Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Rings (Page 1 of 3)

Tensor Rings Explained by Slim Spurling

Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master about Tensor Rings explained Slim Spurling.

Description of the Light-Life Rings

“… There are two factors: one is the measurement. We use the Sacred Cubit lengths for our measurements. The cubit lengths are taken from the Egyptian Pyramid, the Great Pyramid, and that is from the yardstick or the fundamental metric that was used in the pyramid. The Sacred Cubit length, which we measure in conventional inches, is 20.6 inches. The circumference of the ring then, is 20.6 inches, give or take a few hundredths. This measurement is probably, as we’ve recently learned, tied into the fundamental wavelength of a portion of the gravity field, which has to do with construction.
We all know how resonant frequencies can either create or destroy. We use the example of bridges collapsing when troops are all marching in unison. That can cause harmonics, which can cause a bridge to structurally disintegrate. What we found is this cubit length seems to cause things to integrate rather than disintegrate. The frequencies and energy field generated then resonate at the creation level of energy. If we move over here, we would probably find a different length, which could create or destroy structural materials. But we’re not interested in that. We’re only looking for beneficial effects“.

How a Ring Potentizes Water – Observations of Water Treated with Light-Life Technology

“… A Light-Life Ring increases the available energy in the water instantaneously.
It causes water to emit light and it causes an expansion of the atomic radius. Now this is a deductive process. The way we came to this was through the use of an instrument, which would detect the change or increase in the available light being emitted from water. In other words, water has a certain level of energy as it sits in the glass, or exists in your water pipes, or a lake or stream.

What we found is that the rings cause an increase in energy, which manifests as an increase in full spectrum light all the way from infrared on up to ultra violet. But the increase in light energy can only occur if the electron orbit expands, rotates at a greater distance from the nucleus, and then falls back slightly to the next energy level. And when it falls back to the next energy level, it emits a photon. So, here’s this little bitty energy package we call an atom with electrons whirling around it. They encounter the energy field of the ring. That expands; the electrons have a larger orbit. They fall back to their natural state and emit energy in the form of light…

… Psychics and radionics operators verify greater ‘vitality’ of water. The rings cause water to fluoresce. These quantum light effects have been studied instrumentally and confirmed through psychic observation. The ‘light’ field above or below the ring appears to relax the cell membranes to allow better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.

Ring Materials

“… The rings are constructed from copper or sterling silver, then may be plated with a combination of silver and gold. In addition, we add either audio or electronic frequencies known to produce healing effects and to have beneficial qualities. And that’s encoded right into the copper on every single item we produce...

… 24K gold plating adds a higher frequency due to the structure of the 24K gold
atom in the crystal as it’s deposited onto these rings. Every 24K gold plated
tool is first plated with silver…

…The sterling silver tools seem to work at a slightly different subtle level and they seem to be smoother and faster in operation. Smoother and faster won’t mean anything to the reader right now, but those who are in daily practice and have worked with the tools for some time – chiropractors, MDs, massage therapists, and other healers – seem to have a preference for the action of the sterling silver. Yet, anyone – attorneys, bus drivers, housewives, laboring people – will get along just fine with the standard copper and gold plated tools, which are just as effective in the long run.

Meditation with the Light-Life Tensor Rings

Today, we would like to share with you one of our favorite meditations with the Light-Life Tensor Rings*. You can experience the transformative energy of the Ring and immerse yourself in a healing column of light.

* The perfect Tensor Ring for this meditation would be one of our 3 1/2 Sacred or Lost Cubit Tensor Rings due to their size. However, if you do not have the 3 1/2 one, just use whatever you have (1 , 1 1/2 or 2 of any Cubit). Place the Ring on your head like a “crown”, wear it on your neck, or sit on it.

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit.
  2. Imagine yourself sitting inside a beautiful, glowing Light-Life Tensor Ring. Picture the ring surrounding you, and feel its gentle energy embracing you with love and protection.
  3. Now, envision a brilliant column of light created by the Ring. This column represents the pure, healing energy of the universe, and it is here to nourish your mind, body, and soul.
  4. With each breath, the healing light moves deeper into your being, traveling down your arms, your chest, your back, and your abdomen. Feel it cleansing and renewing every cell in your body, revitalizing you.
  5. As you sit within the Light-Life Tensor Ring, still bathed in the healing column of light, know that you are fully supported and protected. You are safe, and all is well.
  6. When you’re ready to return to your everyday awareness, start to bring your attention back to your physical surroundings. Slowly open your eyes, taking with you the renewed sense of peace and healing from this meditation.

