Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Travel (Page 1 of 3)

Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone circles, pyramids, and churches).

With small, mobile populations and abundant land, it was relatively easy to avoid the negative areas of high geopathic stress. Notably, over the past 100 years, geopathic stress has grown to the extent that it now wraps almost the entire earth in a negative energy grid.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling not only helped us understand what geopathic stress is but he created the Light-Life Tools to help us relieve its effects. Moreover, it is important, when we search for ways to improve our health and well-being, our environment is a large piece of the puzzle. 

In this blog, we will explore what geopathic stress is, how it affects our well-being, and ways the Light-Life Tools can help.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geobiology: The study of the influence of ‘Earth energies’ on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stems from two Greek words:

  • Geo means “earth”, usually in the sense of “ground or land”
  • Pathos means “experience, suffering or emotion”

So the word “geopathic” can literally translate to “suffering of the Earth.”

Geopathic stress zones create energy fields with high positive ions. These positive ions actually have a negative impact on human life and on many animals and plant life.

Slim Spurling

According to Slim, “these harmful areas are often found near, around, and above earthquake faults, fissures, underground streams, natural gases, and underground mineral deposits.” However, they can also stem from man-made sources, e.g. landfills, gas lines, and telephone lines.

It’s important to remember that “every person is different; some people are more sensitive and easily affected, others may seem to remain totally unaffected, and still others fall somewhere in between the two extremes. When someone is ill and has tried a number of different approaches to healing without success, then it may be time to examine the concept of geopathic stress as a contributing factor. Those who seem to heal, and then have a reoccurrence, also should take time to examine this as a possibility (In The Mind Of A Master).”

Types of Geopathic Stress

As if it were a body with its own metabolism, the “wind” and “water” flow, and circulation of negative earth energies have been studied at great length. Proof is with us here and now that the earth is threaded with magnetic lines – meridian points of acupuncture – and our ancient people knew of these points. These points still retain their vibratory intensity and their powerful influence on people. Called in German “Orte der Kraft” they are defined as locations or sites endowed with an energy, a force, a strength.

Slim Spurling

The Hartmann Grid:

The Hartmann Grid are lines of the Earth’s natural radiation that crisscross the Earth’s surface. They are also thought to be a result of the electrification of the world. Points where these lines intersect may influence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike.

Curry Lines:

Curry Lines are another network of subtle energy lines running across the Earth’s surface. Similar to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Lines intersect at various points, forming a grid-like pattern. Curry lines, however, are thought to be influenced by the cosmos rather than the interior of the Earth. Therefore, its effects are intensified by occurrences like the full moon and are mostly felt in the form of insomnia.

Personal Lines:

Personal Lines uniquely affect one individual more than another. These lines can be compared to music that will annoy one person, but that someone else finds enjoyable. Lines in this category typically affect health, relationships, and finances.

Interference Lines:

These Lines affect the goals a property owner or tenant sets for themselves or the property. Essentially, these lines get in the way of what a person wants. Examples are communication (especially with neighbors), crime, or even the sale of the property.

Geopathic Stress Effects

One of the symptoms of geopathic stress after a very long term is adrenal exhaustion. So if any of you are practitioners and your clients are exhibiting signs of adrenal exhaustion, be sure you have a practitioner who can go out in the field and do the geopathic work for them. Recommend that. Another symptom you’ll find is the roller coaster effect. They’ll come in right here at the bottom of the pit and your practice brings them up to a high, and then when they leave and go back home, they’re back down in the pit again in about a week. Knock out the geopathic stress, and they’ll come back here and they’ll plateau and go on at a newer, higher level.

Slim Spurling

Common Symptoms:

  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression or depressive symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal allergy symptoms or new allergies
  • Behavioral changes
  • Resistance to medical treatment

Visual Clues:

  • Trees and plants that grow crooked
  • Cracks in pavement or walls
  • Termites, ants, wasps, or bees
  • Mold in the walls or ceilings
  • Areas where nothing will grow
  • Cell phone towers
  • Areas with high accident rates
  • Gaps in hedges or shrubs
  • Infertile fruit trees

Results of Removing Geopathic Stress

In removing geopathic stress from a home or business, we found the usual thing that happens is that people have more energy. Initially they may feel so tired that they just crash for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. As the stress is relieved, they just kinda let their breath out and report that they really need to go to sleep and just relax. The reason for that is that geopathic stress affects the adrenal flow from the kidneys, and you have a constant irritation, constant pressure, and a constant adrenaline rush that you’re not even quite aware of.

