Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Pests

A Glimpse into the Mind of a Master

Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master , where Slim Spurling shares how he invented the Energy Harmonizer.

The Creation of the first Harmonizers

“…The Harmonizer is a combination of rings and coils. I’d like to describe how we came to do this. We first started by spinning a ring in a vertical position, and we found that created a somewhat unpleasant energy field. And it didn’t feel good to many of the sensitives. So we thought, well, what happens if we put two rings together? Now we have an energy beam coming out both sides of the 24K gold ring and an energy beam coming out both sides of the copper ring. This creates an effect like a cylinder or a flashlight beam. When we intersected a third ring, all of a sudden the clairvoyants were telling us
that we had a spherical field – more like a donut-shaped field. And it didn’t appear to have much, if any, motion to it. It was suggested that we put a coil in the center.

Well now we have motion in the energy field, in this toroidal or donut-shaped energy field, so that positive energy is coming out through the top of the field, coming back around, sweeping through, pulling all the negative energy from the environment into the base of the Harmonizer through the coil, and transmuting it again to a positive energy out the top in this donut-shaped, toroidal field. What we’re able to do with the coil placed in the center is to create a motion of flow. This is now three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional in the form of a cross. So that was a major discovery...”.

One of the first Energy Harmonizers made by Slim Spurling

How the Harmonizers work

“…The Harmonizer emits a cosmic light field or L-field and has a positive output. To the clairvoyant, it appears to emit a coherent holographic light field. It is an “active” tool, in that subtle energies are continually in motion in the large light energy field around it. An individual’s own energies are set into motion too, continuing as long as one is in its presence! The range of the Harmonizer can be closed down by placing it in a ring. The energy is then contained in the new cylindrical column and the ring will send it on an upward path...”.

Energy Harmonizer and its toroidal field

Different types of Harmonizers

“…The various Harmonizers are for personal, environmental, and agricultural applications. There’s quite a demand for these, and that’s been developed because of their unique properties in being able to clean up atmospheric air pollution. And that can extend right on down to the Personal Harmonizer, which is a very small unit, not much bigger than the ball of my thumb. This is used to keep your personal atmosphere strong and healthy, and that’s your bio-field, your aura.

“…The first [Environmental] Harmonizers were very small devices and were designed to reduce electromagnetic interference in the home, to help clean the air in the house, and to improve the outside environment right through the walls. Your local environment – your neighborhood or even a small town – would reap the benefits of one individual having this tool in their home. We went then to the larger ½ Sacred Cubit size of Agricultural [now called Community] Harmonizer, as this was designed to handle large scale ranching and farming operations...“.

Light-Life Community Energy Harmonizers today

Personal Energy Harmonizers

“…Our own personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the
Personal Harmonizer’s light force energies. As the Harmonizer’s energy
travels through us following the meridian channels, it will work
its way gently
through the body from head to toe – down and up – down and up. A polarity
flow of body rhythms.
One of the more interesting groups that is consciously and deliberately
employing the Personal Harmonizers are law enforcement groups and
paramedics because they often run into very difficult situations. And I’ve
had a number of field reports come back from police officers in California.
None of them have sustained any personal physical injury since they’ve been
wearing these. The reason for this is whomever they’re confronting seems to
come into agreement with them very quickly…”.

Light-Life Personal Energy Harmonizers

Read more about benefits of Light-Life Energy Harmonizers in this blog.

Learn about Denver Clearing Project, when Slim Spurling and his research associates cleared the “brown crowd” above Denver in the March of 1994.

Multiple Benefits of Energy Harmonizers

With phase 3 of The Clearing Project approaching I thought it is time to give some examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. All our Energy Harmonizers are created with the intention to bring more harmony and balance into your life.

  • Home and workplace
    • Bringing more balance to the home
    • Protecting from EMF
  • Community and Environment
    • Reducing air pollution
    • Encouraging more harmony in the neighborhood
  • Weather improvements
    • Diverting tornadoes and hurricanes
    • Reducing intensity of thunderstorms and hail
  • Farming and Gardening
    • Providing pest control
    • Increasing crop yield

Home and Workplace

We have amazing reports from people whose family lives are impacted by placing an Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their homes. For example, teenagers reacted positively, and other overall relationship issues are reported to improve.

Place a silver-plated Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit in your home office or workplace and it can reduce the harmful effects of EMF and neutralize the Hartmann Grid. In addition, it can also help raise the vibrations and assist in positive interactions between colleagues.

The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that is save for us?

Community and Environment

Our Agricultural Harmonizers have brought multiple benefits to large communities; therefore, we renamed them to Community Harmonizers.

Multiple benefits with an Empowerment Community Harmonizer

Let me share an excerpt from a testimonial we received some time ago, after an Empowerment Community Energy Harmonizer was placed in this community:

September, 2012  Senate appointments began shifting.