Remember, you can return to this meditation anytime you need to experience the loving energy of the Light-Life Tensor Ring and the rejuvenating power of the healing light. Peace and light be with you always.

Learn other ways to boost your self-care routine in this blog >>Benefits of Incorporating Light-Life Tools into Your Wellness Routine.

Light-Life Tools May Enhance Your Crystals’ and Gemstones’ Properties.

Did you know that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals’ and gemstones’ inherent properties and power?

Interest in crystals has steadily grown in recent years, accelerated by several emerging trends since the pandemic. Therefore, crystals and gemstones have never been even more popular.

Crystals have aesthetic appeal and a long history of being used in wellness settings to promote relaxation. In spiritual settings, healers use them to interact with the body’s energy fields, redirect and channel energetic flow, and align chakras.

Gemstones often carry symbolic meaning. For example, think of birthstones: sapphires represent wisdom, royalty, and prophecy; rubies signify wealth, passion, and power; and emeralds symbolize rebirth, love, and fertility.

Quartz crystals may amplify the power of Light-Life Tools

Crystals vibrate at specific frequencies (like all matter) and contain energetic potential. Even though, the scientific community still needs to establish concrete evidence regarding crystals’ healing or active properties. However, top-tier clocks, watches, and electronics have used quartz crystals for years. Buyers revere Quartz crystal for time-keeping precision. As a piezoelectric material, quartz crystals can accumulate electrical charge when bent under force.

Quartz crystals may amplify the energy of the Harmonizer, one of Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools.

Popular crystals:

Clear Quartz
Lapis Lazuli*
Lemurian Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rutilated Quartz*

*Crystals shown in the gallery below in the order they are listed

Crystal and gemstones share many properties. For example, Amethyst, Citrine, and Turquoise crystals can classify as gemstones when cut, polished, or faceted. Also, it is important to watch out for synthetic and lab-grown versions of stones, which would likely have different properties than the original material. For instance, orange-colored “citrine,” while beautiful, is typically heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine is actually a light smoky yellow, not orange.

Light-Life Tools may further empower gemstones

Combining the properties of the gemstones and the Light-Life Tools may enhance the benefits of energy healing and holistic practices.

Popular gemstones:


Some gemstones may be rare and difficult to find compared to the stones classified as crystals. Therefore, scarcity, along with color, clarity, size, and cut of the stone, affects the price and availability of a gemstone.

Try using Light-Life Tools alongside your favorite gemstones for an amplified effect.

Alchemical properties of metals used at Light-Life Technology

Light-Life Tools are made out of metals such as copper and sterling silver, and 24Kgold plated (3 of the seven spiritual metals), which are said to have alchemical properties alongside crystals and gemstones.

Symbolism of metals:
– Gold historically stands for spiritual purity, enlightenment, and the unity of opposites.
– Silver symbolizes emotions, feminine energy, and intuition.
– Copper can represent protection, wealth, love, beauty, and harmony.

Try mixing and matching tools of various metals with your favorite stones. Let intuition and experience guide you as you combine the crystals, gemstones, and Light-Life Tools.

Multiple ways that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals & gemstones

For example:

  • Charge Crystals: Place your crystals within a Tensor Ring to help cleanse and recharge them with potent life-force energy.
  • Amplify Crystal Energy using Harmonizers: Crystals placed inside a Harmonizer may amplify the crystal’s vibrational energy, imbuing your space with its specific properties.
  • Create Crystal Grids: Combine Light-Life Tools such as Tensor Rings with crystals to help create powerful crystal grids (similar to mandalas) for enhancing spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being and balance.
  • Make Crystal Elixirs: Use Tensor rings to supercharge your crystal elixirs, imparting them with additional beneficial frequencies. Avoid using toxic stones that may leach or dissolve minerals into water. Clean your crystals well and note the expiration date of the elixir if you plan to store it.
  • Aid Meditation: Carry crystals inside a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer during meditation to help open your chakras and reach deeper meditative states.
  • Enhance Crystal Jewelry: Layer on crystals with Light-Life Jewelry to combine energetic power and beauty.
  • Clear Spaces: Use a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer with a selenite crystal to help cleanse your spaces of negativity.
  • Increase Focus and Clarity: Combining clear quartz crystals with Light-Life tools may provide a clean, energetic environment, helping to increase focus, clarity, and productivity.
  • Support Emotional Well-being: Pair a crystal like rose quartz with an Acu-Vac Coil to help dispel emotional distress and promote love and harmony.
  • Promote Restful Sleep: Combine amethyst with Light-Life Tools in the bedroom to make your bedroom a sanctuary and help promote relaxation, rest, and sleep.

Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals if you pair them for a high-vibing experience.

As a matter of fact, crystals and gemstones work well alongside Light-Life Tools due to the Tools’ materials and relationship to energy. The incorporation of points may support broader applications and enhance energy healing and other related practices.

Remember, the best crystal for you often depends on your needs, intentions, and preferences rather than trends. In other words, choosing the crystals and Light-Life Tools that resonate most with you is always a good idea.

Furthermore, whatever crystal or gemstones resonate with you, you may enjoy them even more when paired with a Light-Life Tool. Remember how Harmonizers, Tensor Rings, and Pyramid-shaped Tools serve your purpose.

Read more about Benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine here.

Using Energy Healing Tools for a Harmonious Life

Why it’s important in today’s world to equip yourself with healing tools for a harmonious life and balance? Because a wide range of environmental, social, political, and psychological factors frequently prevent us from living in harmony with one another. Rapidly developing human activity that prioritizes economic outcomes without regard to ecological systems has begun to threaten our whole world.

Anxiety Often Keeps us from Experiencing a Harmonious Life

The complex and seemingly intractable problems of modern life can lead to overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety. Furthermore, living in the hyperconnected digital era, we’re more aware than ever of our collective troubles.

When we cannot return to a relaxed state, we make decisions from fear. This reinforces our problems. Life begins to spiral.

Light-Life Technology works to meet these needs with tools that can bring greater harmony to our lives and our communities.

We find it possible to create harmonious lives through positive lifestyle practices. Therefore, leveraging Light-Life Tools may help accelerate the journey toward physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual growth – leading to a more harmonious life.

Beyond our individual needs, we enjoy working together on larger-picture challenges. The major challenges of modern life cannot be solved alone. Harnessing our collective intentionality, we have seen our community members reach out to large groups to share vibrations of well-being. Together, we hope to restore balance and bring a deep sense of peace.

What Does it Mean to Live a Harmonious Life?

We believe a harmonious life often includes the following categories:

  • Physical Health
  • Emotional Balance
  • Mental Clarity
  • Spiritual Growth

In addition, we would mention these important aspects beyond the individual self:

  • Clean Environment
  • Agricultural wellbeing
  • Peaceful communities

How to Improve the Sense of Harmony in Your Community

Light-Life Tools may complement and enhance the journey toward a harmonious life. These Tools can deliver benefits in the following areas.

Focus on Physical Health

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep habits contribute to optimal physical health. Light-Life Tools like Tensor Rings and Acu-Vac Coils may help energize drinking water, promote better sleep, improve circulation, and provide targeted relief of discomfort.

Find Emotional Balance

Managing stress through mindfulness practices, having a solid emotional support system, and cultivating a positive mindset may help maintain emotional balance. For example, wearing Light-Life pendants and earrings may encourage a sense of calm, may promote overall well-being, and/or may help protect against harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and 5G Technology.

Seek Mental Clarity

Keeping the mind sharp and clear may be achieved through brain-boosting activities, meditation, and maintaining a positive and healthy outlook on life. Light-Life Tools, such as Tensor Rings, Personal Harmonizers, and Lotus Pendants may be used during meditation, work, or study. In other words, they can help establish mental balance, improve focus, and enhance mental clarity.

Support Spiritual Growth

Many group activities hold potential to help us connect with a higher purpose. For example, practices that connect us to traditions, rituals, and each other may help foster spiritual growth. For example, incorporating Light-Life Tools into spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga may deepen the connection to your higher self, improve your energy field, and further your spiritual growth.

Encourage Agricultural Wellbeing

Organic Farming avoids synthetic pesticides and genetically modified organisms, promoting soil and crop health. Likewise, water conservation provides essential water resources through efficient irrigation techniques and rainwater collection. Diverse and frequently rotated crops help maintain soil health, manage pests, and maximize yield.

