Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Physical Stress (Page 3 of 3)

Tip of the Month: Breathing Exercises

Tip of the month is breathing exercises. Your body needs oxygen to live. As humans, we get oxygen by breathing through our mouths and nose. We can also use our breath to help with all kinds of physical and emotional issues. Breathing exercises can help put your body in a relaxed state. When your body is relaxed, your brain becomes more relaxed. This may help reduce stress or anxiety, increase energy, lower blood pressure, improve lung function, aid digestion, and so much more.

Got 5 minutes to spare? VeryWell Mind gives 8 different deep breathing exercises for anxiety. I’ve picked my favorite 3 for you to try*.

Pursed lip breathing

This is an intentional breathing technique that forces you to slow down. It can also be useful during certain activities like lifting or stair climbing.

• Firstly, find a comfortable seat and relax your neck and shoulders
• Keeping your mouth closed, inhale slowly through your nose for 2-3 counts
• Then, pucker your lips as if you were giving a kiss
• Lastly, exhale slowly, keeping your breath slow and steady, for 4 counts

Lion’s Breath

This technique is an energizing breathing practice that can help relax muscles in your chest and face, relieves stress, and improves cardiovascular function.

• To begin, sit in a comfortable position and press your palms against your knees
• Then, inhale deeply through your nose
• Open your mouth wide and stick our your tongue down towards your chin
• At the end, exhale through your mouth making a long ‘ha’ sound
• Do this breath 2 to 3 times

Humming Bee Breath

This technique helps create instant calmness. It can be used to relieve frustration, anxiety, or anger.

• To start, sit in a comfortable chair or on the floor
• Close your eyes and relax your face
• Place your first fingers on the tragus cartilage that partially covers your ear
• Then, inhale deeply
• Gently press your fingers into the cartilage while slowly exhaling
• As you exhale, make a loud humming noise with your mouth shut
• Continue as many times as needed

* Disclaimer: If you have any respiratory issues, please talk to your doctor before trying any of these breathing exercises.

Ask Katharina: I Have Been Dealing with Negative Self-Talk

Katharina –

I have been dealing with negative self-talk and I was wondering if there is a Tool or a Pendant, that could help me gain more positivity towards myself? You know, the whole world-wide situation is having a toll on me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,


Advice on Dealing with Negative Self-Talk


Thank you for your email. I appreciate your question because you’re not alone. Many are faced with challenges these days and it is easy to go down a negative spiral.

Here is what helps me: I don’t watch the news or read the paper. They all seem to say the same and I am very visual, so stressful pictures haunt me for a very long time. Instead, I focus on how I would like the world to be and how I want other people to interact with me. Every morning, I write down and visualize how I want my day to go. If I have meetings scheduled, I picture them being productive and
a win for all involved. I write down what I’m going to accomplish and see it all in a positive light.

Now, I understand this may sound a bit hard to do and it is in the beginning. However, it is so worth it if you make an effort to practice it.

You were asking for a Tool and, of course, I have some recommendations for you. To help with the negative self-talk, our Pyramid Pendant comes to mind. If you experience yourself being a ‘chronic’ grumpy person, that may be the perfect choice for you. If you need a mood booster, our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, gold or silver plated, or our Unity Personal Harmonizer would both be a good choice. Last, but not least, our Moon Pendant is a heart opener and if you feel your heart area is shut down, I would go with this one. Use your intuition in choosing the right Tool for you.

I wish you the very best and that you soon start giving yourself positive self-talks. Look in the mirror and smile. It helps! I know from experience.



Tapping Your Body can Create Balance

Tapping your body can create a balance in your body’s energy system. Also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), this technique is a self-administered healing technique that reduces negative symptoms from physical-emotional issues. It’s based on modern psychology and the principles of acupuncture’s meridian, but without the use of needles.

Tapping can be beneficial for your heart-brain coherence (read more about this in our blog). It can help generate positive emotions which increases your brain’s ability to function. Here’s a great video from Tapping with Brad Yates on listening with your heart and being more heart-centered.  

