Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: New Dimension Light-Life Rings

The Eclipse Season and Healing

With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always šŸ˜‰ have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.

This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.

A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.

These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.

Supporting Us Through Changes

Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.

One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

1 Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.

Ask Katharina: What are your favorite Light-Life Tools?

Katharina, what are your favorite Light-Life Tools? Well, of course, I love all of them and therefore cannot name only one favorite Tool. Simply because some of them I use constantly without thinking about, and others I use only as needed.  

Favorite Pendants

As you probably know by seeing me wear it in all my YouTube videos, my favorite pendant is my Tibetan Pendant. I also like to wear it in combination with either our sterling silver Moon Pendant or our silver plated Sacred Ā¼ Cubit Lotus Pendant. Our Unity New Dimension Personal Harmonizer is another favorite. I wear this one on the plane as protection against 5G technology. This helps not only me but all the other passengers who are onboard with me. 

Tibetan Pendant

Tools for Traveling

My favorite Light-Life Tools for traveling area silver plated Matrix 44 Environmental Energy Harmonizer, two of our Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Rings, and a couple of Sacred Ā½ Tensor Rings. When I used to travel several times a year to Germany, some flight attendants recognized me because of all the Light-Life Tools I used. Here are some of the ways I use them: 

  • A Sacred Ā½ Cubit Tensor Ring goes around my water and other drinks
  • The Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring goes on the seat for me to sit on 
  • My food and snacks sit in the other Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring 
  • The Matrix 44 is in my carry-on to help neutralize EMF from the plane
  • I will also take a Sacred Ā½ Cubit Lotus Pendant, gold plated, with me as it does wonders in removing discomfort from any part of my body  
  • Our Practitioner Set gets also packed in case a need arises to use the Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop or I need an extra Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring 

Favorite Energy Harmonizer

Another favorite is the New Dimension Community Energy Harmonizer. I have one sitting in a Lost 1 Ā½ Cubit New Dimension Ring in my home office. It is so beautiful and makes me smile every time I look at it. It may sound strange to some of you, but I talk to them like I talk to my plants. My understanding is that all is made out of molecules, and we know that the Harmonizers work better when we are in communication with them. Try it and let me know your findings. I know that some of you already are doing this with amazing results.  

New Dimension Empowerment Environmental Energy Harmonizer

What is your favorite Light-Life Tool?

Now that you know my favorite Light-Life Tools, I want to know what yours are. Let me know on Facebook or Instagram, or send us an email. Iā€™d love to hear from you. 

New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

Before I talk about our New Dimension Personal Harmonizer let me tell you how it came about.

The creation of the New Dimension Light-Life Rings.

Slim made a ring with double-twisted wire a long time ago. He told one of our employees about it, and so they decided to make some and sent them out for testing.

Because it may allow one to see through different dimensions we called it the New Dimension Light-Life Ring. Slim Spurling said: ā€œMy intention for creating this ring was to take you out of what you see as current time and space and open up to the reality and totality of what true time and space is; to be able to go beyond the logical mind, basically, or the third dimension properties ā€¦ā€

In other words, the New Dimension Light-Life Rings are not ā€˜normalā€™ tensor rings. They are definitely different from our other Light-Life Rings. What we learned from the beginning was that the New Dimension Ringsā€™ energy goes out beyond the tensor field that is typically created inside the ring. Even though they have a tensor field I hesitate to call them a tensor ring, because of the different qualities.

Why did we create New Dimension Harmonizers?

Of course, we were concerned about the coming 5G technology, and we have been working to find ways to reduce the harmful effects. The New Dimension Light-Life Harmonizers consist of 3 ND Rings and a ND Acu-Vac Coil in the center. This double-twisting seems to give our ND Harmonizers the capacity to transmute these new energies that mankind created artificially and that are damaging to all life. 5G is one of them, and it may isolate us from Mother Earth and compromise our own energy system.

What are the harmful effects of 5G Technology?

Scientific studies done in the 40s and 50s showed that microwaves, which are used in 5G, could be employed as weapons. So much so as they can alter the behavior of all life forms. Doctors, biologists, physicists, and military experts, all over the world raise concerns about the safety of 5G. They all agree that there is a spectrum of conditions 5G can cause including, but not limited to:

  • Nervous system and brain disorders like learning and memory deficit, dementia, etc.
  • Oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
  • Structural and functional changes of the reproductive system
  • Cellular stress and degradation, genetic damages.
  • Negative effect on our microbiome and microbial DNA.

