Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Harmonizer (Page 1 of 7)

Positive Mindset: The Gateway to Success

In today’s world, maintaining a positive mindset is not only beneficial but essential. A positive mindset makes life more enjoyable and opens the door to greater resilience and success.

The Power of Thought

Firstly, you need to understand that the power of your thoughts is crucial. The way you view situations can significantly affect your emotional and physical well-being. For instance, try to see a challenge as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. This shift can significantly change your approach to (and outcome of) problems that come your way. By watching your perspective, you set the groundwork for a more proactive approach to life’s challenges.


Secondly, cultivating gratitude plays a pivotal role in nurturing a positive mindset. To regularly acknowledge the good in your life, in time, will shift your focus from what you lack to what you possess. This shift is powerful. It encourages a sense of abundance and satisfaction. It can also reduce feelings of envy or hardship. Keeping a gratitude journal can help reinforce this habit thus making positivity a daily practice.

Choose Your Circle

Also, remember that the company you keep has a profound impact on the outlook you carry through life. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people can uplift your spirits and inspire you. Conversely, negative influences can drag you down. Therefore, it’s wise to choose your social circle carefully. Seek out those who demonstrate the positivity you aspire to emulate.

Embrace Your Failure

Embracing failure, while scary, is an essential part of our growth. Every setback provides a valuable lesson that can drive your future success. This mindset allows you to view failures as stepping stones to success rather than signs of defeat. Therefore, you can begin to tackle challenges with greater courage and less fear.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Equally important is the practice of mindfulness and meditation. These techniques help to manage stress and as a result, foster a state of mental clarity and calm. By regularly practicing mindfulness, you can enhance your emotional resilience, allowing you to remain positive even in stressful situations. Meditation, in particular, can decrease negative thinking and improve your overall mood.

Creating a positive mindset is a journey that many of us aspire to undertake and fortunately, the Light-Life Tools are here to help.

Here are a few ways our tools can assist you in nurturing a positive mindset:

1. Start Your Day with Intention

Begin your day by setting a clear, positive intention. The 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring is a fantastic tool for this practice.

To use it, simply hold the ring while you meditate on your intentions for the day. This ring may amplify your thoughts/ intentions, sending them out into the universe in a more focused and powerful way.

This daily ritual can set a tone of positivity and purpose from the moment you wake up.

2. Clear Negative Energy

As much as we try to stay positive, throughout the day, we can accumulate negative energy. The Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil is designed to help clear away these negative energies. By using the coil around your personal space, you can neutralize negativity and enhance your energetic field. This cleansing process can help maintain a positive mindset, as it prevents negativity from clouding your thoughts and emotions.

3. Enhance Your Living Space

In your living environment, the Light-Life Harmonizers can play a pivotal role. These tools are meant to bring a harmonious atmosphere to your home or workplace. By placing a Harmonizer in your space, you can improve the energy, which in turn, supports a positive outlook. The serene environment fostered by the Harmonizer makes it easier to remain calm, focused, and optimistic.

Click here to watch a video on how to program your Harmonizer.

4. Personal Growth and Healing

We have many tools that can help you on your personal growth journeys, but a few of our favorites follow:

5. Integrating Practices into Daily Life

Integrating the use of Light-Life Tools into your daily routine can steadily help transform your mindset. Regular use of our tools can elevate your vibrational frequency, which attracts more positive experiences and interactions. Over time, this elevated state becomes your new baseline, fostering a consistently positive mindset.


In conclusion, cultivating a positive mindset is an endeavor that requires effort and consistency. From practicing gratitude, and surrounding yourself with positivity, to embracing failure, and practicing mindfulness. Each element plays a crucial role in building a joyful, and successful life. By committing to these practices, you empower yourself to navigate life with optimism and grace.

Learn about other Benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine. (lightlifetechnology.com)

The Power of Our Word

The power of our word is an impressive tool in our mind that often goes untapped. Our subconscious doesn’t discern between reality and the images we paint with our words. It simply says “yes” to what it receives. It absorbs and manifests our spoken words into our lived experiences.

The Most Powerful Words

Shifting to a place where our words become a force of positive change requires a conscious effort. We must first recognize the capability of language to impact our view of reality.

Phrases like I am, always, and never carry immense influence over our subconscious mind. By choosing to use these words in a positive, life-affirming way, we begin a journey of self-empowerment and transformation.

