Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Healing Principles (Page 2 of 4)

You too can can make your home a harmonious place!

When one of our associates sent us the video of Kendall Jenner showing the copper energy rings (Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest. https://youtu.be/yjhibJ-OqxE – go to minute 8:00 in the video) in her bedroom saying she doesn’t know what they do, but they make her feel better, we had to smile. Because this is what many of our customers say, “I don’t know what they do and how they work, BUT they do work.”

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Light-Life Tools emit a coherent light field. Reports state they help people: stay calm in the midst of chaos, sleep better, and have more energy. In addition, water charged, or potentized, by a Light-Life Tensor Ring not only tastes better but seems to give people more energy and vitality. There are many more benefits that you can read about on our website. Also Check out Slim Spurling’s book: In the Mind of a Master, and the e-book: Slim Spurling’s Universe. Download the eBook for free here.

One of the best things about Light-Life Energy Tools, and especially Tensor Rings, are the countless applications. We are continually discovering more ways to use them to support peace and harmony in your life and in the world.

Ways to Use Copper Rings Around Your Home

Put a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your water bottle, like Kendall Jenner did when showing us the copper rings. You may notice that your water tastes better. Keep your produce inside a Ring to preserve the freshness. Place a Ring under your pillow to give yourself deep and restoring sleep. Customers have also said using a bigger Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Tensor Ring under your mattress works even better. Try putting a Ring around house plants that need a little more love. Household pets and animals can also enjoy the benefits of the Tensor Rings. Try placing one under your dog’s or cat’s bed and see how they positively respond to it. Keeping your skin care products and supplements within a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring seems to help them stay fresh and potent.

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

A lot of us know or have heard about harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Due to ever present electronics, EMFs are everywhere nowadays. We have found that Light-Life Tensor Rings addresses the harmful issues effectively. The way the wire is twisted creates a zero-point energy field that seems to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF. So, placing the Rings over your router, your smart meter, and any other electrical devices in your house, can bring you some relief and maybe even better health and harmony.

Hans Becker, one of Slim Spurling’s researcher friends, used a special device to determine that our Tensor Rings have antiviral and antibacterial properties. This may explain why the health-improving results people are reporting are so significant.

Just remember as you’re reading more about our Light-Life Tools, the applications are only limited by your imagination. It really comes down to getting some Tensor Rings for yourself and applying them around your house. And please let us know your findings!

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! Click here to subscribe to our list. We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Just special promotions with a few tips & tricks here and there.

Did you know your Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs?

Did you know your Environmental Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs in your environment? Our Energy Harmonizers have been said to be a radionic device, however, they can also help transmit healing herbs and essential oils.

Slim Spurling was a self-taught herbalist. He once tried to combine his knowledge of the Environmental Harmonizer and the Environmental Clearing Frequency to clear and clean a house, and surrounding property, of harmful bacteria. To begin with, he tucked a puffball (a fungus found in grassy open meadows and fields) inside an Environmental Harmonizer. Then he ran the Environmental Clearing frequency through the Harmonizer right away. Within three hours the area was clear and everything was fine. You can read the whole story in the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe. You can download the e-book here for free.

What herbs & oils can I use?

While most of you likely don’t have a puffball handy, you can use any antibacterial, antiviral or homeopathic remedies. Simply put it in a little tissue or cotton ball and place it inside your Harmonizer. The Harmonizer will then act like a radionic device. It can send the frequency, with its beneficial properties, as far as the Harmonizer’s energy field reaches. You can also use a variety of essential oils. Some of the top antibacterial and antiviral essential oils I found are Tea Tree, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Melissa, and Thyme. Other effective options are mandarin, lavender, rose, or rose geranium (one of my favorites) to help boost your mood. Experiment with it and let us know your favorites.