Slim Spurling

Question: What are some observations you have made after clearing geopathic stress? (In The Mind Of A Master)”

Some of the interesting things we observed after the geopathic stress lines are neutralized is bird life seems to increase in the area. Even in small yards, it seems like the backyard is full of birds. They love to come in and be in that space, and other creatures as well. Sometimes squirrels, raccoons, and other animals will come to the area. Ants on the other hand tend to disappear after you’ve neutralized the geopathic stress.

Slim Spurling

It is important to note that some animals may actually thrive in geopathic stress zones. Bees may produce more honey in a hive located over a geopathic stress line, and cats will actively seek out and sleep in these zones. Owls and snakes are also animals that will seek out these areas. So while our instinct may be to eradicate all geopathic stress, you may be wise to leave some zones undisturbed to give these beneficial animals places they find more to their liking.

Geopathic Stress and the Light-Life Tools

The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind

Slim Spurling

Slim developed Light-Life tools to address geopathic stress and enhance the energetic harmony of living spaces. These tools, such as the Light-Life® Ring, are designed to channel and amplify life-enhancing energies while neutralizing the adverse effects of geopathic stress.

Mitigating Harmful Effects

The Light-Life Tools, the Tensor Ring, the Acu-Vac Coil, and the Feedback Loop just to name a few, can help to mitigate the harmful effects of geopathic stress. You can strategically place these tools in areas affected by negative energy, and they can help provide a protective shield and restore balance.

Practical Tips for Mitigation

1. According to numerous field reports, several Light-Life Energy Harmonizers can be effective in reducing the effects of the Hartmann Grid and geopathic stress. Having one of those in your home/office may help you create a harmonious space free of harmful EMFs or and geopathic stress.

2. Hanging a large Light-Life Tensor Ring on the headboard in alignment with the body while asleep has a curative impact and produces beneficial sleep patterns

3. Any configuration of Light-Life Tensor Rings placed under the mattress or under the bed alleviates chronic pain, and in some cases, has produced miraculous healing effects.

4. Also, standing or sitting in the Light-Life Tensor Ring’s field while working or meditating increases energy and clarity levels.

5. Some people have found that the Light-Life Tensor Rings are helpful in releasing the negative effects of the electromagnetic fields of electric meters.

Slim spurling

Harmonize Energy Fields

The Light-Life tools work on the principle of harmonizing energy fields. By interacting with the Earth’s natural energies, these tools help restore balance to the distorted energy fields caused by geopathic stress.

Amplify Positive Energy

Another key aspect of Light-Life tools is their ability to amplify positive energies. They act as conduits, enhancing the beneficial vibrations in the environment and supporting overall well-being. This amplification contributes to a more positive and nurturing living space.


The tools are there to support and accelerate the journey and the events on our life path as we learn to recognize who we are called to be. The tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The tools are based on universal truth and harmony. Always choose the universal truth.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress can be a subtle yet impactful factor that can influence our well-being. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life tools offer a practical and innovative approach to mitigating these energies. They create space that promote harmony, balance, and a positive energy flow. As we search for more natural ways to improve our well-being, exploring tools like what Light-Life Technology provides, can be a transformative step in producing a healthier and more vibrant living environment.

If you would like to learn more about Geopathic Stress and Slim Spurling’s dowsing method, consider signing up for our Workshop in March! Katharina will explain how to locate and remove the effects of geopathic stress in your home.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the Workshop quite yet, attend our Webinar to see if it’s right for you.

Tool Selection 101: Finding the Light-Life Tool to Fit Your Needs


Are you struggling to select the “right” tool for you? Well, you aren’t alone! The question we probably get most is, “Which tool should I start with?” We know that selecting a Light-Life product can be daunting, so we’ve written this tool selection guide to help simplify your decision-making process, ensuring you find the ideal Light-Life Tool for you!

