools to do that.

Join us for our next Workshop in Horsham, PA – Geopathic Stress Reduction (Dowsing) and Light-Life Energy Tools with Scott Anderson and Katharina Spurling-Kaffl. This workshop will take place on July 13-14, 2024 and will hold special significance as Scott Anderson will be teaching the Dowsing segment.

Learn more about the Workshop here.

Read our blog Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling.

Why should I attend the Light-Life Workshop?

With a wide array of workshops and additional options to choose from, you probably asked yourself ‘Why should I attend a Light-Life Workshop?’ We definitely understand you being on the fence. So, we would like to share with you how this Workshop can elevate your well-being and offer a transformative experience unlike any other.

Hands-On Experience

One compelling reason to attend the upcoming Light-Life Live Workshop is the hands-on experience with the various Light-Life Tools. Getting to use our Tools firsthand is the most effective way to determine if they resonate with you. Moreover, each person may have an unique experience with the Tools, and you might discover a particular one that you didn’t initially notice but strongly connect with. Interacting with the Tools allows you to feel and appreciate their nuances, which may not be apparent from descriptions or images alone. Also, this hands-on approach is especially valued by people who are sensitive to energy. It offers insight into how their own energy field interacts with the Tools’ energy.

Energy Table Session

Experience the blissful transformation on the physical, emotional and spiritual level during the session on the energy table. The Workshops also provides an opportunity for profound transformation on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Without a doubt, engaging in the sessions can lead to a blissful experience of growth and realization.

Community Connection

Meet like-minded people to share your experiences. This Workshop will provide not only a wealth of new information but also a precious chance to connect with people who share similar passions and interests. We know the atmosphere will be magical as our yurt hold a special beautiful energy that you will absolutely love!

Try one-of-a-kind Tools that we do not sell on our website

Gain access to a range of specialized Tools that are not typically showcased on the website. These Tools represent the cutting edge of Light-Life Technology, offering advanced applications and unique capabilities. By experiencing these exclusive Tools firsthand, Workshop attendees can deepen their understanding of the technology and its potential for enhancing well-being.

Direct Access to Experts

Interact with experts in the field, gaining valuable insights and guidance. Katharina will provide guidance and deep knowledge on how to effectively utilize Light-Life Tools for enhancing overall well-being. This adds a profound layer of understanding, as she shares her wealth of experience and wisdom. Through these interactions, attendees can gain a deeper appreciation for the technology’s and origins, its principles, and its practical applications in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, attending a live Light-Life Technology Workshop offers a transformative and enriching experience. Don’t miss out on this chance to expand your knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore the possibilities of Light-Life Technology.

Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone circles, pyramids, and churches).

With small, mobile populations and abundant land, it was relatively easy to avoid the negative areas of high geopathic stress. Notably, over the past 100 years, geopathic stress has grown to the extent that it now wraps almost the entire earth in a negative energy grid.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling not only helped us understand what geopathic stress is but he created the Light-Life Tools to help us relieve its effects. Moreover, it is important, when we search for ways to improve our health and well-being, our environment is a large piece of the puzzle. 

In this blog, we will explore what geopathic stress is, how it affects our well-being, and ways the Light-Life Tools can help.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geobiology: The study of the influence of ‘Earth energies’ on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stems from two Greek words:

  • Geo means “earth”, usually in the sense of “ground or land”
  • Pathos means “experience, suffering or emotion”

So the word “geopathic” can literally translate to “suffering of the Earth.”

Geopathic stress zones create energy fields with high positive ions. These positive ions actually have a negative impact on human life and on many animals and plant life.

Slim Spurling

According to Slim, “these harmful areas are often found near, around, and above earthquake faults, fissures, underground streams, natural gases, and underground mineral deposits.” However, they can also stem from man-made sources, e.g. landfills, gas lines, and telephone lines.

It’s important to remember that “every person is different; some people are more sensitive and easily affected, others may seem to remain totally unaffected, and still others fall somewhere in between the two extremes. When someone is ill and has tried a number of different approaches to healing without success, then it may be time to examine the concept of geopathic stress as a contributing factor. Those who seem to heal, and then have a reoccurrence, also should take time to examine this as a possibility (In The Mind Of A Master).”