Harmonizer and Essential Oils
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

I am sharing this with you to remind you of the power of our Light-Life Energy Harmonizer and that we do have ways to protect ourselves from unwanted energies and situations. Click here to watch the video where I give examples on how to broadcast essential oils and homeopathic remedies through the Harmonizer. Please, with everything that may be going on around you, stay calm, focus on love and what you want to create in your life, and go for it. The Harmonizer can support you. Use it!

Remember there is still a lot of good happening in the world so stay healthy, stay focused on the good, and let’s create a more harmonious and clean environment.

Signs of Geopathic Stress and the Hartmann Grid

Did you know there are many signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid to watch out for? In a previous blog post, I talked about what geopathic stress is along with what the Hartmann Grid is.

Today, I am going to ask questions that can point out different signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. If you answer yes to any of them, I highly recommend you check out Slim Spurling’s method of dowsing to locate and block those lines. His method is very effective and applied world-wide.

Let’s start with visual signs in and around your home:

  • Are there trees and other plants growing crooked around your home?
  • Are there cracks in the driveway or in the walls inside your home?
  • Do you see ant hills on your lawn and/or a bee’s nest in the siding of your house?
  • Do you have areas in your garden where nothing wants to grow?
  • Is there a cell phone tower in your area?

Here are some signs of geopathic stress and Hartmann Grid in your personal and professional life:

  • Do you have health symptoms that no one can find the source of, that disappear when you are traveling?
  • Did you have construction going on in your area? Have you since then developed health issues and/or stress in your relationships?
  • Has sleep quality gone down since moving into your new home? Have your child’s grades gone down after moving into a new classroom or school?
  • Does your workspace makes you feel ill even though you enjoy the work and like your colleagues? 
  • Is your business not thriving anymore or have you noticed a location in your town where no business seems to thrive for no apparent reason?
Signs of Geopathic Stress

I think you get an idea now what to look for. The good thing is, we have a very simple and effective solution to remedy those issues so you can live life to the fullest. Come join us at our upcoming dowsing workshop in Philadelphia where you can learn how to help yourself as well as family and friends. Plus, if you haven’t watched it yet, or cannot make it to the workshop in Philadelphia, make sure you get Slim Spurlings’s DVD, Geobiology, Dowsing, & Light-Life Tools

I am very passionate about bringing awareness to geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid as I know it can improve your quality of life in all areas and even save lives. See you in Philly! 

Did you know the Venus Mirror Finger Rings were created to balance your field of energy?

Did you know the Venus Mirror Finger Rings were created to balance your field of energy in a powerful yet subtle way? Slim Spurling’s intent for these Finger Rings is to serve as a daily visual reminder for the beautiful vibrational person that exists within us all. Slim also said that the Venus Mirror Finger Rings are keyed precisely to the fundamentals of the planet and life upon it.  

The Venus Mirror Finger Ring is based on the ancient Vedic medicine concept that silver and copper have beneficial effects on physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual clarity. These Rings are copper, silver, or a combination of both and hammered flat. Hammered copper has the surface benefits of normal copper transferred to the interior of the metal. Due to this fact, health benefits seem to increase when wearing these Rings.

Venus Mirror Finger Rings

Copper vs Silver

Copper, when worn on the body, is said to protect against evil and attract love. It may help decrease lethargy and strengthen physical attributes. Copper can also help purify and cleanse both body and mind. Silver, when worn on the body, adds a bit of sparkle and shine to a person’s senses. A soft, swelling energy movement can be felt through the body along with a sensation of something being purified. Silver also seems to give a lighter aspect to emotions as if energy is flowing with no resistance.

According to acupuncture, there are meridians of energy that flow through our different fingers ending at the point of the nail. The energy properties running through the fingers appear to react differently with each metal. Therefore, each metal will have a slightly different effect, depending on which finger the Ring is on. Cross referencing chiromancy, or palm reading, can additionally help determine which finger to wear your Venus Mirror Finger Ring on that will help serve you best.  

According to chiromancy the left hand represents the past; the right hand represents present and future.

