Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: well being (Page 3 of 8)

Support Mental Well-Being

Today we want to share how customers are using Light-Life Technology’s Tools to impact mood and support mental well-being.

Life throws a lot of “things” our way that can cause stress regularly. Stress can challenge our sense of balance and make us feel anything from hungry, to sad, to angry, to utterly overwhelmed. Of course, we all want the ability to feel calm and keep positive, it is important to remember that emotions such as anger and sadness serve their purpose. It is important to let ourselves feel our emotions, process them, and then let them go.

The Light-Life Technology tools take a revolutionary approach to stress management by using energy fields to promote overall well-being and may support a person’s daily emotional state.

Everything and everyone has a vibration, and the higher the vibration of an object or individual, the more positive people tend to feel about it/them. Intuitives and empaths are particularly sensitive to these vibrations – whether in themselves, other people, animals, or even plant life.

Raising Your Vibration

Many people have times in life when they feel like they are in a “slump.” Oftentimes, we can get ourselves out of these “slumps” by raising our vibration (aka, lifting our own spirits). A few ways we can do this are as follows:

  • Cultivate positive thoughts: Pay attention to your thoughts and replace negative or limiting beliefs with positive and empowering ones.
  • Surround yourself with positive people: Spend time with individuals who uplift and inspire you.
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy: Do things that make you happy and bring you a sense of fulfillment.
  • Practice acts of kindness and compassion: Show kindness to others through small acts of generosity and compassion.
  • Avoid negativity: Minimize exposure to negative influences such as negative news, gossip, or toxic relationships.
  • Connect with nature: Whether walking in the park, sitting by the beach, or hiking in the mountains, immersing yourself in natural surroundings can have a calming and energizing effect.

These are just a few ways we can raise our vibrations. What are some of your favorite ways to lift your mood?

Light-Life Tools to Enhance Positive Energy

Our own research, coupled with the experiences of our customers, demonstrate the potential of the Light-Life Technology Tools to positively impact mood and overall well-being. Light-Life Technology Tools are a fantastic addition to your toolkit created to help regulate moods and uplift emotional states.

Several Light-Life Tools are designed to enhance and raise energetic vibrations, such as the Light-Life Rings, Harmonizers, and Feedback Loops.

Each product works in an unique way to harness subtle energy fields for mood enhancement.

  • Light-Life Tensor Rings can be placed around the head or worn as a pendant to balance energy flow. Wearing a ring on your head during meditation practice can be extremely helpful in quieting the racing mind.
  • Energy Harmonizers can be placed in living spaces to create a harmonious environment conducive to a positive mood.
  • Acu-Vac Coils and Feedback Loops are designed to draw out negative energy and replace it with positive energy. This is visible to the clairvoyant eye.

Our research showcases the potential benefits of Light-Life Technology in enhancing mood and boosting mental well-being. 

For example, see our report on the Mini Pyramid Pendant experiments, where we found the tool to: 

  • Block negative energy
  • Amplify the energy field of the person wearing it
  • Strengthen the wearer from the inside out

Results may vary, of course, so that’s why we encourage you to do your own research and testing.

Customer Experiences with Light-Life Technology

Many customers have reported improved mood and mental well-being after using Light-Life Technology products.

Testimonials and anecdotes from customers highlight the positive impact of Light-Life Technology on their mood, including:

  • Reduced stress
  • Increased energy
  • Greater sense of well-being

Of course, Light-Life Tools are not meant as replacement for medical assistance. We always encourage our customers to seek professional help when faced with conditions that require it. The Light-Life Tools are designed to assist us in our growth and improve our health and well-being.

In fact, Light-Life Technology Tools work well alongside more traditional therapies.

Light-Life Tensor Ring, Environmental Harmonizer,
Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop

Experiment for yourself

Try tracking your own mood while using the Light-Life Tools.

  • Keep a diary
    • Keep a written record of your daily events. Jot down a few lines about what tool you were using, what you encountered, and how you feel over time.
  • Apps
    • Many mood tracker apps exist, including (but not limited to): Daylio, Moodfit, Moodkit, MoodTools, Mindshift CBT, and Worry Watch.
  • Mood Scales
    • Rate your mood on a scale of 1-10. Track this over time.
  • Mood Trackers

Let us know what your favorite tracking tools are, and more importantly, let us know your results!