What does Light-Life Technology have to offer as solution?

We created several Harmonizers using the New Dimension version. Our research team found that our New Dimension Community Harmonizer has the largest coverage followed by our New Dimension Environmental Harmonizer Empowerment Cubit. Please read our blog where I talk about them.

Because you asked we created the New Dimension Personal Harmonizers in Sacred, Lost Cubit, and Unity for personal use.

Sacred Cubit New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

seems to support the integrity of the auric field. It can make the aura more stable so that any responses to incoming frequency most likely will be stopped before they come to the physical body.

Sacred Cubit New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

Lost Cubit New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

appears to transmute 5G energy and shift it into the usable energy of Mother Earth. As we learned, 5G is a 24/7 energy and creates isolation from the Earth and our physical bodies. In a sense, this Harmonizer tends to absorb this energy to support Mother Earth instead of isolating it. It seems to focus on the transmutation and grounding of the 5G.

Lost Cubit New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

Unity New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

will give us the most support overall because it combines the attributes of the Sacred and the Lost. It is similar to orgone energy. This Harmonizer seems to balance the vertical energy that creates the chakras and may transmute the 5G energy to a certain degree.

Unity New Dimension Personal Harmonizer

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New Dimension Community Harmonizer

Katharina, I would like to have some more information about the New Dimension Community Harmonizer. I do like the look and feel I get from it; however, I donā€™t live in an area affected by 5G. What other benefits does it have, and can you give an estimate on its range?
Thanks so much for your time.
Diane C., AK

Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for your email. I am glad you asked. We focused on finding a solution for the 5G hazard and were excited when we found it with this creation. However, that does not mean it only works for reducing the negative effects of 5G.; it applies to all other negative energies in our environment as well. Our New Dimension Community Harmonizer does everything our standard Harmonizers do and much more.

We had already amazing results with the standard Community Harmonizer when we placed one in Saipan in 2014. Here is an excerpt of a report from a resident after one year of having the Community Harmonizer there: “Saipan seems to have more vitality and feels healthier than it has since I came here 15 years ago.” She said that economically, things are really looking up. The streets are full of tourists, there is a lot of building going on and new projects coming up. She said she feels safer on the streets and it feels vibrant.

She also said the new governor seems to be the most honest and trustworthy one that she’s worked with (she and her husband have been attorneys here for many years, so they are involved in the politics). Click here if you would like to read the full report.

In one long distance reading we have performed with this unit in our office, we learned that the overall range could go out about a 4-5 mile radius when the Harmonizer sits in the New Dimension Light-Life Ring. The New Dimension Light-Life Ring expands the field of the Harmonizer while our standard Light-Life Tensor Ring contains the field of the Harmonizer to the size of the Light-Life Tensor Ring. This is quite extraordinary. Please remember that you can always place antibacterial or antiviral substances in your Harmonizer to emit the vibration of that particular remedy in your field.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer

Also, the Harmonizers can connect with your consciousness, raise it and intensify your positive intentions. The more someone can align with the energy of the Harmonizer the more powerful and amazing the results can be. You are on an exciting journey when you choose one of our Community New Dimension Harmonizers.
Please feel free to contact me with more questions, and, when you choose to purchase one, please let me know your experiences.

Many blessings,


Earth Day April 2021

April is an important month to me because it is my birth month as well as the celebration of Earth Day. This is to say, when it is a significant birthday, I take some time to re-evaluate my life. In other words, I look at what will I keep, moving forward, and what will I let go of that may not be serving me anymore and why? After all, I created it. Now itā€™s time to focus on what I really want and create that.

What can you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Similarly, this corresponds to Earth Day as it reminds us to take care of our planet. Letā€™s focus on our vision for our planet and on some changes that can positively affect it. For instance, choose to walk or bike instead of drive when you can. Take a little shorter shower to save some water each day. Turn down your hot water heater a couple of degrees. You will not only use less electricity but save a few dollars each year in the process.

What can the Harmonizers do for your life and your environment?

At Light-Life Technology we strive to create harmony and health for all living beings and our planet. Slim Spurling designed the Harmonizers to reduce environmental pollution and increase our wellbeing. Every day they are in use worldwide with great success. We use ours every day and invite all of you to do the same.
Please read our latest blog to learn about the different aspects and applications of our Environmental Harmonizers.

