Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Ask Katharina (Page 1 of 6)

World Peace with the Light-Life Tools?


Let me ask you a question. Do you think we can create world peace with Light-Life Tools?

Our world is filled with challenges and conflicts, so world peace can feel like an elusive dream. However, there are innovative approaches, such as our Light-Life Energy Tools, that individuals (and communities) are exploring to contribute to a more peaceful tomorrow.

Definition of World Peace

When I brought up world peace to three different mentors, they all replied with the same answer: You cannot create world peace; there will always be war.

This shocked me because, for me, war is not the opposite of world peace. When I think of world peace, I think about finding peace within ourselves. Then, this inner peace has a ripple effect on our families and communities.

I am the curious type. So after these conversations, I did an internet search for definitions of world peace. Here are a couple examples that I found:

World Peace:

World peace is the concept of an ideal state of peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would come about.


While it is true that the separate and distinct universes of war and not-peace tend to overlap, they are not common universes. Similarly, the separate and distinct universes of peace and not-war do share common ground, but they are also not one and the same…Contrary to the commonly held belief, the opposite of war is not peace. The reality is that the opposite of “war” is “not war” and the opposite of “peace” is “not peace”.

Thomas Frey

The second quote made so much sense to me. For example, the opposite of a smoker is not necessarily a healthy person. But instead, the opposite is a non-smoker. While a non-smoker can be in good health, some non-smokers have illnesses that make them less healthy than smokers. Therefore, having world peace does not mean having zero conflict. It just means there will be peace more often than conflict or war.

Creating World Peace

Take a minute to think about who is creating war. Typically, it is a handful of people in powerful positions.

Peace, on the other hand, is something that we, as individuals, can choose to feel at any time in our lives. No matter how unpleasant or dire our circumstances, we can find happiness and peace in the smallest of things. And no one can take this choice away from us (unless we allow them to).

Personal Transformation for Global Impact

To start, we need to look within. Creating world peace begins with our individual transformation. Our Light-Life Energy Tools offer a unique avenue for self-discovery and personal growth. Many users report increased mindfulness, stress reduction, and an impression of overall well-being when incorporating these tools into their daily lives. When we focus on inner peace, we become beacons of positive energy, influencing the world around us.

Group Meditation and Healing Circles

The power of collective intention is a central theme in the quest for world peace. Light-Life Energy Tools can be utilized in group settings, such as meditation circles or healing sessions. The resonance created by a group using our Tools is believed to amplify the positive energy generated, creating a ripple effect that reaches far beyond the immediate participants. This group approach holds the potential to contribute to the broader goal of global harmony.

Studies have been done on the effects of group meditation on acts of war (specifically the Lebanon war in the early 1980s). The results were astounding! Group thinking should not be underestimated as a tool for creating a better world. In fact, World Peace Meditation Day exists for this very purpose.

If you prefer to do your own research, you will find plenty of results for the effects of meditation on peace. I will only point out one more study, published in September 2023; click here to give it a read.

Light-Life Tools

To understand how Light-Life Tools may contribute to world peace, we need to recognize how they work.

Sacred Geometry and quantum physics are the principles behind the Light-Life Tools, and the signature Tools are the Light-Life Rings, the Acu-Vac Coils, and the Energy Harmonizers.

Light-Life Tensor Rings

The Light-Life Tensor Rings can bring beneficial life-force energy to everything within their energy field. This means Light-Life Tensor Rings may help speed up the healing process, combat fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, help reduce discomfort and stress, enhance the flavor of your food, and potentize water.

Acu-Vac Coils

The Acu-Vac Coil has a one-way energy flow. It is selectively directed along the axis of the Coil, and it is designed to draw out negative energies that cause discomfort. When turned around, it fills the void left with positive energy.

Within the Coil, the adverse energies will be transmuted into positive energies, so you never need to worry about removed negative energies lingering in the air or being directed toward another person.

Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil
Varying sizes of Acu-Vac Coils

Energy Harmonizers

The Energy Harmonizers combine three Light-Life Tensor Rings with an Acu-Vac Coil in the center. Clairvoyants can see that they emit a coherent holographic light field.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Energy Harmonizer

The more Harmonizers located in an area, the denser the light field generated will be. In other words, we have cleaner air, higher vibrations, increased consciousness, and more harmony.

