Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Healing Principles (Page 1 of 4)

Acupressure Tool

Creation of our Acupressure Tool

Today we’d like to give you some insight into our Acupressure Tools.

To begin with, it’s important to know what Acupressure is; Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate healing and promote wellness. The effectiveness of acupressure often depends on the precision and intensity of the pressure applied.

Our Acupressure Tool was created because Dr. Dora Lofstrom (a Naturopath from San Diego, CA) approached Slim with the idea of creating a Tool for women to work on the points in the face. Essentially, this was a tool to give a natural facelift.

With this intention in mind, Slim created our original Acupressure Tool. Slim’s best estimate was to place an end for 2-5 seconds on the skin. When using the loop end, we seem to release energy from an overcharged acupressure point and when using the ball end, we seem to reactivate life force energy. So essentially the ball activates the pressure point and the loop sedates it. Please use your own judgement when working with the Acupressure Tool.

Over time customers began asking for a stronger version, so we created the new, Large Acupressure Tool for those looking to add some extra oomph to their acupressure sessions.

Light-Life Acupressure Tools

Benefits of the Original Acupressure Tool.

  1. Portability:
    • More compact and lightweight.
      • Can be conveniently stored in a bag or pocket, allowing users access to acupressure therapy on the go.
  2. Targeted Treatment:
    • Smaller acupressure tools can be more precise, especially in hard-to-reach areas or small muscle groups.
      • This precision allows for targeted relief of pain and tension in specific areas of the body.
    • Focused pressure on a single point or a small area, allows for a more concentrated therapeutic effect.
      • Beneficial for addressing stubborn knots or trigger points.
  3. Ease of Use:
    • The compact size and simple design might be more user-friendly for those new to, or with limited experience in acupressure therapy.
  4. Comfort:
    • Some users may find smaller acupressure tools more comfortable to use on sensitive or delicate skin.
  5. Complementary Therapy:
    • Can complement other forms of therapy, such as massage or acupuncture.
      • Can be used in conjunction with larger tools or hands-on techniques to enhance the overall therapeutic experience and promote deeper relaxation.

This Tool is a favorite for many of our practitioners. Some use two to work on the front and back of a client’s body to get faster and better results. Others work with animals, especially horses with great results.

Some of our customers have even said they like wearing the tool as a pendant with the ball facing downward.

Benefits of the Large Acupressure Tool

  1. Increased Surface Area:
    • Allows for the simultaneous stimulation of multiple acupressure points.
      • This can result in a more comprehensive treatment and a more profound therapeutic effect.
  2. Enhanced Stability and Control:
    • Easier to grip and maneuver, providing better stability and control during treatment.
      • This allows the user to apply consistent pressure to the targeted points, maximizing the therapeutic benefits.
  3. Deeper Penetration:
    • The large acupressure tool can exert deeper pressure, reaching underlying muscles and tissues more effectively.
      • This deeper penetration can help release tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation more efficiently than smaller tools.
  4. Versatility:
    • A larger acupressure tool may feature multiple surfaces or attachments designed for different purposes, such as targeting specific muscle groups or providing varying levels of pressure.
      • This versatility allows for a customized treatment experience tailored to individual needs.
  5. Accessibility:
    • For individuals with limited dexterity or mobility issues, a larger acupressure tool may be easier to handle and use compared to smaller, more intricate tools.
      • This accessibility ensures that more people can benefit from the therapeutic effects of acupressure.
  6. Durability:
    • Larger acupressure tools are often constructed from more durable materials that can withstand repeated use over time.
      • This durability ensures that the tool remains effective and reliable for long-term use.
  7. Professional Use:
    • In clinical settings or by trained practitioners, larger acupressure tools may be preferred for their ability to treat a wide range of conditions and accommodate different body types.
      • Their larger size allows for more extensive treatments and greater precision in targeting specific points.

The effectiveness of acupressure often depends on the precision and intensity of the pressure applied, so a larger acupressure tool can offer several advantages over a smaller one, making it potentially more powerful.


Overall, a smaller standard-size acupressure tool offers portability, precision, ease of use, focused pressure, cost-effectiveness, comfort, and the potential for complementary therapy, making it a valuable tool for promoting health and well-being through acupressure therapy.

On the other hand, a larger acupressure tool offers several advantages in terms of coverage, control, versatility, and accessibility, potentially making it a more powerful tool for promoting health and well-being through acupressure therapy.

