Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: In the Mind of the Master (Page 1 of 2)

Tensor Rings Explained by Slim Spurling

Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master about Tensor Rings explained Slim Spurling.

Description of the Light-Life Rings

“… There are two factors: one is the measurement. We use the Sacred Cubit lengths for our measurements. The cubit lengths are taken from the Egyptian Pyramid, the Great Pyramid, and that is from the yardstick or the fundamental metric that was used in the pyramid. The Sacred Cubit length, which we measure in conventional inches, is 20.6 inches. The circumference of the ring then, is 20.6 inches, give or take a few hundredths. This measurement is probably, as we’ve recently learned, tied into the fundamental wavelength of a portion of the gravity field, which has to do with construction.
We all know how resonant frequencies can either create or destroy. We use the example of bridges collapsing when troops are all marching in unison. That can cause harmonics, which can cause a bridge to structurally disintegrate. What we found is this cubit length seems to cause things to integrate rather than disintegrate. The frequencies and energy field generated then resonate at the creation level of energy. If we move over here, we would probably find a different length, which could create or destroy structural materials. But we’re not interested in that. We’re only looking for beneficial effects“.

How a Ring Potentizes Water – Observations of Water Treated with Light-Life Technology

“… A Light-Life Ring increases the available energy in the water instantaneously.
It causes water to emit light and it causes an expansion of the atomic radius. Now this is a deductive process. The way we came to this was through the use of an instrument, which would detect the change or increase in the available light being emitted from water. In other words, water has a certain level of energy as it sits in the glass, or exists in your water pipes, or a lake or stream.

What we found is that the rings cause an increase in energy, which manifests as an increase in full spectrum light all the way from infrared on up to ultra violet. But the increase in light energy can only occur if the electron orbit expands, rotates at a greater distance from the nucleus, and then falls back slightly to the next energy level. And when it falls back to the next energy level, it emits a photon. So, here’s this little bitty energy package we call an atom with electrons whirling around it. They encounter the energy field of the ring. That expands; the electrons have a larger orbit. They fall back to their natural state and emit energy in the form of light…

… Psychics and radionics operators verify greater ‘vitality’ of water. The rings cause water to fluoresce. These quantum light effects have been studied instrumentally and confirmed through psychic observation. The ‘light’ field above or below the ring appears to relax the cell membranes to allow better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.

Ring Materials

“… The rings are constructed from copper or sterling silver, then may be plated with a combination of silver and gold. In addition, we add either audio or electronic frequencies known to produce healing effects and to have beneficial qualities. And that’s encoded right into the copper on every single item we produce...

… 24K gold plating adds a higher frequency due to the structure of the 24K gold
atom in the crystal as it’s deposited onto these rings. Every 24K gold plated
tool is first plated with silver…

…The sterling silver tools seem to work at a slightly different subtle level and they seem to be smoother and faster in operation. Smoother and faster won’t mean anything to the reader right now, but those who are in daily practice and have worked with the tools for some time – chiropractors, MDs, massage therapists, and other healers – seem to have a preference for the action of the sterling silver. Yet, anyone – attorneys, bus drivers, housewives, laboring people – will get along just fine with the standard copper and gold plated tools, which are just as effective in the long run.

Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone circles, pyramids, and churches).

With small, mobile populations and abundant land, it was relatively easy to avoid the negative areas of high geopathic stress. Notably, over the past 100 years, geopathic stress has grown to the extent that it now wraps almost the entire earth in a negative energy grid.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling not only helped us understand what geopathic stress is but he created the Light-Life Tools to help us relieve its effects. Moreover, it is important, when we search for ways to improve our health and well-being, our environment is a large piece of the puzzle. 

In this blog, we will explore what geopathic stress is, how it affects our well-being, and ways the Light-Life Tools can help.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geobiology: The study of the influence of ‘Earth energies’ on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stems from two Greek words:

  • Geo means “earth”, usually in the sense of “ground or land”
  • Pathos means “experience, suffering or emotion”

So the word “geopathic” can literally translate to “suffering of the Earth.”