If you haven’t already done so, consider using our products to improve your mood and support your mental well-being.

Please share your experiences by emailing them to us at cs@ix-el.com. We read every message and cherish your stories.

Ancient Secrets of Energy Healing

Today, we’d like to share a little about ancient secrets of energy healing. Our Light-Life Tools are ancient science rediscovered; they help restore the health of the environment and mankind.

When Slim Spurling met Credo Mutwa, a Zulu sangoma, in South Africa in 2005, he gave him one of our Light-Life Tools. Here is an excerpt of the Book In the Mind of a Master: “I presented him with a coil of my invention, newly produced in 2000.  He then expounded at great length on the fact that coils identical to this have been used by the tribal women for various practices in healing of physical ailments, removal of negative energies from the village, and improving crops.  He gave the historical use of the coil in tribal practice as beginning over 4,000 years ago.

Today, there is an increasing global acceptance and harmonization of various medicinal systems and practices, as more people seek alternative and complementary therapies to our standardized Western medicine practices.

Our modern world is full of toxins, chemicals, pollution, and artificial devices that disconnect us from the natural world. By embracing ancient healing techniques, we can detoxify, enhance chakra clearing, rebalance our auric field and chi, and release physical, emotional, and mental blockages. These ancient practices can also help us attune to our natural world and ecosystems. We can begin to focus on the gentle sounds, dappled light, and abundant plant life of the natural world, and help us quiet our always racing minds.

5 Secrets Ancient Healers Used that Make Excellent Complementary Therapies Today

Ancient healers used a variety of techniques to promote healing and well-being. Those that resonate well with us today, and are often used as complementary therapies include:

  • Intuition
  • Sound therapy
  • Light therapy
  • Plant medicine
  • Sacred geometry

Intuition: Expanding Consciousness with Mind-Body Awareness

Ancient healers – and healers today – often start by listening to a mix of intuition and experience. In the same way, when we become more intuitive, we may realize exactly how the body is built to always renew and heal itself.

For this reason, developing a stronger mind-body awareness can help us tap into this innate ability and promote overall well-being.

Sound Therapy: Exploring the Vibrations of Nature

The world’s oldest medical practices used sound therapy because everything in nature vibrates.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine: The practice of Qi Gong (pronounced chi gong) incorporates six healing sounds that help balance the body’s energy in conjunction with physical movement.
  • Ayurveda: This ancient Indian healing system uses specific sounds and mantras, such as Om chanting and Prana, to heal and restore balance.
  • Ancient Egypt: Healers used “toning.” This is manipulating the sound of the vowel with their breath and voice to create therapeutic sounds.
  • Ancient Greece: Greek physicians incorporated musical instruments, such as flutes, lyres, and zitters into their healing practices.

Changing the frequency is literally uplifting, as higher vibrations are calming vibrations.

Plant Medicine: Absorbing Nature’s Goodness

Plant medicine, aka “botanical medicine” or “phytomedicine,” has been an integral part of healing practices across many cultures for over 5,000 years .

African and Native American indigenous cultures often incorporate herbs into healing rituals. Similarly, TCM and Ayurvedic medical systems also use herbal therapies.

Some of the plants that carry healing potential are:

  • bark
  • berries
  • flowers
  • leaves
  • oils
  • roots
  • seeds

Chamomile, Echinacea, and St. John’s wort are just a few examples of many medicinal plants with natural healing properties.*

We are still using plant medicine today. For example, some pharmaceutical drugs are still manufactured from botanicals, while about 3/4 come from synthetic chemical compounds.

Sacred Geometry

Certain geometric shapes, patterns, and proportions are believed to hold deep spiritual and symbolic significance. As a matter of fact, many world religions, such as Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, use geometric patterns and shapes.

Sacred Geometry relies on mathematical formulas, fractals, and ratios. We can see them in various shapes and patterns in nature — think of tree leaves, snowflakes and shells. Even our DNA takes these patterns.

Many believe we can tap into these energy patterns for healing and well-being by incorporating sacred geometry into our lives.

