Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Self-Care (Page 4 of 5)

Tapping Your Body can Create Balance

Tapping your body can create a balance in your body’s energy system. Also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), this technique is a self-administered healing technique that reduces negative symptoms from physical-emotional issues. It’s based on modern psychology and the principles of acupuncture’s meridian, but without the use of needles.

Tapping can be beneficial for your heart-brain coherence (read more about this in our blog). It can help generate positive emotions which increases your brain’s ability to function. Here’s a great video from Tapping with Brad Yates on listening with your heart and being more heart-centered.  

Tapping is a simple 5 step process:

  1. Begin by tapping underneath your pinky with the fingertips on the other hand. Identity what the issue is and what your focus will be.
  2. Then rate the intensity of the issue on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst
  3. Create a comforting phrase that acknowledges the issue and accepts yourself regardless
  4. Tap the following points on your body 8 times as you repeat your comforting phrase. Complete all 8 points 3 times through:
    1. Eyebrow
    2. Side of the eye
    3. Under the eye
    4. Under the nose
    5. Chin
    6. Top of collarbone
    7. Armpit
    8. Finish at the top of your head
  5. Finally, take a deep breath. Rate the intensity of the issue. Repeat all 8 steps as necessary.

Here’s a great article from Heathline that explains the steps in more detail.

Did you know the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy?

Did you know the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body? The magnetic field of the heart even extends up to 3 feet outside the body! Did you know the electromagnetic component of the heart is approximately 60 times greater in strength than the electrical activity generated by the brain? Psychology Today tells us the heart starts beating before the brain is formed. In fact, the heart will continue to beat even after the brain is dead, provided the heart is receiving oxygen.

Did you know the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart? Hence the saying: Follow your heart not your mind. HeartMath Institute teaches us that our ability to function cognitively is limited when our heart is receiving negative emotions. Positive emotions generate a harmonious rhythm in the heart enhancing the brain’s functions. Therefore, the brain’s activity increases when positive interactions from the heart occur such as compassion and love.

Our gold plated Moon Pendant is said to open the heart chakra. It is a unique piece of jewelry made out of Light-Life Tensor Rings in the three cubit measurements we’re using. Wearing this pendant may help balance your heart’s EMF. People who wear this pendant say it allows their mind to quiet and feel with their heart.

Our Lotus Pendants are also powerful choices to support emotional balance and may help us stay centered during chaotic times. It may help with mental clarity, emotional stability, reduction in stress, and feelings of peace in your life.

I bet you didn’t know that the heart’s EMF is your superpower!

Ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings!

As you probably know by now, I believe you cannot have too many Light-Life Tensor Rings. Therefore, to ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings is a no-brainer. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring in front of your heart chakra, visualize your desired result, and go into the feeling as if you already have it. Stay in this experience for as long as it feels comfortable.
  • Ring in the New Year with the Light-Life Tensor Rings by placing them over your cosmetics, supplements, and condiments and be observant. Do they feel better, taste better, last longer?
  • Use Light-Life Tensor Rings for your pets; whether you want to help them with acute physical discomfort or just to support their health and well-being. You can place a bigger Ring under your pets’ bed or put a smaller one around their neck.
  • Put your flowers in a Light-Life Tensor Ring to keep them longer fresh. I had miracles happen doing that.

Get more ideas on our Instagram page and keep experimenting. Be creative and find new ways every week to work with the Rings.

You see, there are many ways you can ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings. Let us know on Facebook or Instagram how you are using them. We love to hear and get other ideas from our community.

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

A Ritual to End the Year.

I have a ritual to end the year that I would like to share with you. It allows me to reflect on the past year so I can make space for the upcoming year. It can be difficult sticking with a New Year’s resolution when you’re holding on to unfinished projects and ideas.

The first part of my ritual to end the year is to recap what I’ve accomplished. During the last two weeks of December, I make a list of all my unfinished projects. I decide which ones I would like to complete by the end of the year. Instead of focusing on new projects, I like to focus on completing the ones that would make the most difference in my life. I also look at what needs to be eliminated from my list. I don’t know about you, but I have been carrying around old projects and ideas thinking, or should I say ‘dreaming’, that one day I will get to it. Let me tell you what a relief it has been when I finally decided to let go. It was then satisfying to take the bull by the horn and finish those items I knew would give me joy.

Reflecting on Experiences

Part of my ritual to end the year is to review the year in full. To reflect and ask myself: what has been beneficial for me, what do I want to continue in the following year, and what do I want to let go of? Another part of my ritual is to show gratitude to my team, family, and friends. I am grateful for all I have experienced throughout the year. I cherish all the beautiful moments and commit to having more in the new year.

Another part of my ritual is to smudge my house on the 31st of December. This allows me to energetically let go of the year and make space for the new year.