Below are a few positive effects reported when one or more Harmonizers are in use:

  • Crime reduction
    • drug dealers leaving an area
  • Suicides rates decreased
  • More harmony in the neighborhood
  • Transformation of an island
    • Corruption addressed
    • Old crime cases solved
    • Overall, there is a more harmonious feeling
  • Storm abatement
    • Tornadoes diverted around cities
    • Hurricanes collapsed
    • No significant damage from hurricanes nearby when a Harmonizer is activated

We even have a report from a customer in Iraq that there were fewer mortars since he received and activated his Harmonizer.


The journey toward world peace is multifaceted. It requires diverse approaches that address individual, collective, and environmental well-being.

Our Light-Life Energy Tools offer a unique pathway combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. As individuals and communities explore the potential of our Tools, they contribute to a growing tapestry of efforts designed to create a more peaceful and interconnected world.

While achieving world peace may seem daunting, exploring innovative tools and practices, such as Light-Life Energy Tools, provides hope and inspiration.

When we foster personal transformation, encourage collective healing, and address environmental concerns, we perform a meaningful role in the pursuit of global harmony.

As we explore diverse approaches to creating a better world, the Light-Life Energy Tools stand as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a more peaceful and interconnected future.

Find Your Truth with the Pyramid Pendant

How can you find your truth with the Pyramid Pendant? Who is the Pyramid Pendant for and is it for me? What can our Pyramid Pendant do for you?

The Pyramid Pendant seems to work first and foremost inside you. It takes disrupted energies in our chakras, clears it out so that the energies coming into our system can harmonize our chakras. It can also assist our body in its self-healing process.

One of the psychic readings we received about this Light-Life Tool states the following:

“The Pyramid assists to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that goes throughout your entire energy field body. It also goes through your mental and emotional body as well. Additionally, it assists in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that you are flowing with your energies on all levels. This can bring about greater increase in the self-healing ability of the body. It also brings self-awareness and alignment of harmony on all levels. The Pyramid Pendant assists to raise your vibrations, to raise your light back into awareness. It helps raise greater harmony physically, mentally, and emotionally. Allowing you to be raised back into the light and the truth of who you are. Wearing this Pendant assists you throughout your entire spiritual journey, as well as simply the journey of your life, so that you are pulsating with radiant light to raise the vibration, not only of yourself but wherever you go.”

Tests with the Mini-Pyramid Pendant showed that it strengthened the energy field of the wearer even with negative thoughts. Reports from customers tell us that it helped grumpy and bitter men to let go of old issues. This helps them become who they really are, a pleasant person to be around.

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

How often do we find ourselves thinking that the world/people/things need to change? Probably quite often in today’s world. How often do we have the capacity to change those things or control them? Certainly less often than we wish. This lack of control over the situation usually comes with some extra baggage like frustration, disappointment, feeling of helplessness… you name it. And this is how the vicious circle begins. Does this sound familiar to you?

Is there anything we can do when it feels like there’s nothing we can do? Yes! We can change ourselves and the way we show up in the world for others. To see the change, we must first become that change. Quite a simple thought, yet so powerful and empowering. Start with yourself, lead by example, and inspire others.

The hardest part, sometimes, is to find the strength plus the physical and emotional energy to “be the change” when everyone around us is not there yet. It requires a lot of courage, patience, wisdom, and non-reaction. Going against the flow is mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. It can cost you energy, money, health, relationships, jobs, etc.

So how can we support ourselves, so our “energy tank” always stays full? Fortunately, nature created us equipped with a lot of smart and helpful mechanisms so we can function effectively and can heal and repair when needed. A lot of us don’t know or forgot how to use them, but we can still tap into our own power and support ourselves going through the turbulence of today’s life.

Light-Life Tools Can Help

Light-Life Energy Tools were designed and created to help you activate your own inner power and support your self-healing ability. There is a variety of Tools that can help you with so many issues: help you strengthen your own energy field, regain your emotional balance, neutralize EMFs that harm us, help speed up self-healing, give life force energy to your food and water, help with physical and emotional discomfort, neutralize the geopathic stress, and so much more.

Based on the principles of sacred Geometry and Quantum physics, our Tools can raise the vibration of your cells, which allows your body and mind to operate at an optimal level, support a strong immune system, clear your mind, and help provide restorative sleep. And when you feel physically and emotionally strong, you have the power to go against the grain, to lead, to be the change you want to see in the world.

Slim Spurling’s Birthday

Here at Light-Life Technology, we celebrate Slim Spurling’s birthday every year during this time. He was such an extraordinary man who did great things while his physical body was on this Earth. We wanted to share a little bit about him with all of you!

All About Slim

Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met. He was a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim loved people and was always available to talk. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer. He never made something up to look good.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet. Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being.

