Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Manifestation (Page 1 of 2)

The Power of Our Word

The power of our word is an impressive tool in our mind that often goes untapped. Our subconscious doesn’t discern between reality and the images we paint with our words. It simply says “yes” to what it receives. It absorbs and manifests our spoken words into our lived experiences.

The Most Powerful Words

Shifting to a place where our words become a force of positive change requires a conscious effort. We must first recognize the capability of language to impact our view of reality.

Phrases like I am, always, and never carry immense influence over our subconscious mind. By choosing to use these words in a positive, life-affirming way, we begin a journey of self-empowerment and transformation.

Always is a beacon of consistency. A constant reminder that our intentions are firm and our goals within reach. Always infuses our subconscious with the belief that success and fulfillment are not fleeting moments, but enduring states of being. For example:

  • I can always be patient with myself and others
  • I can always finish my projects before the deadline
  • I can always use kind words when speaking

Never serves as a shield against doubt and limitation. When paired with positive affirmations, never becomes a declaration of determination. It signifies our refusal to fall to negativity or setbacks. It also reinforces the notion that every obstacle is merely a stepping stone on the path to greatness. Some examples:

  • I never miss my family’s/friend’s birthdays
  • I am never late for appointments
  • I never use unkind words on purpose

I am, perhaps the most potent of all, sums up the essence of self-identity and empowerment. When followed by words of positivity and affirmation, it becomes a mantra of self-love and acceptance.

  • I am capable
  • I am resilient in the face of challenges
  • I am worthy of what I desire

These declarations reshape our self-perception, instilling a sense of confidence and self-belief.

When to Use/Not Use “My”

If we want to express pain or unwanted feelings, our choice of words can impact our mindset and emotional state. Often, we default to possessive terms like “mine,” inadvertently reinforcing our attachment to the discomfort. However, by shifting our language, we can alter our perception. For example, instead of claiming ownership of pain by saying “my knee hurts”, try referring to it as “the pain” in your body part. This subtle change removes the sense of possession, allowing for a healthier separation between self and discomfort. By recognizing pain as a temporary visitor rather than a permanent fixture, we empower ourselves to navigate through it with greater ease and resilience.

The same is true for having debts or anything else that is unwanted. Never say “my debts”, instead “I have debts and take actions to decrease them”.

When it comes to using the word ‘mine’ be sure to use it only when you talk about something you want to keep.


When manifesting, with or without our 1 Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring, make sure to incorporate the powerful words we have discussed.

Moving towards a reality defined by our words demands consistency and mindfulness. It requires us to cultivate a language of abundance. Replacing doubt with faith and negativity with optimism. With each affirmation, we close the gap between imagination and reality. Creating a life defined by our deepest desires and ambitions.

Hold the Manifestation Ring in front of your Heart Chakra or speak your words into the Ring.


In conclusion, let us embrace the transformative power of our word. Let us recognize the authority words hold over our subconscious mind and use them with intention and purpose. By harnessing the power of I am, always, and never, we unlock the doors to infinite possibilities. We can begin to pave the way toward a future filled with success, fulfillment, and boundless joy.

PS: If you want to learn more about the power of our word, I recommend any book by Louise Hay on affirmations, self-healing, and more. Check out Hay House Publishing.

I also recommend John Assaraf’s Innercise app, which is designed to send positive affirmations to your subconscious mind.

Light-Life Tools May Enhance Your Crystals’ and Gemstones’ Properties.

Did you know that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals’ and gemstones’ inherent properties and power?

Interest in crystals has steadily grown in recent years, accelerated by several emerging trends since the pandemic. Therefore, crystals and gemstones have never been even more popular.

Crystals have aesthetic appeal and a long history of being used in wellness settings to promote relaxation. In spiritual settings, healers use them to interact with the body’s energy fields, redirect and channel energetic flow, and align chakras.

Gemstones often carry symbolic meaning. For example, think of birthstones: sapphires represent wisdom, royalty, and prophecy; rubies signify wealth, passion, and power; and emeralds symbolize rebirth, love, and fertility.