Traveling over the New Year

This year I will do my end of year ritual at my German office. I am working on reorganizing it and taking the opportunity to let go of the old that doesn’t serve us anymore. It is hard work but focusing on what it will look like once it’s done actually makes it fun (most of the time?).

If you are traveling like me and a ritual to end the year at home is not possible, maybe plan a big spring cleaning session. That’s a project I already have planned for when I get back from Germany.

Please share with us on Facebook or Instagram if you have a ritual or a resolution and what you are doing. I believe we all are looking forward to ending this year strong and focusing on a brighter future of 2022.

Useful Tips for Fabrics –

Tip of the Month

Many of the fabrics we wear are made up of over 2000 different types of chemicals. Because our skin is unable to flush toxins, like our digestive system does, our skin starts absorbing these chemicals. As they enter our bloodstream, the toxins can become detrimental to our health causing all sorts of negative effects like hormonal dysfunctions, behavior problems, immune system problems, digestive system problems, skin problems, cancer, and so much more.

The best fabrics to wear are organic versions of natural fibers, like cotton, linen, and wool. Truly organic fabric won’t have any harmful chemicals in them, also making them a great option for the environment. Another fabric that is a safer option is Tencel, also known as Lyocell. However, Tencel just produces the fiber, not the actual fabric, so confirm that the company you’re buying from also cares about using safe chemicals in their productions. Cupro is a great silk substitute creating a beautiful flowy fabric. Plus, it’s a practical option because it can be put in a washing machine and drier.

So, when it comes to buying clothes for yourself or others please make healthy choices. You and your loved ones deserve it!

FAQ about the Light-Life Tools. Ask Katharina.

After having our first Virtual Workshop recently, I realized that it’s time to answer some FAQ about the Light-Life Tools.

What is the main difference between silver-plated plated and gold-plated jewelry?

The silver-plated jewelry pieces have an additional layer that seems to increase the thermocouple effect Slim Spurling talks about. What we found is that some people who always wear silver are now attracted to the gold-plated and vice versa. We always recommend trusting your intuition and going with what feels right to you. Silver tarnishes, gold doesn’t. Generally speaking, silver works better on the unseen and gold better on the visible: e.g., for air pollution use a gold-plated Harmonizer; for EMF, and mental and emotional issues use a silver-plated.

Is there a tool that will help calm my nerves?

Please understand I am not a medical professional or a psychologist. I will share what customers and I found helpful when the nerves need calming. First and foremost, I would look at what makes me nervous. Sometimes, giving a situation a different meaning can make us automatically feel calmer.

All our Personal Harmonizers seem to have a calming effect, however, we found our Lost Cubit or Unity Personal Harmonizers work the best. Also, a Personal Harmonizer in combination with our Sacred or Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants has been appreciated. When I am totally overwhelmed, I take the Bach flower remedy ‘Elm’, which works like a charm for me. You can find it in any health food store or online.

What is the main difference between Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Environmental Harmonizers, so I can understand which one is right for me?

Thank you so much for your question. Please click here to read my blog about the differences between the Environmental Harmonizers.

What Tools do you recommend for better sleep?

Some people found it helpful to have one of our Light-Life Tensor Rings under their pillow. It may support remembering your dreams or having lucid dreams. Others like one of our 3 1/2 Light-Life Tensor Rings under their bed or at the headboard. We do have reports of people who mentioned the energy of the rings kept them awake, however, they still felt energized in the morning and not as tired as without the rings. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

I’ve never used Light-Life Tools before. What tool do you recommend I start with and how should I use it? 

I would highly recommend you get the book, In the Mind of a Master, as this is a great reference guide and also gives background on how the Light-Life Tools came about. In my opinion, you can never have enough Light-Life Tensor Rings. Their applications are only limited by your imagination. Our Practitioner Set would also be a good way to get started. If you’re around many people or challenging situations, one of our Personal Harmonizers could give you great support. I would really need to know more about your situation to give you a more detailed recommendation. Please check out our YouTube channel to learn more about the applications.

Light-Life Practitioner Set

How do I choose between an Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop?

That really depends on what you want to do with it and it is also a personal preference. Slim Spurling always had an Acu-Vac Coil in his jacket and I also prefer it over the Feedback Loop. I do use the two in combination during a session, tucking the Feedback Loop onto the Acu-Vac Coil to boost their power.

With the Acu-Vac Coil, you determine the direction, e.g., if you want to pull out negative energy of a situation or work on an issue you hold it first with the bead away. Once the session is complete you turn it over and give light to the area you worked on. The Feedback Loop draws out and gives right back so you don’t have to remember to give back. The best choice would be to get our Practitioner Set so you have both and can use them together or individually.