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties.

If you would like to read more about the history of Slim, please download here a free eBook of Slim Spurling’s Universe.

Slim’s Letter to Himself

Slim wrote himself a “pep talk” letter back in 2006, about a year before he transitioned. He left it as a reminder for us all to use:

Dear Slim,

Take every opportunity to make life on planet Earth better for all – do it one project at a time – one technology at a time.

Work with the best. Give freely. Love largely. Stay humble. Keep going.

Highest Regards

– Slim…..

Which Harmonizer is best for geopathic stress and EMF?

I’d like to share with you which Harmonizer is best for geopathic stress and EMF and how it was we discovered this.

Many years ago, I was teaching a workshop in the Black Forrest of Germany. When I arrived, it was found that the router for the venue was in our workshop room, and we were not allowed turn it off. The organizer was quite upset because of the exposure to EMF it caused the participants. She also found some geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid when she was dowsing the location.

We put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around the router right away to immediately help block the EMF. Once we unpacked all the Light-Life Tools, we decided to do an experiment and see if one of the Energy Harmonizer would also help block the EMF because we noticed the Ring alone wasn’t strong enough. We put each Harmonizer in the Tensor Ring that it comes with. We then took the Tensor Ring off the router because we wanted to check the router’s energy field. Obviously, it was very strong.

The Results

We determined that the Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, silver plated, when activated, blocked the EMF from the router the best. While the Agricultural tested a bit better, we didn’t find it so significant to justify recommending only that size Harmonizer. We also dowsed to see how each Harmonizer affected the geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. We were in for a great surprise. Geopathic stress lines had disappeared with the silver plated Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, silver plated

Now, having said that, if you have any of our Energy Harmonizers, please remember to program them for what you need them to do. Check with dowsing if your programming worked. If you don’t dowse just trust your feeling and observe over the next few days if you noticed positive changes.

I am sharing this with you to encourage you to get creative and find your own ways in testing which Tools are the best for you in your environment and your situation. Everyone is different and for me it is really important that you always trust your own intuition and choose what feels right to you. We give recommendations that are based on our own experiences and the reports from customers. So, please, share your own experiences with us so we all can learn and try something new. BTW – this is the fun part about participating in live workshops. Participants share their experiences, and some are extraordinary. Also, some ideas are shared that I would never have thought of.

If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, please do it here. You’ll be the first to learn about activities, new tools, and specials.

Ask Katharina: What are your favorite Light-Life Tools?

Katharina, what are your favorite Light-Life Tools? Well, of course, I love all of them and therefore cannot name only one favorite Tool. Simply because some of them I use constantly without thinking about, and others I use only as needed.  

Favorite Pendants

As you probably know by seeing me wear it in all my YouTube videos, my favorite pendant is my Tibetan Pendant. I also like to wear it in combination with either our sterling silver Moon Pendant or our silver plated Sacred ¼ Cubit Lotus Pendant. Our Unity New Dimension Personal Harmonizer is another favorite. I wear this one on the plane as protection against 5G technology. This helps not only me but all the other passengers who are onboard with me. 

Tibetan Pendant

Tools for Traveling

My favorite Light-Life Tools for traveling area silver plated Matrix 44 Environmental Energy Harmonizer, two of our Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Rings, and a couple of Sacred ½ Tensor Rings. When I used to travel several times a year to Germany, some flight attendants recognized me because of all the Light-Life Tools I used. Here are some of the ways I use them: 

  • A Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring goes around my water and other drinks
  • The Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring goes on the seat for me to sit on 
  • My food and snacks sit in the other Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring 
  • The Matrix 44 is in my carry-on to help neutralize EMF from the plane
  • I will also take a Sacred ½ Cubit Lotus Pendant, gold plated, with me as it does wonders in removing discomfort from any part of my body  
  • Our Practitioner Set gets also packed in case a need arises to use the Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop or I need an extra Sacred 1 Cubit Tensor Ring 

Favorite Energy Harmonizer

Another favorite is the New Dimension Community Energy Harmonizer. I have one sitting in a Lost 1 ½ Cubit New Dimension Ring in my home office. It is so beautiful and makes me smile every time I look at it. It may sound strange to some of you, but I talk to them like I talk to my plants. My understanding is that all is made out of molecules, and we know that the Harmonizers work better when we are in communication with them. Try it and let me know your findings. I know that some of you already are doing this with amazing results.  

New Dimension Empowerment Environmental Energy Harmonizer

What is your favorite Light-Life Tool?

