Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Nature (Page 1 of 2)

Gardening with Light-Life Tensor Rings: A Journey to Vibrant Growth

Gardening is a cherished hobby for many, offering a connection to nature and a sense of accomplishment. For those looking to elevate their gardening experience, incorporating Light-Life Tensor Rings can be a game-changer. These unique tools are designed to enhance the vitality of plants, which can lead to more robust growth and healthier gardens.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using Light-Life Tensor Rings in gardening and provide you with some practical tips on how to start.

Understanding Light-Life Tensor Rings

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what Light-Life Tensor Rings are. Tensor Rings are circular rings made from copper, designed to harness subtle energy fields. Many gardeners believe these rings can improve plant health by harmonizing the energy around them. This idea might sound complex, but using Tensor Rings in your garden is simple and straightforward.

What is a Tensor Field

Imagine you have a magical playground. This playground is filled with invisible forces that make your swings go higher, your slides smoother, and your seesaws more fun. Now, let’s call this magical playground a “tensor field.”

In our everyday world, we don’t see these invisible forces, but they are everywhere. They help things move and work, like magic. Scientists use quantum physics to understand these forces.

Think of quantum physics as the detective that figures out how these invisible forces work. When scientists study these forces, they see patterns and connections, just like you see patterns in your favorite games or puzzles. These patterns are what we call the “tensor field.”

So, a tensor field is like a magical playground where invisible forces work together to make things happen. And quantum physics is the detective that helps us understand how everything works in this magical playground.

Getting Started with Tensor Rings

To begin, you’ll need to purchase (or already own) a Light-Life Tensor Ring. While these are available in various sizes and platings, for gardening, our Plain Jane Rings are typically sufficient.

1/2 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane RIng inside of a 1 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane Ring

Once you have your ring, you can place it around the base of a plant or even bury it slightly in the soil near the roots. Many gardeners have reported seeing improvements in plant growth within weeks.

Benefits of Using Tensor Rings

One of the most noticeable benefits is enhanced plant vitality. For instance, plants treated with Tensor Rings often exhibit greener leaves and stronger stems. Additionally, these plants tend to be more resistant to pests and diseases. As a result, you can enjoy a healthier and more vibrant garden.

Moreover, using Tensor Rings can lead to better soil quality. Over time, the energy harmonized by the rings can improve the nutrient absorption capabilities of plants. This means your plants can make the most of the nutrients available in the soil, leading to more robust growth.

Practical Tips for Optimal Results

  • To achieve the best results, consider using Tensor Rings in combination with other gardening best practices. For example, regular watering, weeding, and appropriate fertilization are still crucial. However, when paired with the support of Tensor Rings, these practices can become even more effective. And some people have been able to cut out soil amendments altogether.
  • Another tip is to experiment with the placement of the tensor ring. While some gardeners find success with rings placed at the base of plants, others report benefits from hanging them above garden beds. Therefore, don’t hesitate to try different methods to see what works best for your garden.
  • We also recommend watering with potentized water. Just place a tensor ring around your hose, or set your watering can inside a ring for a few hours or even overnight.

Personal Experiences and Testimonials

Many gardeners have shared their success stories with Tensor Rings. For example, Jane, a home gardener from Colorado, noticed a remarkable improvement in her tomato plants. Before using Tensor Rings, her tomatoes were often small and prone to blight. After introducing the rings, she observed larger, healthier tomatoes with significantly fewer issues.

Similarly, Mark, a landscaper in California, uses Tensor Rings for his clients’ gardens. He has found that these rings not only enhance plant growth but also contribute to a more harmonious garden environment. His clients appreciate the noticeable difference in the health and beauty of their plants.

We also receive many reports about the benefits of watering with potentized water. Potentized water is said to release the locked-up nutrients of the soil, allowing for less fertilization. And spraying a rose bush with potentized water eliminated aphids in two days.


Integrating Light-Life Tensor Rings into your gardening routine can provide numerous benefits. From healthier plants to improved soil quality, these simple tools can make a significant difference. As you embark on this journey, remember to be patient and open to experimenting with different products, placements, and techniques.

Happy gardening!