Tapping ancient wisdom to heal our modern world

Modern studies are catching up – often validating the ancient wisdom about the value of sound and light therapy, the full potential of plant medicine, and the capacity of mind-body techniques to help the body heal.

As studies continue to explore the potential of the traditions passed down through ancient wisdom, many people are rediscovering and harnessing the ancient secrets of energy healing in our modern world.

Energy Healing Clients** often use our Tools to:

  • Detoxify
  • Enhance chakra clearing
  • Rebalance auric field
  • Rebalance chi
  • Help release physical, emotional, and mental blockages

We enjoy doing everything we can to raise the vibrations and help clear the earth of toxic influences.

*Please consult your health care practitioner as needed to ensure any healing agent you choose is safe for you and, especially in the case of herbs, won’t conflict with any medication you are taking.

**Wellness providers, we invite you to learn more on our Healers and Health Practitioners page.

Different Uses For Light-Life Practitioner Set

Although there are many different uses for the Light-Life Practitioner Set, the most popular application is to super potentize water. The Light-Life Practitioner Set consists of a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil, a Feedback Loop, and a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring. To go about potentizing your water, put a cup/glass, jar or pitcher of water in the ring, and hook an Acu-Vac Coil on one side and the Feedback Loop in about a 120o angle (like you see in the picture). Leave the jar in the ring overnight, and the water seems to have a higher charge, making it super potentized.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Light-Life Practitioner set for super-potentizing the water

Additionally, this combination of Tools has helped people recover from a sprained ankle within hours. They put this configuration into a bucket with water and then put their injured foot inside the ring. This is one reason we highly recommend having this set with you if you’re going on a hiking trip.

Using the Practitioner Set Tools Separately

Acu-Vac Coil

The Acu-Vac Coil may help to pull out residues from an insect bite. I have personally used it when I was stung by a bee.

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring is a great tool to have if you are taking a long road trip or a flight. Sitting on a Ring can help you stay focused or reduce jetlag. I always use one while traveling domestically and overseas, and it always works like a charm.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Sitting on our Tensor Ring may help you avoid the jetlag

Placing a 1 Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring anywhere on your body may ease any discomfort in that place. For example, placing it on your stomach may help digest your food, or placing it on your head may alleviate a headache.

Feedback Loop

You can hang the Feedback Loop on your sweater or T-Shirt if you have a ‘frog in your throat’.

Uses for Light-Life Practitioner Set
Using the Feedback Loop may help with throat issues


You can combine the Feedback Loop and the Acu-Vac Coil for a more powerful and faster way to relieve any bodily discomfort (click here for the quick video tutorial).

There are so many uses for these three tools, whether you combine them or use them separately, how many uses you find really depends on the limits of your imagination!

The Eclipse Season and Healing

With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always 😉 have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.

This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.

A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.

These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.

Supporting Us Through Changes

Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.

One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

1 Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.

Imagine Having a Personal Bodyguard

We hear so many incredible stories from our customers who have experienced the benefits of wearing our Pendant Jewelry. The Light-Life team calls them “everyday miracles.”

The video below shows how our Synergy Personal Harmonizer saved the day for a grateful customer. Kim had been wearing her Synergy religiously and was at a hair salon appointment when a neighboring stylist started an unplanned highly toxic chemical process on the woman’s hair next to her. Diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity, she is highly reactive to toxins and is debilitated by them. However, this time she did not experience more than a slight headache for a few hours!

“It must have blown it’s circuits! I truly know it took a bullet for me and saved me from being in the fetal position for days trying to recover.”

Kim K. Colorado

Another Everyday Miracle from Pendants

Eric also says “the Synergy is the absolute best pendant they offer in my opinion.” He further explained that he initially dismissed the Empowerment sized cubit, the outer measurement, described as helping with luck and manifestation, when he was making his purchase.

“But things I wanted that were out of reach or a ‘hard no’ just fell into my lap shortly after this one came in the mail.”

Eric. C. Instagram

Your Protective Bubble

Many customers have stated that wearing one of our Personal Harmonizers is like having a superpower. One gentleman said it’s “like you are not going to get robbed wearing this thing”. A woman prone to taking on other people’s energy told us “It’s my cloak of protection” to help her stay safe from noxious energies when she is out and about running errands.