Geopathic stress zones create energy fields with high positive ions. These positive ions actually have a negative impact on human life and on many animals and plant life.

Slim Spurling

According to Slim, “these harmful areas are often found near, around, and above earthquake faults, fissures, underground streams, natural gases, and underground mineral deposits.” However, they can also stem from man-made sources, e.g. landfills, gas lines, and telephone lines.

It’s important to remember that “every person is different; some people are more sensitive and easily affected, others may seem to remain totally unaffected, and still others fall somewhere in between the two extremes. When someone is ill and has tried a number of different approaches to healing without success, then it may be time to examine the concept of geopathic stress as a contributing factor. Those who seem to heal, and then have a reoccurrence, also should take time to examine this as a possibility (In The Mind Of A Master).”

Types of Geopathic Stress

As if it were a body with its own metabolism, the “wind” and “water” flow, and circulation of negative earth energies have been studied at great length. Proof is with us here and now that the earth is threaded with magnetic lines – meridian points of acupuncture – and our ancient people knew of these points. These points still retain their vibratory intensity and their powerful influence on people. Called in German “Orte der Kraft” they are defined as locations or sites endowed with an energy, a force, a strength.

Slim Spurling

The Hartmann Grid:

The Hartmann Grid are lines of the Earth’s natural radiation that crisscross the Earth’s surface. They are also thought to be a result of the electrification of the world. Points where these lines intersect may influence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike.

Curry Lines:

Curry Lines are another network of subtle energy lines running across the Earth’s surface. Similar to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Lines intersect at various points, forming a grid-like pattern. Curry lines, however, are thought to be influenced by the cosmos rather than the interior of the Earth. Therefore, its effects are intensified by occurrences like the full moon and are mostly felt in the form of insomnia.

Personal Lines:

Personal Lines uniquely affect one individual more than another. These lines can be compared to music that will annoy one person, but that someone else finds enjoyable. Lines in this category typically affect health, relationships, and finances.

Interference Lines:

These Lines affect the goals a property owner or tenant sets for themselves or the property. Essentially, these lines get in the way of what a person wants. Examples are communication (especially with neighbors), crime, or even the sale of the property.

Geopathic Stress Effects

One of the symptoms of geopathic stress after a very long term is adrenal exhaustion. So if any of you are practitioners and your clients are exhibiting signs of adrenal exhaustion, be sure you have a practitioner who can go out in the field and do the geopathic work for them. Recommend that. Another symptom you’ll find is the roller coaster effect. They’ll come in right here at the bottom of the pit and your practice brings them up to a high, and then when they leave and go back home, they’re back down in the pit again in about a week. Knock out the geopathic stress, and they’ll come back here and they’ll plateau and go on at a newer, higher level.

Slim Spurling

Common Symptoms:

  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression or depressive symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal allergy symptoms or new allergies
  • Behavioral changes
  • Resistance to medical treatment

Visual Clues:

  • Trees and plants that grow crooked
  • Cracks in pavement or walls
  • Termites, ants, wasps, or bees
  • Mold in the walls or ceilings
  • Areas where nothing will grow
  • Cell phone towers
  • Areas with high accident rates
  • Gaps in hedges or shrubs
  • Infertile fruit trees

Results of Removing Geopathic Stress

In removing geopathic stress from a home or business, we found the usual thing that happens is that people have more energy. Initially they may feel so tired that they just crash for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. As the stress is relieved, they just kinda let their breath out and report that they really need to go to sleep and just relax. The reason for that is that geopathic stress affects the adrenal flow from the kidneys, and you have a constant irritation, constant pressure, and a constant adrenaline rush that you’re not even quite aware of.

Slim Spurling

Question: What are some observations you have made after clearing geopathic stress? (In The Mind Of A Master)”

Some of the interesting things we observed after the geopathic stress lines are neutralized is bird life seems to increase in the area. Even in small yards, it seems like the backyard is full of birds. They love to come in and be in that space, and other creatures as well. Sometimes squirrels, raccoons, and other animals will come to the area. Ants on the other hand tend to disappear after you’ve neutralized the geopathic stress.