Always is a beacon of consistency. A constant reminder that our intentions are firm and our goals within reach. Always infuses our subconscious with the belief that success and fulfillment are not fleeting moments, but enduring states of being. For example:

  • I can always be patient with myself and others
  • I can always finish my projects before the deadline
  • I can always use kind words when speaking

Never serves as a shield against doubt and limitation. When paired with positive affirmations, never becomes a declaration of determination. It signifies our refusal to fall to negativity or setbacks. It also reinforces the notion that every obstacle is merely a stepping stone on the path to greatness. Some examples:

  • I never miss my family’s/friend’s birthdays
  • I am never late for appointments
  • I never use unkind words on purpose

I am, perhaps the most potent of all, sums up the essence of self-identity and empowerment. When followed by words of positivity and affirmation, it becomes a mantra of self-love and acceptance.

  • I am capable
  • I am resilient in the face of challenges
  • I am worthy of what I desire

These declarations reshape our self-perception, instilling a sense of confidence and self-belief.

When to Use/Not Use “My”

If we want to express pain or unwanted feelings, our choice of words can impact our mindset and emotional state. Often, we default to possessive terms like “mine,” inadvertently reinforcing our attachment to the discomfort. However, by shifting our language, we can alter our perception. For example, instead of claiming ownership of pain by saying “my knee hurts”, try referring to it as “the pain” in your body part. This subtle change removes the sense of possession, allowing for a healthier separation between self and discomfort. By recognizing pain as a temporary visitor rather than a permanent fixture, we empower ourselves to navigate through it with greater ease and resilience.

The same is true for having debts or anything else that is unwanted. Never say “my debts”, instead “I have debts and take actions to decrease them”.

When it comes to using the word ‘mine’ be sure to use it only when you talk about something you want to keep.


When manifesting, with or without our 1 Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring, make sure to incorporate the powerful words we have discussed.

Moving towards a reality defined by our words demands consistency and mindfulness. It requires us to cultivate a language of abundance. Replacing doubt with faith and negativity with optimism. With each affirmation, we close the gap between imagination and reality. Creating a life defined by our deepest desires and ambitions.

Hold the Manifestation Ring in front of your Heart Chakra or speak your words into the Ring.


In conclusion, let us embrace the transformative power of our word. Let us recognize the authority words hold over our subconscious mind and use them with intention and purpose. By harnessing the power of I am, always, and never, we unlock the doors to infinite possibilities. We can begin to pave the way toward a future filled with success, fulfillment, and boundless joy.

PS: If you want to learn more about the power of our word, I recommend any book by Louise Hay on affirmations, self-healing, and more. Check out Hay House Publishing.

I also recommend John Assaraf’s Innercise app, which is designed to send positive affirmations to your subconscious mind.

Celebrate Earth Day: Honoring Our Planet

Every April 22nd, we come together to celebrate Earth Day. It’s a day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and renew our commitment to environmental stewardship. This year, as we mark another Earth Day, let’s reflect and explore how we can make a positive impact on our planet.

Earth Day History

The first Earth Day, organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was in response to growing environmental concerns in the United States. On April 22, 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets to protest and advocate for greater protection for the planet. This historic event helped catalyze the modern environmental movement. It led to the creation of groundbreaking environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishment.

Since then, Earth Day has evolved into a global phenomenon, with over 190 countries participating in activities ranging from tree planting, beach cleanups, sustainability workshops, and climate marches. It serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibility we share to protect and preserve our planet.

The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Our planet faces a myriad of environmental challenges, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. These issues threaten the health of ecosystems and wildlife and also jeopardize the well-being of human communities worldwide. As stewards of the Earth, we must address these challenges and work towards solutions that promote sustainability and resilience.

By conserving natural resources, reducing our carbon footprint, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future for all.

Earth Day Celebrations

Earth Day celebrations are a call to action. They can inspire individuals and communities to take meaningful steps toward environmental conservation. There are countless ways to get involved, whether participating in a local clean-up event, supporting eco-friendly businesses, or advocating for local, national, or global environmental policies.

Here are a few simple ideas to show your appreciation for our planet this Earth Day:

  • Reduce Water Usage: Conserve water by implementing simple changes in your daily routine. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, and promptly fix any leaks you discover. Every drop saved helps preserve this precious resource for future generations.
  • Go for a Nature Walk: Spend time outdoors and connect with the natural world. Take in the sights and sounds of nature, observe wildlife, and appreciate the beauty of the Earth.
  • Practice Gratitude: Begin each day with a moment of reflection, appreciating the beauty and abundance of the natural world. Whether it’s watching a sunset, listening to birdsong, or feeling the breeze on your skin, express gratitude for the Earth’s wonders.
  • Support Sustainable Brands: Make conscious purchasing decisions by supporting brands and products that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. Look for eco-friendly options when shopping for groceries, clothing, and household items.
  • Minimize Energy Consumption: Be mindful of your energy usage throughout the day. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, opt for energy-efficient light bulbs, and adjust your thermostat to conserve energy. Besides reducing your environmental impact, you also save on utility bills.