We love hearing these heartfelt stories, they inspire us to no end! We’ll leave you with a quote from Slim, who reminds us of our innate power and importance of our partnership with these Tools to change our life.

“The Tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The Tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The Tools are based on Universal Truth and Harmony. Always choose universal truth.”

Slim Spurling, In the Mind of a Master

Finding the Best Light-Life Pendant for You

Often, we hear from our customers that they are challenged with finding the best Light-Life Tool for their personality, life situation, or obstacles they are trying to overcome. It’s worthy to note, that choosing a Tool that is small enough so you can have it with you all the time is a fantastic option. All of our Pendants are beautiful and at the same time, they are extraordinarily effective subtle energy Tools.

Our own Holy Trinity

Today we wanted to showcase our 3 favorite Pendants: the Pyramid Pendant, Song of the Soul Pendant and Personal Harmonizer. Despite their small size, these Functional Art Forms are very powerful and quite different from each other.

We have created this short reference guide showing you the main distinctive differences between these wearable Tools, so you can find the one that will support your needs.

Song of the Soul Pendant will be a great choice if you:

  • Are having a hard time connecting to your soul and your life’s purpose
  • Feel lost and are in need of divine guidance
  • Have been struggling to establish loving communication with your inner circle
Song of the Soul Pendant

Our Pyramid Pendant is similar to the Merkabah configuration, this is the Pendant we would recommend you if you:

  • Feel like you have lost your inner power and can’t get it back
  • Have strong emotions and need assistance with self-healing
  • Would like to get back to your true self and regain your inner light
Pyramid Pendant

Our Personal Harmonizer is a wonderful Tool to have when you:

  • Want to strengthen your energy field and boost your immune system
  • Need to stay calm and grounded in the turbulent circumstances
  • Desire to create harmony for you and for those around you
Personal Unity Harmonizers

Of course, everyone’s experience with our Tools is unique and individual. However, there’s some commonality in our customers’ feedback when it comes to a particular Tool, which is why we are sharing these valuable insights with you. Also, some benefits can overlap, and some are hard to be put into words. We often hear “feeling good” or “feeling light” as the feedback, whatever it means for the wearer. And last but not the least, we ask you to listen to your intuition when it comes to picking the right Tool for yourself. If you feel connected to a particular one, then trust your inner wisdom, that’s the perfect one to support you!

Be It To See It

What do you think ‘Be It To See It’ means? We usually think we have to have it before we can be it, right? Actually, the first step is to visualize the identity we want. And how do we do that? Now, here’s the thing: Our unconscious doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what you imagine. If you believe you can create miracles in your life, your subconscious will support you in that belief. The exciting thing is that you can retrain your subconscious and tell it what you want to create and who you want to be, just by using your imagination.

Start your day with visualizing what it feels like if you are, for example, in optimal health, completely at ease, and doing all you can do when your health is restored.

Use your Harmonizer to assist you in making these positive changes. Ask your Harmonizer to help you with a specific focus every day until you can then focus on a new goal, as you have succeeded in your initial visualization into manifestation.

Be the Creative Force

Look what Slim Spurling, my late husband, did! He was VERY upset about the air pollution in Denver AND he was looking for a solution. He was focused on a sky without the ‘Brown Cloud’ over Denver nor any air pollution worldwide. Slim BEcame the solution by creating our Light-Life Harmonizers to clear the air.                                

Morning Launch in the Clear Skies of Erie, Colorado Fall 2022

So, to be it before you see it, look at who you want to be, create a picture of your future self, and then feel it. Doing this is so important that you teach your unconscious what it feels like to be this new you. You don’t believe me? Well, just experiment with it for 30 days. Get a visual and a feeling of the most beautiful powerful expression of you and focus on it at least once a day, extra points for holding a powerful posture at the same time! I’d love to know what you experience.

Make it daily game, have fun with it! After all, what do you have to lose, apart from an old idea of yourself that doesn’t serve you anymore.

Hello 2023!