1. Understand Your Needs

Firstly, you will want to consider the purpose of the Tool. Are you seeking personal wellness, environmental harmony, or energy-balancing Tools? Each Light-Life Tool serves distinct functions, so understanding what you want from the Tool will help narrow your choices.

Also, consider how hands-on you want to be with your Tools. For example: if you’re trying to ease physical discomfort, an Acu-Vac Coil may be the best choice; however, one of our Tensor Ring can be very beneficial as well. So, consider if you want to be an active participant by using the Acu-Vac Coil, or if you want/need to be a bit more passive in your approach and apply a Light-Life Tensor Ring.

How to Use an Acu-Vac Coil

2. Consider Your Budget:

Secondly, set a realistic budget. Some Tools may require a higher investment due to their intricate design or size, while others might be more budget-friendly without compromising functionality.

Money is a major cause of stress in many households, and the last thing we want is to cause more stress by purchasing a Tool that is meant to relieve stress!

While we do sell some higher-end items, many Tools are very affordable. And yes, sometimes, a budget may need to be adjusted to afford the Tool you want. But we certainly think foregoing that $5.00 latte or $12.00 drive-thru meal for a month or so is certainly worth the sacrifice! (You can also always sign up for our newsletter and be one of the first to know about sales and other promotions).

3. Research and Education:

Once you’ve identified your needs and have a budget in mind, you can delve into the diverse range of Light-Life Tools.

Explore the Light-Life Technology website to understand the functionalities, the materials used, and the unique features of each Tool. Then, you can begin to consider how each item aligns with your intended use and resonates with your goals.

If you haven’t already, try using the Search feature on our website to help you narrow the Tool list down.

Search Function

You can also use the “How to Choose a Light-Life Tool” guide on our website! Just head to the “Applications for Light-Life Tools” page, and scroll to the bottom.

Aside from our website, you can also find valuable information on our YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

4. Consult Reviews and Testimonials:

Gather insights from users and experts. Reviews and testimonials often offer valuable perspectives and experiences with Light-Life Tools. Understand the practical applications, real-world benefits, and potential limitations highlighted by individuals who have used these products.

You can browse through our Blogs which contain a wealth of knowledge about our Tools and some of their many uses.

You can also read several reports here that highlight some of the research done on the effects of our Tools.

If you happen to live near one of our distributors, they have a wealth of knowledge that they can share. Check out our distributor list here.

5. Reach Out for Assistance:

If you’re uncertain or need further clarification, please contact us! We can provide detailed information, answer queries, and offer guidance to ensure you make an informed decision.

6. Trust Your Intuition

We are all about using your intuition here at Light-Life Technologies. If you go to our website thinking you are absolutely purchasing a Personal Harmonizer, but end up deeply drawn to the Moon Pendant…we say follow your gut!!

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool and, when listened to, it can help us make some difficult decisions. It tends to know what we need when our conscious mind has absolutely no idea what way to go.

7. Making the Final Decision:

After research, deliberation, and perhaps even consulting with experts, it’s time to select your Tool. Consider the product that best fits your needs, aligns with your values, and offers the most benefits within your budget..

In the end, there is no “wrong” Tool. Our Tools work with the intentions you put into them. So as long as your intentions are clear, any tool will help you with the journey you are on.


Choosing the right Light-Life Tool is a personalized process that involves understanding your needs, conducting thorough research, seeking advice, and aligning your choice with your budget. By following these steps and being mindful of your unique requirements, you can confidently select a Light-Life Tool that positively impacts your life and environment.

Remember, Light-Life products are not just Tools but pathways to harmony, balance, and well-being. Choose wisely and enjoy the transformative benefits these innovative solutions can offer.

Simple Steps to Protect Yourself From EMF

With the increasing prevalence of electronic devices in our daily lives, concerns about electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure have also grown. We would like to outline a few simple steps to protect yourself from EMF.

Limit Your Exposure to Devices

An easy way to protect yourself from EMF: unplug the devices that you don’t use often. Even in the standby mode your devices emit EMF, so if you only watch your TV a couple times a week – unplug it and plug it back in when you are actually going to watch it . This reduces unnecessary exposure.

Create Physical Space

Creating physical space between yourself and electronic devices can help reduce EMF exposure.