Slim Spurling

It is important to note that some animals may actually thrive in geopathic stress zones. Bees may produce more honey in a hive located over a geopathic stress line, and cats will actively seek out and sleep in these zones. Owls and snakes are also animals that will seek out these areas. So while our instinct may be to eradicate all geopathic stress, you may be wise to leave some zones undisturbed to give these beneficial animals places they find more to their liking.

Geopathic Stress and the Light-Life Tools

The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind

Slim Spurling

Slim developed Light-Life tools to address geopathic stress and enhance the energetic harmony of living spaces. These tools, such as the Light-Life® Ring, are designed to channel and amplify life-enhancing energies while neutralizing the adverse effects of geopathic stress.

Mitigating Harmful Effects

The Light-Life Tools, the Tensor Ring, the Acu-Vac Coil, and the Feedback Loop just to name a few, can help to mitigate the harmful effects of geopathic stress. You can strategically place these tools in areas affected by negative energy, and they can help provide a protective shield and restore balance.

Practical Tips for Mitigation

1. According to numerous field reports, several Light-Life Energy Harmonizers can be effective in reducing the effects of the Hartmann Grid and geopathic stress. Having one of those in your home/office may help you create a harmonious space free of harmful EMFs or and geopathic stress.

2. Hanging a large Light-Life Tensor Ring on the headboard in alignment with the body while asleep has a curative impact and produces beneficial sleep patterns

3. Any configuration of Light-Life Tensor Rings placed under the mattress or under the bed alleviates chronic pain, and in some cases, has produced miraculous healing effects.

4. Also, standing or sitting in the Light-Life Tensor Ring’s field while working or meditating increases energy and clarity levels.

5. Some people have found that the Light-Life Tensor Rings are helpful in releasing the negative effects of the electromagnetic fields of electric meters.

Slim spurling

Harmonize Energy Fields

The Light-Life tools work on the principle of harmonizing energy fields. By interacting with the Earth’s natural energies, these tools help restore balance to the distorted energy fields caused by geopathic stress.

Amplify Positive Energy

Another key aspect of Light-Life tools is their ability to amplify positive energies. They act as conduits, enhancing the beneficial vibrations in the environment and supporting overall well-being. This amplification contributes to a more positive and nurturing living space.


The tools are there to support and accelerate the journey and the events on our life path as we learn to recognize who we are called to be. The tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The tools are based on universal truth and harmony. Always choose the universal truth.

Slim Spurling

Geopathic stress can be a subtle yet impactful factor that can influence our well-being. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life tools offer a practical and innovative approach to mitigating these energies. They create space that promote harmony, balance, and a positive energy flow. As we search for more natural ways to improve our well-being, exploring tools like what Light-Life Technology provides, can be a transformative step in producing a healthier and more vibrant living environment.

If you would like to learn more about Geopathic Stress and Slim Spurling’s dowsing method, consider signing up for our Workshop in March! Katharina will explain how to locate and remove the effects of geopathic stress in your home.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the Workshop quite yet, attend our Webinar to see if it’s right for you.

A Glimpse into the Mind of a Master

Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master , where Slim Spurling shares how he invented the Energy Harmonizer.

The Creation of the first Harmonizers

“…The Harmonizer is a combination of rings and coils. I’d like to describe how we came to do this. We first started by spinning a ring in a vertical position, and we found that created a somewhat unpleasant energy field. And it didn’t feel good to many of the sensitives. So we thought, well, what happens if we put two rings together? Now we have an energy beam coming out both sides of the 24K gold ring and an energy beam coming out both sides of the copper ring. This creates an effect like a cylinder or a flashlight beam. When we intersected a third ring, all of a sudden the clairvoyants were telling us
that we had a spherical field – more like a donut-shaped field. And it didn’t appear to have much, if any, motion to it. It was suggested that we put a coil in the center.