  • The thumb stands for personal will 
  • The index finger represents business or professional approach to life 
  • The middle finger impacts mental processes that influence your career 
  • The ring finger speaks to the heart and emotions 
  • The little finger governs relationships and connections to groups 

Experiences people had wearing a Venus Mirror Finger Rings

“My husband and I bought the Unseen Venus Rings as our wedding rings. I knew they would do good things for us, energetically speaking. However, what I didn’t realize is they would help eliminate pain. I have been wearing two magnetic bracelets on my left wrist for several years now. They really helped with residual pain I have from a broken bone and surgery. While wearing the Finger Ring, I took the bracelets off, and then realized the Venus Finger Ring makes wearing the bracelets unnecessary. The pain in my wrist is gone.” -D.D.

“My husband has problems with his left shoulder. He mentioned his pain has decreased since wearing the Unseen Venus Ring.” -KS

“Wearing the Hidden Venus on my right hand, I feel more centered, clear, and aware of the essence of myself. I feel more intuitive and secure. It’s like I’m safe from all the negative energy around me when I go places.” – Charlie

“The Evolved Venus Finger Ring helps me feel expanded and energized.” – Walt

“I wore the Evolved Venus Ring while doing a CranioSacral session on Friday eve. I usually send energy with my right hand and catch with my left. While wearing the Evolved Venus I felt very much like a defibrillator with energy flowing so strongly out of both hands. I felt bursts of energy, almost big bangs clearing stuck junk out of the client’s field.” -Deb

Ask Katharina: I Have Been Dealing with Negative Self-Talk

Katharina –

I have been dealing with negative self-talk and I was wondering if there is a Tool or a Pendant, that could help me gain more positivity towards myself? You know, the whole world-wide situation is having a toll on me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,


Advice on Dealing with Negative Self-Talk


Thank you for your email. I appreciate your question because you’re not alone. Many are faced with challenges these days and it is easy to go down a negative spiral.

Here is what helps me: I don’t watch the news or read the paper. They all seem to say the same and I am very visual, so stressful pictures haunt me for a very long time. Instead, I focus on how I would like the world to be and how I want other people to interact with me. Every morning, I write down and visualize how I want my day to go. If I have meetings scheduled, I picture them being productive and
a win for all involved. I write down what I’m going to accomplish and see it all in a positive light.

Now, I understand this may sound a bit hard to do and it is in the beginning. However, it is so worth it if you make an effort to practice it.

You were asking for a Tool and, of course, I have some recommendations for you. To help with the negative self-talk, our Pyramid Pendant comes to mind. If you experience yourself being a ‘chronic’ grumpy person, that may be the perfect choice for you. If you need a mood booster, our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, gold or silver plated, or our Unity Personal Harmonizer would both be a good choice. Last, but not least, our Moon Pendant is a heart opener and if you feel your heart area is shut down, I would go with this one. Use your intuition in choosing the right Tool for you.

I wish you the very best and that you soon start giving yourself positive self-talks. Look in the mirror and smile. It helps! I know from experience.



Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

A Ritual to End the Year.

I have a ritual to end the year that I would like to share with you. It allows me to reflect on the past year so I can make space for the upcoming year. It can be difficult sticking with a New Year’s resolution when you’re holding on to unfinished projects and ideas.

The first part of my ritual to end the year is to recap what I’ve accomplished. During the last two weeks of December, I make a list of all my unfinished projects. I decide which ones I would like to complete by the end of the year. Instead of focusing on new projects, I like to focus on completing the ones that would make the most difference in my life. I also look at what needs to be eliminated from my list. I don’t know about you, but I have been carrying around old projects and ideas thinking, or should I say ‘dreaming’, that one day I will get to it. Let me tell you what a relief it has been when I finally decided to let go. It was then satisfying to take the bull by the horn and finish those items I knew would give me joy.