Heal Thy Healer – Unity Pyramid Unit

As we approach the Winter Solstice, we are sharing with you a very special new Tool, the Pyramid Unit with a Unity Personal Harmonizer inside. This combination is a an example of what Aristotle described as the whole being greater than its parts.

The Holidays can be a time of chaotic energy. Using the Unity Pyramid Unit seems to block unwanted energies from stagnating. It can help you remain rooted in your own power and keep giving with an open heart without being depleted. If you are a healer, empath, caregiver or just an everyday superhero, this is a perfect Tool to have close by. This Unity Pyramid Unit is a wonder at keeping the energy coherent and light.

Pyramid Environmental Unit with Personal Unity Harmonizer, 24 Gold Plated

Healer Holiday Support

We recommend the Unity Pyramid Unit as a “magic pill” to support you if you feel anxiety or overwhelm around this time of year.

In fact, this Pyramid Unit enjoys being directly in a central location where we are. This dynamic Tool likes to stay in one place for a time to grid the location where you are. It appears to work room by room, moving and smoothing the energy back into coherence.

Let us share a reading for one of our psychic and clairaudient friends:

“It sings, the energy sings, this makes people feel good. They want to hold it, touch it, have it, be with it.

Almost like a personal totem, that each one is personalized to the person.

Healers heals himself – bring better energy in to heal other people and keeps the healer healed. Sometimes healers are tuned to this energy and it seems to keep them clean and harmonized. When people deal with illnesses that have aggressive chi, vibrations, like cancer I would suggest to have it on their bedside.

It can enhance dreams, be a protection for your home and workspace, You want this in your energy field. It strengthens the energy.”

E. D., AZ

Using the Gift of the Full Moon

When we are aware of the effects of the lunar cycles, we can use the full moon to bring forth what we want to see in our lives. By pairing these full moon cycles with our energy Tools, such as our Moon Earrings, our intentions to shift things in our reality seem to happen even quicker than we might expect.

moon earrings testimonial

“These Moon Earrings are a very effective partner in manifesting the highest outcomes when we are clear in what we want, and what we choose to release.” – A.S., CO

Using all three Cubit measurements, Moon Earrings are in a fantastic place close to our throat chakra, the temporal lobe that processes auditory input, memory, and the occipital lobe that is the visual processor of the brain. 

Our Moon Earrings in sterling silver have an angelic or celestial vibration.  It is very gentle and highly supportive. This may positively influence our perspective of what we see and hear.

We also have Moon Earrings in sterling silver plated with 24K gold. These are a perfect pair to wear when we want to embody our intended shifts during the moon cycles quickly. Wearing these can open us up to allowing new, positive higher frequencies to come right into our cells and light us up! The gold plating on top of the Sterling Silver carries a luminous earthly radiance in addition to the celestial vibration.

By wearing Moon Earrings during a Full Moon, we can harness the power to bring forth what we want to see more of in our lives, while removing the things we no longer need to hold onto.

101 Ring No Beads: Just the Twist

A lot of you are familiar with Light-Life Tensor Rings. They consist of a twisted circle of copper, that can be plated in silver or 24K gold. Our 101 Ring: ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring with 3 beads in 24K gold is a staple in our collection. This is one of the first Tensor Rings that Slim ever created. For many of our customers, the 101 Ring is an introduction into the world of Light-Life Tools.

This simple and practical Ring has been a must-have Tool for experienced practitioners and beginners alike. This is thanks to its convenient, compact size and versatility. Throughout the years we’ve received hundreds of testimonials from the happy customers. They share how 101 Tensor Ring have supported them in everyday life in so many ingenious ways. From potentizing water, to assisting with alleviation of physical discomfort, balancing chakras, as well as reducing EMFs; these are just a few ways the Rings have been used by our community.

One of the most popular applications for the ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring is wearing it on the left wrist/arm to enhance the energetic current and oxygen uptake throughout your body. This seems to combat fatigue and energy drain, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. However, for some people, the beads can get in the way, or make it slightly uncomfortable to wear it on your arm.

Now for Just the Twist!

You asked, and we listened. We have created the 101 Ring without beads, so more of us can wear it comfortably and keep experimenting with this wonderful Tool.

This limited edition 101 Tensor Ring without beads will be available for purchase starting December 1st for this month only.

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