Both of our Acupressure Tools have their advantages, and both are a great addition to any acupressure tool kit!


Please use these on acupressure points or meridians only when you know their functions and energy flow.

Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone circles, pyramids, and churches).

With small, mobile populations and abundant land, it was relatively easy to avoid the negative areas of high geopathic stress. Notably, over the past 100 years, geopathic stress has grown to the extent that it now wraps almost the entire earth in a negative energy grid.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling not only helped us understand what geopathic stress is but he created the Light-Life Tools to help us relieve its effects. Moreover, it is important, when we search for ways to improve our health and well-being, our environment is a large piece of the puzzle. 

In this blog, we will explore what geopathic stress is, how it affects our well-being, and ways the Light-Life Tools can help.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geobiology: The study of the influence of ‘Earth energies’ on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stems from two Greek words:

  • Geo means “earth”, usually in the sense of “ground or land”
  • Pathos means “experience, suffering or emotion”

So the word “geopathic” can literally translate to “suffering of the Earth.”

Geopathic stress zones create energy fields with high positive ions. These positive ions actually have a negative impact on human life and on many animals and plant life.

Slim Spurling

According to Slim, “these harmful areas are often found near, around, and above earthquake faults, fissures, underground streams, natural gases, and underground mineral deposits.” However, they can also stem from man-made sources, e.g. landfills, gas lines, and telephone lines.

It’s important to remember that “every person is different; some people are more sensitive and easily affected, others may seem to remain totally unaffected, and still others fall somewhere in between the two extremes. When someone is ill and has tried a number of different approaches to healing without success, then it may be time to examine the concept of geopathic stress as a contributing factor. Those who seem to heal, and then have a reoccurrence, also should take time to examine this as a possibility (In The Mind Of A Master).”

Types of Geopathic Stress

As if it were a body with its own metabolism, the “wind” and “water” flow, and circulation of negative earth energies have been studied at great length. Proof is with us here and now that the earth is threaded with magnetic lines – meridian points of acupuncture – and our ancient people knew of these points. These points still retain their vibratory intensity and their powerful influence on people. Called in German “Orte der Kraft” they are defined as locations or sites endowed with an energy, a force, a strength.

Slim Spurling

The Hartmann Grid:

The Hartmann Grid are lines of the Earth’s natural radiation that crisscross the Earth’s surface. They are also thought to be a result of the electrification of the world. Points where these lines intersect may influence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike.

Curry Lines:

Curry Lines are another network of subtle energy lines running across the Earth’s surface. Similar to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Lines intersect at various points, forming a grid-like pattern. Curry lines, however, are thought to be influenced by the cosmos rather than the interior of the Earth. Therefore, its effects are intensified by occurrences like the full moon and are mostly felt in the form of insomnia.

Personal Lines:

Personal Lines uniquely affect one individual more than another. These lines can be compared to music that will annoy one person, but that someone else finds enjoyable. Lines in this category typically affect health, relationships, and finances.

Interference Lines:

These Lines affect the goals a property owner or tenant sets for themselves or the property. Essentially, these lines get in the way of what a person wants. Examples are communication (especially with neighbors), crime, or even the sale of the property.

Geopathic Stress Effects

One of the symptoms of geopathic stress after a very long term is adrenal exhaustion. So if any of you are practitioners and your clients are exhibiting signs of adrenal exhaustion, be sure you have a practitioner who can go out in the field and do the geopathic work for them. Recommend that. Another symptom you’ll find is the roller coaster effect. They’ll come in right here at the bottom of the pit and your practice brings them up to a high, and then when they leave and go back home, they’re back down in the pit again in about a week. Knock out the geopathic stress, and they’ll come back here and they’ll plateau and go on at a newer, higher level.

Slim Spurling

Common Symptoms:

  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression or depressive symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal allergy symptoms or new allergies
  • Behavioral changes
  • Resistance to medical treatment

Visual Clues:

  • Trees and plants that grow crooked
  • Cracks in pavement or walls
  • Termites, ants, wasps, or bees
  • Mold in the walls or ceilings
  • Areas where nothing will grow
  • Cell phone towers
  • Areas with high accident rates
  • Gaps in hedges or shrubs
  • Infertile fruit trees

Results of Removing Geopathic Stress

In removing geopathic stress from a home or business, we found the usual thing that happens is that people have more energy. Initially they may feel so tired that they just crash for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. As the stress is relieved, they just kinda let their breath out and report that they really need to go to sleep and just relax. The reason for that is that geopathic stress affects the adrenal flow from the kidneys, and you have a constant irritation, constant pressure, and a constant adrenaline rush that you’re not even quite aware of.