Types of Geopathic Stress

As if it were a body with its own metabolism, the “wind” and “water” flow, and circulation of negative earth energies have been studied at great length. Proof is with us here and now that the earth is threaded with magnetic lines – meridian points of acupuncture – and our ancient people knew of these points. These points still retain their vibratory intensity and their powerful influence on people. Called in German “Orte der Kraft” they are defined as locations or sites endowed with an energy, a force, a strength.

Slim Spurling

The Hartmann Grid:

The Hartmann Grid are lines of the Earth’s natural radiation that crisscross the Earth’s surface. They are also thought to be a result of the electrification of the world. Points where these lines intersect may influence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike.

Curry Lines:

Curry Lines are another network of subtle energy lines running across the Earth’s surface. Similar to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Lines intersect at various points, forming a grid-like pattern. Curry lines, however, are thought to be influenced by the cosmos rather than the interior of the Earth. Therefore, its effects are intensified by occurrences like the full moon and are mostly felt in the form of insomnia.

Personal Lines:

Personal Lines uniquely affect one individual more than another. These lines can be compared to music that will annoy one person, but that someone else finds enjoyable. Lines in this category typically affect health, relationships, and finances.

Interference Lines:

These Lines affect the goals a property owner or tenant sets for themselves or the property. Essentially, these lines get in the way of what a person wants. Examples are communication (especially with neighbors), crime, or even the sale of the property.

Geopathic Stress Effects

One of the symptoms of geopathic stress after a very long term is adrenal exhaustion. So if any of you are practitioners and your clients are exhibiting signs of adrenal exhaustion, be sure you have a practitioner who can go out in the field and do the geopathic work for them. Recommend that. Another symptom you’ll find is the roller coaster effect. They’ll come in right here at the bottom of the pit and your practice brings them up to a high, and then when they leave and go back home, they’re back down in the pit again in about a week. Knock out the geopathic stress, and they’ll come back here and they’ll plateau and go on at a newer, higher level.

Slim Spurling

Common Symptoms:

  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression or depressive symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal allergy symptoms or new allergies
  • Behavioral changes
  • Resistance to medical treatment

Visual Clues:

  • Trees and plants that grow crooked
  • Cracks in pavement or walls
  • Termites, ants, wasps, or bees
  • Mold in the walls or ceilings
  • Areas where nothing will grow
  • Cell phone towers
  • Areas with high accident rates
  • Gaps in hedges or shrubs
  • Infertile fruit trees

Results of Removing Geopathic Stress

In removing geopathic stress from a home or business, we found the usual thing that happens is that people have more energy. Initially they may feel so tired that they just crash for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. As the stress is relieved, they just kinda let their breath out and report that they really need to go to sleep and just relax. The reason for that is that geopathic stress affects the adrenal flow from the kidneys, and you have a constant irritation, constant pressure, and a constant adrenaline rush that you’re not even quite aware of.

Slim Spurling

Question: What are some observations you have made after clearing geopathic stress? (In The Mind Of A Master)”

Some of the interesting things we observed after the geopathic stress lines are neutralized is bird life seems to increase in the area. Even in small yards, it seems like the backyard is full of birds. They love to come in and be in that space, and other creatures as well. Sometimes squirrels, raccoons, and other animals will come to the area. Ants on the other hand tend to disappear after you’ve neutralized the geopathic stress.

Slim Spurling

It is important to note that some animals may actually thrive in geopathic stress zones. Bees may produce more honey in a hive located over a geopathic stress line, and cats will actively seek out and sleep in these zones. Owls and snakes are also animals that will seek out these areas. So while our instinct may be to eradicate all geopathic stress, you may be wise to leave some zones undisturbed to give these beneficial animals places they find more to their liking.

Geopathic Stress and the Light-Life Tools

The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind

Slim Spurling

Slim developed Light-Life tools to address geopathic stress and enhance the energetic harmony of living spaces. These tools, such as the Light-Life® Ring, are designed to channel and amplify life-enhancing energies while neutralizing the adverse effects of geopathic stress.

Mitigating Harmful Effects

The Light-Life Tools, the Tensor Ring, the Acu-Vac Coil, and the Feedback Loop just to name a few, can help to mitigate the harmful effects of geopathic stress. You can strategically place these tools in areas affected by negative energy, and they can help provide a protective shield and restore balance.