  • Use speakerphone or headphones when making calls on your mobile phone to keep the device away from your head
  • Avoid placing devices like laptops and tablets directly on your lap or close to your body. Use a desk or table to create distance between yourself and the device
  • Avoid placing routers or other devices right next to your bed. Keep them at a distance to reduce exposure during sleep
  • Opt for hardwired accessories: Consider using wired accessories like computer keyboards and mice instead of wireless alternatives

Light-Life Tensor Rings

The tensor field of the Light-Life Rings is the empty space within the circumference. It creates a column of a higher vibration that may bring beneficial life-force to everything within its energy field. Therefore, placing a Light-Life Tensor Rings around routers, smart meters, cell phones and other electronic devices may help to help block harmful EMF. If you are using your cell phone a lot, Light-Life has a special set of 2 smaller Tensor Rings that can be attached to your phone to mitigate its EMF field. It an easy and affordable solution and does not require turning off your devices.

Practice Grounding

Grounding, also known as earthing, involves connecting your body to the Earth’s natural electric field. Here’s how to practice grounding:

  • Walk barefoot: Spend time walking or standing on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil. This allows your body to absorb the Earth’s electrons
  • Use grounding mats: Some people use grounding mats or sheets that are designed to conduct Earth’s energy into the body while indoors.
  • Spend time outdoors: Regularly spend time in nature, such as hiking or gardening, to increase your exposure to the Earth’s natural electric field.

If you want to learn more about other powerful Light-life Tools that can help you protect yourself from EMF, please read these blogs.

Your Guide to our Energy Harmonizers

We received numerous questions about our different Harmonizers, and therefore we created this Guide to our Energy Harmonizers. We hope it will make it easier to find the right one for you.

1. Mini Personal and Personal Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Focus primarily on an individual’s mental and spiritual wellness.
  • Enhance positive intentions, balance chakras and open the mind.
  • Strengthen the immune system and create a protective shield around you.
Personal Unity (left) and Mini Unity (right) Harmonizers

2. Environmental Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Concentrate on personal and environmental well-being.
  • Connect users more directly to healing, light, and life source.
  • Enhance positive intentions, increase intuitive abilities, inspire creativity, and reduce the negative impact of EMFs / 5G technology.

3. Community Energy Harmonizer

They are designed and reported to:

  • Prioritize spiritual connections and community welfare.
  • Increase intuitive abilities,
  • Reduce environmental pollution, diverts severe storms and harmonizes communities on all levels.

4. Storm Chaser Energy Harmonizer

  • Designed to manage severe weather conditions, for example, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes, reducing storm severity,
  • Reported abilities include and clearing air pollution.
  • Reported to creating personal and community harmony, providing a higher sense of balance and calm, supporting emotional health for anyone in range. 

5. Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer

  • Designed to provide a combination of personal wellness, environmental harmony, and agricultural support.
  • For example, we found potential benefits include healthier plant growth and soil and significantly reducing air pollution.
  • In addition to that, they seem to support emotional well-being. and harmonize communities.
Katharina holding Cosmic Washtub (left) and Matrix 22 (right) Energy Harmonizers

6. Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer

  • Answers the call for a large and enthusiastically multifaceted energy Harmonizer.
  • Reported to support agricultural level plant growth, enrich soil, decrease air pollution, reduce severity of storms and tornadoes. 
  • Users report it strengthens the personal bio-field, supports emotional well-being, and harmonizes entire communities at a cosmic level.

Please remember that you can program and activate the Harmonizers. In other words, they work with your personal energy and therefore the results will vary. Please watch this video to see how to activate the Harmonizer.

In conclusion, each product varies in its specific focus and coverage, ranging from personal well-being to reducing storm severity, supporting agricultural growth, and harmonizing communities. Therefore, we hope this guide is enabling you to select one that best suits your individual or community needs.

We invite you to learn more about Harmonizers and How to Choose a Light-Life Tool for your needs. 

We would love to hear how you use your Light-Life Energy Harmonizer and the results you are enjoying.

The Top 5 Uses for Light-Life Energy Harmonizers

Today we would like to talk about the top 5 uses for Light-Life Energy Harmonizers. We love to see how individuals and groups use our Tools and technology. Community members who buy Light-Life Energy Harmonizers tend to be pioneers and innovators, full of great ideas . 