Celebrate Earth Day: Honoring Our Planet

Every April 22nd, we come together to celebrate Earth Day. It’s a day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and renew our commitment to environmental stewardship. This year, as we mark another Earth Day, let’s reflect and explore how we can make a positive impact on our planet.

Earth Day History

The first Earth Day, organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was in response to growing environmental concerns in the United States. On April 22, 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets to protest and advocate for greater protection for the planet. This historic event helped catalyze the modern environmental movement. It led to the creation of groundbreaking environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishment.

Since then, Earth Day has evolved into a global phenomenon, with over 190 countries participating in activities ranging from tree planting, beach cleanups, sustainability workshops, and climate marches. It serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibility we share to protect and preserve our planet.

The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Our planet faces a myriad of environmental challenges, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. These issues threaten the health of ecosystems and wildlife and also jeopardize the well-being of human communities worldwide. As stewards of the Earth, we must address these challenges and work towards solutions that promote sustainability and resilience.

By conserving natural resources, reducing our carbon footprint, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future for all.

Earth Day Celebrations

Earth Day celebrations are a call to action. They can inspire individuals and communities to take meaningful steps toward environmental conservation. There are countless ways to get involved, whether participating in a local clean-up event, supporting eco-friendly businesses, or advocating for local, national, or global environmental policies.

Here are a few simple ideas to show your appreciation for our planet this Earth Day:

  • Reduce Water Usage: Conserve water by implementing simple changes in your daily routine. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, and promptly fix any leaks you discover. Every drop saved helps preserve this precious resource for future generations.
  • Go for a Nature Walk: Spend time outdoors and connect with the natural world. Take in the sights and sounds of nature, observe wildlife, and appreciate the beauty of the Earth.
  • Practice Gratitude: Begin each day with a moment of reflection, appreciating the beauty and abundance of the natural world. Whether it’s watching a sunset, listening to birdsong, or feeling the breeze on your skin, express gratitude for the Earth’s wonders.
  • Support Sustainable Brands: Make conscious purchasing decisions by supporting brands and products that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. Look for eco-friendly options when shopping for groceries, clothing, and household items.
  • Minimize Energy Consumption: Be mindful of your energy usage throughout the day. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, opt for energy-efficient light bulbs, and adjust your thermostat to conserve energy. Besides reducing your environmental impact, you also save on utility bills.

Earth Day and Light-Life Tools

Slim Spurling built the Light-Life Harmonizers intending to heal the planet. Therefore, Earth Day is a great day to reset your intentions for our planet. In particular, it’s a great day to reset your Harmonizer! So, here are a few ideas to celebrate Earth Day while using our Light-Life tools:

  • Activate your Environmental Harmonizer: Harness the healing energies of the Environmental Harmonizer. You can address environmental imbalances as well as promote harmony in your surroundings.
  • Place a Plain Jane Tensor Ring around your gas cap to increase gas mileage.
  • Meditation in Nature: Take your Light-Life Harmonizer or Tensor Ring to a quiet outdoor spot and meditate surrounded by nature. Allow the harmonizing energies of the tools to enhance your connection with the Earth.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but feel free to get creative and explore other ways to use Light-Life Tools to honor and celebrate the Earth on Earth Day and beyond!

Beyond Earth Day

As we commemorate Earth Day this year, let’s not view it as a singular event but as a catalyst for ongoing action. Together, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the Earth’s beauty and resilience while striving to create a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

30 Years of The Denver Clearing Project

Three decades ago, Slim Spurling and ten dedicated individuals embarked on a mission to transform the Denver skyline. They called it the Denver Clearing Project. At the time, the infamous brown cloud plagued the sky and symbolized environmental degradation and air pollution.

Slim made 11 Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers and set them up strategically from Colorado Springs in the South up to Denver, over to Boulder in the West, and up North to Fort Collins.

Through their commitment and a belief in the potential of harmonic resonance, an extraordinary thing happened; within one hour of activating the Harmonizers with the Environmental Clearing frequency, the brown cloud that loomed over Denver began to dissipate, paving the way for a brighter, cleaner future.