Practical Tips for Mitigation

1. According to numerous field reports, several Light-Life Energy Harmonizers can be effective in reducing the effects of the Hartmann Grid and geopathic stress. Having one of those in your home/office may help you create a harmonious space free of harmful EMFs or and geopathic stress.

2. Hanging a large Light-Life Tensor Ring on the headboard in alignment with the body while asleep has a curative impact and produces beneficial sleep patterns

3. Any configuration of Light-Life Tensor Rings placed under the mattress or under the bed alleviates chronic pain, and in some cases, has produced miraculous healing effects.

4. Also, standing or sitting in the Light-Life Tensor Ring’s field while working or meditating increases energy and clarity levels.

5. Some people have found that the Light-Life Tensor Rings are helpful in releasing the negative effects of the electromagnetic fields of electric meters.

Slim spurling

Harmonize Energy Fields

The Light-Life tools work on the principle of harmonizing energy fields. By interacting with the Earth’s natural energies, these tools help restore balance to the distorted energy fields caused by geopathic stress.

Amplify Positive Energy

Another key aspect of Light-Life tools is their ability to amplify positive energies. They act as conduits, enhancing the beneficial vibrations in the environment and supporting overall well-being. This amplification contributes to a more positive and nurturing living space.


The tools are there to support and accelerate the journey and the events on our life path as we learn to recognize who we are called to be. The tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The tools are based on universal truth and harmony. Always choose the universal truth.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress can be a subtle yet impactful factor that can influence our well-being. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life tools offer a practical and innovative approach to mitigating these energies. They create space that promote harmony, balance, and a positive energy flow. As we search for more natural ways to improve our well-being, exploring tools like what Light-Life Technology provides, can be a transformative step in producing a healthier and more vibrant living environment.

If you would like to learn more about Geopathic Stress and Slim Spurling’s dowsing method, consider signing up for our Workshop in March! Katharina will explain how to locate and remove the effects of geopathic stress in your home.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the Workshop quite yet, attend our Webinar to see if it’s right for you.

Your Guide to our Energy Harmonizers

We received numerous questions about our different Harmonizers, and therefore we created this Guide to our Energy Harmonizers. We hope it will make it easier to find the right one for you.

1. Mini Personal and Personal Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Focus primarily on an individual’s mental and spiritual wellness.
  • Enhance positive intentions, balance chakras and open the mind.
  • Strengthen the immune system and create a protective shield around you.
Personal Unity (left) and Mini Unity (right) Harmonizers

2. Environmental Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Concentrate on personal and environmental well-being.
  • Connect users more directly to healing, light, and life source.
  • Enhance positive intentions, increase intuitive abilities, inspire creativity, and reduce the negative impact of EMFs / 5G technology.

3. Community Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Prioritize spiritual connections and community welfare.
  • Increase intuitive abilities,
  • Reduce environmental pollution, diverts severe storms and harmonizes communities on all levels.

4. Storm Chaser Energy Harmonizer

  • Designed to manage severe weather conditions, for example, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes, reducing storm severity,
  • Reported abilities include and clearing air pollution.
  • Reported to creating personal and community harmony, providing a higher sense of balance and calm, supporting emotional health for anyone in range. 

5. Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer

  • Designed to provide a combination of personal wellness, environmental harmony, and agricultural support.
  • For example, we found potential benefits include healthier plant growth and soil and significantly reducing air pollution.
  • In addition to that, they seem to support emotional well-being. and harmonize communities.
Katharina holding Cosmic Washtub (left) and Matrix 22 (right) Energy Harmonizers

6. Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer

  • Answers the call for a large and enthusiastically multifaceted energy Harmonizer.
  • Reported to support agricultural level plant growth, enrich soil, decrease air pollution, reduce severity of storms and tornadoes. 
  • Users report it strengthens the personal bio-field, supports emotional well-being, and harmonizes entire communities at a cosmic level.

Please remember that you can program and activate the Harmonizers. In other words, they work with your personal energy and therefore the results will vary. Please watch this video to see how to activate the Harmonizer.

In conclusion, each product varies in its specific focus and coverage, ranging from personal well-being to reducing storm severity, supporting agricultural growth, and harmonizing communities. Therefore, we hope this guide is enabling you to select one that best suits your individual or community needs.

We invite you to learn more about Harmonizers and How to Choose a Light-Life Tool for your needs. 

