Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Rings (Page 2 of 3)

Light-Life Tools for Pets

Our pets are part of our family, that is why we take their health and well-being seriously as well. Today we wanted to share with you more tips on how you can help support your darlings with the Light-Life Tools.

Light-Life Tensor Rings, of different sizes, can be used on animals the same way we use them on us.

If you already make the potentized water for yourself and enjoy the benefits, share some with your furry friend. It will nourish them the same way it nourishes you.

If you would like to help you pet with physical discomfort – place a Sacred Cubit Ring, of the appropriate size, under your dog’s/cat’s bed. Or try the Seed of Life if it looks like they need extra help. The Seed of Life configuration has multiple Tensor Rings overlapping and is much more powerful than a single Tensor Ring. This Tool is designed to raise the vibration on a cellular level. Read the report on ‘Little bear’ in the book, In the Mind of a Master, where the Seed of Life is said to save the little dog’s life.

Another great Tool that may assist your pet with physical discomfort is an Acu-Vac coil. The bigger the Coil – the faster it works. If you are working with large animals, like horses or cows, consider getting a larger Coil for faster results.

Light-Life Tools for Horses

If you are a horse owner, you know how painful and dangerous colic can be for them. Our 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Rings have been used by the horse community for many years here in Colorado and around the country. There are not many things that can bring colic relief to you hoofed one. However, this Tensor Ring is a must have Tool in your stable. Some of our practitioners also use the Acupressure Tool to treat their horses and other animals.

Another useful Tool to have in your horse first-aid kit is a Horse Mask. Slim Spurling designed this Mask for an employee’s horse when it had trouble breathing. Judy (the horse owner) decided to try our Copper Nose Mask. She noticed that it really helped, so she spent the whole night holding and alternating the Mask in front of horse’s nostrils. The next day she asked Slim to make a bigger Mask that will fit a horse’s face. This is how the Horse Mask came to life helping many horses and humans thereafter.

Share how you are using Light-Life Tools for your pets with us!

These are just a few examples, but as you know, Light-Life Tools have limitless applications, and your imagination is the key ingredient here. We always learn new ideas and get our inspiration from you, the Light-Life community! So, if you would like to share your story or experience of using the Tools for your pets and animals – please send us and email to cs@ix-el.com or share your story on our Facebook or Instagram.

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

How often do we find ourselves thinking that the world/people/things need to change? Probably quite often in today’s world. How often do we have the capacity to change those things or control them? Certainly less often than we wish. This lack of control over the situation usually comes with some extra baggage like frustration, disappointment, feeling of helplessness… you name it. And this is how the vicious circle begins. Does this sound familiar to you?

Is there anything we can do when it feels like there’s nothing we can do? Yes! We can change ourselves and the way we show up in the world for others. To see the change, we must first become that change. Quite a simple thought, yet so powerful and empowering. Start with yourself, lead by example, and inspire others.

The hardest part, sometimes, is to find the strength plus the physical and emotional energy to “be the change” when everyone around us is not there yet. It requires a lot of courage, patience, wisdom, and non-reaction. Going against the flow is mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. It can cost you energy, money, health, relationships, jobs, etc.

So how can we support ourselves, so our “energy tank” always stays full? Fortunately, nature created us equipped with a lot of smart and helpful mechanisms so we can function effectively and can heal and repair when needed. A lot of us don’t know or forgot how to use them, but we can still tap into our own power and support ourselves going through the turbulence of today’s life.

Light-Life Tools Can Help

Light-Life Energy Tools were designed and created to help you activate your own inner power and support your self-healing ability. There is a variety of Tools that can help you with so many issues: help you strengthen your own energy field, regain your emotional balance, neutralize EMFs that harm us, help speed up self-healing, give life force energy to your food and water, help with physical and emotional discomfort, neutralize the geopathic stress, and so much more.

Based on the principles of sacred Geometry and Quantum physics, our Tools can raise the vibration of your cells, which allows your body and mind to operate at an optimal level, support a strong immune system, clear your mind, and help provide restorative sleep. And when you feel physically and emotionally strong, you have the power to go against the grain, to lead, to be the change you want to see in the world.