Reflecting on Experiences

Part of my ritual to end the year is to review the year in full. To reflect and ask myself: what has been beneficial for me, what do I want to continue in the following year, and what do I want to let go of? Another part of my ritual is to show gratitude to my team, family, and friends. I am grateful for all I have experienced throughout the year. I cherish all the beautiful moments and commit to having more in the new year.

Another part of my ritual is to smudge my house on the 31st of December. This allows me to energetically let go of the year and make space for the new year.

Traveling over the New Year

This year I will do my end of year ritual at my German office. I am working on reorganizing it and taking the opportunity to let go of the old that doesn’t serve us anymore. It is hard work but focusing on what it will look like once it’s done actually makes it fun (most of the time😊).

If you are traveling like me and a ritual to end the year at home is not possible, maybe plan a big spring cleaning session. That’s a project I already have planned for when I get back from Germany.

Please share with us on Facebook or Instagram if you have a ritual or a resolution and what you are doing. I believe we all are looking forward to ending this year strong and focusing on a brighter future of 2022.

Ask Katharina – Help with Breast Cancer? January 2021

A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. Can you recommend a tool that can support her in her journey? I know you cannot make medical claims but I do hope you have suggestions that can help her.
Thank you.
Kathryn H.

Dear Kathryn,
Yes, you are correct, we cannot give medical advice and our amazing Light-Life Tools are not medical devices. However, I am happy to share some information that may help your friend.

It was suggested that often one of the causes of breast cancer can be a lack of self-love and self-worth. However, nutrition and clothing can also add to getting breast cancer. I heard from a doctor that since the 80s it is known that soy products can cause breast cancer. I would look at her diet and eliminate as much food as possible that is processed. Have her search the internet for the best recommendation to heal breast cancer. There is a lot of great information out there.

There is also a book called Dressed to Kill by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, that mentions that bras, especially with wire, may be the cause of breast cancer because they block the lymphatic system. Even it has been first published in 1995, the research they have done is very interesting, and their suggestions can still be applied today. If she is open to some guidance in self-love I highly recommend the book Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It by Kamal Ravikant.

There could also be toxic relationships in her life that she needs to give up. You see, there are many different areas to look at. I believe that any cancer is a wake-up call for us to look at our life and be honest about what we’ve put up with and went against our innate intelligence that told us a long time ago about the changes that need to be made.

Another possibility is that your friend has been affected by Hartmann Grid or Geopathic Stress lines. I would contact a dowser who is familiar with the Slim Spurling method to locate and block those lines. Click here to learn more.

Here are suggestions for our Light-Life Tools:
Our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer can help with increasing self-esteem, lifting up our mood, and overall strengthen our energy field. We can program all our Harmonizers to what we need, i.e., trust in our self-healing capacity, love may replace fear, gratitude may replace fear. I think you get the idea.

Lost Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer

Our Lotus Pendants can also help us raise our vibrations and the higher our vibrations are the less likely we attract anything that could be harmful to us. Everything on the planet has a frequency and vibrations. When we go into fear, depression, anxiety, anger, judgment of ourselves and others, any emotions that bring us down, we lower our own vibrations and are subject to all kinds of diseases.

Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant

I hope some of the information is helping your friend.
I am sending both of you prayers and healing energy.

Warm regards,

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Ask Katharina March 2020

The main question people are asking me these days is ‘how can I use the Light-Life Tools to protect myself?’
In my last newsletter and video, I gave you some examples of how to use the tools during this time. If you did not receive it, you can still access it online – visit the Newsletter page.

Here are just a few suggestions:

  • If you have a Light-Life Tensor Ring, either a 1 Lost or 1 Empowerment or a 1 ½ Sacred Cubit you can put it around your head. I got the idea from a person who worked in a lab in Canada. They put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around a petri dish with E. coli bacteria and they stopped spreading, which is the opposite of what they would normally do.
  • Drink lots of super potentized water. Read related blogs. Staying hydrated is more important than ever.
  • Put your remedies in a Light-Life Tensor Ring.
  • Make sure to have a Light-Life Tensor Ring around all your wireless equipment, like a router, monitor, Alexa, computer. Wireless technology can harm our mitochondria and scientists found that the mitochondria are also regulating our immune system.
Light-Life Rings Around Computer Router

Light-Life Tensor Rings around a router.