Earth Day and Light-Life Tools

Slim Spurling built the Light-Life Harmonizers intending to heal the planet. Therefore, Earth Day is a great day to reset your intentions for our planet. In particular, it’s a great day to reset your Harmonizer! So, here are a few ideas to celebrate Earth Day while using our Light-Life tools:

  • Activate your Environmental Harmonizer: Harness the healing energies of the Environmental Harmonizer. You can address environmental imbalances as well as promote harmony in your surroundings.
  • Place a Plain Jane Tensor Ring around your gas cap to increase gas mileage.
  • Meditation in Nature: Take your Light-Life Harmonizer or Tensor Ring to a quiet outdoor spot and meditate surrounded by nature. Allow the harmonizing energies of the tools to enhance your connection with the Earth.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but feel free to get creative and explore other ways to use Light-Life Tools to honor and celebrate the Earth on Earth Day and beyond!

Beyond Earth Day

As we commemorate Earth Day this year, let’s not view it as a singular event but as a catalyst for ongoing action. Together, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the Earth’s beauty and resilience while striving to create a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

30 Years of The Denver Clearing Project

Three decades ago, Slim Spurling and ten dedicated individuals embarked on a mission to transform the Denver skyline. They called it the Denver Clearing Project. At the time, the infamous brown cloud plagued the sky and symbolized environmental degradation and air pollution.

Slim made 11 Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers and set them up strategically from Colorado Springs in the South up to Denver, over to Boulder in the West, and up North to Fort Collins.

Through their commitment and a belief in the potential of harmonic resonance, an extraordinary thing happened; within one hour of activating the Harmonizers with the Environmental Clearing frequency, the brown cloud that loomed over Denver began to dissipate, paving the way for a brighter, cleaner future.

Headline 3 years after the Denver Clearing Project began

Clearing the air

Unfortunately, one of our most serious environmental issues today is still air pollution.
The American Lung Association’s 2023 annual “State of the Air” report (using data from 2019 – 2021) shows that 36% of Americans (119.6 million people) live in areas with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution. While it is exciting to see this number decrease from last year’s report, there is still a long way to go.

Restoring the Balance of Life

When we think of restoring the environment, we often think of activities such as:

  • Creating green spaces
  • Planting trees
  • Rehabilitating coral reefs
  • Eradicating invasive species
  • Filtrating ground-water
  • Protecting vulnerable species

However, we rarely talk about energetic healing. Thanks to quantum coherence, we can harness energetic forces to clear our environment of harmful substances.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Also, perhaps we can begin to respect the inherent intelligence of Mother Earth. Nature often heals itself when we humans take a step back. Hence, we should strive to match our vibration to that of the natural world.

Additionally, we can invite our friends, family, and colleagues to join us in our efforts to restore harmony. Working together, we can create greater engagement in life, resulting in a greater sense of fulfillment.

Looking Ahead

The Denver Clearing Project is undeniably a testament to the power of collective action. While we reflect on Slim and his ambitions today, let us renew our commitment to protecting and preserving the natural world for future generations. By working together, we can ensure that the legacy of the Denver Clearing Project continues to inspire and enrich our lives for years to come.

Today, March 18th, we invite you to activate your Harmonizers, creating a wave of positive energy that reverberates beyond our individual actions.

We won’t solve pollution issues in one day, but one day can make a difference in our journey towards a better tomorrow.

A Glimpse into the Mind of a Master

Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master , where Slim Spurling shares how he invented the Energy Harmonizer.

The Creation of the first Harmonizers

“…The Harmonizer is a combination of rings and coils. I’d like to describe how we came to do this. We first started by spinning a ring in a vertical position, and we found that created a somewhat unpleasant energy field. And it didn’t feel good to many of the sensitives. So we thought, well, what happens if we put two rings together? Now we have an energy beam coming out both sides of the 24K gold ring and an energy beam coming out both sides of the copper ring. This creates an effect like a cylinder or a flashlight beam. When we intersected a third ring, all of a sudden the clairvoyants were telling us
that we had a spherical field – more like a donut-shaped field. And it didn’t appear to have much, if any, motion to it. It was suggested that we put a coil in the center.

Well now we have motion in the energy field, in this toroidal or donut-shaped energy field, so that positive energy is coming out through the top of the field, coming back around, sweeping through, pulling all the negative energy from the environment into the base of the Harmonizer through the coil, and transmuting it again to a positive energy out the top in this donut-shaped, toroidal field. What we’re able to do with the coil placed in the center is to create a motion of flow. This is now three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional in the form of a cross. So that was a major discovery...”.

One of the first Energy Harmonizers made by Slim Spurling

How the Harmonizers work

“…The Harmonizer emits a cosmic light field or L-field and has a positive output. To the clairvoyant, it appears to emit a coherent holographic light field. It is an “active” tool, in that subtle energies are continually in motion in the large light energy field around it. An individual’s own energies are set into motion too, continuing as long as one is in its presence! The range of the Harmonizer can be closed down by placing it in a ring. The energy is then contained in the new cylindrical column and the ring will send it on an upward path...”.