We would love to hear how you use your Light-Life Energy Harmonizer and the results you are enjoying.

The Top 5 Uses for Light-Life Energy Harmonizers

Today we would like to talk about the top 5 uses for Light-Life Energy Harmonizers. We love to see how individuals and groups use our Tools and technology. Community members who buy Light-Life Energy Harmonizers tend to be pioneers and innovators, full of great ideas . 

Our friends use Harmonizers to create a sense of wellbeing, direct energy, connect at the community level, support plant growth, and to mitigate severe weather patterns. Let’s look at each of these top 5 ways to use our Energy Harmonizers.

1. Calm Internal Wellbeing

The first reason to choose a Harmonizer is to impact personal wellbeing. Users find Harmonizers often render calm mental and spiritual states of wellbeing. Additionally, Harmonizers enhance creativity while bringing a sense of calm.

Personal Harmonizers worn near the heart may send and receive sound waves on the ultrasound level. Our heart center radiates peace, love and harmony within us. That is to say, our community members report pleasant experiences wearing Personal Harmonizers to amplify the heart sonar.

Select a Personal Harmonizers to emit positive intentions and develop stronger interpersonal reactions. In particular, the Harmonizer Pendants/Personal and the tensor rings accompanying harmonizers may reduce stress and anxiety – in both people and pets.

2. Recalibrate Energetically

The second most common way to use a Harmonizer is to cleanse, clear, and find balance in your immediate environment. Moreover, Harmonizers may help to protect against environmental toxins or reduce fatigue from electromagnetic frequencies (5G/EMFs).

Many healers and spiritual seekers use Harmonizers to help rebalance chakras. Balancing energy points in the body helps align and open the nervous system. As a result, recalibrating the chakras may bring powerful energetic healing.

Naturally, anyone can enhance their immediate personal environment by placing Harmonizers nearby while conducting daily well being practices. Try using a Harmonizer while meditating, visualizing, practicing yoga, or saying affirmations and mantras.

Meditating with a Matrix 22 Harmonizer

3. Connect with Community

Beyond the personal uses, Harmonizers hold the potential to help families and communities enhance general welfare and form stronger connections.
It is true, community leaders may harmonize entire communities with these Tools. For example, Community Harmonizers may help reduce atmospheric pollution, harnessing the astonishing power of group intention.

4. Reinforce Growth of Plants and Agricultural Crops 

Our community members love using Harmonizers to support plant growth and enhance soil conditions. To illustrate, Harmonizers may help decrease air pollution, strengthen the bio-field and support overall wellbeing of your plants and crops. They tend to flourish near Harmonizers – we strongly encourage you to test this out. Warning: Harmonizers may produce prodigious plant growth!

5. Provide Support in Severe Weather Conditions

We know it may sound wild to those who have not experienced it firsthand. However, users of large-scale Harmonizers repeatedly reported case studies of the Harmonizers helping mitigate the environment when severe weather is forecasted.

As dowsing rods have helped people find water sources for many years, in the same way, the larger Harmonizers may help strengthen energetic fields to establish vibrations that avert or help “call forward” rain. Also, the presence of Harmonizers promotes balance and calm during chaotic weather among people and animals.

Moreover, reported abilities for Matrix and Cosmic Washtub Harmonizers include diverting hurricanes, reducing storm severity, and clearing air pollution. Of course, the larger Harmonizers share the benefits of smaller- sized Harmonizers, such as creating personal and community harmony, providing a higher sense of balance and calm, and supporting emotional wellbeing.

Read our blog on Multiple Benefits of Energy Harmonizers here.

Powerful Combination for the Environmental Harmonizer

Today I’d like to share a powerful combination of our Environmental Harmonizer with a mushroom called the Puffball.

Properties of Puffball Mushrooms

Slim Spurling learned from an old Native American woman all about the antibiotic properties of the puffball mushroom, specifically that it is effective against infection, particularly the anaerobic bacteria associated with gangrene and blood poisoning.

Hand helps mature fungus expell spores, part of the fungus reproduction. Perlatum or Lycoperdon variety.

Help Against Psychic Attacks

This knowledge was vital to Slim when an author called him to his house. The author claimed he suffered from psychic attacks and even voodoo curses. He’d heard of Slim and wanted to see if Slim could help. Slim figured it was just another case of geopathic stress, so he and his partner Bill Reid set out to clear the house of these stress lines/zones.