January-February, 2013   House of Representatives and the Senate voted to impeach Governor Benigno Fital.  Trial date was set. (Impeachment requests had been happening for quite some time, never passing in either the House or Senate, so this was a major break-through)

Feb 20, 2013, Governor Benigno Firial resigned from office.  (1st time in the history of the US that impeachment proceedings for a governor were going to be completed, and the first time for a resignation of a governor of a territory. It was easier than expected, no trial necessary.)

Feb 22, 2013, There was finally an arrest for a murder committed one year prior.  He was in prison for other crimes and apparently would have been in prison at the time of the murder if a judge hadn’t let him off extremely leniently on even more crimes he committed earlier.  He was related to powerful political figures.  The Commissioner of Public Safety was accused of purposely interfering with the investigation. (Other old crime cases are beginning to be resolved as interference is decreasing.)…” 

Slim created the Environmental Energy Harmonizers to reduce air pollution in Denver, Colorado. As a result, they are being used now worldwide to bring clear air on all levels. Likewise, our larger Energy Harmonizer are used for that same purpose.

We found that the 24K gold-plated Energy Harmonizers work best on everything you can see, for example, air pollution, and plant growth, and the silver-plated ones on the other hand seem to work best on unseen, but felt issues, like mental and emotional issues as well as EMF (electromagnetic fields).

Weather Improvement

The Environmental Energy Harmonizer is about the size of a golf ball and has been successfully activated to divert tornadoes. As a result, we have many reports from customers who told us they activated their Harmonizer during a tornado warning, and the satellite picture the same night on the news showed how the tornado went around their city and the weatherman didn’t know how it happened.

give multiple benefits to communities in its range
Work remotely with the Harmonizer to give multiple benefits to large communities.

Therefore, when we hear about hurricane warnings, we print a map of the area and put it on the top of an Environmental Clearing CD. The Energy Harmonizer is then placed on top with our intention to diverting the hurricanes. It has brought about multiple benefits, certainly collapsed hurricanes, and improved marine life.

Also, a friend, who activated a Storm Chaser in Florida, sent us a report that it eliminated the Red Tide.

Farming and Gardening

Customers reported that having a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their home visibly increased their plant growth in no time.

Report from a farmer in Colorado

A farmer noted that the numbers of corn borer millers attracted to outside lighting on the house in the evening declined rapidly from approximately 100-150 on the window screens to maybe 3-6. This happened within 48 hours after activating an Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated. Another positive factor was that more beneficial insects, like lady bugs, were attracted to the area.

Report from a farmer in Laredo, TX

“Summarizing in a few words, the autumn crop which we expected to have only 30 kg per hectare, resulted in an incredible crop of 100 kg per hectare and if the weather continues fine, we might have another crop of 10 kg or more by hectare.

The neighboring lots of Nueces Buffel Grass (50 hectares) within a radius of 1 km from the point in which we placed the Harmonizer, also produced an estimate of 100% more crop than were raised in previous years.

I must emphasize that none of my neighbors were able to obtain more than two crops because their grass dried up due to the lack of humidity….”

As I said in the beginning these are just a few examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. The testimonials we receive are awesome and fill us with lots of gratitude. We would love to receive yours.

Please sign up for The Clearing Project, because it takes all of us to get clear air on all levels and everywhere.

Thank you.

The Matrix You’ll Want to Be In

Our Matrix Harmonizers have a ‘pulsing’ field that seems to expand over time. They consist of a Sacred Cubit Harmonizer inside a Lost Cubit Harmonizer. The Matrix 22 is an Agricultural size (1/2 Cubit) and the Matrix 44 is an Environmental size (1/4 Cubit).

Why would I want to be in this Matrix?

  • Are you lacking clarity and focus because of overwhelm?
  • Do you have a hard time honoring your own needs?
  • Are your clients showing resistance to growth, even though they are ready on another level?
  • Is your intuition and creativity feeling stagnant?
  • Are you concerned about the environment at large and would like to contribute to cleaner air and water?
  • Are you living in a earthquake prone area and would like to see them less and less frequently?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then our Matrix Energy Harmonizers may help you address these issues.

The field reports suggest that the Matrix Harmonizers support life force physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and may strengthen the immune system. Also, these Harmonizers intensify the six senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound, and intuition; and to enhance positive thought patterns.

Our research group found that the Matrix Harmonizers reduce toxic elements in polluted air, as well as assisting in clearing the earth’s atmosphere. Basically, by balancing and harmonizing the ethers, the Matrix Harmonizers seem to harmonize the magnetic and geopathic grid lines. This can elevate chi force within physical structures. Tests indicated that it reduces positive ions, which are harmful to us, and increases negative ions. It may even have a neutralizing effect on radioactive material. The degree to which the Harmonizer is able to neutralize radioactive material depends on the concentration of the radioactive material.