Now that you know my favorite Light-Life Tools, I want to know what yours are. Let me know on Facebook or Instagram, or send us an email. I’d love to hear from you. 

What health benefits does copper provide us with?

Ask Katharina: What health benefits does copper provide us with? Well… let’s find out about copper.

Sacred ½ Cubit Plain Jane Tensor Ring

What is copper?

Copper (Cu) is a chemical element, a reddish and extremely ductile metal. Because copper is durable and easy to form, it is particularly suitable as a conductor of electricity and heat. The current flows through copper wires without losing much energy.

Along with silver and gold, copper was one of the first metals that mankind came into contact with. People have been using it for over 9000 years. Copper is a relatively soft metal that is malleable yet still strong. It is found in the earth’s crust, a wide range of food, and inside the human body. The section below describes the other properties copper has.

Is copper magnetic?

Pure copper has a diamagnetic property and is, therefore, not described as magnetism. Thus, our Light-Life Tools are not magnetic in their nature.

What are the benefits of copper?

One of the good properties of copper is that it has an antibacterial effect and inhibits the growth of bacteria or germs. Because of this, door handles are made of copper and drinking water is allowed to flow through copper pipes.

Along with iron, calcium, and zinc, copper is a very important trace element for the body. Along with iron, it plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. It is also an important component of enzymes and relevant to respiration.

In small amounts, copper is incredibly important to health. In larger quantities, however, it has a negative effect on cell metabolism.

One of the most important health benefits of copper is its ability to improve blood circulation and promote oxygen flow. When the bloodstream is fluid, you will feel a greater surge of energy and a sharpened mind. For anyone struggling with anemia and a red blood cell deficiency, copper can increase red blood cell counts, allowing you to be combat ready and ward off internal diseases that affect immunity. Copper is also known for relieving stiff joints, pain, and discomfort that often accompanies arthritis and rheumatism. We recommend wearing a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your left arm for this reason.

What about mental and health benefits?

A wonderful equalizer of emotions, Copper is a must-have when it comes to mental well-being and emotional healing. It seems to shed all mental burdens and boost self-esteem through the power of high vibrations. For those struggling with a sense of lethargy, feeling lost, or falling into passivity, copper can help reawaken senses and bring you to a state of complete mental clarity. Conversely, if you are restless, irritable, and generally over-excited, copper can help calm you down. It’s a healing metal that knows exactly what you need and guides you to a place where you can find that space and softness. Copper is there for your success; it wants you to shine in a thousand wonderful ways and it will do the energetic vibrational work to clear negativity and guide positive and powerful thought patterns to help you achieve your goal.

What are the metaphysical properties?

Copper not only has healing properties in a physical sense but is also rich in spiritual and metaphysical properties. This metal seems to form a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. It can help clear negative energy and rebalance the chakras so one is well-equipped to receive all the good the spirit world has to offer. When we are open to receiving all that the universe has to give, we create space for deep healing, cosmic grandeur, and an abundance of possibilities to flow towards us.

Slim holding Light-Life Tools

As you may know Slim was, among many other things, an alchemist and choosing copper for Light-Life Tools and then combining it with a layer of silver followed by a layer of 24K gold made it the perfect choice to help you tap into your inner energy source and create harmony in your life.

How can I reactivate my Energy Harmonizer?

Occasionally, I meet people who bought a Harmonizer a long time ago from Slim and ask me, “How can I reactivate my energy Harmonizer?” I always recommend reading our book: In the Mind of a Master. It was written to serve as a guide and reference manual for all our Tools. However, here are the steps to take:

Reactivate the Harmonizer

When you want to activate or reactivate the Energy Harmonizer, it is important to remember to use your intentions. Make sure to have the Harmonizer outside of the included Light-Life Tensor Ring whenever you want to broadcast your intentions. Using the Environmental Clearing CD, or the MP3 file, will increase the light-field of the Harmonizer. The Tensor Ring will reduce the area of influence of the Harmonizer to the size of the Ring. The Harmonizer should be placed inside the Tensor Ring to recharge it occasionally. When Slim first created the Harmonizer, this was not necessary. However, the environment has changed quite a bit in the last 30 years. We have more electrification and wireless technology, and more pollution than ever.

Place the Harmonizer in your hands to set an intention

Functional Art Form

Slim created all the Light-Life Tools as functional art form. Because this is what they truly are. They are all beautiful pieces of art forms with beneficial functions for different areas. The Energy Harmonizers are created out of three Tensor Rings with an Acu-Vac Coil in the middle. The purpose of the Acu-Vac coil is to pull out unwanted energies from an environment or situation and transmute it to beneficial energies. To the clairvoyant, a coherent light-field is visible coming out from the top of the Harmonizer as a toroidal energy field.