Headline 3 years after the Denver Clearing Project began

Clearing the air

Unfortunately, one of our most serious environmental issues today is still air pollution.
The American Lung Association’s 2023 annual “State of the Air” report (using data from 2019 – 2021) shows that 36% of Americans (119.6 million people) live in areas with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution. While it is exciting to see this number decrease from last year’s report, there is still a long way to go.

Restoring the Balance of Life

When we think of restoring the environment, we often think of activities such as:

  • Creating green spaces
  • Planting trees
  • Rehabilitating coral reefs
  • Eradicating invasive species
  • Filtrating ground-water
  • Protecting vulnerable species

However, we rarely talk about energetic healing. Thanks to quantum coherence, we can harness energetic forces to clear our environment of harmful substances.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Also, perhaps we can begin to respect the inherent intelligence of Mother Earth. Nature often heals itself when we humans take a step back. Hence, we should strive to match our vibration to that of the natural world.

Additionally, we can invite our friends, family, and colleagues to join us in our efforts to restore harmony. Working together, we can create greater engagement in life, resulting in a greater sense of fulfillment.

Looking Ahead

The Denver Clearing Project is undeniably a testament to the power of collective action. While we reflect on Slim and his ambitions today, let us renew our commitment to protecting and preserving the natural world for future generations. By working together, we can ensure that the legacy of the Denver Clearing Project continues to inspire and enrich our lives for years to come.

Today, March 18th, we invite you to activate your Harmonizers, creating a wave of positive energy that reverberates beyond our individual actions.

We won’t solve pollution issues in one day, but one day can make a difference in our journey towards a better tomorrow.

Tool Selection 101: Finding the Light-Life Tool to Fit Your Needs


Are you struggling to select the “right” tool for you? Well, you aren’t alone! The question we probably get most is, “Which tool should I start with?” We know that selecting a Light-Life product can be daunting, so we’ve written this tool selection guide to help simplify your decision-making process, ensuring you find the ideal Light-Life Tool for you!

1. Understand Your Needs

Firstly, you will want to consider the purpose of the Tool. Are you seeking personal wellness, environmental harmony, or energy-balancing Tools? Each Light-Life Tool serves distinct functions, so understanding what you want from the Tool will help narrow your choices.

Also, consider how hands-on you want to be with your Tools. For example: if you’re trying to ease physical discomfort, an Acu-Vac Coil may be the best choice; however, one of our Tensor Ring can be very beneficial as well. So, consider if you want to be an active participant by using the Acu-Vac Coil, or if you want/need to be a bit more passive in your approach and apply a Light-Life Tensor Ring.

How to Use an Acu-Vac Coil

2. Consider Your Budget:

Secondly, set a realistic budget. Some Tools may require a higher investment due to their intricate design or size, while others might be more budget-friendly without compromising functionality.

Money is a major cause of stress in many households, and the last thing we want is to cause more stress by purchasing a Tool that is meant to relieve stress!

While we do sell some higher-end items, many Tools are very affordable. And yes, sometimes, a budget may need to be adjusted to afford the Tool you want. But we certainly think foregoing that $5.00 latte or $12.00 drive-thru meal for a month or so is certainly worth the sacrifice! (You can also always sign up for our newsletter and be one of the first to know about sales and other promotions).

3. Research and Education:

Once you’ve identified your needs and have a budget in mind, you can delve into the diverse range of Light-Life Tools.

Explore the Light-Life Technology website to understand the functionalities, the materials used, and the unique features of each Tool. Then, you can begin to consider how each item aligns with your intended use and resonates with your goals.

If you haven’t already, try using the Search feature on our website to help you narrow the Tool list down.

Search Function

You can also use the “How to Choose a Light-Life Tool” guide on our website! Just head to the “Applications for Light-Life Tools” page, and scroll to the bottom.

Aside from our website, you can also find valuable information on our YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

4. Consult Reviews and Testimonials:

Gather insights from users and experts. Reviews and testimonials often offer valuable perspectives and experiences with Light-Life Tools. Understand the practical applications, real-world benefits, and potential limitations highlighted by individuals who have used these products.

You can browse through our Blogs which contain a wealth of knowledge about our Tools and some of their many uses.

You can also read several reports here that highlight some of the research done on the effects of our Tools.