Our friends use Harmonizers to create a sense of wellbeing, direct energy, connect at the community level, support plant growth, and to mitigate severe weather patterns. Let’s look at each of these top 5 ways to use our Energy Harmonizers.

1. Calm Internal Wellbeing

The first reason to choose a Harmonizer is to impact personal wellbeing. Users find Harmonizers often render calm mental and spiritual states of wellbeing. Additionally, Harmonizers enhance creativity while bringing a sense of calm.

Personal Harmonizers worn near the heart may send and receive sound waves on the ultrasound level. Our heart center radiates peace, love and harmony within us. That is to say, our community members report pleasant experiences wearing Personal Harmonizers to amplify the heart sonar.

Select a Personal Harmonizers to emit positive intentions and develop stronger interpersonal reactions. In particular, the Harmonizer Pendants/Personal and the tensor rings accompanying harmonizers may reduce stress and anxiety – in both people and pets.

2. Recalibrate Energetically

The second most common way to use a Harmonizer is to cleanse, clear, and find balance in your immediate environment. Moreover, Harmonizers may help to protect against environmental toxins or reduce fatigue from electromagnetic frequencies (5G/EMFs).

Many healers and spiritual seekers use Harmonizers to help rebalance chakras. Balancing energy points in the body helps align and open the nervous system. As a result, recalibrating the chakras may bring powerful energetic healing.

Naturally, anyone can enhance their immediate personal environment by placing Harmonizers nearby while conducting daily well being practices. Try using a Harmonizer while meditating, visualizing, practicing yoga, or saying affirmations and mantras.

Meditating with a Matrix 22 Harmonizer

3. Connect with Community

Beyond the personal uses, Harmonizers hold the potential to help families and communities enhance general welfare and form stronger connections.
It is true, community leaders may harmonize entire communities with these Tools. For example, Community Harmonizers may help reduce atmospheric pollution, harnessing the astonishing power of group intention.

4. Reinforce Growth of Plants and Agricultural Crops 

Our community members love using Harmonizers to support plant growth and enhance soil conditions. To illustrate, Harmonizers may help decrease air pollution, strengthen the bio-field and support overall wellbeing of your plants and crops. They tend to flourish near Harmonizers – we strongly encourage you to test this out. Warning: Harmonizers may produce prodigious plant growth!

5. Provide Support in Severe Weather Conditions

We know it may sound wild to those who have not experienced it firsthand. However, users of large-scale Harmonizers repeatedly reported case studies of the Harmonizers helping mitigate the environment when severe weather is forecasted.

As dowsing rods have helped people find water sources for many years, in the same way, the larger Harmonizers may help strengthen energetic fields to establish vibrations that avert or help “call forward” rain. Also, the presence of Harmonizers promotes balance and calm during chaotic weather among people and animals.

Moreover, reported abilities for Matrix and Cosmic Washtub Harmonizers include diverting hurricanes, reducing storm severity, and clearing air pollution. Of course, the larger Harmonizers share the benefits of smaller- sized Harmonizers, such as creating personal and community harmony, providing a higher sense of balance and calm, and supporting emotional wellbeing.

Read our blog on Multiple Benefits of Energy Harmonizers here.

Benefits of Incorporating Light-Life Tools into Your Wellness Routine

Today we would like to share with you the benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine. The good news is that you can use these Tools all day, every day – even on the go!

What would your life look like if you let Light-Life Tools supercharge your everyday wellness experiences? The following practical techniques can help you elevate your daily wellness routine.

Morning Routines and Light-Life Technology

Use the Personal Energy Harmonizer during meditation to enhance clarity and balance your chakras.

Place a Harmonizer in your kitchen to foster a positive atmosphere during meal preparation.

Wear a Light-Life Pendant around your neck to help protect yourself from electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and to promote a sense of calm.

Put your Light-Life Jewelry (earrings and finger rings) on while doing light morning exercises – like walking – to help maintain energy levels and promote vitality.

Place a Light-Life Tensor Ring on your water bottle to energize your drinking water or around your food to give it a boost of life force energy. You can also put the Rings in and around your house or outdoor plants, to encourage growth. Put 1/2 Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Rings over your sprinkler and activate a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer 24K gold plated to support soil quality and plant growth.