Which one is best for me?

The base of all of our Harmonizers is copper. All plated Light-Life Tools will have as base a layer of silver and then a layer of 24K gold plating.

Generally, we suggest 24K gold for issues that you can see, like plant growth or environmental pollution. For the unseen issues, like emotional and mental imbalances, radiation, and EMF, the silver-plated Harmonizer is reported to work quicker. Having said that, please know that both should be effective on all issues, we are just sharing our customer’s feedback of the silver or gold plating working faster on specific concerns.

The Matrix 22 is great for larger areas while the Matrix 44 is sufficient for your home and immediate community.

“The effect of the double Harmonizer is considerably greater than that of two single Harmonizers ~ one Sacred and one Lost Cubit ~ next to one another.”
Dr. Lenny Lee Kloepper

Bella snuggled up to the Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Signs of Geopathic Stress and the Hartmann Grid

Did you know there are many signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid to watch out for? In a previous blog post, I talked about what geopathic stress is along with what the Hartmann Grid is.

Today, I am going to ask questions that can point out different signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. If you answer yes to any of them, I highly recommend you check out Slim Spurling’s method of dowsing to locate and block those lines. His method is very effective and applied world-wide.

Let’s start with visual signs in and around your home:

  • Are there trees and other plants growing crooked around your home?
  • Are there cracks in the driveway or in the walls inside your home?
  • Do you see ant hills on your lawn and/or a bee’s nest in the siding of your house?
  • Do you have areas in your garden where nothing wants to grow?
  • Is there a cell phone tower in your area?

Here are some signs of geopathic stress and Hartmann Grid in your personal and professional life:

  • Do you have health symptoms that no one can find the source of, that disappear when you are traveling?
  • Did you have construction going on in your area? Have you since then developed health issues and/or stress in your relationships?
  • Has sleep quality gone down since moving into your new home? Have your child’s grades gone down after moving into a new classroom or school?
  • Does your workspace makes you feel ill even though you enjoy the work and like your colleagues? 
  • Is your business not thriving anymore or have you noticed a location in your town where no business seems to thrive for no apparent reason?
Signs of Geopathic Stress

I think you get an idea now what to look for. The good thing is, we have a very simple and effective solution to remedy those issues so you can live life to the fullest. Come join us at our upcoming dowsing workshop in Philadelphia where you can learn how to help yourself as well as family and friends. Plus, if you haven’t watched it yet, or cannot make it to the workshop in Philadelphia, make sure you get Slim Spurlings’s DVD, Geobiology, Dowsing, & Light-Life Tools

I am very passionate about bringing awareness to geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid as I know it can improve your quality of life in all areas and even save lives. See you in Philly! 

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

Ask Katharina

The positive response from last month’s column has been overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your support! The questions have been rolling in and I found these all to be interesting as we focus on restoration for the month of April. Enjoy!


Dear Katharina,

I’m an avid green thumb and love to garden. Are there any tools you would recommend to help my plants grow stronger and bigger?

-Alice M., Illinois

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

Dear Alice,

Believe it or not, the Light-Life Tools were designed also with agriculture in mind! Slim was interested in inventing tools that could help the environment. It was only later on that he discovered the Harmonizers were beneficial to humans as well. There are so many tools that could be helpful for your garden. The testimonials I’ve received on botany are pretty profound. One woman went on vacation to come home and found her garden infected with bugs. She activated her Environmental Harmonizer using an Environmental Clearing CD (you can place the Harmonizer on top of it or for extra charge you can put the CD in a CD player and place headphones around the Harmonizer). Within a day the bugs were all gone! A Harmonizer is a great tool to have in your home as it is said to cleanse the air, water and soil. I also recommend buying a bunch of Plain Jane Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. You can put these over your sprinklers, the hose, your watering can or any other water source that you will use to nourish your garden. Let us know how you do.

Yours truly,



Dear Katharina,

I’ve done a ton of work on myself over the years, but still struggle with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of a traumatic childhood. What tools do you recommend I use or wear as I continue my healing journey?

Thank you,

John S., Colorado

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Dear John,

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough experience. It’s powerful to see that you are willing to get the help you need and move through the issues. Not everyone has this strength and you will emerge on the other side much better for it. While I strongly recommend doing work with a licensed therapist, the Light-Life Tools do have their place. I would recommend one of the newest additions to our assortment, The Song of the Soul Light-Life Pendant. It’s not only a gorgeous piece of art, but is said to clear away the blocks of ancestral patterns. I’ve also received a lot of testimonials that it gives the wearer strength to stand in their true self and speak their truth. You could also get a copper 2 Lost Cubit Seed of Life and place under your bed or under your mattress. This is supposed to help with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well. Please let me know how it works for you. Sending many blessings!