Quartz crystals may amplify the power of Light-Life Tools

Crystals vibrate at specific frequencies (like all matter) and contain energetic potential. Even though, the scientific community still needs to establish concrete evidence regarding crystals’ healing or active properties. However, top-tier clocks, watches, and electronics have used quartz crystals for years. Buyers revere Quartz crystal for time-keeping precision. As a piezoelectric material, quartz crystals can accumulate electrical charge when bent under force.

Quartz crystals may amplify the energy of the Harmonizer, one of Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools.

Popular crystals:

Clear Quartz
Lapis Lazuli*
Lemurian Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rutilated Quartz*

*Crystals shown in the gallery below in the order they are listed

Crystal and gemstones share many properties. For example, Amethyst, Citrine, and Turquoise crystals can classify as gemstones when cut, polished, or faceted. Also, it is important to watch out for synthetic and lab-grown versions of stones, which would likely have different properties than the original material. For instance, orange-colored “citrine,” while beautiful, is typically heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine is actually a light smoky yellow, not orange.

Light-Life Tools may further empower gemstones

Combining the properties of the gemstones and the Light-Life Tools may enhance the benefits of energy healing and holistic practices.

Popular gemstones:


Some gemstones may be rare and difficult to find compared to the stones classified as crystals. Therefore, scarcity, along with color, clarity, size, and cut of the stone, affects the price and availability of a gemstone.

Try using Light-Life Tools alongside your favorite gemstones for an amplified effect.

Alchemical properties of metals used at Light-Life Technology

Light-Life Tools are made out of metals such as copper and sterling silver, and 24Kgold plated (3 of the seven spiritual metals), which are said to have alchemical properties alongside crystals and gemstones.

Symbolism of metals:
– Gold historically stands for spiritual purity, enlightenment, and the unity of opposites.
– Silver symbolizes emotions, feminine energy, and intuition.
– Copper can represent protection, wealth, love, beauty, and harmony.

Try mixing and matching tools of various metals with your favorite stones. Let intuition and experience guide you as you combine the crystals, gemstones, and Light-Life Tools.

Multiple ways that Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals & gemstones

For example:

  • Charge Crystals: Place your crystals within a Tensor Ring to help cleanse and recharge them with potent life-force energy.
  • Amplify Crystal Energy using Harmonizers: Crystals placed inside a Harmonizer may amplify the crystal’s vibrational energy, imbuing your space with its specific properties.
  • Create Crystal Grids: Combine Light-Life Tools such as Tensor Rings with crystals to help create powerful crystal grids (similar to mandalas) for enhancing spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being and balance.
  • Make Crystal Elixirs: Use Tensor rings to supercharge your crystal elixirs, imparting them with additional beneficial frequencies. Avoid using toxic stones that may leach or dissolve minerals into water. Clean your crystals well and note the expiration date of the elixir if you plan to store it.
  • Aid Meditation: Carry crystals inside a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer during meditation to help open your chakras and reach deeper meditative states.
  • Enhance Crystal Jewelry: Layer on crystals with Light-Life Jewelry to combine energetic power and beauty.
  • Clear Spaces: Use a Tensor Ring or Harmonizer with a selenite crystal to help cleanse your spaces of negativity.
  • Increase Focus and Clarity: Combining clear quartz crystals with Light-Life tools may provide a clean, energetic environment, helping to increase focus, clarity, and productivity.
  • Support Emotional Well-being: Pair a crystal like rose quartz with an Acu-Vac Coil to help dispel emotional distress and promote love and harmony.
  • Promote Restful Sleep: Combine amethyst with Light-Life Tools in the bedroom to make your bedroom a sanctuary and help promote relaxation, rest, and sleep.

Light-Life Tools may enhance your crystals if you pair them for a high-vibing experience.

As a matter of fact, crystals and gemstones work well alongside Light-Life Tools due to the Tools’ materials and relationship to energy. The incorporation of points may support broader applications and enhance energy healing and other related practices.

Remember, the best crystal for you often depends on your needs, intentions, and preferences rather than trends. In other words, choosing the crystals and Light-Life Tools that resonate most with you is always a good idea.

Furthermore, whatever crystal or gemstones resonate with you, you may enjoy them even more when paired with a Light-Life Tool. Remember how Harmonizers, Tensor Rings, and Pyramid-shaped Tools serve your purpose.

Read more about Benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine here.