Place Light-Life Tensor Rings in your pet’s bed or collar to improve their overall well-being and energy levels.

Mid-Day Routines and Light-Life Technology

Carry your Personal Energy Harmonizer with you to work or school to support focus and generate positivity.

Have an Acu-Vac Coils always with you in your First Aid Kit to assist you as necessary. to harmonize your environment and reduce stress.

Have your Energy Harmonizers nearby during family activities to increase intuitive connections and encourage shared positivity.

Night-time Routines with Light-Life Tools

Use Acupressure Tool during self-massage to enhance relaxation by targeting specific pressure points.

Sit with a Feedback Loop post-workout to balance energy and restore calm.

Keep an Energy Harmonizer near your bed to promote restful sleep and possibly even reduce nightmares.

Preserve Routines On-The-Go

Be sure to bring Light-Life Tools with you during travels to promote health and harmony in new environments, too!

With these tips, we hope Light-Life Tools will serve you well in your daily wellness routines. Experience the joy of harmonic living by harnessing the power of these versatile energy-balancing instruments.

Click here to read FAQ about the Light-Life Tools, and here to Shop Now.

Different Uses For Light-Life Practitioner Set

Although there are many different uses for the Light-Life Practitioner Set, the most popular application is to super potentize water. The Light-Life Practitioner Set consists of a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil, a Feedback Loop, and a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring. To go about potentizing your water, put a cup/glass, jar or pitcher of water in the ring, and hook an Acu-Vac Coil on one side and the Feedback Loop in about a 120o angle (like you see in the picture). Leave the jar in the ring overnight, and the water seems to have a higher charge, making it super potentized.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Light-Life Practitioner set for super-potentizing the water

Additionally, this combination of Tools has helped people recover from a sprained ankle within hours. They put this configuration into a bucket with water and then put their injured foot inside the ring. This is one reason we highly recommend having this set with you if you’re going on a hiking trip.

Using the Practitioner Set Tools Separately

Acu-Vac Coil

The Acu-Vac Coil may help to pull out residues from an insect bite. I have personally used it when I was stung by a bee.

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring is a great tool to have if you are taking a long road trip or a flight. Sitting on a Ring can help you stay focused or reduce jetlag. I always use one while traveling domestically and overseas, and it always works like a charm.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Sitting on our Tensor Ring may help you avoid the jetlag

Placing a 1 Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring anywhere on your body may ease any discomfort in that place. For example, placing it on your stomach may help digest your food, or placing it on your head may alleviate a headache.

Feedback Loop

You can hang the Feedback Loop on your sweater or T-Shirt if you have a ‘frog in your throat’.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Using the Feedback Loop may help with throat issues


You can combine the Feedback Loop and the Acu-Vac Coil for a more powerful and faster way to relieve any bodily discomfort (click here for the quick video tutorial).

There are so many uses for these three tools, whether you combine them or use them separately, how many uses you find really depends on the limits of your imagination!

Multiple Benefits of Energy Harmonizers

With phase 3 of The Clearing Project approaching I thought it is time to give some examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. All our Energy Harmonizers are created with the intention to bring more harmony and balance into your life.

  • Home and workplace
    • Bringing more balance to the home
    • Protecting from EMF
  • Community and Environment
    • Reducing air pollution
    • Encouraging more harmony in the neighborhood
  • Weather improvements
    • Diverting tornadoes and hurricanes
    • Reducing intensity of thunderstorms and hail
  • Farming and Gardening
    • Providing pest control
    • Increasing crop yield

Home and Workplace

We have amazing reports from people whose family lives are impacted by placing an Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their homes. For example, teenagers reacted positively, and other overall relationship issues are reported to improve.

Place a silver-plated Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit in your home office or workplace and it can reduce the harmful effects of EMF and neutralize the Hartmann Grid. In addition, it can also help raise the vibrations and assist in positive interactions between colleagues.

The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that is save for us?

Community and Environment

Our Agricultural Harmonizers have brought multiple benefits to large communities; therefore, we renamed them to Community Harmonizers.