A Lost Cubit Environmental or Community Harmonizer placed and activated in your farm has been said to enhance nutrient absorption and support plant health and growth. Placing a Tensor Ring on irrigation systems might enrich the water, revitalizing plant life.

Take a Stand for More Peaceful Communities

Above all, developing effective mechanisms for addressing disagreements ensures peace and harmony. Moreover, when conducted with intention, regular community activities and events may help foster unity and mutual respect among participants. Calm, open, and honest dialogue may promote understanding and strengthen relationships in our daily lives. That is to say, wearing Light-Life pendants or earrings during community events may help foster positive interactions and a sense of greater unity. Therefore, placing Energy Harmonizers in community centers may help harmonize the environment, creating a sense of calm and balance. In like manner, using Feedback Loops during mediation sessions may help to balance energy fields and support effective conflict resolution.

We hope these ideas help you take steps toward living a more harmonious life with your friends, families, and neighbors. In other words, working alone we will go faster, working together, we will go farther.

We invite you to learn more about our Harmonizer family.

Not sure what you need? Read How to Choose a Light-Life Tool.

Benefits of Incorporating Light-Life Tools into Your Wellness Routine

Today we would like to share with you the benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine. The good news is that you can use these Tools all day, every day – even on the go!

What would your life look like if you let Light-Life Tools supercharge your everyday wellness experiences? The following practical techniques can help you elevate your daily wellness routine.

Morning Routines and Light-Life Technology

Use the Personal Energy Harmonizer during meditation to enhance clarity and balance your chakras.

Place a Harmonizer in your kitchen to foster a positive atmosphere during meal preparation.

Wear a Light-Life Pendant around your neck to help protect yourself from electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and to promote a sense of calm.

Put your Light-Life Jewelry (earrings and finger rings) on while doing light morning exercises – like walking – to help maintain energy levels and promote vitality.

Place a Light-Life Tensor Ring on your water bottle to energize your drinking water or around your food to give it a boost of life force energy. You can also put the Rings in and around your house or outdoor plants, to encourage growth. Put 1/2 Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Rings over your sprinkler and activate a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer 24K gold plated to support soil quality and plant growth.

Place Light-Life Tensor Rings in your pet’s bed or collar to improve their overall well-being and energy levels.

Mid-Day Routines and Light-Life Technology

Carry your Personal Energy Harmonizer with you to work or school to support focus and generate positivity.

Have an Acu-Vac Coils always with you in your First Aid Kit to assist you as necessary. to harmonize your environment and reduce stress.

Have your Energy Harmonizers nearby during family activities to increase intuitive connections and encourage shared positivity.

Night-time Routines with Light-Life Tools

Use Acupressure Tool during self-massage to enhance relaxation by targeting specific pressure points.

Sit with a Feedback Loop post-workout to balance energy and restore calm.

Keep an Energy Harmonizer near your bed to promote restful sleep and possibly even reduce nightmares.

Preserve Routines On-The-Go

Be sure to bring Light-Life Tools with you during travels to promote health and harmony in new environments, too!

With these tips, we hope Light-Life Tools will serve you well in your daily wellness routines. Experience the joy of harmonic living by harnessing the power of these versatile energy-balancing instruments.

Click here to read FAQ about the Light-Life Tools, and here to Shop Now.

The Power of Hexagonal Structured Water

Hexagonal structured water is a term used to describe a proposed form of water with a unique molecular arrangement. Numerous alternative health practitioners around the world support the concept of hexagonal water .

According to the proponents of hexagonal water, the water molecules can arrange themselves into a hexagonal lattice-like structure, therefore in a more “ordered” or “structured” form of water. Furthermore, this water has enhanced properties compared to regular water. Here are a few examples:

  • Enhanced hydration: Reports suggest that hexagonal water has smaller clusters of water molecules. This allowing for better penetration and absorption into cells, thereby improving hydration.
  • Improved detoxification: Proponents argue that hexagonal water has better detoxification properties, and therefore promoting the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Increased energy and vitality: the proponents also say that consuming hexagonal water can boost energy levels and overall vitality.