You too can can make your home a harmonious place!

When one of our associates sent us the video of Kendall Jenner showing the copper energy rings (Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest. https://youtu.be/yjhibJ-OqxE – go to minute 8:00 in the video) in her bedroom saying she doesn’t know what they do, but they make her feel better, we had to smile. Because this is what many of our customers say, “I don’t know what they do and how they work, BUT they do work.”

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Light-Life Tools emit a coherent light field. Reports state they help people: stay calm in the midst of chaos, sleep better, and have more energy. In addition, water charged, or potentized, by a Light-Life Tensor Ring not only tastes better but seems to give people more energy and vitality. There are many more benefits that you can read about on our website. Also Check out Slim Spurling’s book: In the Mind of a Master, and the e-book: Slim Spurling’s Universe. Download the eBook for free here.

One of the best things about Light-Life Energy Tools, and especially Tensor Rings, are the countless applications. We are continually discovering more ways to use them to support peace and harmony in your life and in the world.

Ways to Use Copper Rings Around Your Home

Put a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your water bottle, like Kendall Jenner did when showing us the copper rings. You may notice that your water tastes better. Keep your produce inside a Ring to preserve the freshness. Place a Ring under your pillow to give yourself deep and restoring sleep. Customers have also said using a bigger Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Tensor Ring under your mattress works even better. Try putting a Ring around house plants that need a little more love. Household pets and animals can also enjoy the benefits of the Tensor Rings. Try placing one under your dog’s or cat’s bed and see how they positively respond to it. Keeping your skin care products and supplements within a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring seems to help them stay fresh and potent.

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

A lot of us know or have heard about harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Due to ever present electronics, EMFs are everywhere nowadays. We have found that Light-Life Tensor Rings addresses the harmful issues effectively. The way the wire is twisted creates a zero-point energy field that seems to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF. So, placing the Rings over your router, your smart meter, and any other electrical devices in your house, can bring you some relief and maybe even better health and harmony.

Hans Becker, one of Slim Spurling’s researcher friends, used a special device to determine that our Tensor Rings have antiviral and antibacterial properties. This may explain why the health-improving results people are reporting are so significant.

Just remember as you’re reading more about our Light-Life Tools, the applications are only limited by your imagination. It really comes down to getting some Tensor Rings for yourself and applying them around your house. And please let us know your findings!

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! Click here to subscribe to our list. We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Just special promotions with a few tips & tricks here and there.

Did you know the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy?

Did you know the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body? The magnetic field of the heart even extends up to 3 feet outside the body! Did you know the electromagnetic component of the heart is approximately 60 times greater in strength than the electrical activity generated by the brain? Psychology Today tells us the heart starts beating before the brain is formed. In fact, the heart will continue to beat even after the brain is dead, provided the heart is receiving oxygen.

Did you know the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart? Hence the saying: Follow your heart not your mind. HeartMath Institute teaches us that our ability to function cognitively is limited when our heart is receiving negative emotions. Positive emotions generate a harmonious rhythm in the heart enhancing the brain’s functions. Therefore, the brain’s activity increases when positive interactions from the heart occur such as compassion and love.

Our gold plated Moon Pendant is said to open the heart chakra. It is a unique piece of jewelry made out of Light-Life Tensor Rings in the three cubit measurements we’re using. Wearing this pendant may help balance your heart’s EMF. People who wear this pendant say it allows their mind to quiet and feel with their heart.

Our Lotus Pendants are also powerful choices to support emotional balance and may help us stay centered during chaotic times. It may help with mental clarity, emotional stability, reduction in stress, and feelings of peace in your life.

I bet you didn’t know that the heart’s EMF is your superpower!

Ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings!

As you probably know by now, I believe you cannot have too many Light-Life Tensor Rings. Therefore, to ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings is a no-brainer. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring in front of your heart chakra, visualize your desired result, and go into the feeling as if you already have it. Stay in this experience for as long as it feels comfortable.
  • Ring in the New Year with the Light-Life Tensor Rings by placing them over your cosmetics, supplements, and condiments and be observant. Do they feel better, taste better, last longer?
  • Use Light-Life Tensor Rings for your pets; whether you want to help them with acute physical discomfort or just to support their health and well-being. You can place a bigger Ring under your pets’ bed or put a smaller one around their neck.
  • Put your flowers in a Light-Life Tensor Ring to keep them longer fresh. I had miracles happen doing that.