Well now we have motion in the energy field, in this toroidal or donut-shaped energy field, so that positive energy is coming out through the top of the field, coming back around, sweeping through, pulling all the negative energy from the environment into the base of the Harmonizer through the coil, and transmuting it again to a positive energy out the top in this donut-shaped, toroidal field. What we’re able to do with the coil placed in the center is to create a motion of flow. This is now three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional in the form of a cross. So that was a major discovery...”.

One of the first Energy Harmonizers made by Slim Spurling

How the Harmonizers work

“…The Harmonizer emits a cosmic light field or L-field and has a positive output. To the clairvoyant, it appears to emit a coherent holographic light field. It is an “active” tool, in that subtle energies are continually in motion in the large light energy field around it. An individual’s own energies are set into motion too, continuing as long as one is in its presence! The range of the Harmonizer can be closed down by placing it in a ring. The energy is then contained in the new cylindrical column and the ring will send it on an upward path...”.

Energy Harmonizer and its toroidal field

Different types of Harmonizers

“…The various Harmonizers are for personal, environmental, and agricultural applications. There’s quite a demand for these, and that’s been developed because of their unique properties in being able to clean up atmospheric air pollution. And that can extend right on down to the Personal Harmonizer, which is a very small unit, not much bigger than the ball of my thumb. This is used to keep your personal atmosphere strong and healthy, and that’s your bio-field, your aura.

“…The first [Environmental] Harmonizers were very small devices and were designed to reduce electromagnetic interference in the home, to help clean the air in the house, and to improve the outside environment right through the walls. Your local environment – your neighborhood or even a small town – would reap the benefits of one individual having this tool in their home. We went then to the larger ½ Sacred Cubit size of Agricultural [now called Community] Harmonizer, as this was designed to handle large scale ranching and farming operations...“.

Light-Life Community Energy Harmonizers today

Personal Energy Harmonizers

“…Our own personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the
Personal Harmonizer’s light force energies. As the Harmonizer’s energy
travels through us following the meridian channels, it will work
its way gently
through the body from head to toe – down and up – down and up. A polarity
flow of body rhythms.
One of the more interesting groups that is consciously and deliberately
employing the Personal Harmonizers are law enforcement groups and
paramedics because they often run into very difficult situations. And I’ve
had a number of field reports come back from police officers in California.
None of them have sustained any personal physical injury since they’ve been
wearing these. The reason for this is whomever they’re confronting seems to
come into agreement with them very quickly…”.

Light-Life Personal Energy Harmonizers

Read more about benefits of Light-Life Energy Harmonizers in this blog.

Learn about Denver Clearing Project, when Slim Spurling and his research associates cleared the “brown crowd” above Denver in the March of 1994.

Imagine Having a Personal Bodyguard

We hear so many incredible stories from our customers who have experienced the benefits of wearing our Pendant Jewelry. The Light-Life team calls them “everyday miracles.”

The video below shows how our Synergy Personal Harmonizer saved the day for a grateful customer. Kim had been wearing her Synergy religiously and was at a hair salon appointment when a neighboring stylist started an unplanned highly toxic chemical process on the woman’s hair next to her. Diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity, she is highly reactive to toxins and is debilitated by them. However, this time she did not experience more than a slight headache for a few hours!

“It must have blown it’s circuits! I truly know it took a bullet for me and saved me from being in the fetal position for days trying to recover.”

Kim K. Colorado

Another Everyday Miracle from Pendants

Eric also says “the Synergy is the absolute best pendant they offer in my opinion.” He further explained that he initially dismissed the Empowerment sized cubit, the outer measurement, described as helping with luck and manifestation, when he was making his purchase.

“But things I wanted that were out of reach or a ‘hard no’ just fell into my lap shortly after this one came in the mail.”

Eric. C. Instagram

Your Protective Bubble

Many customers have stated that wearing one of our Personal Harmonizers is like having a superpower. One gentleman said it’s “like you are not going to get robbed wearing this thing”. A woman prone to taking on other people’s energy told us “It’s my cloak of protection” to help her stay safe from noxious energies when she is out and about running errands.