If you happen to live near one of our distributors, they have a wealth of knowledge that they can share. Check out our distributor list here.

5. Reach Out for Assistance:

If you’re uncertain or need further clarification, please contact us! We can provide detailed information, answer queries, and offer guidance to ensure you make an informed decision.

6. Trust Your Intuition

We are all about using your intuition here at Light-Life Technologies. If you go to our website thinking you are absolutely purchasing a Personal Harmonizer, but end up deeply drawn to the Moon Pendant…we say follow your gut!!

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool and, when listened to, it can help us make some difficult decisions. It tends to know what we need when our conscious mind has absolutely no idea what way to go.

7. Making the Final Decision:

After research, deliberation, and perhaps even consulting with experts, it’s time to select your Tool. Consider the product that best fits your needs, aligns with your values, and offers the most benefits within your budget..

In the end, there is no “wrong” Tool. Our Tools work with the intentions you put into them. So as long as your intentions are clear, any tool will help you with the journey you are on.


Choosing the right Light-Life Tool is a personalized process that involves understanding your needs, conducting thorough research, seeking advice, and aligning your choice with your budget. By following these steps and being mindful of your unique requirements, you can confidently select a Light-Life Tool that positively impacts your life and environment.

Remember, Light-Life products are not just Tools but pathways to harmony, balance, and well-being. Choose wisely and enjoy the transformative benefits these innovative solutions can offer.

Light-Life Tools May Enhance Your Crystals’ and Gemstones’ Properties.

Did you know that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals’ and gemstones’ inherent properties and power?

Interest in crystals has steadily grown in recent years, accelerated by several emerging trends since the pandemic. Therefore, crystals and gemstones have never been even more popular.

Crystals have aesthetic appeal and a long history of being used in wellness settings to promote relaxation. In spiritual settings, healers use them to interact with the body’s energy fields, redirect and channel energetic flow, and align chakras.

Gemstones often carry symbolic meaning. For example, think of birthstones: sapphires represent wisdom, royalty, and prophecy; rubies signify wealth, passion, and power; and emeralds symbolize rebirth, love, and fertility.

Quartz crystals may amplify the power of Light-Life Tools

Crystals vibrate at specific frequencies (like all matter) and contain energetic potential. Even though, the scientific community still needs to establish concrete evidence regarding crystals’ healing or active properties. However, top-tier clocks, watches, and electronics have used quartz crystals for years. Buyers revere Quartz crystal for time-keeping precision. As a piezoelectric material, quartz crystals can accumulate electrical charge when bent under force.

Quartz crystals may amplify the energy of the Harmonizer, one of Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools.

Popular crystals:

Clear Quartz
Lapis Lazuli*
Lemurian Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rutilated Quartz*

*Crystals shown in the gallery below in the order they are listed

Crystal and gemstones share many properties. For example, Amethyst, Citrine, and Turquoise crystals can classify as gemstones when cut, polished, or faceted. Also, it is important to watch out for synthetic and lab-grown versions of stones, which would likely have different properties than the original material. For instance, orange-colored “citrine,” while beautiful, is typically heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine is actually a light smoky yellow, not orange.

Light-Life Tools may further empower gemstones

Combining the properties of the gemstones and the Light-Life Tools may enhance the benefits of energy healing and holistic practices.

Popular gemstones:


Some gemstones may be rare and difficult to find compared to the stones classified as crystals. Therefore, scarcity, along with color, clarity, size, and cut of the stone, affects the price and availability of a gemstone.

Try using Light-Life Tools alongside your favorite gemstones for an amplified effect.

Alchemical properties of metals used at Light-Life Technology

Light-Life Tools are made out of metals such as copper and sterling silver, and 24Kgold plated (3 of the seven spiritual metals), which are said to have alchemical properties alongside crystals and gemstones.

Symbolism of metals:
– Gold historically stands for spiritual purity, enlightenment, and the unity of opposites.
– Silver symbolizes emotions, feminine energy, and intuition.
– Copper can represent protection, wealth, love, beauty, and harmony.

Try mixing and matching tools of various metals with your favorite stones. Let intuition and experience guide you as you combine the crystals, gemstones, and Light-Life Tools.