Tapping is a simple 5 step process:

  1. Begin by tapping underneath your pinky with the fingertips on the other hand. Identity what the issue is and what your focus will be.
  2. Then rate the intensity of the issue on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst
  3. Create a comforting phrase that acknowledges the issue and accepts yourself regardless
  4. Tap the following points on your body 8 times as you repeat your comforting phrase. Complete all 8 points 3 times through:
    1. Eyebrow
    2. Side of the eye
    3. Under the eye
    4. Under the nose
    5. Chin
    6. Top of collarbone
    7. Armpit
    8. Finish at the top of your head
  5. Finally, take a deep breath. Rate the intensity of the issue. Repeat all 8 steps as necessary.

Here’s a great article from Heathline that explains the steps in more detail.

Ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings!

As you probably know by now, I believe you cannot have too many Light-Life Tensor Rings. Therefore, to ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings is a no-brainer. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring in front of your heart chakra, visualize your desired result, and go into the feeling as if you already have it. Stay in this experience for as long as it feels comfortable.
  • Ring in the New Year with the Light-Life Tensor Rings by placing them over your cosmetics, supplements, and condiments and be observant. Do they feel better, taste better, last longer?
  • Use Light-Life Tensor Rings for your pets; whether you want to help them with acute physical discomfort or just to support their health and well-being. You can place a bigger Ring under your pets’ bed or put a smaller one around their neck.
  • Put your flowers in a Light-Life Tensor Ring to keep them longer fresh. I had miracles happen doing that.

Get more ideas on our Instagram page and keep experimenting. Be creative and find new ways every week to work with the Rings.

You see, there are many ways you can ring in the New Year with Light-Life Tensor Rings. Let us know on Facebook or Instagram how you are using them. We love to hear and get other ideas from our community.

Questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings

Here are our most asked questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings with the intention to help you choose the ones that serve your needs the best.

Why do some Light-Life Tensor Rings have beads?

Slim Spurling studied the work of Nikola Tesla who said that spheres amplify an energy field. Therefore, we added beads to our Light-Life Tensor Rings to increase the strength and density of the tensor field. Plain Jane Light-Life Tensor Rings do not have beads since they are mainly used for outdoor applications.

The Light-Life Tensor Rings included with most of our Harmonizers only have one bead. This is sufficient for the purpose of reducing the energy field of the Harmonizer to the size of the ring.

What is the purpose of the heavier wire you use?

The heavy wire creates a stronger field density, which seems to generate more light and life force energy . Therefore, beads are not necessary. Also, some people like to sit on Light-Life Tensor Rings during long road trips and find beads are not very comfortable to sit on. Healers have reported greater and faster results when using a 1 Sacred Cubit Heavy Ring and a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Ring connected together with cable ties so the Rings do not touch. This seems to speed up the self-healing power significantly.

1 Sacred Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring zip tied to a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring

What does the plating do and why are some Light-Life Tensor Rings plated and others are not?

These are questions about our Light-Life Tensor Rings that I get asked quite frequently. In the beginning, Slim Spurling made the Tensor Rings out of copper with a bead soldered on. With more experience, and being the alchemist he was, he realized people would have better results if he added gold and silver plating. All of our plated Tensor Rings first have a layer of silver followed by a layer of 24K gold plating.

However, gardeners and farmers asked for a less expensive option for the outdoors. Slim Spurling added the Plain Jane version of the Light-Life Tensor Rings, without beads and plating, around the year of 2000. Later, more sizes of the Plain Jane Tensor Ring became available for outdoor purposes and to block EMF (electro magnetic fields).

Can you help me understand what a tensor field is?

A tensor field is the space created when the ends of a wire are joined in a loop. Think about a child blowing bubbles after they dip a loop into soap solution. The soap solution is actually hanging on the tensor field of that loop. The tensor field of our Light-Life Rings is the empty space within the circumference. The tensor field creates a higher vibration that may bring beneficial life-force to everything within its energy field.  

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

A Ritual to End the Year.

I have a ritual to end the year that I would like to share with you. It allows me to reflect on the past year so I can make space for the upcoming year. It can be difficult sticking with a New Year’s resolution when you’re holding on to unfinished projects and ideas.