We love hearing these heartfelt stories, they inspire us to no end! We’ll leave you with a quote from Slim, who reminds us of our innate power and importance of our partnership with these Tools to change our life.

“The Tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The Tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The Tools are based on Universal Truth and Harmony. Always choose universal truth.”

Slim Spurling, In the Mind of a Master

The Matrix You’ll Want to Be In

Our Matrix Harmonizers have a ‘pulsing’ field that seems to expand over time. They consist of a Sacred Cubit Harmonizer inside a Lost Cubit Harmonizer. The Matrix 22 is an Agricultural size (1/2 Cubit) and the Matrix 44 is an Environmental size (1/4 Cubit).

Why would I want to be in this Matrix?

  • Are you lacking clarity and focus because of overwhelm?
  • Do you have a hard time honoring your own needs?
  • Are your clients showing resistance to growth, even though they are ready on another level?
  • Is your intuition and creativity feeling stagnant?
  • Are you concerned about the environment at large and would like to contribute to cleaner air and water?
  • Are you living in a earthquake prone area and would like to see them less and less frequently?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then our Matrix Energy Harmonizers may help you address these issues.

The field reports suggest that the Matrix Harmonizers support life force physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and may strengthen the immune system. Also, these Harmonizers intensify the six senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound, and intuition; and to enhance positive thought patterns.

Our research group found that the Matrix Harmonizers reduce toxic elements in polluted air, as well as assisting in clearing the earth’s atmosphere. Basically, by balancing and harmonizing the ethers, the Matrix Harmonizers seem to harmonize the magnetic and geopathic grid lines. This can elevate chi force within physical structures. Tests indicated that it reduces positive ions, which are harmful to us, and increases negative ions. It may even have a neutralizing effect on radioactive material. The degree to which the Harmonizer is able to neutralize radioactive material depends on the concentration of the radioactive material.

Which one is best for me?

The base of all of our Harmonizers is copper. All plated Light-Life Tools will have as base a layer of silver and then a layer of 24K gold plating.

Generally, we suggest 24K gold for issues that you can see, like plant growth or environmental pollution. For the unseen issues, like emotional and mental imbalances, radiation, and EMF, the silver-plated Harmonizer is reported to work quicker. Having said that, please know that both should be effective on all issues, we are just sharing our customer’s feedback of the silver or gold plating working faster on specific concerns.

The Matrix 22 is great for larger areas while the Matrix 44 is sufficient for your home and immediate community.

“The effect of the double Harmonizer is considerably greater than that of two single Harmonizers ~ one Sacred and one Lost Cubit ~ next to one another.”
Dr. Lenny Lee Kloepper

Bella snuggled up to the Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

You too can can make your home a harmonious place!

When one of our associates sent us the video of Kendall Jenner showing the copper energy rings (Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest. https://youtu.be/yjhibJ-OqxE – go to minute 8:00 in the video) in her bedroom saying she doesn’t know what they do, but they make her feel better, we had to smile. Because this is what many of our customers say, “I don’t know what they do and how they work, BUT they do work.”

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Light-Life Tools emit a coherent light field. Reports state they help people: stay calm in the midst of chaos, sleep better, and have more energy. In addition, water charged, or potentized, by a Light-Life Tensor Ring not only tastes better but seems to give people more energy and vitality. There are many more benefits that you can read about on our website. Also Check out Slim Spurling’s book: In the Mind of a Master, and the e-book: Slim Spurling’s Universe. Download the eBook for free here.

One of the best things about Light-Life Energy Tools, and especially Tensor Rings, are the countless applications. We are continually discovering more ways to use them to support peace and harmony in your life and in the world.

Ways to Use Copper Rings Around Your Home

Put a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your water bottle, like Kendall Jenner did when showing us the copper rings. You may notice that your water tastes better. Keep your produce inside a Ring to preserve the freshness. Place a Ring under your pillow to give yourself deep and restoring sleep. Customers have also said using a bigger Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Tensor Ring under your mattress works even better. Try putting a Ring around house plants that need a little more love. Household pets and animals can also enjoy the benefits of the Tensor Rings. Try placing one under your dog’s or cat’s bed and see how they positively respond to it. Keeping your skin care products and supplements within a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring seems to help them stay fresh and potent.

