Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Intention (Page 4 of 5)


Acceptance | Light-Life TechnologyThose of you who receive our monthly newsletter (you can sign-up here if you don’t) recognize that I start each month with a new intention. I think it’s a healthy way to take a moment to reset, reflect and recharge my emotional space for the days ahead. For the month of June I chose acceptance: acceptance for life’s challenges, acceptance for those around us and acceptance for ourselves, with all of our perfect imperfections.

I took a short vacation to Playa del Carmen, Mexico and went to the Frida Kahlo Museum. I knew a little a bit about her, foremost that she was an amazing artist. However, I did not know anything about all this woman’s health challenges. She was 18 years old when she was in an accident that changed her life forever. She had to lay in bed for months, could not sit or stand for a long time and started painting. Starting at 18 – she died at 47 – she had about 32 surgeries and painted 143 pictures and another 50 drawings and sketches. Do you think she could have done that if she hadn’t accepted her situation and did what she wanted to do anyway?

We don’t have to go so far! Those of you who have had great experiences with the Light-Life Tools and wanted to share them with your friends or family members and they were not interested. What to do?! Of course you have to accept that. While the tools are amazing and have helped many people and the planet, not everyone resonates with them. Which is just what it is, not good or bad! When Slim created the first Light-Life Tools in the early 90s there was not much around for cleaning the air, creating a more harmonious life for family and communities or many tools to heal you without any negative side effects. Now, in the 21st century it is different. There are many choices. When we are honest, we want to choose for ourselves and not have someone else tell us what to choose. So accept the fact that not everyone you love and care about so much is interested in the Light-Life Tools. Often this changes over time, when they are observing you and see the positive changes in you however sometimes it just doesn’t. And that is fine.

We got an opportunity to practice acceptance before our workshop in Horsham, PA started this month . When we were going to check in at the hotel the lady at the reception informed us that there is a water contamination in the area, all restaurants are closed and we should not use the water to clean our teeth, and of course, not drink. Well, the restaurant next door was the location for our weekend workshop. In situations like to all you can do acknowledge this is it and hope for something better to come out of it. Well, it sure did. Mercedes at the reception was very kind and offered us the breakfast area to do our Saturday morning and late afternoon and she gave us the conference room on Sunday morning for less than we would have paid at the restaurant.

Remember the serenity prayer? God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sometimes accepting things we cannot change means we have to leave a relationship, a workplace, a business partnership or a project we’ve been working on. While it may be hard, it is definitely worth doing. I have had many opportunities to experience that in my own life. Doing the right thing doesn’t always feel good in the beginning, however, from my experience, the freedom that comes with doing it was worth going through all the trouble.


4ocean Help | Light-Life TechnologyWhen I think about having the courage to change the things I can, two surfers, Alex and Andrew come to mind. They noticed how much plastic was on the shore and that fishermen wouldn’t pick it up because they didn’t get paid for it. They realized they had to do something! Now, some years later, they have 150 people employed worldwide and by buying one of their bracelets for $20, you contribute to removing one pound of plastic from the shores. Just think about what your $20 can do. When I learned about them I immediately bought 10 bracelets and gave each one of my employees one. You see, while the Harmonizer can clean the air, soil and water – they cannot remove plastic from the shore. I feel we have to work together to make this planet a place to live for many generations to come. I encourage you to go to www.4ocean.com and check them out. Please do read their story and purchase a bracelet. Let me know what you think. For me it shows again, that one or two of us can make a huge difference on the planet.

I saw on Facebook some time ago a 9 year old girl, who started a campaign ‘child hunger sucks’. If that’s not encouraging and inspiring I don’t know what is!

Maybe you have come across situations, where it would take courage to make the change and you just need a little encouragement to go ahead and get started. It doesn’t need to be as big as this one, but little steps eventually build a tall stairway. Go for it and please share with me. I get so inspired hearing those stories.