Imagine Having a Personal Bodyguard

We hear so many incredible stories from our customers who have experienced the benefits of wearing our Pendant Jewelry. The Light-Life team calls them “everyday miracles.”

The video below shows how our Synergy Personal Harmonizer saved the day for a grateful customer. Kim had been wearing her Synergy religiously and was at a hair salon appointment when a neighboring stylist started an unplanned highly toxic chemical process on the woman’s hair next to her. Diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity, she is highly reactive to toxins and is debilitated by them. However, this time she did not experience more than a slight headache for a few hours!

“It must have blown it’s circuits! I truly know it took a bullet for me and saved me from being in the fetal position for days trying to recover.”

Kim K. Colorado

Another Everyday Miracle from Pendants

Eric also says “the Synergy is the absolute best pendant they offer in my opinion.” He further explained that he initially dismissed the Empowerment sized cubit, the outer measurement, described as helping with luck and manifestation, when he was making his purchase.

“But things I wanted that were out of reach or a ‘hard no’ just fell into my lap shortly after this one came in the mail.”

Eric. C. Instagram

Your Protective Bubble

Many customers have stated that wearing one of our Personal Harmonizers is like having a superpower. One gentleman said it’s “like you are not going to get robbed wearing this thing”. A woman prone to taking on other people’s energy told us “It’s my cloak of protection” to help her stay safe from noxious energies when she is out and about running errands.

We love hearing these heartfelt stories, they inspire us to no end! We’ll leave you with a quote from Slim, who reminds us of our innate power and importance of our partnership with these Tools to change our life.

“The Tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The Tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The Tools are based on Universal Truth and Harmony. Always choose universal truth.”

Slim Spurling, In the Mind of a Master

Using the Gift of the Full Moon

When we are aware of the effects of the lunar cycles, we can use the full moon to bring forth what we want to see in our lives. By pairing these full moon cycles with our energy Tools, such as our Moon Earrings, our intentions to shift things in our reality seem to happen even quicker than we might expect.

moon earrings testimonial

“These Moon Earrings are a very effective partner in manifesting the highest outcomes when we are clear in what we want, and what we choose to release.” – A.S., CO

Using all three Cubit measurements, Moon Earrings are in a fantastic place close to our throat chakra, the temporal lobe that processes auditory input, memory, and the occipital lobe that is the visual processor of the brain. 

Our Moon Earrings in sterling silver have an angelic or celestial vibration.  It is very gentle and highly supportive. This may positively influence our perspective of what we see and hear.

We also have Moon Earrings in sterling silver plated with 24K gold. These are a perfect pair to wear when we want to embody our intended shifts during the moon cycles quickly. Wearing these can open us up to allowing new, positive higher frequencies to come right into our cells and light us up! The gold plating on top of the Sterling Silver carries a luminous earthly radiance in addition to the celestial vibration.

By wearing Moon Earrings during a Full Moon, we can harness the power to bring forth what we want to see more of in our lives, while removing the things we no longer need to hold onto.

Light-Life Tools for Self-Care

As a lot of you know, the Light-Life Tools have endless applications. Today, we wanted to share with you some examples of how you can incorporate Light-Life Tools into your self-care routine. We would like to thank our Light-Life community for sharing your findings with us and we hope these ideas will inspire you to use our Tools in many different ways and experiment with applications more often 😊

Mediation Practice

Our Tensor Rings are great helpers if you want to deepen your meditation and/or relaxation practice. You can use ½ or 1 Cubit Tensor Rings on your chakras, placing them where you most need attention now. Use a 1 Cubit Ring as a “crown” on your head or try sitting inside a 3 ½ Cubit Ring during your meditation practice.

Visualization and/or Manifestation may also be more powerful if you use Tensor Rings around your body or around your head/neck. Our Manifestation Ring, Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring, got this name for a reason – it has helped so many of our customers manifest their intentions.

Energy Harmonizers are another great Tool for your manifestation routine. Hold the Harmonizer in your hands, try to connect with it, and broadcast your visions through it.