Get more ideas on our Instagram page and keep experimenting. Be creative and find new ways every week to work with the Rings.

You see, there are many ways you can ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings. Let us know on Facebook or Instagram how you are using them. We love to hear and get other ideas from our community.

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

Did you know…

…that according to Slim Spurling the multi-layered plating creates a thermocouple effect? As a result, a small voltage is generated and converted instantly to amperage or current by all of the tools to increase the energy field. The tools and jewelry are not lacquered like commercial 24K gold plated jewelry. Due to the superconductive nature of all Light-Life Tools, the plating tends to sublimate. This gaseous state then is readily available in its diffuse nature to provide sub-micro trace nutrients to the body, aura, and environment, gradually raising the vibration of all.

In the beginning, the tools were in copper, then we added silver plating to raise the vibration. Later, on top of the silver, we applied 24K gold solution. Gold is known for its higher vibratory levels, speed, and smoothness of action. All Personal Harmonizers and pendants have at least eight or nine layers of alternating silver and gold. You can learn more about our Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master.

Light-Life Tools from left to right: Lotus Pendant, Acu-Vac Coil, and Energy Harmonizer.

FAQ about the Light-Life Tools. Ask Katharina.

After having our first Virtual Workshop recently, I realized that it’s time to answer some FAQ about the Light-Life Tools.

What is the main difference between silver-plated plated and gold-plated jewelry?

The silver-plated jewelry pieces have an additional layer that seems to increase the thermocouple effect Slim Spurling talks about. What we found is that some people who always wear silver are now attracted to the gold-plated and vice versa. We always recommend trusting your intuition and going with what feels right to you. Silver tarnishes, gold doesn’t. Generally speaking, silver works better on the unseen and gold better on the visible: e.g., for air pollution use a gold-plated Harmonizer; for EMF, and mental and emotional issues use a silver-plated.

Is there a tool that will help calm my nerves?

Please understand I am not a medical professional or a psychologist. I will share what customers and I found helpful when the nerves need calming. First and foremost, I would look at what makes me nervous. Sometimes, giving a situation a different meaning can make us automatically feel calmer.

All our Personal Harmonizers seem to have a calming effect, however, we found our Lost Cubit or Unity Personal Harmonizers work the best. Also, a Personal Harmonizer in combination with our Sacred or Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants has been appreciated. When I am totally overwhelmed, I take the Bach flower remedy ‘Elm’, which works like a charm for me. You can find it in any health food store or online.

What is the main difference between Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Environmental Harmonizers, so I can understand which one is right for me?

Thank you so much for your question. Please click here to read my blog about the differences between the Environmental Harmonizers.

What Tools do you recommend for better sleep?

Some people found it helpful to have one of our Light-Life Tensor Rings under their pillow. It may support remembering your dreams or having lucid dreams. Others like one of our 3 1/2 Light-Life Tensor Rings under their bed or at the headboard. We do have reports of people who mentioned the energy of the rings kept them awake, however, they still felt energized in the morning and not as tired as without the rings. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

I’ve never used Light-Life Tools before. What tool do you recommend I start with and how should I use it? 

I would highly recommend you get the book, In the Mind of a Master, as this is a great reference guide and also gives background on how the Light-Life Tools came about. In my opinion, you can never have enough Light-Life Tensor Rings. Their applications are only limited by your imagination. Our Practitioner Set would also be a good way to get started. If you’re around many people or challenging situations, one of our Personal Harmonizers could give you great support. I would really need to know more about your situation to give you a more detailed recommendation. Please check out our YouTube channel to learn more about the applications.

Light-Life Practitioner Set

How do I choose between an Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop?

That really depends on what you want to do with it and it is also a personal preference. Slim Spurling always had an Acu-Vac Coil in his jacket and I also prefer it over the Feedback Loop. I do use the two in combination during a session, tucking the Feedback Loop onto the Acu-Vac Coil to boost their power.