Multiple benefits with an Empowerment Community Harmonizer

Let me share an excerpt from a testimonial we received some time ago, after an Empowerment Community Energy Harmonizer was placed in this community:

September, 2012  Senate appointments began shifting.

January-February, 2013   House of Representatives and the Senate voted to impeach Governor Benigno Fital.  Trial date was set. (Impeachment requests had been happening for quite some time, never passing in either the House or Senate, so this was a major break-through)

Feb 20, 2013, Governor Benigno Firial resigned from office.  (1st time in the history of the US that impeachment proceedings for a governor were going to be completed, and the first time for a resignation of a governor of a territory. It was easier than expected, no trial necessary.)

Feb 22, 2013, There was finally an arrest for a murder committed one year prior.  He was in prison for other crimes and apparently would have been in prison at the time of the murder if a judge hadn’t let him off extremely leniently on even more crimes he committed earlier.  He was related to powerful political figures.  The Commissioner of Public Safety was accused of purposely interfering with the investigation. (Other old crime cases are beginning to be resolved as interference is decreasing.)…” 

Slim created the Environmental Energy Harmonizers to reduce air pollution in Denver, Colorado. As a result, they are being used now worldwide to bring clear air on all levels. Likewise, our larger Energy Harmonizer are used for that same purpose.

We found that the 24K gold-plated Energy Harmonizers work best on everything you can see, for example, air pollution, and plant growth, and the silver-plated ones on the other hand seem to work best on unseen, but felt issues, like mental and emotional issues as well as EMF (electromagnetic fields).

Weather Improvement

The Environmental Energy Harmonizer is about the size of a golf ball and has been successfully activated to divert tornadoes. As a result, we have many reports from customers who told us they activated their Harmonizer during a tornado warning, and the satellite picture the same night on the news showed how the tornado went around their city and the weatherman didn’t know how it happened.

give multiple benefits to communities in its range
Work remotely with the Harmonizer to give multiple benefits to large communities.

Therefore, when we hear about hurricane warnings, we print a map of the area and put it on the top of an Environmental Clearing CD. The Energy Harmonizer is then placed on top with our intention to diverting the hurricanes. It has brought about multiple benefits, certainly collapsed hurricanes, and improved marine life.

Also, a friend, who activated a Storm Chaser in Florida, sent us a report that it eliminated the Red Tide.

Farming and Gardening

Customers reported that having a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their home visibly increased their plant growth in no time.

Report from a farmer in Colorado

A farmer noted that the numbers of corn borer millers attracted to outside lighting on the house in the evening declined rapidly from approximately 100-150 on the window screens to maybe 3-6. This happened within 48 hours after activating an Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated. Another positive factor was that more beneficial insects, like lady bugs, were attracted to the area.

Report from a farmer in Laredo, TX

“Summarizing in a few words, the autumn crop which we expected to have only 30 kg per hectare, resulted in an incredible crop of 100 kg per hectare and if the weather continues fine, we might have another crop of 10 kg or more by hectare.

The neighboring lots of Nueces Buffel Grass (50 hectares) within a radius of 1 km from the point in which we placed the Harmonizer, also produced an estimate of 100% more crop than were raised in previous years.

I must emphasize that none of my neighbors were able to obtain more than two crops because their grass dried up due to the lack of humidity….”

As I said in the beginning these are just a few examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. The testimonials we receive are awesome and fill us with lots of gratitude. We would love to receive yours.

Please sign up for The Clearing Project, because it takes all of us to get clear air on all levels and everywhere.

Thank you.

Working in Harmony: The amazing power of focused intention in a group setting

Communities around the globe have long felt the amazing power of focused intention in a group setting through rituals and rites of passage.

Now, research is backing this up.

At a basic level, our ability to collaborate toward specific social goals is part of what separates humans from other species.

Beyond that, groups of people working together are finding they can better overcome feelings of isolation and depression, while increasing motivation.

Experiments show group intention to have a measurable healing effect.

Indeed, Lynne McTaggart, the author of Power of 8 and developer of more than 40 intention experiments, has stated that “sending altruistic thoughts of healing in a group setting is a fast track to the miraculous.”

In other words, when we see life beyond our individual story, we find an interconnected web of activity of all living beings.

And there is no better time to come together in collaboration to support life on Earth than right now.