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

A lot of us know or have heard about harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Due to ever present electronics, EMFs are everywhere nowadays. We have found that Light-Life Tensor Rings addresses the harmful issues effectively. The way the wire is twisted creates a zero-point energy field that seems to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF. So, placing the Rings over your router, your smart meter, and any other electrical devices in your house, can bring you some relief and maybe even better health and harmony.

Hans Becker, one of Slim Spurling’s researcher friends, used a special device to determine that our Tensor Rings have antiviral and antibacterial properties. This may explain why the health-improving results people are reporting are so significant.

Just remember as you’re reading more about our Light-Life Tools, the applications are only limited by your imagination. It really comes down to getting some Tensor Rings for yourself and applying them around your house. And please let us know your findings!

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! Click here to subscribe to our list. We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Just special promotions with a few tips & tricks here and there.

Slim Spurling’s Birthday

Here at Light-Life Technology, we celebrate Slim Spurling’s birthday every year during this time. He was such an extraordinary man who did great things while his physical body was on this Earth. We wanted to share a little bit about him with all of you!

All About Slim

Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met. He was a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim loved people and was always available to talk. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer. He never made something up to look good.

Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet. Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being.

Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties.

If you would like to read more about the history of Slim, please download here a free eBook of Slim Spurling’s Universe.

Slim’s Letter to Himself

Slim wrote himself a “pep talk” letter back in 2006, about a year before he transitioned. He left it as a reminder for us all to use:

Dear Slim,

Take every opportunity to make life on planet Earth better for all – do it one project at a time – one technology at a time.

Work with the best. Give freely. Love largely. Stay humble. Keep going.

Highest Regards

– Slim…..

Did you know the Venus Mirror Finger Rings were created to balance your field of energy?

Did you know the Venus Mirror Finger Rings were created to balance your field of energy in a powerful yet subtle way? Slim Spurling’s intent for these Finger Rings is to serve as a daily visual reminder for the beautiful vibrational person that exists within us all. Slim also said that the Venus Mirror Finger Rings are keyed precisely to the fundamentals of the planet and life upon it.  

The Venus Mirror Finger Ring is based on the ancient Vedic medicine concept that silver and copper have beneficial effects on physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual clarity. These Rings are copper, silver, or a combination of both and hammered flat. Hammered copper has the surface benefits of normal copper transferred to the interior of the metal. Due to this fact, health benefits seem to increase when wearing these Rings.

Venus Mirror Finger Rings

Copper vs Silver

Copper, when worn on the body, is said to protect against evil and attract love. It may help decrease lethargy and strengthen physical attributes. Copper can also help purify and cleanse both body and mind. Silver, when worn on the body, adds a bit of sparkle and shine to a person’s senses. A soft, swelling energy movement can be felt through the body along with a sensation of something being purified. Silver also seems to give a lighter aspect to emotions as if energy is flowing with no resistance.

According to acupuncture, there are meridians of energy that flow through our different fingers ending at the point of the nail. The energy properties running through the fingers appear to react differently with each metal. Therefore, each metal will have a slightly different effect, depending on which finger the Ring is on. Cross referencing chiromancy, or palm reading, can additionally help determine which finger to wear your Venus Mirror Finger Ring on that will help serve you best.  

According to chiromancy the left hand represents the past; the right hand represents present and future.

  • The thumb stands for personal will 
  • The index finger represents business or professional approach to life 
  • The middle finger impacts mental processes that influence your career 
  • The ring finger speaks to the heart and emotions 
  • The little finger governs relationships and connections to groups 

Experiences people had wearing a Venus Mirror Finger Rings

“My husband and I bought the Unseen Venus Rings as our wedding rings. I knew they would do good things for us, energetically speaking. However, what I didn’t realize is they would help eliminate pain. I have been wearing two magnetic bracelets on my left wrist for several years now. They really helped with residual pain I have from a broken bone and surgery. While wearing the Finger Ring, I took the bracelets off, and then realized the Venus Finger Ring makes wearing the bracelets unnecessary. The pain in my wrist is gone.” -D.D.