Energy Harmonizer and its toroidal field

Different types of Harmonizers

“…The various Harmonizers are for personal, environmental, and agricultural applications. There’s quite a demand for these, and that’s been developed because of their unique properties in being able to clean up atmospheric air pollution. And that can extend right on down to the Personal Harmonizer, which is a very small unit, not much bigger than the ball of my thumb. This is used to keep your personal atmosphere strong and healthy, and that’s your bio-field, your aura.

“…The first [Environmental] Harmonizers were very small devices and were designed to reduce electromagnetic interference in the home, to help clean the air in the house, and to improve the outside environment right through the walls. Your local environment – your neighborhood or even a small town – would reap the benefits of one individual having this tool in their home. We went then to the larger ½ Sacred Cubit size of Agricultural [now called Community] Harmonizer, as this was designed to handle large scale ranching and farming operations...“.

Light-Life Community Energy Harmonizers today

Personal Energy Harmonizers

“…Our own personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the
Personal Harmonizer’s light force energies. As the Harmonizer’s energy
travels through us following the meridian channels, it will work
its way gently
through the body from head to toe – down and up – down and up. A polarity
flow of body rhythms.
One of the more interesting groups that is consciously and deliberately
employing the Personal Harmonizers are law enforcement groups and
paramedics because they often run into very difficult situations. And I’ve
had a number of field reports come back from police officers in California.
None of them have sustained any personal physical injury since they’ve been
wearing these. The reason for this is whomever they’re confronting seems to
come into agreement with them very quickly…”.

Light-Life Personal Energy Harmonizers

Read more about benefits of Light-Life Energy Harmonizers in this blog.

Learn about Denver Clearing Project, when Slim Spurling and his research associates cleared the “brown crowd” above Denver in the March of 1994.

Harmony Unleashed: Elevate Family Gatherings with Energy Harmonizers

Family gatherings are often a mixed bag of emotions, with the potential for joy, laughter, and love, but also the occasional clash of opinions and differences. Maintaining harmony during these events can be challenging. But with a few mindful strategies, and the use of our Light-Life Energy Harmonizer, you can steer the ship toward peaceful waters.

Here are five tips for utilizing this incredible device to keep the peace at family gatherings:

1. Harmonizer Placement

Having a Harmonizer in your home amplifies the positive energy and encourages a sense of calm and unity among family members. The most important thing we wanted to emphasize is you should keep your Harmonizer OUTSIDE of the Tensor Ring if you want its field to spread. The Tensor Ring contains/limits the field to the size of the Ring and is meant for occasional clearing of the Harmonizers or the remote/focused work.

Another question we are asked frequently is “Where in my house should I place it?”

The answer is: Wherever you want, it is not that important! Harmonizer is a beautiful piece of metalsmithing art, and a lot of people proudly put it in the central location, but it will do its job beautifully even if you have it on the shelf tucked away.

2. Using your Harmonizer with other “tools”.

The Harmonizer can assist in creating a sacred and harmonious space for your family gathering. They are consider radionic devices. Therefore, consider combining it with other elements like essential oils, crystals, or soothing music to further enhance the energy, spread it around your space and create an inviting ambiance for everyone. It also has been reported that some quartz crystals can amplify the Harmonizer’s field, so feel free to experiment and find your favorite combination.

3. Setting Your Intention

At some point before your family arrives, take a moment to set some positive intentions for your gathering. Harmonizers can amplify intention, so focusing on love, harmony, and joy will enhance the overall energy in the space. This simple, yet powerful, step can have a significant impact on a positive atmosphere.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of humor. Humor has a remarkable ability to break the ice and lighten the mood. Share funny stories, and jokes, or engage in playful banter to help create a relaxed atmosphere. Laughter can be a powerful tool in fostering a sense of unity.

4. Positive Communication

Harmonizers can influence the energy of communication in the space. It can help to encourage open, positive, and constructive conversations among those present at your gathering. Harmonizers may also act as a catalyst for improved understanding and empathy.

Watch this quick testimonial about a Harmonizer’s impact on family dynamics (or find other testimonials on our YouTube channel).

5. Remote healing with Light-Life Harmonizers

For energy Harmonizer owners who can’t be with their loved ones this holiday season, but still would like to extend your love and care to them, you can use this powerful tool remotely. The Harmonizer acts as a conduit, enhancing the intention and amplifying the positive vibrations, allowing your energy to transcend physical barriers. Just place a photo, or a map of their location, in the Tensor Ring with your Harmonizer, and focus on sending your love, light, and healing energy.