Collaboration as a path to healing

When people join forces and set the entire group’s intention toward increasing well-being, focused intention can have a healing effect. For example, we can focus on mending specific areas of our lives and over time we can alter the state of everything and everyone around us.

And so we can work synergistically and collaboratively to:

  • Regularly set intentions through group processes
  • Tune in to our deeper desires, such as becoming more attuned with nature
  • Use intuition to read situations and other people
  • Break away from established patterns

And there’s so much more. We’re just beginning to understand the potential on our own well-being (and that of our environment) when we work together, co-regulating and co-creating.

The Heart Math Institute has done extensive studies regarding “coherence”. They noted that the heart produces oxytocin, the “love” or “bonding hormone.” The Heart Math Institute reports:

“Science has only begun to understand the effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by the heart, but there is evidence that the information contained in the heart’s powerful field may play a vital synchronizing role in the human body—and that it may affect others around us as well.”

How Harmonizers work, individually and collaboratively

As our customers know, Harmonizers have many benefits for individuals, animals, and plant life. The benefits are somewhat affected by the user. The more intuitive the person possessing the equipment, the more focused intention they apply, and the longer the tools are used, the better the results can be. We can also amplify our effects by coming together — joining forces so to speak — and letting the light fields work together just as antennas work. A single antenna can pick up signals, but the more that work together, the better the reception.

Katharina holding the Cosmic Washtub and Matrix 22 in 24K Gold

Create group synergy for the environment using Harmonizers

Working the Harmonizers in a group setting can yield many benefits, as we’ve seen in field tests.

In fact, users report that working with Harmonizers helps them:

  • Find “flow” much more easily
  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Forge better relationships
  • Enjoy more balance in their lives
  • Meet beautiful, well-intentioned people

Harmonizers help us operate as our best selves.

Using Harmonizers in Groups

As you may know, Light-Life® Energy Harmonizers may be used to promote a thriving environment. They can help us clean the environment (air, water, and soil) without chemicals. Research has shown that they emit a coherent Life Field (L-field) with a positive output.

Light-Life Energy Harmonizers combine Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil into a 3-D sphere. The sphere creates a field with a continuous energy flow that positively affects anything crossing its energetic path.

Clairvoyants see Energy Harmonizers as emitting a coherent holographic light field. The field increases the vibrational frequency of nearby energy. Field tests indicate that Harmonizers have the potential to not only protect a single person’s personal energy field but help clear the environment as well.

Working with specific Light-Life Tools may help us:

  • Clean air pollution
  • Improve the quality of water
  • Reduce effects of harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
  • Balance emotional energy
  • Abate severe storms

We know it may sound “too good to be true,” but we also know it works. The quantum power of Light-Life Technology is amplified when people work together.

We hope you will join us for The Clearing Project to learn more and see for yourself how to work with these tools in a group setting.

101 Ring No Beads: Just the Twist

A lot of you are familiar with Light-Life Tensor Rings. They consist of a twisted circle of copper, that can be plated in silver or 24K gold. Our 101 Ring: ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring with 3 beads in 24K gold is a staple in our collection. This is one of the first Tensor Rings that Slim ever created. For many of our customers, the 101 Ring is an introduction into the world of Light-Life Tools.

This simple and practical Ring has been a must-have Tool for experienced practitioners and beginners alike. This is thanks to its convenient, compact size and versatility. Throughout the years we’ve received hundreds of testimonials from the happy customers. They share how 101 Tensor Ring have supported them in everyday life in so many ingenious ways. From potentizing water, to assisting with alleviation of physical discomfort, balancing chakras, as well as reducing EMFs; these are just a few ways the Rings have been used by our community.

One of the most popular applications for the ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring is wearing it on the left wrist/arm to enhance the energetic current and oxygen uptake throughout your body. This seems to combat fatigue and energy drain, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. However, for some people, the beads can get in the way, or make it slightly uncomfortable to wear it on your arm.

Now for Just the Twist!

You asked, and we listened. We have created the 101 Ring without beads, so more of us can wear it comfortably and keep experimenting with this wonderful Tool.

This limited edition 101 Tensor Ring without beads will be available for purchase starting December 1st for this month only.

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