“My husband has problems with his left shoulder. He mentioned his pain has decreased since wearing the Unseen Venus Ring.” -KS

“Wearing the Hidden Venus on my right hand, I feel more centered, clear, and aware of the essence of myself. I feel more intuitive and secure. It’s like I’m safe from all the negative energy around me when I go places.” – Charlie

“The Evolved Venus Finger Ring helps me feel expanded and energized.” – Walt

“I wore the Evolved Venus Ring while doing a CranioSacral session on Friday eve. I usually send energy with my right hand and catch with my left. While wearing the Evolved Venus I felt very much like a defibrillator with energy flowing so strongly out of both hands. I felt bursts of energy, almost big bangs clearing stuck junk out of the client’s field.” -Deb

How can I reactivate my Energy Harmonizer?

Occasionally, I meet people who bought a Harmonizer a long time ago from Slim and ask me, “How can I reactivate my energy Harmonizer?” I always recommend reading our book: In the Mind of a Master. It was written to serve as a guide and reference manual for all our Tools. However, here are the steps to take:

Reactivate the Harmonizer

When you want to activate or reactivate the Energy Harmonizer, it is important to remember to use your intentions. Make sure to have the Harmonizer outside of the included Light-Life Tensor Ring whenever you want to broadcast your intentions. Using the Environmental Clearing CD, or the MP3 file, will increase the light-field of the Harmonizer. The Tensor Ring will reduce the area of influence of the Harmonizer to the size of the Ring. The Harmonizer should be placed inside the Tensor Ring to recharge it occasionally. When Slim first created the Harmonizer, this was not necessary. However, the environment has changed quite a bit in the last 30 years. We have more electrification and wireless technology, and more pollution than ever.

Place the Harmonizer in your hands to set an intention

Functional Art Form

Slim created all the Light-Life Tools as functional art form. Because this is what they truly are. They are all beautiful pieces of art forms with beneficial functions for different areas. The Energy Harmonizers are created out of three Tensor Rings with an Acu-Vac Coil in the middle. The purpose of the Acu-Vac coil is to pull out unwanted energies from an environment or situation and transmute it to beneficial energies. To the clairvoyant, a coherent light-field is visible coming out from the top of the Harmonizer as a toroidal energy field.

Imagine the light field in the shape of a doughnut. This field is constantly in motion and affects all that come in its vicinity. For the harmony seekers among you, this can be a great support. Always remember that the Light-Life Tools are here to support your growth, but they don’t do the work for you. They will not interfere with your free will but can assist you in bringing more harmony in your life if that’s what you strive for.

Find out more!

I wrote a blog all about the Environmental Harmonizer. Please click here to read it.

I encourage all of you to please activate or reactivate your Energy Harmonizer if you have one. The Harmonizers are antennas that broadcast light. Add all your good intentions to make this planet a better to place to live. Let’s bring more light to the world and peace to all.

Did you know…

…that according to Slim Spurling the multi-layered plating creates a thermocouple effect? As a result, a small voltage is generated and converted instantly to amperage or current by all of the tools to increase the energy field. The tools and jewelry are not lacquered like commercial 24K gold plated jewelry. Due to the superconductive nature of all Light-Life Tools, the plating tends to sublimate. This gaseous state then is readily available in its diffuse nature to provide sub-micro trace nutrients to the body, aura, and environment, gradually raising the vibration of all.

In the beginning, the tools were in copper, then we added silver plating to raise the vibration. Later, on top of the silver, we applied 24K gold solution. Gold is known for its higher vibratory levels, speed, and smoothness of action. All Personal Harmonizers and pendants have at least eight or nine layers of alternating silver and gold. You can learn more about our Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master.

Light-Life Tools from left to right: Lotus Pendant, Acu-Vac Coil, and Energy Harmonizer.

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