Slim Spurling

Question: What are some observations you have made after clearing geopathic stress? (In The Mind Of A Master)”

Some of the interesting things we observed after the geopathic stress lines are neutralized is bird life seems to increase in the area. Even in small yards, it seems like the backyard is full of birds. They love to come in and be in that space, and other creatures as well. Sometimes squirrels, raccoons, and other animals will come to the area. Ants on the other hand tend to disappear after you’ve neutralized the geopathic stress.

Slim Spurling

It is important to note that some animals may actually thrive in geopathic stress zones. Bees may produce more honey in a hive located over a geopathic stress line, and cats will actively seek out and sleep in these zones. Owls and snakes are also animals that will seek out these areas. So while our instinct may be to eradicate all geopathic stress, you may be wise to leave some zones undisturbed to give these beneficial animals places they find more to their liking.

Geopathic Stress and the Light-Life Tools

The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind

Slim Spurling

Slim developed Light-Life tools to address geopathic stress and enhance the energetic harmony of living spaces. These tools, such as the Light-Life® Ring, are designed to channel and amplify life-enhancing energies while neutralizing the adverse effects of geopathic stress.

Mitigating Harmful Effects

The Light-Life Tools, the Tensor Ring, the Acu-Vac Coil, and the Feedback Loop just to name a few, can help to mitigate the harmful effects of geopathic stress. You can strategically place these tools in areas affected by negative energy, and they can help provide a protective shield and restore balance.

Practical Tips for Mitigation

1. According to numerous field reports, several Light-Life Energy Harmonizers can be effective in reducing the effects of the Hartmann Grid and geopathic stress. Having one of those in your home/office may help you create a harmonious space free of harmful EMFs or and geopathic stress.

2. Hanging a large Light-Life Tensor Ring on the headboard in alignment with the body while asleep has a curative impact and produces beneficial sleep patterns

3. Any configuration of Light-Life Tensor Rings placed under the mattress or under the bed alleviates chronic pain, and in some cases, has produced miraculous healing effects.

4. Also, standing or sitting in the Light-Life Tensor Ring’s field while working or meditating increases energy and clarity levels.

5. Some people have found that the Light-Life Tensor Rings are helpful in releasing the negative effects of the electromagnetic fields of electric meters.

Slim spurling

Harmonize Energy Fields

The Light-Life tools work on the principle of harmonizing energy fields. By interacting with the Earth’s natural energies, these tools help restore balance to the distorted energy fields caused by geopathic stress.

Amplify Positive Energy

Another key aspect of Light-Life tools is their ability to amplify positive energies. They act as conduits, enhancing the beneficial vibrations in the environment and supporting overall well-being. This amplification contributes to a more positive and nurturing living space.


The tools are there to support and accelerate the journey and the events on our life path as we learn to recognize who we are called to be. The tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The tools are based on universal truth and harmony. Always choose the universal truth.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress can be a subtle yet impactful factor that can influence our well-being. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life tools offer a practical and innovative approach to mitigating these energies. They create space that promote harmony, balance, and a positive energy flow. As we search for more natural ways to improve our well-being, exploring tools like what Light-Life Technology provides, can be a transformative step in producing a healthier and more vibrant living environment.

If you would like to learn more about Geopathic Stress and Slim Spurling’s dowsing method, consider signing up for our Workshop in March! Katharina will explain how to locate and remove the effects of geopathic stress in your home.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the Workshop quite yet, attend our Webinar to see if it’s right for you.

Benefits of Incorporating Light-Life Tools into Your Wellness Routine

Today we would like to share with you the benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine. The good news is that you can use these Tools all day, every day – even on the go!

What would your life look like if you let Light-Life Tools supercharge your everyday wellness experiences? The following practical techniques can help you elevate your daily wellness routine.

Morning Routines and Light-Life Technology

Use the Personal Energy Harmonizer during meditation to enhance clarity and balance your chakras.