Slim and Bill could nit believe the amount of negative energy they found. In addition to the frequencies coming off overhead power lines, they found voodoo symbols on the backs of artwork in the living areas.

Slim and Bill were even more shocked when they discovered that the whole house had been seeded with anthrax.

Harmonizers as Radionic Devices

Slim coupled his knowledge of the antibiotic effects of puffball powder, with his knowledge of frequencies (Slim considers puffball powder to be an antidote to anthrax).

All Light-Life Energy Harmonizers are radionic devices. And, since everything has its own vibration, anything can be transmitted over a distance using quantum technology.

So, Slim placed a puffball inside one of his Enviromental Harmonizers. As a result, the frequency of the puffball neutralized the harmful effects of the anthrax. Within three hours the anthrax level went down to zero and everything was fine.

I share this story with you to bring to your attention the many different ways you can use your Harmonizer.

Some of you may remember that in 2001 there were letters with anthrax spores mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, leading to 22 people being infected, and five deaths. During this time, we were traveling a lot and Slim tucked a tiny bit of puffball in his Personal Harmonizer to protect us.

How can you use this knowledge?

Instead of being afraid of all the harmful elements that can be in our environment, use this knowledge and your Harmonizer.

You don’t even need a puffball. You can find a homeopathic or other remedy that is a known antidote for whatever ails or concerns you. Add your intention for a clear, clean, and healthy environment and trust its power. This can work with any Harmonizer you may have.

In short, we do have solutions to most problems, we just have to look outside the box.

And as always, contact us if you have any questions.

The Matrix You’ll Want to Be In

Our Matrix Harmonizers have a ‘pulsing’ field that seems to expand over time. They consist of a Sacred Cubit Harmonizer inside a Lost Cubit Harmonizer. The Matrix 22 is an Agricultural size (1/2 Cubit) and the Matrix 44 is an Environmental size (1/4 Cubit).

Why would I want to be in this Matrix?

  • Are you lacking clarity and focus because of overwhelm?
  • Do you have a hard time honoring your own needs?
  • Are your clients showing resistance to growth, even though they are ready on another level?
  • Is your intuition and creativity feeling stagnant?
  • Are you concerned about the environment at large and would like to contribute to cleaner air and water?
  • Are you living in a earthquake prone area and would like to see them less and less frequently?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then our Matrix Energy Harmonizers may help you address these issues.

The field reports suggest that the Matrix Harmonizers support life force physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and may strengthen the immune system. Also, these Harmonizers intensify the six senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound, and intuition; and to enhance positive thought patterns.

Our research group found that the Matrix Harmonizers reduce toxic elements in polluted air, as well as assisting in clearing the earth’s atmosphere. Basically, by balancing and harmonizing the ethers, the Matrix Harmonizers seem to harmonize the magnetic and geopathic grid lines. This can elevate chi force within physical structures. Tests indicated that it reduces positive ions, which are harmful to us, and increases negative ions. It may even have a neutralizing effect on radioactive material. The degree to which the Harmonizer is able to neutralize radioactive material depends on the concentration of the radioactive material.

Which one is best for me?

The base of all of our Harmonizers is copper. All plated Light-Life Tools will have as base a layer of silver and then a layer of 24K gold plating.

Generally, we suggest 24K gold for issues that you can see, like plant growth or environmental pollution. For the unseen issues, like emotional and mental imbalances, radiation, and EMF, the silver-plated Harmonizer is reported to work quicker. Having said that, please know that both should be effective on all issues, we are just sharing our customer’s feedback of the silver or gold plating working faster on specific concerns.

The Matrix 22 is great for larger areas while the Matrix 44 is sufficient for your home and immediate community.

“The effect of the double Harmonizer is considerably greater than that of two single Harmonizers ~ one Sacred and one Lost Cubit ~ next to one another.”
Dr. Lenny Lee Kloepper

Bella snuggled up to the Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Slim Spurling’s Birthday

Here at Light-Life Technology, we celebrate Slim Spurling’s birthday every year during this time. He was such an extraordinary man who did great things while his physical body was on this Earth. We wanted to share a little bit about him with all of you!

All About Slim

Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met. He was a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim loved people and was always available to talk. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer. He never made something up to look good.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet. Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being.