Set up for sending love remotely


A Light-Life Energy Harmonizer can transform your family gathering into a harmonious and uplifting experience. By understanding the principles, choosing the right Harmonizer, and using it in mindful practices, you can create a space where positive energy wins, which can promote deeper connections and create lasting memories for everyone.

Read more in-depth about Harmonizers in the blog: Your Guide to Our Energy Harmonizers.

World Peace with the Light-Life Tools?


Let me ask you a question. Do you think we can create world peace with Light-Life Tools?

Our world is filled with challenges and conflicts, so world peace can feel like an elusive dream. However, there are innovative approaches, such as our Light-Life Energy Tools, that individuals (and communities) are exploring to contribute to a more peaceful tomorrow.

Definition of World Peace

When I brought up world peace to three different mentors, they all replied with the same answer: You cannot create world peace; there will always be war.

This shocked me because, for me, war is not the opposite of world peace. When I think of world peace, I think about finding peace within ourselves. Then, this inner peace has a ripple effect on our families and communities.

I am the curious type. So after these conversations, I did an internet search for definitions of world peace. Here are a couple examples that I found:

World Peace:

World peace is the concept of an ideal state of peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would come about.


While it is true that the separate and distinct universes of war and not-peace tend to overlap, they are not common universes. Similarly, the separate and distinct universes of peace and not-war do share common ground, but they are also not one and the same…Contrary to the commonly held belief, the opposite of war is not peace. The reality is that the opposite of “war” is “not war” and the opposite of “peace” is “not peace”.

Thomas Frey

The second quote made so much sense to me. For example, the opposite of a smoker is not necessarily a healthy person. But instead, the opposite is a non-smoker. While a non-smoker can be in good health, some non-smokers have illnesses that make them less healthy than smokers. Therefore, having world peace does not mean having zero conflict. It just means there will be peace more often than conflict or war.

Creating World Peace

Take a minute to think about who is creating war. Typically, it is a handful of people in powerful positions.

Peace, on the other hand, is something that we, as individuals, can choose to feel at any time in our lives. No matter how unpleasant or dire our circumstances, we can find happiness and peace in the smallest of things. And no one can take this choice away from us (unless we allow them to).

Personal Transformation for Global Impact

To start, we need to look within. Creating world peace begins with our individual transformation. Our Light-Life Energy Tools offer a unique avenue for self-discovery and personal growth. Many users report increased mindfulness, stress reduction, and an impression of overall well-being when incorporating these tools into their daily lives. When we focus on inner peace, we become beacons of positive energy, influencing the world around us.

Group Meditation and Healing Circles

The power of collective intention is a central theme in the quest for world peace. Light-Life Energy Tools can be utilized in group settings, such as meditation circles or healing sessions. The resonance created by a group using our Tools is believed to amplify the positive energy generated, creating a ripple effect that reaches far beyond the immediate participants. This group approach holds the potential to contribute to the broader goal of global harmony.

Studies have been done on the effects of group meditation on acts of war (specifically the Lebanon war in the early 1980s). The results were astounding! Group thinking should not be underestimated as a tool for creating a better world. In fact, World Peace Meditation Day exists for this very purpose.

If you prefer to do your own research, you will find plenty of results for the effects of meditation on peace. I will only point out one more study, published in September 2023; click here to give it a read.

Light-Life Tools

To understand how Light-Life Tools may contribute to world peace, we need to recognize how they work.

Sacred Geometry and quantum physics are the principles behind the Light-Life Tools, and the signature Tools are the Light-Life Rings, the Acu-Vac Coils, and the Energy Harmonizers.

Light-Life Tensor Rings

The Light-Life Tensor Rings can bring beneficial life-force energy to everything within their energy field. This means Light-Life Tensor Rings may help speed up the healing process, combat fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, help reduce discomfort and stress, enhance the flavor of your food, and potentize water.

Acu-Vac Coils

The Acu-Vac Coil has a one-way energy flow. It is selectively directed along the axis of the Coil, and it is designed to draw out negative energies that cause discomfort. When turned around, it fills the void left with positive energy.

Within the Coil, the adverse energies will be transmuted into positive energies, so you never need to worry about removed negative energies lingering in the air or being directed toward another person.

Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil
Varying sizes of Acu-Vac Coils

Energy Harmonizers

The Energy Harmonizers combine three Light-Life Tensor Rings with an Acu-Vac Coil in the center. Clairvoyants can see that they emit a coherent holographic light field.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Energy Harmonizer

The more Harmonizers located in an area, the denser the light field generated will be. In other words, we have cleaner air, higher vibrations, increased consciousness, and more harmony.