With the Acu-Vac Coil, you determine the direction, e.g., if you want to pull out negative energy of a situation or work on an issue you hold it first with the bead away. Once the session is complete you turn it over and give light to the area you worked on. The Feedback Loop draws out and gives right back so you don’t have to remember to give back. The best choice would be to get our Practitioner Set so you have both and can use them together or individually.

Did you know …

That you have to put your Harmonizer in the ring from time to time to recharge it? When Slim Spurling was still on this plane it was not required, however, times have changed. A few years after he transitioned I received a message from him. He said, that there is so much more debris in the atmosphere and with the increased electrification on the planet we need to put our Harmonizer in the Light-Life Tensor Ring that comes with it. It is for recharging the Harmonizer as well as for closing its field down to the size of the ring.

Personal Harmonizer placed in the ring for recharging

Also, to protect yourself from all kinds of viruses and bacteria put an antiviral or antibacterial substance on a small piece of tissue and place in your Personal Harmonizer. Or put it in your Environmental Harmonizer and carry it with you wherever you go. Be creative! We have different ways to protect ourselves and should always remember to keep your vibration high. Stay in the spirit of love and acceptance, not fear and judgment.

Cotton ball with an anti-bacterial oil inside the Personal Harmonizer

Slim’s Favorite Light-Life Tools

Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools were of course the Harmonizers. In the twenty years I knew Slim he was never without his Personal Harmonizer. He put it on every morning just like his bridges (jeans) and took off at night in the same way. His Personal Harmonizer actually changed its form over time. This can happen with any Harmonizer and just means that the Harmonizer is working hard to protect you. It keeps your energy field in the state of harmony and may divert less beneficial energies. It’s amazing to see.

Slim Spurling with the Light-Life Tools.

Slim’s Kit

Slim also never left the house without an Acu-Vac Coil and a ½ and a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring in his pocket. He would put the ring under his coffee cup and the Acu-Vac Coil would always find a good use.

For example, when Slim saw that the waiter had some health issues, he would ask him what’s going on. The man complained about a shoulder hurting and Slim gave him the Acu-Vac Coil. Slim told him to put it under his armpit with the bead showing down. By the time we finished our meal, the man came back with a surprised look on this face because the issue was dissolved. Another time there was a complaint about back issues. Again, Slim took out the coil and had the man tuck it into his belt right around the area of the discomfort. And, you guessed it, it didn’t take long and there was major improvement.

Other examples of how Slim used his favorite Light-Life Tools on a daily basis.

If Slim learned about heart issues a person had, he would give the person his ½ Sacred Cubit Ring to wear in their shirt pocket over the heart. We have many reports of heart issues improving by simply wearing the ring over the heart. My heart occasionally beats faster than I like it. I put a ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in my bra over my heart and within a short time it normalizes its beat.

One of the great stories about Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools took place in Venezuela. We both were invited; he gave a workshop on the tools, and I gave a Metamorphosis workshop. Our friends took us with a group of their friends to the beach. One of the young women fell over a rock and hurt her foot so badly that she could hardly step on it. Slim folded his 6 feet 4 inches, went down on his knees and started working on her foot. Again, his favorite 1 Sacred Cubit ring and the Acu-Vac Coil came to rescue. The young lady soon started feeling much better and was able to walk again.

Learn more about Slim’s Light-Life Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master

If you read the book In the Mind of a Master, you may remember the story of another good use of Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools. He had dinner with Jeanne, his wife at the time, when a couple entered the restaurant arguing very loudly. They sat down near Slim and continued their loud arguments. Slim didn’t like that at all. He took his Acu-Vac Coil out and placed it on the table with the intention to pull out the negative stuff. Bingo! It worked! The couple changed and left the restaurant laughing.

On flights he would sit on his 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring to avoid jet lag. By the way – this works really well. I do the same, and friends who tried it reluctantly did not want to return the ring I gave them to test for themselves.

I am forever grateful for Slim creating the Light-Life Tools and the benefits people and the planet are receiving on a daily basis. If you don’t have any, start with “Slim’s Kit”. It’s so worth it.

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