The first part of my ritual to end the year is to recap what I’ve accomplished. During the last two weeks of December, I make a list of all my unfinished projects. I decide which ones I would like to complete by the end of the year. Instead of focusing on new projects, I like to focus on completing the ones that would make the most difference in my life. I also look at what needs to be eliminated from my list. I don’t know about you, but I have been carrying around old projects and ideas thinking, or should I say ‘dreaming’, that one day I will get to it. Let me tell you what a relief it has been when I finally decided to let go. It was then satisfying to take the bull by the horn and finish those items I knew would give me joy.

Reflecting on Experiences

Part of my ritual to end the year is to review the year in full. To reflect and ask myself: what has been beneficial for me, what do I want to continue in the following year, and what do I want to let go of? Another part of my ritual is to show gratitude to my team, family, and friends. I am grateful for all I have experienced throughout the year. I cherish all the beautiful moments and commit to having more in the new year.

Another part of my ritual is to smudge my house on the 31st of December. This allows me to energetically let go of the year and make space for the new year.

Traveling over the New Year

This year I will do my end of year ritual at my German office. I am working on reorganizing it and taking the opportunity to let go of the old that doesn’t serve us anymore. It is hard work but focusing on what it will look like once it’s done actually makes it fun (most of the time?).

If you are traveling like me and a ritual to end the year at home is not possible, maybe plan a big spring cleaning session. That’s a project I already have planned for when I get back from Germany.

Please share with us on Facebook or Instagram if you have a ritual or a resolution and what you are doing. I believe we all are looking forward to ending this year strong and focusing on a brighter future of 2022.

Earth Day April 2021

April is an important month to me because it is my birth month as well as the celebration of Earth Day. This is to say, when it is a significant birthday, I take some time to re-evaluate my life. In other words, I look at what will I keep, moving forward, and what will I let go of that may not be serving me anymore and why? After all, I created it. Now it’s time to focus on what I really want and create that.

What can you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Similarly, this corresponds to Earth Day as it reminds us to take care of our planet. Let’s focus on our vision for our planet and on some changes that can positively affect it. For instance, choose to walk or bike instead of drive when you can. Take a little shorter shower to save some water each day. Turn down your hot water heater a couple of degrees. You will not only use less electricity but save a few dollars each year in the process.

What can the Harmonizers do for your life and your environment?

At Light-Life Technology we strive to create harmony and health for all living beings and our planet. Slim Spurling designed the Harmonizers to reduce environmental pollution and increase our wellbeing. Every day they are in use worldwide with great success. We use ours every day and invite all of you to do the same.
Please read our latest blog to learn about the different aspects and applications of our Environmental Harmonizers.

The Energy Harmonizer Family

How can we positively affect the hazardous energies of 5G?

Our New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer 24 K gold plated was designed and has been reported to assist with the harmful energies of 5G. If you are concerned about the harmful effects of 5G, this might be the right Tool for you. The New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer is very powerful and is said to clean all kinds of environmental pollution, pacify and smooth irritating energies created by 5G, balance our environment, and much more. It is a perfect addition for anyone looking to create positive change in their own life and also positively affect their environment and neighborhood.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer

Environmental Harmonizers – Ask Katharina March 2021

Here is a summary of our Environmental Energy Harmonizers as I have been asked many times which one to use for what.

Each Energy Harmonizer is a combination of Light-Life Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil shaped into a 3-dimensional sphere. This creates a unique, continuous flow of energy which increases the vibrational frequency of any nearby energy. For instance, clearing the environment and your personal energy field by generating a harmonious toroidal field around them. We create them with the intention of bringing more harmony and balance to the owner. That is to say, that they can positively influence your home, workplace, environment and can be used interchangeably to support your needs. They have been applied to cleaning up air pollution, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes. The Environmental Energy Harmonizers are said to encourage plant growth and to raise consciousness. However, we found that some work better in one area than others.

All Environmental Energy Harmonizers comes with an Environmental Clearing CD and a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Please always place the Harmonizer outside of the ring to let it do its work. To contain the field of the Harmonizer or to recharge it place it inside the ring.

In general, we observed that silver-plated Harmonizers work best on the invisible, for instance, emotional and mental issues, EMF, and radiation. However, the 24K gold plated ones work best on all we can see.