Below are a few positive effects reported when one or more Harmonizers are in use:

  • Crime reduction
    • drug dealers leaving an area
  • Suicides rates decreased
  • More harmony in the neighborhood
  • Transformation of an island
    • Corruption addressed
    • Old crime cases solved
    • Overall, there is a more harmonious feeling
  • Storm abatement
    • Tornadoes diverted around cities
    • Hurricanes collapsed
    • No significant damage from hurricanes nearby when a Harmonizer is activated

We even have a report from a customer in Iraq that there were fewer mortars since he received and activated his Harmonizer.


The journey toward world peace is multifaceted. It requires diverse approaches that address individual, collective, and environmental well-being.

Our Light-Life Energy Tools offer a unique pathway combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. As individuals and communities explore the potential of our Tools, they contribute to a growing tapestry of efforts designed to create a more peaceful and interconnected world.

While achieving world peace may seem daunting, exploring innovative tools and practices, such as Light-Life Energy Tools, provides hope and inspiration.

When we foster personal transformation, encourage collective healing, and address environmental concerns, we perform a meaningful role in the pursuit of global harmony.

As we explore diverse approaches to creating a better world, the Light-Life Energy Tools stand as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a more peaceful and interconnected future.

Tool Selection 101: Finding the Light-Life Tool to Fit Your Needs


Are you struggling to select the “right” tool for you? Well, you aren’t alone! The question we probably get most is, “Which tool should I start with?” We know that selecting a Light-Life product can be daunting, so we’ve written this tool selection guide to help simplify your decision-making process, ensuring you find the ideal Light-Life Tool for you!

1. Understand Your Needs

Firstly, you will want to consider the purpose of the Tool. Are you seeking personal wellness, environmental harmony, or energy-balancing Tools? Each Light-Life Tool serves distinct functions, so understanding what you want from the Tool will help narrow your choices.

Also, consider how hands-on you want to be with your Tools. For example: if you’re trying to ease physical discomfort, an Acu-Vac Coil may be the best choice; however, one of our Tensor Ring can be very beneficial as well. So, consider if you want to be an active participant by using the Acu-Vac Coil, or if you want/need to be a bit more passive in your approach and apply a Light-Life Tensor Ring.

How to Use an Acu-Vac Coil

2. Consider Your Budget:

Secondly, set a realistic budget. Some Tools may require a higher investment due to their intricate design or size, while others might be more budget-friendly without compromising functionality.

Money is a major cause of stress in many households, and the last thing we want is to cause more stress by purchasing a Tool that is meant to relieve stress!

While we do sell some higher-end items, many Tools are very affordable. And yes, sometimes, a budget may need to be adjusted to afford the Tool you want. But we certainly think foregoing that $5.00 latte or $12.00 drive-thru meal for a month or so is certainly worth the sacrifice! (You can also always sign up for our newsletter and be one of the first to know about sales and other promotions).

3. Research and Education:

Once you’ve identified your needs and have a budget in mind, you can delve into the diverse range of Light-Life Tools.

Explore the Light-Life Technology website to understand the functionalities, the materials used, and the unique features of each Tool. Then, you can begin to consider how each item aligns with your intended use and resonates with your goals.

If you haven’t already, try using the Search feature on our website to help you narrow the Tool list down.

Search Function

You can also use the “How to Choose a Light-Life Tool” guide on our website! Just head to the “Applications for Light-Life Tools” page, and scroll to the bottom.

Aside from our website, you can also find valuable information on our YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

4. Consult Reviews and Testimonials:

Gather insights from users and experts. Reviews and testimonials often offer valuable perspectives and experiences with Light-Life Tools. Understand the practical applications, real-world benefits, and potential limitations highlighted by individuals who have used these products.

You can browse through our Blogs which contain a wealth of knowledge about our Tools and some of their many uses.

You can also read several reports here that highlight some of the research done on the effects of our Tools.

If you happen to live near one of our distributors, they have a wealth of knowledge that they can share. Check out our distributor list here.

5. Reach Out for Assistance:

If you’re uncertain or need further clarification, please contact us! We can provide detailed information, answer queries, and offer guidance to ensure you make an informed decision.

6. Trust Your Intuition

We are all about using your intuition here at Light-Life Technologies. If you go to our website thinking you are absolutely purchasing a Personal Harmonizer, but end up deeply drawn to the Moon Pendant…we say follow your gut!!

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool and, when listened to, it can help us make some difficult decisions. It tends to know what we need when our conscious mind has absolutely no idea what way to go.

7. Making the Final Decision:

After research, deliberation, and perhaps even consulting with experts, it’s time to select your Tool. Consider the product that best fits your needs, aligns with your values, and offers the most benefits within your budget..

In the end, there is no “wrong” Tool. Our Tools work with the intentions you put into them. So as long as your intentions are clear, any tool will help you with the journey you are on.