Imagine the light field in the shape of a doughnut. This field is constantly in motion and affects all that come in its vicinity. For the harmony seekers among you, this can be a great support. Always remember that the Light-Life Tools are here to support your growth, but they don’t do the work for you. They will not interfere with your free will but can assist you in bringing more harmony in your life if that’s what you strive for.

Find out more!

I wrote a blog all about the Environmental Harmonizer. Please click here to read it.

I encourage all of you to please activate or reactivate your Energy Harmonizer if you have one. The Harmonizers are antennas that broadcast light. Add all your good intentions to make this planet a better to place to live. Let’s bring more light to the world and peace to all.

Ask Katharina: I Have Been Dealing with Negative Self-Talk

Katharina –

I have been dealing with negative self-talk and I was wondering if there is a Tool or a Pendant, that could help me gain more positivity towards myself? You know, the whole world-wide situation is having a toll on me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,


Advice on Dealing with Negative Self-Talk


Thank you for your email. I appreciate your question because you’re not alone. Many are faced with challenges these days and it is easy to go down a negative spiral.

Here is what helps me: I don’t watch the news or read the paper. They all seem to say the same and I am very visual, so stressful pictures haunt me for a very long time. Instead, I focus on how I would like the world to be and how I want other people to interact with me. Every morning, I write down and visualize how I want my day to go. If I have meetings scheduled, I picture them being productive and
a win for all involved. I write down what I’m going to accomplish and see it all in a positive light.

Now, I understand this may sound a bit hard to do and it is in the beginning. However, it is so worth it if you make an effort to practice it.

You were asking for a Tool and, of course, I have some recommendations for you. To help with the negative self-talk, our Pyramid Pendant comes to mind. If you experience yourself being a ‘chronic’ grumpy person, that may be the perfect choice for you. If you need a mood booster, our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, gold or silver plated, or our Unity Personal Harmonizer would both be a good choice. Last, but not least, our Moon Pendant is a heart opener and if you feel your heart area is shut down, I would go with this one. Use your intuition in choosing the right Tool for you.

I wish you the very best and that you soon start giving yourself positive self-talks. Look in the mirror and smile. It helps! I know from experience.



Questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings

Here are our most asked questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings with the intention to help you choose the ones that serve your needs the best.

Why do some Light-Life Tensor Rings have beads?

Slim Spurling studied the work of Nikola Tesla who said that spheres amplify an energy field. Therefore, we added beads to our Light-Life Tensor Rings to increase the strength and density of the tensor field. Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Rings do not have beads since they are mainly used for outdoor applications.

The Light-Life Tensor Rings included with most of our Harmonizers only have one bead. This is sufficient for the purpose of reducing the energy field of the Harmonizer to the size of the ring.

What is the purpose of the heavier wire you use?

The heavy wire creates a stronger field density, which seems to generate more light and life force energy . Therefore, beads are not necessary. Also, some people like to sit on Light-Life Tensor Rings during long road trips and find beads are not very comfortable to sit on. Healers have reported greater and faster results when using a 1 Sacred Cubit Heavy Ring and a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Ring connected together with cable ties so the Rings do not touch. This seems to speed up the self-healing power significantly.

1 Sacred Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring zip tied to a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring

What does the plating do and why are some Light-Life Tensor Rings plated and others are not?

These are questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings that I get asked quite frequently. In the beginning, Slim Spurling made the Tensor Rings out of copper with a bead soldered on. With more experience, and being the alchemist he was, he realized people would have better results if he added gold and silver plating. All of our plated Tensor Rings first have a layer of silver followed by a layer of 24K gold plating.

However, gardeners and farmers asked for a less expensive option for the outdoors. Slim Spurling added the Plain Jane version of the Light-Life Tensor Rings, without beads and plating, around the year of 2000. Later, more sizes of the Plain Jane Tensor Ring became available for outdoor purposes and to block EMF (electro magnetic fields).

Can you help me understand what a tensor field is?

A tensor field is the space created when the ends of a wire are joined in a loop. Think about a child blowing bubbles after they dip a loop into soap solution. The soap solution is actually hanging on the tensor field of that loop. The tensor field of our Light-Life Rings is the empty space within the circumference. The tensor field creates a higher vibration that may bring beneficial life-force to everything within its energy field.  

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