The Energy Harmonizer Family

How can we positively affect the hazardous energies of 5G?

Our New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer 24 K gold plated was designed and has been reported to assist with the harmful energies of 5G. If you are concerned about the harmful effects of 5G, this might be the right Tool for you. The New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer is very powerful and is said to clean all kinds of environmental pollution, pacify and smooth irritating energies created by 5G, balance our environment, and much more. It is a perfect addition for anyone looking to create positive change in their own life and also positively affect their environment and neighborhood.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer

Ask Katharina – 5G Technology – February 2021

Dear Katharina,
5G Technology and its negative health effects are of great concern to me. Since we have a 5G tower installed nearby our children seem to be more agitated, we are having headaches we didn’t use to have and overall we noticed unpleasant changes. I saw on your website you are recommending a New Dimension Community Harmonizer. Can you please tell me more about it?

Thank you.
Maria R., FL

Dear Maria,
I do understand your concern, and you are not alone. Thank God more people wake up now and voice their concerns. In my opinion, 5G Technology is a greater danger to our health and freedom than the Coronavirus. As always there is a lot of different information and opinions about the subject and, unfortunately, it seems like we are not getting full and accurate information. Iā€™d like to share a very informative website on this subject, please click here to learn more. I have not studied all the articles on this website, but, I was referred to it by a scientist whose opinion I trust, so I believe that information is valid.

5G Protection

New Dimension Empowerment Harmonizer
1 1/2 Lost Cubit New Dimension Light-Life Ring

Yes, we were looking for solutions to remedy the harmful effects of the 5G Technology. We have been experimenting with Harmonizers in different sizes and cubit measurements. The New Dimension Community Energy Harmonizer has been proven to be the most effective when it comes to dealing with the negative effects of 5G. It is said to reduce the harmful effects of 5G Technology by about 85% and comes with two Light-Life Rings that you can use alternatively depending on the desired outcome. When you place it inside the New Dimension 1 Ā½ Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring its range expands to about 2700 feet radius. However, the 1 Sacred Cubit Heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring will contain its range to the size of the ring.

If you like to learn more about our New Dimension Light-Life Rings please click here.

If you are looking for solutions for smart meters, please read my December blog.

I certainly hope this information helps you. Please keep me posted.
Warm regards,

Ask Katharina – July 2020

Dear Katharina,

I am curious about the New Dimension Light-Life Rings. I have a Light-Life Ring and use the tensor field but what is different about the New Dimension Light-Life Rings?

Thank you,

A.J., Colorado

Dear A.J.,

The New Dimension Light-Life Rings are not a normal tensor ring and definitely different from our other Light-Life Rings. What we learned from the beginning was that the New Dimension Ringsā€™ energy goes out beyond the tensor field that is typically created inside the ring. Even though they have a tensor field I hesitate to call them a tensor ring, because of the different qualities.

While our standard Light-Life Rings may be used to contain the field of our Harmonizers to the size of the ring, we found that our New Dimension Light-Life Rings significantly expand the field of the Harmonizers. For example, we found that when you place a New Dimension Harmonizer in a 1 Ā½ Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring, its field expands by a factor of 3. Customers told us it works with other Harmonizers as well but we do not have any reports of how far the field expands.

I was once wearing a Ā½ Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring on my arm and a clairvoyant told me, that she sees the energy going from my arm to my organs on this side of the body and appears to cleanse them.

What we were shown is that the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Light-Life Rings will affect your personal life, body, and intuitive abilities. While the Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring may open you up to see the bigger picture such as what is happening globally, as well as what is far reaching in the universe. They were originally intended for someone who wants to strengthen their psychic abilities, as this ring may allow you to see through different dimensions. I suggest wearing only one at a time, either a Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring on each side or a Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring on each side.

Slim Spurling said: ā€œMy intention for creating this ring was to take you out of what you see as current time and space, and open up to the reality and totality of what true time and space is; to be able to go beyond the logical mind, basically, or the third dimensional properties. My intention was to have one so large that you can sit in it, put it over yourself, and as you bring it down to the ground, you are someplace else. ā€¦ā€ Continue reading in the book ā€œIn the Mind of a Masterā€ by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson. It is worth it!

When we first started making the New Dimension Rings in 2005 the energy may have been too strong for most people, however, with the increased awareness and consciousness I believe the time has come for more people to benefit from the energy of our New Dimension Light-Life Rings. See and feel for yourself.

Warm Regards,