Choosing the right Light-Life Tool is a personalized process that involves understanding your needs, conducting thorough research, seeking advice, and aligning your choice with your budget. By following these steps and being mindful of your unique requirements, you can confidently select a Light-Life Tool that positively impacts your life and environment.

Remember, Light-Life products are not just Tools but pathways to harmony, balance, and well-being. Choose wisely and enjoy the transformative benefits these innovative solutions can offer.

Enhance Your Sleep Routine: Tips for a Night of Restful Sleep

With winter quickly approaching, and the end of daylight savings time in sight, we seem to yearn for more (and better) sleep. Many of us struggle with occasional or chronic sleep issues. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, integrating expert tips with our innovative Light-Life Tools, might be just the combination you need to improve your sleep quality.

Understanding Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances can result from various factors, including stress, an imbalanced environment, or an active mind. Before exploring the potential benefits of Light-Life Technology Tools, let’s dive into some effective tips to enhance your sleep routine.

Tips for Better Sleep and Light-Life Tools to Help

1. Establish a Consistent Routine:

Set a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Consistency helps regulate your body’s internal clock, aiding in a better sleep-wake cycle.

  • If you are a parent, you know how important the bedtime routine is. So be as consistent with your own routine as you would be with your children’s.
  • You are bound to have to make adjustments every now and then, don’t ditch the whole routine just because you missed a night or two!
  • Be sure you are being realistic when creating a routine. Setting your bedtime for 9pm when you barely get the kids tucked in by 8, or you attend that unplanned Happy Hour, or you really need that girls/boys/date night, is just setting yourself up for failure.

Tools we recommend:

  • Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers have proven effective at providing a more restful environment for some. You can place it on a shelf, on your nightstand, or place it directly under your bed.
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer
Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver-plated.

2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual:

Wind down before bed. This could involve reading, meditating, a soak in a warm bath, or a gentle yoga practice. A relaxing routine signals to your body that it’s time to sleep.

  • As we approach the end of Daylight Savings Time, some people might find it beneficial to start shifting their bedtime ritual in 15 to 30-minute increments a few days to a week in advance.
  • Everyone finds something different to be relaxing, so try a few different things out and see what works best. Just be sure that whatever you’re doing isn’t too stimulating (so best to leave that latest murder mystery that you just can’t put down, for another time).

Tools we recommend:

  • If you choose meditation as a wind-down routine, placing a Lotus Pendant over your chakras can help clear your energy, allowing for a more restful sleep.
  • Check out our blog on incorporating our Tools into your wellness routine here to learn a few more tips.

3. Optimize Your Sleep Environment:

Ensure your sleep space is conducive to rest. Keep the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.

  • If possible, use blackout curtains or use an eye mask to block out excess light.
  • Most doctors recommend keeping the temperature anywhere between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If household members tend to argue over the thermostat, maybe try a fan if you sleep hot, or extra blankets if you tend to be colder at night.
  • If you live in an apartment building, or a noisier city perhaps earplugs or a white noise machine can help you cancel out the more jolting noises that occur.

Tools we recommend:

  • Placing Tensor Rings under the bed has helped many of our customers with sleep issues.
  • If something prevents you from placing a Ring under your bed, place a Tensor Ring under your pillow to help calm the mind.
Kendall Jenner using the Tensor Rings in her bedroom

4. Limit Stimulants and Screen Time:

Avoid caffeine and electronic screens at least an hour before bedtime.

  • The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle. This goes for televisions as well as cell phones and computers.

Tools we recommend:

  • If you cannot fathom sleeping without your phone on the nightstand, try placing it inside one of our Tensor Rings. This has been reported to block EMFs and any other negative energies that might be emitted during the night.

5. Seek Natural Light Exposure:

Get exposure to natural light during the day to support your body’s internal clock. Aim to spend time outside, particularly in the morning, to reinforce the wakeful phase of your cycle.

  • If you can’t break away from your desk to get outside, try opening the blinds and working with the natural light of a room instead of artificial light

Tools we recommend:

  • Wearing a Personal Energy Harmonizer can help keep you (and sometimes those around you) calmer and more at ease. You might find it easier to step outside for a few more minutes every day if your mind isn’t abuzz with a lot of unnecessary stress!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, combining these expert tips with the potential benefits of Light-Life Tools could offer a holistic approach to improving your sleep quality. Experiment with these tools while maintaining a consistent sleep routine to uncover what works best for you.

Here’s to more rejuvenating and restful nights ahead!

It’s important to note that while these Tools have been beneficial for some, individual experiences may vary. They are often used as complementary aids to established sleep practices. Should you experience persistent sleep issues, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Light-Life Tools May Enhance Your Crystals’ and Gemstones’ Properties.

Did you know that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals’ and gemstones’ inherent properties and power?

Interest in crystals has steadily grown in recent years, accelerated by several emerging trends since the pandemic. Therefore, crystals and gemstones have never been even more popular.