Multiple ways that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals & gemstones

For example:

  • Charge Crystals: Place your crystals within a Tensor Ring to help cleanse and recharge them with potent life-force energy.
  • Amplify Crystal Energy using Harmonizers: Crystals placed inside a Harmonizer may amplify the crystal’s vibrational energy, imbuing your space with its specific properties.
  • Create Crystal Grids: Combine Light-Life Tools such as Tensor Rings with crystals to help create powerful crystal grids (similar to mandalas) for enhancing spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being and balance.
  • Make Crystal Elixirs: Use Tensor rings to supercharge your crystal elixirs, imparting them with additional beneficial frequencies. Avoid using toxic stones that may leach or dissolve minerals into water. Clean your crystals well and note the expiration date of the elixir if you plan to store it.
  • Aid Meditation: Carry crystals inside a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer during meditation to help open your chakras and reach deeper meditative states.
  • Enhance Crystal Jewelry: Layer on crystals with Light-Life Jewelry to combine energetic power and beauty.
  • Clear Spaces: Use a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer with a selenite crystal to help cleanse your spaces of negativity.
  • Increase Focus and Clarity: Combining clear quartz crystals with Light-Life tools may provide a clean, energetic environment, helping to increase focus, clarity, and productivity.
  • Support Emotional Well-being: Pair a crystal like rose quartz with an Acu-Vac Coil to help dispel emotional distress and promote love and harmony.
  • Promote Restful Sleep: Combine amethyst with Light-Life Tools in the bedroom to make your bedroom a sanctuary and help promote relaxation, rest, and sleep.

Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals if you pair them for a high-vibing experience.

As a matter of fact, crystals and gemstones work well alongside Light-Life Tools due to the Tools’ materials and relationship to energy. The incorporation of points may support broader applications and enhance energy healing and other related practices.

Remember, the best crystal for you often depends on your needs, intentions, and preferences rather than trends. In other words, choosing the crystals and Light-Life Tools that resonate most with you is always a good idea.

Furthermore, whatever crystal or gemstones resonate with you, you may enjoy them even more when paired with a Light-Life Tool. Remember how Harmonizers, Tensor Rings, and Pyramid-shaped Tools serve your purpose.

Read more about Benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine here.

Sacred Geometry and Geometry

Recently, a customer asked, “What is the difference between sacred geometry and geometry?” And we thought, since our Light-Life Tools are partially based on sacred geometry, we thought more of you might have the same question.

Sacred Geometry

Refers to the study of geometric patterns you can find in nature and the universe. These patterns have spiritual, energetic, and symbolic significance. Some believe, that if you study and meditate on these geometric patterns, they can help you understand the world more deeply. These shapes, such as circles, triangles, and spirals, are in everything from plants and animals, to architecture and art.

Some of our favorite examples are the flower of life, the honeycomb hexagonal pattern, and the spiral of a sunflower’s seeds. The way these patterns manifest in nature is truly fascinating. It showcases the inherent mathematical and geometric principles that are the foundation for the beauty and structure of the natural world.


A branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, relationships, and measurements of points, lines, shapes, and solids. It is a fundamental field of mathematics that has been studied and developed for thousands of years.

If you’re anything like us, you might flash back to a high school math course … a2 + b2 = c2, anyone??

In reality, builders, architects, and engineers use geometry to design and construct our homes and offices, as well as the bridges and roadways we use daily. Artists use geometry in just about everything they do! And we bet you use some of your geometry skills when arranging furniture, without a second thought.


To recap, while both involve the study of geometric shapes, their focus and purpose differ:

We often study sacred geometry to uncover deeper spiritual truths or connections between the physical and metaphysical realms. That is to say, we approach it from a subjective/interpretive perspective. It tends to incorporate intuitive and mystical elements.

Conversely, we study geometry with an objective, analytical, and deductive approach. It uses rigorous mathematical reasoning and logical proof.

Sacred Geometry and Light-Life Tools

The Sacred Cubit measurement that Slim Spurling used to build the first Tensor Ring, is derived from the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is believed to represent a harmonious and divine proportion. Also, it reflects the belief in the connection between the physical world and the divine realm.