Visualizing intentions with a Manifestation Ring

Skincare Routine

A friend of Light-Life Tools, Amy Wall, shared the following tips with us. She uses Light-Life Tools in her amazing Energetic Beauty program (check it out, we promise you’ll find a lot of powerful information there). Our Acupressure Tool can be used as a massage wand for your face, neck, and head. The Manifestation Ring is one of Amy’s favorites. She wears it as a crown during the skincare routine and visualizes the end results. Imagine lotion nourishing your skin and the skin responding positively, wrinkles disappearing, skin tone improving, etc. And when you are not using the Ring, you can place your cosmetics inside it to help keep their potency.

Aura Shower

Another great way to use 3 ½ Cubit Rings is giving yourself or another person an Aura shower. Stepping inside the Tensor Ring and moving it up and down slowly over your body may help you get rid of the energies that don’t serve you. It may also help to cleanse your aura, relax your body and mind, and make room for the new and positive.

We hope these tips were helpful and we will be thrilled to hear from you if you’ve discovered new ways Light-Life Tools has helped you on your journey to harmony, happiness, and well-being.

Start with Yourself to Bring Positive Changes to the World 

Harmony creators know that you first start with yourself in order to bring positive changes to the world. However, this can seem impossible. Your social media news feed is filled with posts of fights and death. News segments talk of war and crime. Neighbors talk about burglaries and destruction of their properties. There are so many wildfires and droughts everywhere. Then illnesses and disease? Let’s not even get started on that. With all this negativity surrounding the world, how are you supposed to bring a positive state to it? Then once you start thinking like this, you start to give up on your dreams. And harmony seems so far away. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way.

The truth is, it is possible to create harmony and bring a positive state to the world. But first, you have to start with yourself. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary to make an impact. American author and speaker John C. Maxwell wrote: “Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves.”

Upgrade How You Think and Act

You bring a positive state to the world not by pointing out what is wrong with it, but by upgrading how you think and act, and coinciding this with what you wish to see in the world. You accomplish this by changing what you pay attention to. By feeding the positivity. Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This alone will have a ripple effect on the lives of those around you. For example, you read a negative post on social media that ignites fear and anger inside you. Rather than bash on the person who made the post, you share an inspiring quote that makes you feel strong and grounded. That quote gets shared and shared again. This ripple effect of positivity was started with yourself.

Have you heard the saying, “You are the sum of the five people you most associate with”? Let’s expand this. Say you start acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Then the five people around you most will start acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Each of those five people will affect their top five people. Now, 25 people are acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Are you able to see where this cycle is going?

Meditating while wearing a Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring

Light-Life Tools Can Help You

Light-Life Tools can help you create a positive state in the world inside you. Our energy Tools were designed and created to help you activate your own inner power and find that place of peace, love, and joy. Once you operate from that place inside you, you will create harmony. Remember, you need to start with yourself to bring positive changes to the world.

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Only useful information that will support you on your journey to a happier and more harmonious life. Click here to subscribe to our list.

Ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings!

As you probably know by now, I believe you cannot have too many Light-Life Tensor Rings. Therefore, to ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings is a no-brainer. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring in front of your heart chakra, visualize your desired result, and go into the feeling as if you already have it. Stay in this experience for as long as it feels comfortable.
  • Ring in the New Year with the Light-Life Tensor Rings by placing them over your cosmetics, supplements, and condiments and be observant. Do they feel better, taste better, last longer?
  • Use Light-Life Tensor Rings for your pets; whether you want to help them with acute physical discomfort or just to support their health and well-being. You can place a bigger Ring under your pets’ bed or put a smaller one around their neck.
  • Put your flowers in a Light-Life Tensor Ring to keep them longer fresh. I had miracles happen doing that.

Get more ideas on our Instagram page and keep experimenting. Be creative and find new ways every week to work with the Rings.

You see, there are many ways you can ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings. Let us know on Facebook or Instagram how you are using them. We love to hear and get other ideas from our community.

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

Ask Katharina: How to stay stress-free during the holidays?

When I say “stay stress-free during the holidays”, I don’t want you to think it cannot be applied for the rest of the year. On the contrary, make it a habit and enjoy less stress in your life. I believe this is what we all aim for.

It starts with you.

Of course, as always, it starts with you. Once you accept that you are the one creating your life, and that includes all the stress, knowing that can empower you to create what you really love. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

From my experience, people get often stuck in the current circumstances or past experiences, and, if it was bad before, they expect it to be just as bad. But it does not have to! Your positive intention and anticipation that this time it all will be fine can make it so!