Slim’s observations of water treated with the Light-Life Rings

If you read In the Mind of a Master book, then you’re probably familiar with Slim’s early experiments with water. Here is snippet form the book where Slim talks about it:

What we found is that the rings cause an increase in energy, which manifests as an increase in full spectrum light all the way from infrared on up to ultra violet…
The quantum effects have been studied instrumentally including spectral output of light from treated water in growth studies and taste tests, and verified or confirmed by psychic observation. The light field imparts “livingness” to water, which enhances the “life force” when consumed or used to water plants or animals. Water changes from very acidic pH to neutral or slightly alkaline when left standing in the ring for 24-48 hours. Taste tests show that water treated with a ring is softer, cleaner, and feels purer than untreated water
... The ‘light’ field above or below the ring appears to relax the cell membranes to allow better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.”

Light-Life Technology experiment with Mr. Water

In 2008 Light-Life Technology partnered up with the German water researcher Erich Meidert ( aka Mr. Water) He conducted the following experiment:

  • one glass of water was placed in a Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings (#222),
  • one in an Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring (#282), and
  • one in the Practitioner Set (#636) for 4 hours.

Samples of each glass of water were shipped to a lab in Switzerland where they put them in a freezer. They use the same method as Dr. Emoto’s labs and photographed the water crystals.

In the pictures below you see the pictures of water crystals placed in the Light-Life Tensor Rings in the following order left to right: 1 Lost Cubit Heavy, 1 Empowering Cubit, Practitioner Set (1 Sacred Cubit with Sacred Cubit Feedback Loop and Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil attached to the Ring).

As we mentioned earlier, the structured water can benefit all living things. Therefore, your 4-legged family members may benefit from its properties. Make sure to pour their water from the pitcher/container with structured water that you’ve made for yourself or simply keep the Light-Life Tensor Ring permanently around their water bowl.

Moreover, numerous reposts from our customers suggest that their plants and garden started to flourish when they consistently used the water treated with the Light-Life Tensor Rings. Putting a Tensor Ring(s) around your water hose or irrigation system may help you boost and nourish your plants, and as a result support their health and vitality, and even increase the yield.

Practitioner Set configuration for water structuring

Make your own hexagonal water

If you’re looking for an easy and relatively inexpensive way of structuring your water, Light-Life Tensor Rings will be a great choice. Here are a few tip to help you make the right choice:

  • don’t overthink it, all our Tensor Rings can structure your water. Focus on the diameter to make sure it will fit around your pitcher, water tank or garden hose. You can find the diameter of the Ring in the product description.
  • if you are planning to use the Rings outdoors – look for the copper Light-Life Tensor Rings (no plating)
  • “heavy” Light-Life Tensor Rings create a stronger field density, which seems to generate more light and life force energy
  • Slim’s favorite Tool to potentize/structure the water was the Practitioner Set. However, you can use all the Light-Life Tools from this set individually. Learn more about this powerful trio here.

We would love to hear your feedback on structured water, how you use it and what benefits you’ve noticed using it. Please feel free to contact us at cs@ix-el.com.

Unraveling the Mystery:

Comparing the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring, 24K Gold plated, 3 beads and the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane Tensor Ring


In the world of alternative healing and energy tools, the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have garnered significant attention for their purported beneficial effects on physical and energetic well-being.

Among these fascinating creations, two variants have emerged as popular choices – the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring, 24K Gold plated, 3 beads and the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane Ring.

Without a doubt, both rings offer unique properties and applications, which makes them intriguing subjects for comparative analysis. In this blog, we will explore the differences between these two rings, looking into their design, materials, and intended uses.

1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring, 24K Gold plated, 3 beads

This Light-Life Tensor Ring is a remarkable creation that harnesses the principles of sacred geometry and subtle energy amplification. Made from copper and plated with 24K gold, this ring incorporates three beads (spheres). Inspired by the insights of Nikola Tesla, spheres act as powerful amplifiers of energy.

Key Features:

  • Sacred Geometry: The ring is crafted based on the principles of sacred geometry, which has been revered throughout history for its harmonizing effects on energy fields.
  • Subtle Energy Amplification: We incorporated three beads, to enhance the subtle energies that the Ring interacts with. This potentially benefits the user in various ways.
  • Metallurgical Composition: We use high quality copper known for its excellent conductive properties. The 24K gold plating adds a layer of energetic enhancement.

1/2 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane Ring

Originally intended as a utility ring for gardeners, the Plain Jane Ring is a simpler variant with various practical applications. It is designed to be versatile and efficient, making it an attractive choice for outdoor and everyday use.