Crystals have aesthetic appeal and a long history of being used in wellness settings to promote relaxation. In spiritual settings, healers use them to interact with the body’s energy fields, redirect and channel energetic flow, and align chakras.

Gemstones often carry symbolic meaning. For example, think of birthstones: sapphires represent wisdom, royalty, and prophecy; rubies signify wealth, passion, and power; and emeralds symbolize rebirth, love, and fertility.

Quartz crystals may amplify the power of Light-Life Tools

Crystals vibrate at specific frequencies (like all matter) and contain energetic potential. Even though, the scientific community still needs to establish concrete evidence regarding crystals’ healing or active properties. However, top-tier clocks, watches, and electronics have used quartz crystals for years. Buyers revere Quartz crystal for time-keeping precision. As a piezoelectric material, quartz crystals can accumulate electrical charge when bent under force.

Quartz crystals may amplify the energy of the Harmonizer, one of Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools.

Popular crystals:

Clear Quartz
Lapis Lazuli*
Lemurian Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rutilated Quartz*

*Crystals shown in the gallery below in the order they are listed

Crystal and gemstones share many properties. For example, Amethyst, Citrine, and Turquoise crystals can classify as gemstones when cut, polished, or faceted. Also, it is important to watch out for synthetic and lab-grown versions of stones, which would likely have different properties than the original material. For instance, orange-colored “citrine,” while beautiful, is typically heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine is actually a light smoky yellow, not orange.

Light-Life Tools may further empower gemstones

Combining the properties of the gemstones and the Light-Life Tools may enhance the benefits of energy healing and holistic practices.

Popular gemstones:


Some gemstones may be rare and difficult to find compared to the stones classified as crystals. Therefore, scarcity, along with color, clarity, size, and cut of the stone, affects the price and availability of a gemstone.

Try using Light-Life Tools alongside your favorite gemstones for an amplified effect.

Alchemical properties of metals used at Light-Life Technology

Light-Life Tools are made out of metals such as copper and sterling silver, and 24Kgold plated (3 of the seven spiritual metals), which are said to have alchemical properties alongside crystals and gemstones.

Symbolism of metals:
– Gold historically stands for spiritual purity, enlightenment, and the unity of opposites.
– Silver symbolizes emotions, feminine energy, and intuition.
– Copper can represent protection, wealth, love, beauty, and harmony.

Try mixing and matching tools of various metals with your favorite stones. Let intuition and experience guide you as you combine the crystals, gemstones, and Light-Life Tools.

Multiple ways that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals & gemstones

For example:

  • Charge Crystals: Place your crystals within a Tensor Ring to help cleanse and recharge them with potent life-force energy.
  • Amplify Crystal Energy using Harmonizers: Crystals placed inside a Harmonizer may amplify the crystal’s vibrational energy, imbuing your space with its specific properties.
  • Create Crystal Grids: Combine Light-Life Tools such as Tensor Rings with crystals to help create powerful crystal grids (similar to mandalas) for enhancing spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being and balance.
  • Make Crystal Elixirs: Use Tensor rings to supercharge your crystal elixirs, imparting them with additional beneficial frequencies. Avoid using toxic stones that may leach or dissolve minerals into water. Clean your crystals well and note the expiration date of the elixir if you plan to store it.
  • Aid Meditation: Carry crystals inside a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer during meditation to help open your chakras and reach deeper meditative states.
  • Enhance Crystal Jewelry: Layer on crystals with Light-Life Jewelry to combine energetic power and beauty.
  • Clear Spaces: Use a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer with a selenite crystal to help cleanse your spaces of negativity.
  • Increase Focus and Clarity: Combining clear quartz crystals with Light-Life tools may provide a clean, energetic environment, helping to increase focus, clarity, and productivity.
  • Support Emotional Well-being: Pair a crystal like rose quartz with an Acu-Vac Coil to help dispel emotional distress and promote love and harmony.
  • Promote Restful Sleep: Combine amethyst with Light-Life Tools in the bedroom to make your bedroom a sanctuary and help promote relaxation, rest, and sleep.

Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals if you pair them for a high-vibing experience.

As a matter of fact, crystals and gemstones work well alongside Light-Life Tools due to the Tools’ materials and relationship to energy. The incorporation of points may support broader applications and enhance energy healing and other related practices.

Remember, the best crystal for you often depends on your needs, intentions, and preferences rather than trends. In other words, choosing the crystals and Light-Life Tools that resonate most with you is always a good idea.

Furthermore, whatever crystal or gemstones resonate with you, you may enjoy them even more when paired with a Light-Life Tool. Remember how Harmonizers, Tensor Rings, and Pyramid-shaped Tools serve your purpose.

Read more about Benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine here.

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