  • If you own one of our ¼ Cubit Lotus Pendants separate the little ring and place it over your thymus to bring more light into your thymus. This may strengthen your immune system. Make sure to wear your Lotus Pendant as it can support you staying calm during chaos.


  • If you own an Acu-Vac Coil you can hold it with the bead pointing toward your thymus. It may also help to boost your immune system.

Empowerment Cubit Acu-vac Coil

Example of using Empowerment Cubit Acu-vac Coil with the Thymus.

  • If you own any of our Harmonizers you can place an antiviral remedy in a piece of tissue and stick it into your Harmonizer. Depending on the size of the Harmonizer you own you can also write your prayers and affirmations on a piece of paper and stick them into your Harmonizer. Always remember to put your intention in there as well for a clean, clear and calm environment.
  • You can also put a few drops of essential oils that have antiviral properties on a piece of tissue and stick in your Harmonizer.

Synergy Personal Harmonizer with Cotton wool

  • If you put your Harmonizer in one of our Lost Cubit New Dimension Rings the field of the Harmonizer expands exponentially and your neighbors may also benefit. The New Dimension Rings work differently than our standard Light-Life Tensor Rings. Our standard Light-Life Tensor Rings contain the field of the Harmonizer to the size of the Harmonizer while the New Dimension Light-Life Tensor Rings expand the field of the Harmonizers. We’ve tested that recently in an institute in Belgium and also confirmed it by a very gifted psychic.

New Dimension Community Harmonizer inside a New Dimension 1 1/2 Lost Cubit New Dimension Light-Life Tensor Ring

Please share with us what you are doing by adding a comment below. The applications are only limited by our imagination and we all can learn from each other. Whatever you may do, PLEASE stay calm, strengthen your immune system, be positive and stay away from fear (fear simply does not help).

Also, watch for our mini blog series. I will be sharing more ideas that may help you but are not necessarily in relation to the Light-Life Tools.

What is Your Heart’s Desire? – February 2020

Welcome February! With hearts displayed in every store we can’t ignore it is the months of love!

With January behind us and the depth of the winter season setting in, this is a wonderful time and opportunity to slow down, allow ourselves to be still and quiet and reflect inward. Being in that quiet space and silencing the impact of the outer world, we can connect to that clear, soft voice inside ourselves that is the core and essence of our being. We can ask the question: what is it that we want to create moving forward – what is our heart’s desire? What is the spark within us that desires to come to fruition?

Peeling away the outer influences and the reality around us, we can have the most direct and clear vision into what it is that we are ready to undertake. We don’t need to know all of the details. Sometimes it’s only about taking the first step and trusting the unfolding process, knowing on a deep internal level that each step will be revealed as the vision slowly unfolds and crystalizes.

What can be helpful as a priority is to keep connecting inside to our heart’s guiding light and clear voice while being in the present moment. This is the essence of the creative process. The stillness holds the entire vision of what’s on the horizon. We already have all of the answers to our questions.

February brings Valentine’s Day – a holiday centered around the heart. With all that is going on in the world around us, it’s always helpful to remember that no matter WHAT IS, we have the heart to guide us in each and every moment on our path. We only have to take the time to be centered in this beautiful space of truth, clarifying each moment of our experience through love.

So this February, I wish you the very best. May you define your own vision of your heart’s desire. May you know in each moment the beauty of who you are and follow the path guided by your own heart.

We at Light-Life Tools are happy to offer support and guidance through our blog, website and workshops, with information on the tools as they support your personal journey. Let us know how we can help you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

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