Did you know?…

Did you know that the light field coming from our Tensor Rings imparts “livingness” to water? That enhances the “life force” when consumed or used to water plants or animals. Water changes from very acidic pH to neutral or slightly alkaline when you leave it standing in the ring for 24-48 hours. Tests show that water treated with Light-Life Tensor Rings tastes softer, cleaner, and feels purer than untreated water.

The surface tension of water is lower when a container of it is set momentarily in the light field or the Ring is held over the container. Treated water has a different crystalline structure than untreated water. The ‘light’ field above or below the Ring appears to relax the cell membranes. This allows better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.

Water sitting in a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Ring for 4 hours then frozen

You can learn more about water-potentizing or other ways of using Light-Life Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master or in the e-book Slim Spurling’s Universe.

What does a harmonious environment mean for you?

While driving home the other day I listened to a podcast and the question, “What does a harmonious environment mean for you?” came up. Of course, I understand most of us have a different idea of it, but what does a harmonious environment mean for you?

Harmony at home

  • Sitting at the table with your family sharing a meal and listening to each other’s stories of the day?
  • Being genuinely kind and loving to each other?
  • Watching a movie together?
  • Going to games together?
  • Having plants and/or pets in your house?
  • The children are ‘good’ children:
    • Always bringing good grades?
    • Always cleaning up their room?
    • Helping in the house?
    • Having friends you agree with?
    • Don’t disagree?

Harmony in your relationships

  • Your partner is fully supporting you by helping:
    • With work around the house and the yard?
    • Homework with the children?
    • Listening to your stories from work?
    • Taking care of your aging parents?
    • With your volunteer work?
    • You and your partner are in alignment with your values?
    • You share the same spiritual principles?
  • Is your work rewarding?
  • Your finances are flowing?
  • Your relationships with family and friends are empowering?
  • You have time to be with yourself to meditate and pray or just read or listen to music?

Harmony in your surroundings

  • You live in an area that is nourishing you with:
    • Clean air?
    • City life or living close to nature?
    • Beautiful view to the mountains or beach or dessert?
    • Nice neighborhood with friendly neighbors?

I am sure I did not cover everything, but the intention is to start a thought process. What if we don’t have any or have very little of what I’ve listed or what you would add? How about if we first look to find peace and harmony within and then let it reflect on the outside?

The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence.

Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that supports us? Knowing from my own experience is that the ‘wrong’ people in our environment can make us sick. For example, when I was under a lot of physical pain and limited in my movement for several years, I thought I depended on those people, but it turned out, once I disassociated from them my health improved. Look in your own life? Do you put up with people and situations because you believe you have to? Of course, I understand making significant choices is at a cost, however, the following benefits are invaluable. I do know that also from experience.

What I learned the hard way is that I cannot make someone happy. Happiness is a choice, it is not depending on other people. Everybody is on their own life journey and it is not appropriate for us to interfere with it. For example, if we take things personally and, as a result choose to allow others to put us down, it is on us to make some adjustments. The book ‘The Four Agreements’ is a good read if you want to get more acquainted with that concept.

Sometimes, people think if they get one of our Environmental Harmonizers it takes care of everything and they don’t need to make any changes in their own behavior and sometimes location. In fact, my late husband, Slim Spurling, made it very clear when he said, “The Light-Life Tools are created to help you in your personal growth, but they will not do the work for you.” You see, this would interfere with your free will and that would not be okay. In other words, while the Harmonizer can point out to you what you need to change it is up to you to make those changes.

Please click here to read my blog about the different Environmental Harmonizers if you consider getting one for yourself. I would highly recommend doing so because the benefits can be enormous for you, your family, your workplace, and your neighborhood.

I want to leave you with the invitation to look at what does a harmonious environment mean for you and step by step make the necessary changes to live in a harmonious environment. You and your loved ones deserve it.

Did you know …

That you have to put your Harmonizer in the ring from time to time to recharge it? When Slim Spurling was still on this plane it was not required, however, times have changed. A few years after he transitioned I received a message from him. He said, that there is so much more debris in the atmosphere and with the increased electrification on the planet we need to put our Harmonizer in the Light-Life Tensor Ring that comes with it. It is for recharging the Harmonizer as well as for closing its field down to the size of the ring.

Personal Harmonizer placed in the ring for recharging

Also, to protect yourself from all kinds of viruses and bacteria put an antiviral or antibacterial substance on a small piece of tissue and place in your Personal Harmonizer. Or put it in your Environmental Harmonizer and carry it with you wherever you go. Be creative! We have different ways to protect ourselves and should always remember to keep your vibration high. Stay in the spirit of love and acceptance, not fear and judgment.

Cotton ball with an anti-bacterial oil inside the Personal Harmonizer
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