Key Features:

  • Utility Applications: Unlike the other Tensor Ring, the Plain Jane was initially created for the outdoor applications. For example, a lot of our customers place it over gas caps to potentially improve gas mileage in vehicles. Others put it around the faucet or a garden hose to structure the water.
  • Simplicity in Design: The Plain Jane Ring omits the beads present in the Light-Life Tensor Ring, focusing on the core functionality of the Sacred Cubit geometry without additional amplification elements.

Comparing the Rings

  1. Intended Applications:
    • The Light-Life Tensor Ring, 24K Gold plated, 3 beads with its bead-amplification design is more aligned with metaphysical and energetic applications.
    • The Plain Jane Ring, on the other hand, caters to a broader range of practical uses, particularly in outdoor settings.
  1. Energetic Properties:
    • The Gold plated Light-Life Tensor Ring’s inclusion of beads is believed to enhance its interaction with subtle energies and fields. Additionally, The 24K gold plating adds a higher frequency to the Ring.
    • The Plain Jane Tensor Ring, while lacking beads, still utilizes the Sacred Cubit geometry, which is considered potent in its own right.
  1. Design Complexity:
    • The Light-Life Tensor Ring’s intricate design with beads and plating requires a more involved crafting process.
    • The Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Ring’s simplicity allows for a more straightforward production.


Obviously, both Tensor Ring have their own unique attributes and applications. The 24K Gold plated Light-Life Tensor Ring, with its bead amplification inspired by Tesla’s insights, caters to those seeking energetic benefits and metaphysical purposes. On the other hand, the Plain Jane Ring’s utility-focused design makes it an excellent choice for practical outdoor applications.

As you embark on your journey with these fascinating Light-Life Tensor Rings, may this comparison guide you in choosing the one that aligns best with your intentions and needs.

Remember, the world of subtle energy and sacred geometry is vast, offering a myriad of possibilities for exploration and personal growth.

Mocktail Recipes

To many of us, summer means BBQs. And BBQs mean great food, great conversations, and great drinks. So today, I thought I would share some mocktail recipes because a great night with friends shouldn’t come with regret the next morning.


Watermelon Basil Cooler:


  • 1 cup diced watermelon
  • 4-5 fresh basil leaves
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or simple syrup, or I prefer coconut nectar)
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • Ice**


  1. In a blender, combine the diced watermelon, basil leaves, juice of half a lime, and honey (or simple syrup/coconut nectar). Blend until smooth.
  2. Strain the mixture into a glass to remove any pulp or seeds.
  3. Add sparkling water to the strained watermelon mixture and stir gently.
  4. Fill another glass with ice cubes and pour the mocktail over the ice.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of fresh basil or a watermelon slice if desired.
  6. Stir gently before serving.

Virgin Mojito Mocktail


  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 lime, cut into wedges
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar (I use Monk Fruit or Xylitol – no calories and tastes just like sugar)
  • 1/2 cup club soda
  • Crushed ice**


  1. In a glass, muddle the mint leaves, lime wedges, and sugar (or Monk Fruit) until the lime releases its juice and the mint becomes fragrant.
  2. Fill the glass with crushed ice.
  3. Pour in the club soda and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a lime wedge.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Strawberry Lemonade Fizz:


  • 1 cup fresh strawberries,
  • hulled 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 2 teaspoons honey (or simple syrup/coconut nectar)
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • Ice cubes**


  1. Combine the fresh strawberries, lemon juice, and honey (or simple syrup) in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Strain the strawberry mixture into a glass to remove any seeds or pulp.
  3. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  4. Pour in the sparkling water and stir gently.
  5. Garnish with a strawberry slice or lemon twist if desired.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Pineapple Ginger Mocktail:


  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or simple syrup)
  • 1/2 cup ginger ale or sparkling water


  1. Combine the pineapple juice, lime juice, grated ginger, and honey (or simple syrup) in a shaker or glass. Stir until well mixed.
  2. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  3. Pour the pineapple mixture over the ice.
  4. Top it off with ginger ale or sparkling water.
  5. Stir gently.
  6. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or a slice of lime if desired.
  7. Serve and enjoy!


**I prefer to use ice cubes made with filtered and ‘ringed’ water. I love the structure our Light-Life Tensor Rings give the water.