Here are some ideas on how to stay stress-free during the holidays:

  • Get all your presents way ahead of schedule.
  • If you have to travel, imagine easy travel. If you go by car, see yourself leaving with plenty of time, the roads clear, the weather perfect, just no room for stress at all.
  • Play music that brings the spirit of the holidays into your home.
  • Instead of cooking all the food yourself, suggest a potluck dinner.
  • Decorate the table the night before.
  • Have fun games ready for all to play.
  • Set rules for subjects to not address.
  • Imagine sitting down to a delicious meal, all happy and laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
  • Inspire delightful conversations with family members and friends you haven’t seen for a while.

And, most importantly, imagine exactly how you want the holidays to be, how you want to feel, e.g., relaxed, joyous, appreciated, peaceful, and calm. Imagine how everyone is getting along and happy to see each other. See yourself eating just the right amount so you’re not feeling sick later. Make sure you have this clear image and feeling and bring that to your awareness several times during the day. Start the morning and go to bed with this happy picture in your head.

You will notice a difference. I speak from experience. Science has proven that our thoughts influence the object we are thinking of. Knowing that is a powerful reason for sending thoughts of love and appreciation to all we encounter. Remember the saying “what goes around, comes around”?

Light-Life Energy Harmonizer can always help.

Of course, if you own one of our Harmonizers bring it to the events. Read here what it did for one of our friends. We have many stories like that.

I carry one of my Environmental Harmonizers or Matrix 44 silver-plated with me wherever I go. Years ago, when I was traveling in groups, they always commented how different this trip was. How well people got along and how harmonious it was. It always makes me smile and be grateful.

I wish you and yours Happy Holidays – may they be the most joyous, peaceful, and stress-free ever.

How to manifest

How to manifest is a question I get asked frequently so I thought I give you ideas for the most common areas people are interested in.

We actually manifest constantly, however, most of the time unconsciously. Just look at some of the good things in your life. Did you not think of them before they showed up? Also, look at some of the unfortunate things that happened in your life. How often did you think about them, worry over bad things to happen until they finally did? Remember, worrying is praying for what you don’t want.
Here are some suggestions on how to manifest.

How to manifest a new job

If you want to find a new job, think about what you would do, what skills you are going to use, who you are going to work with, what kind of environment you’ll be working in and most of all, how do you want to feel at your new job. How important is it to you to feel appreciated and praised for your good work? What work environment would make you feel comfortable, more a family-style workplace or more a larger company? Does the pay make you feel excited or is it not the most important part of the job?

How to manifest money

Money is often on the top of people’s lists. Here it is also important to focus on what you want to do with the money, i.e., see yourself taking the vacation of your dreams with your family, see yourself donating a nice amount to the charity of your choice, see yourself driving the new car you’ve been looking at for some time, see yourself moving into the new home, etc… We usually don’t want money just to have it, we want to use it for something that brings more joy and happiness in our life.

How to manifest a romantic relationship

Romantic relationships are also a favorite topic when it comes to manifesting. Instead of getting specific about the looks of your partner, focus on how you want to feel in the relationship. See yourself spending time with your loved one, doing fun things together. Go into the feeling of being loved and returning the love, being accepted, feeling great, all that you desire for this relationship, allow yourself to indulge in the feeling.

More tips on manifesting

Whatever you want to manifest, always make sure to feel it and see it to be it. What that means is that our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what we imagine. If we go into the feeling like we have it already the subconscious can go to work to make it happen.

You may also choose to create a vision board or a wish list. It can help you stay connected to your goals. Look at it daily and go into the feeling of having each item on your board and on your list. Be consistent and make it a priority. Set aside some time to visualize/pray/think about your goals every day.

When it comes to setting a time frame, I have seen it work well with an exact date. However, I like my mentor’s approach. He says: “I’d like to have it manifested as soon as possible”. This way you may receive it even earlier than you thought possible, and you know for sure it will come at the right time.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring also known as
Manifestation Ring

You can always use our Manifestation Ring to support your process. All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to enhance life force energy and scalar energy. When our own life force is weak the Manifestation Ring can benefit us greatly. Watch the video to see how to use it.

Please let us know about your experiences. We would love to hear from you, either on Facebook or Instagram.

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