I will focus on our Environmental Harmonizers because those were the ones that Slim Spurling created first in the early 90s.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:

We have found it works best to reduce environmental pollution, divert tornadoes and hurricanes, and promote plant growth. Of course, they may also bring more harmony and balance to your home and environment. It may aid in energy sessions by placing it either under the massage table or directly on the body of the client. If you are open to making changes in your life, they can point you in the right direction. They don’t do the work for you; however, they do support your growth.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:

Tests showed that this one works best for reducing the harmful effects of EMF, the Hartmann Grid, and geopathic stress zones. This was confirmed by Feng Shui practitioners who learned to appreciate the results. For that purpose, you have to keep your Harmonizer activated 24/7. I have always one sitting on my desk in addition to Light-Life Rings around my Wi-Fi equipment, laptop, printer, and phone.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:

The Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated is our recommendation for plant growth. According to reports, it works faster than the Sacred Cubit one. Avid gardeners noticed that the plants reacted positively immediately upon receiving the Lost Cubit 24K gold-plated Environmental Harmonizer in the mail. Of course, you can use this one also for other applications. For instance, in sessions, place a Harmonizer on a CD on top of your client’s body where they require the most attention. However, you can also use it for cleaning the environment, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes, and more.

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:

This one has been powerful assistance in turbulent environments with mental and emotional issues. It seemed to help people calm down, see the bigger picture, and enjoy a more harmonious home.

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated:

The Empowerment Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated has multiple applications. It can serve in the same areas as the Sacred and Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers. In addition to they may enhance your positive intentions, increase your intuitive abilities, and connect more directly to the source of healing, light, and life.

Empowerment Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer silver-plated:

It may offer the same support as the 24K gold plated one and in addition, it may positively affect you and people in your vicinity. Therefore it may bring you and your environment into a state of harmony and reduce the harmful effects of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies).

Empowerment Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Final thoughts

These have been our observations as well as reports from customers and practitioners. Please trust your intuition and do what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong, they will work with you and your intentions. We also recommend our book In the Mind of a Master by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson. It is a great reference guide and has many transcripts of talks by Slim Spurling. Also, our first book Slim Spurling’s Universe – Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind which is available as an e-book.

Bring Harmony and Peace into your World

With everything going on in the world we changed the theme for our blog to bring in more harmony and peace. I received a call from a customer asking me to communicate with our network and ask all people owning a Harmonizer to please activate it and program it for harmony, peace and love. We have to create peace within ourselves before we can see it on the outside.

It doesn’t matter which president we love or hate, which political party we favor, it is important right now that we focus on love, compassion, health, and peace. Answering hate with hate never did do any good. Going into fear is going to harm or even kill us. We have to trust that even if the near future may bring us more turmoil that in the end, it will be the best for all. That doesn’t mean put your head in the sand and pretend everything is just fine. It means, be smart, do what makes sense. Use your common sense, don’t believe everything you see, hear, or even think Ask questions, i.e.:

  • What if this is not what it appears to be?
  • What else could this mean?
  • How do I know this is true?
  • When I feel fear what can I be grateful for?
  • What would I do to support a cause I am passionate?
  • How do I know the information I have is correct?
  • What if I don’t have the full information?
  • What do I have control over and how do I want to use it for the best of all?

There are so many more questions you can ask yourself. These are just some ideas.

Imagine rather what future do you want to see for yourself, your children, and grandchildren. Visualize a thriving planet, happy people and animals, healthy air, soil, water, and plants. Do whatever you can to raise your vibration and those around you. It may be listening to inspiring music, go out into nature, enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a walk on the beach or in the mountains, do zoom calls with family and friends, visit friends if it is appropriate, contact people you haven’t spoken to in a long time and make peace with others and yourself.

When you own a Harmonizer, hold it between your hands like you see in the video and put your prayers and your intentions in there, always focus on the highest outcome for all. You can also program any of our Light-Life Rings. Run them through your fingers and put your intention in there, put it over a map of an area you feel needs your love the most, and trust that it will make a difference.

I truly believe that we will come out of this chaos with more understanding and compassion for each other, no matter which color, gender or nationality we are, religious or political beliefs we have, or country we live in.

I ask you to focus on peace, love, and compassion and put your intention out for the highest and best outcome for all.

Thank you.

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