Water crystal formation after being set inside a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring for 4 hours

Feel free to copy these recipes and try them out with your friends.

Enjoy your mocktails and let us know your favorites!

Sacred Geometry and Geometry

Recently, a customer asked, “What is the difference between sacred geometry and geometry?” And we thought, since our Light-Life Tools are partially based on sacred geometry, we thought more of you might have the same question.

Sacred Geometry

Refers to the study of geometric patterns you can find in nature and the universe. These patterns have spiritual, energetic, and symbolic significance. Some believe, that if you study and meditate on these geometric patterns, they can help you understand the world more deeply. These shapes, such as circles, triangles, and spirals, are in everything from plants and animals, to architecture and art.

Some of our favorite examples are the flower of life, the honeycomb hexagonal pattern, and the spiral of a sunflower’s seeds. The way these patterns manifest in nature is truly fascinating. It showcases the inherent mathematical and geometric principles that are the foundation for the beauty and structure of the natural world.


A branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, relationships, and measurements of points, lines, shapes, and solids. It is a fundamental field of mathematics that has been studied and developed for thousands of years.

If you’re anything like us, you might flash back to a high school math course … a2 + b2 = c2, anyone??

In reality, builders, architects, and engineers use geometry to design and construct our homes and offices, as well as the bridges and roadways we use daily. Artists use geometry in just about everything they do! And we bet you use some of your geometry skills when arranging furniture, without a second thought.


To recap, while both involve the study of geometric shapes, their focus and purpose differ:

We often study sacred geometry to uncover deeper spiritual truths or connections between the physical and metaphysical realms. That is to say, we approach it from a subjective/interpretive perspective. It tends to incorporate intuitive and mystical elements.

Conversely, we study geometry with an objective, analytical, and deductive approach. It uses rigorous mathematical reasoning and logical proof.

Sacred Geometry and Light-Life Tools

The Sacred Cubit measurement that Slim Spurling used to build the first Tensor Ring, is derived from the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is believed to represent a harmonious and divine proportion. Also, it reflects the belief in the connection between the physical world and the divine realm.

Sacred geometry; The Great Pyramids of Giza
Pyramid of Giza

The sacred geometric shapes we use in Light-Life Tools, resonate with the fundamental patterns of creation and the underlying fabric of the universe. That being said, we believe that when you align with these patterns, you can tap into higher states of consciousness, increase vitality, and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Focused Intention to Partner with Nature

When we work by ourselves, we can accomplish much; when we work together with Nature, we can accomplish anything with a focused intent.

As you may already know, or if you are new to us, here at Light-Life Technology, we are focused on restoring the health of the environment. And the health and well-being of all those who reside here.

This is a core service-oriented principle that I hold in my mind’s eye every day. I do not exist in a vacuum and believe we are all one. So why not invite in the partnership formally?

Here’s a field report from a friend who has done just that.

“On a hike with a friend by her house in the mountains, we met a large bull moose. Then, a few minutes later, we came to the momma moose and her calf. We stood still in awe of their peaceful presence. As we trekked back to her house, we couldn’t believe our luck! She began seeing them in her backyard in the days to follow. One morning, she noticed the calf’s legs were all cut up. It appeared to be a barbed wire fence incident. Hearing this news, I immediately thought of my 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings. I had the idea to bring all the Light-Life tools I had over to her property, where the moose had been bedding down. I held the intent to set up ‘something’ to help the calf. We asked Nature to help us support the calf.
That afternoon turned into one of the most memorable experiences of my life. As we worked with the Tools in the field, it was incredible to feel the partnership and connectivity with all of Nature that these Tools have. My original idea of throwing two Rings out there and hoping the calf would plop down there at night, turned into a symphony of vibrational patterning that sang out the various configurations we made with the 3 ½ Cubit Rings and moving a Acu-Vac Coil vertically in the space with a ½ Sacred Cubit around the Coil. I can only describe the “music” that we felt flow into the ground and into the sky. It was in a fantastic toroidal shape. We had positively affected the entire zip code if I had to guess!” -A.S., Colorado

Daddy Moose enjoying the backyard

How inspiring, right?

It sounds so much more fun to invite Nature to partner with us when we wish to accomplish something we may not know how to if we were just “trying to figure it out” by ourselves. With focused intention and partnership with the Light-Life Tools and Nature, we might be surprised at how much greater our positive impact is!


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