Place a Harmonizer in your kitchen to foster a positive atmosphere during meal preparation.

Wear a Light-Life Pendant around your neck to help protect yourself from electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and to promote a sense of calm.

Put your Light-Life Jewelry (earrings and finger rings) on while doing light morning exercises – like walking – to help maintain energy levels and promote vitality.

Place a Light-Life Tensor Ring on your water bottle to energize your drinking water or around your food to give it a boost of life force energy. You can also put the Rings in and around your house or outdoor plants, to encourage growth. Put 1/2 Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Rings over your sprinkler and activate a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer 24K gold plated to support soil quality and plant growth.

Place Light-Life Tensor Rings in your pet’s bed or collar to improve their overall well-being and energy levels.

Mid-Day Routines and Light-Life Technology

Carry your Personal Energy Harmonizer with you to work or school to support focus and generate positivity.

Have an Acu-Vac Coils always with you in your First Aid Kit to assist you as necessary. to harmonize your environment and reduce stress.

Have your Energy Harmonizers nearby during family activities to increase intuitive connections and encourage shared positivity.

Night-time Routines with Light-Life Tools

Use Acupressure Tool during self-massage to enhance relaxation by targeting specific pressure points.

Sit with a Feedback Loop post-workout to balance energy and restore calm.

Keep an Energy Harmonizer near your bed to promote restful sleep and possibly even reduce nightmares.

Preserve Routines On-The-Go

Be sure to bring Light-Life Tools with you during travels to promote health and harmony in new environments, too!

With these tips, we hope Light-Life Tools will serve you well in your daily wellness routines. Experience the joy of harmonic living by harnessing the power of these versatile energy-balancing instruments.

Click here to read FAQ about the Light-Life Tools, and here to Shop Now.

The Eclipse Season and Healing

With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always 😉 have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.

This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.

A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.

These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.

Supporting Us Through Changes

Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.

One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

1 Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.

Focused Intention to Partner with Nature

When we work by ourselves, we can accomplish much; when we work together with Nature, we can accomplish anything with a focused intent.

As you may already know, or if you are new to us, here at Light-Life Technology, we are focused on restoring the health of the environment. And the health and well-being of all those who reside here.

This is a core service-oriented principle that I hold in my mind’s eye every day. I do not exist in a vacuum and believe we are all one. So why not invite in the partnership formally?

Here’s a field report from a friend who has done just that.

“On a hike with a friend by her house in the mountains, we met a large bull moose. Then, a few minutes later, we came to the momma moose and her calf. We stood still in awe of their peaceful presence. As we trekked back to her house, we couldn’t believe our luck! She began seeing them in her backyard in the days to follow. One morning, she noticed the calf’s legs were all cut up. It appeared to be a barbed wire fence incident. Hearing this news, I immediately thought of my 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings. I had the idea to bring all the Light-Life tools I had over to her property, where the moose had been bedding down. I held the intent to set up ‘something’ to help the calf. We asked Nature to help us support the calf.
That afternoon turned into one of the most memorable experiences of my life. As we worked with the Tools in the field, it was incredible to feel the partnership and connectivity with all of Nature that these Tools have. My original idea of throwing two Rings out there and hoping the calf would plop down there at night, turned into a symphony of vibrational patterning that sang out the various configurations we made with the 3 ½ Cubit Rings and moving a Acu-Vac Coil vertically in the space with a ½ Sacred Cubit around the Coil. I can only describe the “music” that we felt flow into the ground and into the sky. It was in a fantastic toroidal shape. We had positively affected the entire zip code if I had to guess!” -A.S., Colorado

Daddy Moose enjoying the backyard

How inspiring, right?

It sounds so much more fun to invite Nature to partner with us when we wish to accomplish something we may not know how to if we were just “trying to figure it out” by ourselves. With focused intention and partnership with the Light-Life Tools and Nature, we might be surprised at how much greater our positive impact is!


Freeing the Song of your Soul

In our Song of the Soul Pendant, we use all three cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and the Empowerment Cubit. The result is a very delicate and beautiful piece of jewelry.

If you’ve ever felt held back from moving forward, this could be your key.

  • Have you caught yourself repeating unwanted behaviors?
  • Do you sometimes feel you are continuing ancestral patterns?
  • Is it hard for you to replace dysfunctional habits with supportive ones?