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties.

If you would like to read more about the history of Slim, please download here a free eBook of Slim Spurling’s Universe.

Slim’s Letter to Himself

Slim wrote himself a “pep talk” letter back in 2006, about a year before he transitioned. He left it as a reminder for us all to use:

Dear Slim,

Take every opportunity to make life on planet Earth better for all – do it one project at a time – one technology at a time.

Work with the best. Give freely. Love largely. Stay humble. Keep going.

Highest Regards

– Slim…..

Which Harmonizer is best for geopathic stress and EMF?

I’d like to share with you which Harmonizer is best for geopathic stress and EMF and how it was we discovered this.

Many years ago, I was teaching a workshop in the Black Forrest of Germany. When I arrived, it was found that the router for the venue was in our workshop room, and we were not allowed turn it off. The organizer was quite upset because of the exposure to EMF it caused the participants. She also found some geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid when she was dowsing the location.

We put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around the router right away to immediately help block the EMF. Once we unpacked all the Light-Life Tools, we decided to do an experiment and see if one of the Energy Harmonizer would also help block the EMF because we noticed the Ring alone wasn’t strong enough. We put each Harmonizer in the Tensor Ring that it comes with. We then took the Tensor Ring off the router because we wanted to check the router’s energy field. Obviously, it was very strong.

The Results

We determined that the Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, silver plated, when activated, blocked the EMF from the router the best. While the Agricultural tested a bit better, we didn’t find it so significant to justify recommending only that size Harmonizer. We also dowsed to see how each Harmonizer affected the geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. We were in for a great surprise. Geopathic stress lines had disappeared with the silver plated Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, silver plated

Now, having said that, if you have any of our Energy Harmonizers, please remember to program them for what you need them to do. Check with dowsing if your programming worked. If you don’t dowse just trust your feeling and observe over the next few days if you noticed positive changes.

I am sharing this with you to encourage you to get creative and find your own ways in testing which Tools are the best for you in your environment and your situation. Everyone is different and for me it is really important that you always trust your own intuition and choose what feels right to you. We give recommendations that are based on our own experiences and the reports from customers. So, please, share your own experiences with us so we all can learn and try something new. BTW – this is the fun part about participating in live workshops. Participants share their experiences, and some are extraordinary. Also, some ideas are shared that I would never have thought of.

If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, please do it here. You’ll be the first to learn about activities, new tools, and specials.

Signs of Geopathic Stress and the Hartmann Grid

Did you know there are many signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid to watch out for? In a previous blog post, I talked about what geopathic stress is along with what the Hartmann Grid is.

Today, I am going to ask questions that can point out different signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. If you answer yes to any of them, I highly recommend you check out Slim Spurling’s method of dowsing to locate and block those lines. His method is very effective and applied world-wide.

Let’s start with visual signs in and around your home:

  • Are there trees and other plants growing crooked around your home?
  • Are there cracks in the driveway or in the walls inside your home?
  • Do you see ant hills on your lawn and/or a bee’s nest in the siding of your house?
  • Do you have areas in your garden where nothing wants to grow?
  • Is there a cell phone tower in your area?

Here are some signs of geopathic stress and Hartmann Grid in your personal and professional life:

  • Do you have health symptoms that no one can find the source of, that disappear when you are traveling?
  • Did you have construction going on in your area? Have you since then developed health issues and/or stress in your relationships?
  • Has sleep quality gone down since moving into your new home? Have your child’s grades gone down after moving into a new classroom or school?
  • Does your workspace makes you feel ill even though you enjoy the work and like your colleagues? 
  • Is your business not thriving anymore or have you noticed a location in your town where no business seems to thrive for no apparent reason?
Signs of Geopathic Stress

I think you get an idea now what to look for. The good thing is, we have a very simple and effective solution to remedy those issues so you can live life to the fullest. Come join us at our upcoming dowsing workshop in Philadelphia where you can learn how to help yourself as well as family and friends. Plus, if you haven’t watched it yet, or cannot make it to the workshop in Philadelphia, make sure you get Slim Spurlings’s DVD, Geobiology, Dowsing, & Light-Life Tools

I am very passionate about bringing awareness to geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid as I know it can improve your quality of life in all areas and even save lives. See you in Philly! 

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