Sacred geometry; The Great Pyramids of Giza
Pyramid of Giza

The sacred geometric shapes we use in Light-Life Tools, resonate with the fundamental patterns of creation and the underlying fabric of the universe. That being said, we believe that when you align with these patterns, you can tap into higher states of consciousness, increase vitality, and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

The Harmonic Convergence Is Coming to a Close, This is What’s Next

You may have heard of the Harmonic Convergence. It denotes the period (1987-2023) of 36 years of transition into a new era. This is according to Aztec and Mayan calendars, Buddhists, Lakota Sioux, and other indigenous people who were also tracking this planetary alignment.

Before 1987, many saw that we were not on our highest trajectory with a dramatic rise in unbalanced big business greed, capitalism over caring for the environment, Wall Street volatility, etc.

Beginning with 7 planets in harmonic alignment in 1987, it was said that having this planetary alignment unlocked massive free energy that could be harnessed for the good of humanity. Thousands gathered at sacred sites around the planet to meditate for peace on Earth. Also, in intentional support of Mother Earth’s shift out of the old ways of doing things that are unsustainable and into this new era of regaining balance and peace.

According to Cosmologist Christine Page (2008) this presented “a 36-year window of opportunity for humanity to participate in the creation of a new era of consciousness“.

With any transition, it can look like a very messy evolution before the reorganization settles into a new template. Especially with 8 billion people’s perspectives on how to do things better on Earth’s surface as well. To learn more, click here.

What’s Next?

As the cycle finally comes to a close this year, we are witnessing the brutal end of the chaos and change as we move into a new era of alignment. Some call this time a shift into prosperity, for others, it’s the beginning of the Aquarian Age. We are coming into a different mindset. More and more people are aware of universal truths, natural law and care about humanity as a whole. As Wayne Dyer said, “We are not humans with a spiritual activities. We are spiritual beings with human activities”.

From Duality to Unity. Fear to Love. War to Peace.

We are arriving into a greater comprehension of who we are and our innate power. We are recognizing more and more that we are multidimensional in value and our purpose. That’s where subtle energy is getting a lot more attention now. Light-Life Energy Tools are designed to support what we can see, AND what we can’t see. Our New Dimension Tools can offer support for our increasingly complex awareness of what our body needs. These are advanced Tools that researchers have reported experiencing remote viewing, time travel, and exceptionally profound results in healing work. Not only on the physical level, but healing far beyond, into mental and emotional wounds. Even into resolving issues from past lives and soul misunderstandings.

Nancy Holt “Sun Tunnels” with an overlay of the Light-Life 1 Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring

What are you seeing in your own shifts and expansion? I’d love to know. You can send us a message by replying to this email.

Focused Intention to Partner with Nature

When we work by ourselves, we can accomplish much; when we work together with Nature, we can accomplish anything with a focused intent.

As you may already know, or if you are new to us, here at Light-Life Technology, we are focused on restoring the health of the environment. And the health and well-being of all those who reside here.

This is a core service-oriented principle that I hold in my mind’s eye every day. I do not exist in a vacuum and believe we are all one. So why not invite in the partnership formally?

Here’s a field report from a friend who has done just that.

“On a hike with a friend by her house in the mountains, we met a large bull moose. Then, a few minutes later, we came to the momma moose and her calf. We stood still in awe of their peaceful presence. As we trekked back to her house, we couldn’t believe our luck! She began seeing them in her backyard in the days to follow. One morning, she noticed the calf’s legs were all cut up. It appeared to be a barbed wire fence incident. Hearing this news, I immediately thought of my 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings. I had the idea to bring all the Light-Life tools I had over to her property, where the moose had been bedding down. I held the intent to set up ‘something’ to help the calf. We asked Nature to help us support the calf.
That afternoon turned into one of the most memorable experiences of my life. As we worked with the Tools in the field, it was incredible to feel the partnership and connectivity with all of Nature that these Tools have. My original idea of throwing two Rings out there and hoping the calf would plop down there at night, turned into a symphony of vibrational patterning that sang out the various configurations we made with the 3 ½ Cubit Rings and moving a Acu-Vac Coil vertically in the space with a ½ Sacred Cubit around the Coil. I can only describe the “music” that we felt flow into the ground and into the sky. It was in a fantastic toroidal shape. We had positively affected the entire zip code if I had to guess!” -A.S., Colorado

Daddy Moose enjoying the backyard

How inspiring, right?