If you resonate with any of these questions, the Song of the Soul Pendant may be the right choice for you. Our research group has released generational patterns and experienced profound impacts on a subconscious level by clearing out unwanted habits with this Pendant. It does this by replacing outdated patterns with ones that support you and your life purpose best.

We have named it Song of the Soul, as it is said to create clear, concise, and loving communication between you and those around you. By wearing the Song of the Soul Pendant, you may feel the support in realigning to your best self.

Song of the Soul Pendant

Could this be your key to freedom for your soul?

We found that by connecting you into your soul, the harmonizing vibrational frequencies attune your consciousness to the reality of your soul. Over time, one could experience increased clarity, a feeling of more awakened consciousness and a greater sense of well-being.

“I immediately noticed how potent the Song of the Soul Pendant is for me. I had only been wearing it for about a week when I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV. Swimming through the sea of people on the strip, I felt completely protected from other people’s energy interfering with my own. I sensed a protective bubble around my aura. This to me, was the ultimate test. I noticed that I was unscathed energetically and was still in a good mood when I returned to my room.
I felt a difference in my way of thinking, all within a few short weeks of wearing it. It seemed to put me on a different level of consciousness. I felt more self aware and it pointed me in a direction of self growth. Which can be a difficult thing to do on one’s own.”

JFL Loveland, CO

Find Your Truth with the Pyramid Pendant

How can you find your truth with the Pyramid Pendant? Who is the Pyramid Pendant for and is it for me? What can our Pyramid Pendant do for you?

The Pyramid Pendant seems to work first and foremost inside you. It takes disrupted energies in our chakras, clears it out so that the energies coming into our system can harmonize our chakras. It can also assist our body in its self-healing process.

One of the psychic readings we received about this Light-Life Tool states the following:

“The Pyramid assists to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that goes throughout your entire energy field body. It also goes through your mental and emotional body as well. Additionally, it assists in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that you are flowing with your energies on all levels. This can bring about greater increase in the self-healing ability of the body. It also brings self-awareness and alignment of harmony on all levels. The Pyramid Pendant assists to raise your vibrations, to raise your light back into awareness. It helps raise greater harmony physically, mentally, and emotionally. Allowing you to be raised back into the light and the truth of who you are. Wearing this Pendant assists you throughout your entire spiritual journey, as well as simply the journey of your life, so that you are pulsating with radiant light to raise the vibration, not only of yourself but wherever you go.”

Tests with the Mini-Pyramid Pendant showed that it strengthened the energy field of the wearer even with negative thoughts. Reports from customers tell us that it helped grumpy and bitter men to let go of old issues. This helps them become who they really are, a pleasant person to be around.

Light-Life Tools for Self-Care

As a lot of you know, the Light-Life Tools have endless applications. Today, we wanted to share with you some examples of how you can incorporate Light-Life Tools into your self-care routine. We would like to thank our Light-Life community for sharing your findings with us and we hope these ideas will inspire you to use our Tools in many different ways and experiment with applications more often 😊

Mediation Practice

Our Tensor Rings are great helpers if you want to deepen your meditation and/or relaxation practice. You can use ½ or 1 Cubit Tensor Rings on your chakras, placing them where you most need attention now. Use a 1 Cubit Ring as a “crown” on your head or try sitting inside a 3 ½ Cubit Ring during your meditation practice.

Visualization and/or Manifestation may also be more powerful if you use Tensor Rings around your body or around your head/neck. Our Manifestation Ring, Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring, got this name for a reason – it has helped so many of our customers manifest their intentions.

Energy Harmonizers are another great Tool for your manifestation routine. Hold the Harmonizer in your hands, try to connect with it, and broadcast your visions through it.

Visualizing intentions with a Manifestation Ring

Skincare Routine

A friend of Light-Life Tools, Amy Wall, shared the following tips with us. She uses Light-Life Tools in her amazing Energetic Beauty program (check it out, we promise you’ll find a lot of powerful information there). Our Acupressure Tool can be used as a massage wand for your face, neck, and head. The Manifestation Ring is one of Amy’s favorites. She wears it as a crown during the skincare routine and visualizes the end results. Imagine lotion nourishing your skin and the skin responding positively, wrinkles disappearing, skin tone improving, etc. And when you are not using the Ring, you can place your cosmetics inside it to help keep their potency.

Aura Shower

Another great way to use 3 ½ Cubit Rings is giving yourself or another person an Aura shower. Stepping inside the Tensor Ring and moving it up and down slowly over your body may help you get rid of the energies that don’t serve you. It may also help to cleanse your aura, relax your body and mind, and make room for the new and positive.

We hope these tips were helpful and we will be thrilled to hear from you if you’ve discovered new ways Light-Life Tools has helped you on your journey to harmony, happiness, and well-being.

Personal Harmonizer Testimonials

Sacred and Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer

I just received my Sacred Cubit Mini Personal Harmonizer. In only a couple of days, I have noticed subtle changes in my mood and responses to situations without putting any intentional thought into it!!

Before I even started wearing the Harmonizer, I allowed myself time to acclimate with it into my aura and “pair” with it but……… already, I am sensing a wonderful uplifting change and I am just delighted!!

Again, thank you so much for all you do Katharina, I look forward to being part of the solution on our dear planet.


There was something about the Personal Harmonizer that drew me to it… After putting it on, I noticed a spinning sensation around me. Also, my vibration was raised and my sense of well-being was dramatically improved. Additionally, my depression lifted, and never came back. One evening I went to visit a friend, and he didn’t open the door at first. He didn’t even recognize me by the new energy I was running.

Also, I had a clairvoyant friend take a look at it. She says that it makes my aura spin faster (higher vibration) and makes the aura denser. I think this Tool is a great first step for those just beginning to become more spiritual and want to explore their own energy.”


Since wearing the silver-plated Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, I feel people have become friendlier towards me. I have also become more self-confident since I started wearing it. It is such a beautiful piece! Thank you!

Katie Gray

Unity Personal Harmonizer

Wearing my Unity necklace at the store is like shopping inside a peaceful bubble. I don’t feed off other people’s energy, so standing in a long checkout line doesn’t feel overwhelming. I get smiles from strangers rather than scowls, especially when one of my kids bumps into someone. And when I’m driving places, other drivers seem to give me space and I feel this safety net surrounding my vehicle.


The first Tool I ordered was a Unity Personal Harmonizer. After about three weeks of wearing it, I found a discernable difference in my attitude towards others. I felt that I had noticeably more compassion and acceptance of the foibles of others. Also, I have noticed my intuitive abilities are amped way up beyond anything I’ve had before.


Personal Harmonizers Can Help You Find Balance in Your Job

Personal Harmonizers can help you find balance in your job. Wearing a Personal Harmonizer may help decrease stress levels, provide more calmness around your personal bio-field and co-workers, and help create a sense of balance between work and home. Today, I would like to share how a few people in different professions profited from wearing a Personal Harmonizer while on the job.

Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment
Personal Harmonizers, 24K gold plated

Law Enforcement Officer

I met a law enforcement officer at a friend’s house. She was praising the Personal Harmonizer and telling me what a difference it made while on the job. She said she gets frequent calls to the same homes with violent activities. However, the people tend to calm down much faster when she is wearing the Personal Harmonizer. Also, she experiences very little aggression towards her which, of course, was a huge improvement and made her job less stressful. She said that she will turn around and go back home when she forgets to put her Personal Harmonizer on, even it means she will be late for work.


Slim has a friend who works part-time as a paramedic. The Personal Harmonizer, that Slim gifted him, made an enormous difference in his work. He said that getting called to severe accidents was always stressful for the team and, of course, to the people that were involved in the accident. He reported that this level of stress changed significantly since he started wearing the Personal Harmonizer. The team is calmer and more confident in being able to handle whatever arises. He also said that the sometimes the severely injured people in the accident seemed to act less confused and irritated while being able to calm down more quickly.

Public Speaker

We had a report from a public speaker who started wearing a Personal Harmonizer close to their throat during presentations. They noticed that the audience was more attentive and their talks were better received.

Light-Life Harmonizers Can Help You in Your Profession

Personal Harmonizers can help you find balance in your job. All our Harmonizers are designed to bring harmony and balance in people’s lives. They are created to help strengthen the immune system, as well as support our personal journey and growth. If you wonder which Harmonizer would be right for you, please contact us at cs@ix-el.com or give us a call at 303.833.9033. We’re here to assist you in making the best choice for yourself and/or your loved ones.

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Only useful information that will support you on your journey to a happier and more harmonious life. Click here to subscribe to our list.

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