It sounds so much more fun to invite Nature to partner with us when we wish to accomplish something we may not know how to if we were just “trying to figure it out” by ourselves. With focused intention and partnership with the Light-Life Tools and Nature, we might be surprised at how much greater our positive impact is!


Be the Change You Want to See in the World

How often do we find ourselves thinking that the world/people/things need to change? Probably quite often in today’s world. How often do we have the capacity to change those things or control them? Certainly less often than we wish. This lack of control over the situation usually comes with some extra baggage like frustration, disappointment, feeling of helplessness… you name it. And this is how the vicious circle begins. Does this sound familiar to you?

Is there anything we can do when it feels like there’s nothing we can do? Yes! We can change ourselves and the way we show up in the world for others. To see the change, we must first become that change. Quite a simple thought, yet so powerful and empowering. Start with yourself, lead by example, and inspire others.

The hardest part, sometimes, is to find the strength plus the physical and emotional energy to “be the change” when everyone around us is not there yet. It requires a lot of courage, patience, wisdom, and non-reaction. Going against the flow is mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. It can cost you energy, money, health, relationships, jobs, etc.

So how can we support ourselves, so our “energy tank” always stays full? Fortunately, nature created us equipped with a lot of smart and helpful mechanisms so we can function effectively and can heal and repair when needed. A lot of us don’t know or forgot how to use them, but we can still tap into our own power and support ourselves going through the turbulence of today’s life.

Light-Life Tools Can Help

Light-Life Energy Tools were designed and created to help you activate your own inner power and support your self-healing ability. There is a variety of Tools that can help you with so many issues: help you strengthen your own energy field, regain your emotional balance, neutralize EMFs that harm us, help speed up self-healing, give life force energy to your food and water, help with physical and emotional discomfort, neutralize the geopathic stress, and so much more.

Based on the principles of sacred Geometry and Quantum physics, our Tools can raise the vibration of your cells, which allows your body and mind to operate at an optimal level, support a strong immune system, clear your mind, and help provide restorative sleep. And when you feel physically and emotionally strong, you have the power to go against the grain, to lead, to be the change you want to see in the world.

Did you know your Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs?

Did you know your Environmental Harmonizer can broadcast healing herbs in your environment? Our Energy Harmonizers have been said to be a radionic device, however, they can also help transmit healing herbs and essential oils.

Slim Spurling was a self-taught herbalist. He once tried to combine his knowledge of the Environmental Harmonizer and the Environmental Clearing Frequency to clear and clean a house, and surrounding property, of harmful bacteria. To begin with, he tucked a puffball (a fungus found in grassy open meadows and fields) inside an Environmental Harmonizer. Then he ran the Environmental Clearing frequency through the Harmonizer right away. Within three hours the area was clear and everything was fine. You can read the whole story in the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe. You can download the e-book here for free.

What herbs & oils can I use?

While most of you likely don’t have a puffball handy, you can use any antibacterial, antiviral or homeopathic remedies. Simply put it in a little tissue or cotton ball and place it inside your Harmonizer. The Harmonizer will then act like a radionic device. It can send the frequency, with its beneficial properties, as far as the Harmonizer’s energy field reaches. You can also use a variety of essential oils. Some of the top antibacterial and antiviral essential oils I found are Tea Tree, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Melissa, and Thyme. Other effective options are mandarin, lavender, rose, or rose geranium (one of my favorites) to help boost your mood. Experiment with it and let us know your favorites.

Harmonizer and Essential Oils
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

I am sharing this with you to remind you of the power of our Light-Life Energy Harmonizer and that we do have ways to protect ourselves from unwanted energies and situations. Click here to watch the video where I give examples on how to broadcast essential oils and homeopathic remedies through the Harmonizer. Please, with everything that may be going on around you, stay calm, focus on love and what you want to create in your life, and go for it. The Harmonizer can support you. Use it!

Remember there is still a lot of good happening in the world so stay healthy, stay focused on the good, and let’s create a more harmonious and clean environment.

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