Before you accept the things you cannot change you may want to take time to examine why. Why is it so hard to accept? Was this something your parents or other important people in your life believed in? Something you were taught in school? Something you learned from your friends? What would your life look like without that thought? Is it really your truth or just adapted from someone else? How about accepting your power to make positive changes on the planet or maybe ‘just’ in other people’s lives; accepting your God given talents; accepting compliments and acknowledgements? Maybe it’s time to start accepting this. I believe we all are much more powerful than we want to admit. How about starting right now? I encourage you to do that. One of my very early mentors, screamed at me one day when I brushed off her thanking me for doing a great job. She said it is the most selfish thing to do, not to allow others to thank you. It’s like leaving them stuck and giving them a f… y… Think about that one. It completely turned my life around and I learned to accept people showing me their gratitude. Yes, I do sometimes forget but believe me, I got much better over the last 30 some years.

Our intention for June is acceptance. I hope you accept our biggest sale in the last 8 years and go crazy with it. We always have a sale right around Slim’s birthday, July 3. He would have have been eighty years young this year! I know he would be proud that we chose acceptance as this month’s intention. His mission was to leave the world a better place than he found it. I hope you’ll take advantage of the special. I offered a huge discount this time in the hopes that it would make it possible for many more of you to own a Harmonizer. Maybe it would make a good Father’s Day gift!

Agriculture Harmonizer | Light-Life TechnologyHarmonizers amplify life force energy and create a coherent light field around them. Everything and everyone that comes into the vicinity of the Harmonizer will be affected by the light they’re sending out. The more Harmonizers there are in an area, the denser the light field will be. Let’s bring more light and therefore higher consciousness to our planet and into our life. What an amazing thought, right? With more light comes more consciousness and this helps us open ourselves to the highest purpose of all.

Even if you are without a Harmonizer, I hope you’ll join me this month as I celebrate acceptance. It may mean accepting yourself and others just the way they are! You can’t force someone into an open mind. You can only lead by example. For those of you who are with me, perhaps you can show acceptance by smiling at all the strangers that come onto your path today, regardless of their color, creed or viewpoints.

Happy birthday Slim and happy 4th of July to all our American readers.

Sending you all blessings,



Harmony in Hurricane Season

Light-Life Tools Storm Chaser

Did you know that the Storm Chaser was created by Slim after Hurricane Katrina in 2005? As June marks the start of hurricane season, I thought it was important to highlight the usefulness of this tool as well as our other Harmonizers. I’ve included Slim’s words from his book about this tool:

The Storm Chaser came about as a result of my concern for the increasing levels of pollution, which exacerbates the natural tendency of tornadoes and hurricanes to wreak havoc. Hurricanes start off the coast of Africa as a result of the massive density of positively charged dust particles which blow off the west coast (the Skeleton Coast) during periodic sand storms in the summer months. These positively charged ions have a counterclockwise spin – or a negative spin. Anything with a positive charge and a negative spin is destructive to life. These charged ions tend to drag the atmosphere into a massive counterclockwise rotation which, depending on the density of the charge and duration of the sandstorm, may develop into a tropical storm and then a hurricane.

As the cyclonic rotation persists, it draws in (+) charges from different levels of the atmosphere consisting of any or all of the listed air pollutants: CO2, SO2, NOX, hydrocarbons (all toxic materials have a (+) charge). As we have all seen on the weather channel, these storms pull in clouds and atmospheric components from hundreds of thousands of cubic miles of atmosphere. As the density of the toxins increase and (+) charges accumulate near the center, the force behind the storm rotation increases.

Based on my personal observation of atmospheric pollution in the Caribbean during a couple of flights over the area, it is far and away more polluted than any comparable area I have seen in the past 10 years, with the exception of Belgium on my first flight over that country in ‘97. So we can see that these storms initiated off the coast of Africa rapidly increase in strength in the Caribbean and Gulf as they pull in polluted air from the populated mainland.

These huge storms are now appearing in the southern hemisphere; witness the recent one in Australia called Larry (2006) and the first ever storm off Brazil last year (2005). This is attributed to the increasing pollution and resultant drought conditions in that hemisphere. The impact of treaties related to globalization speaks to the issues of industrialization and the increasing use of petroleum fuels in the less developed world, as well.

Having a clear grasp of what lies behind the upsurge of violent weather that is wreaking so much havoc all over the globe, I decided to develop a Harmonizer that can cover large volumes of atmosphere. While the effects of my Environmental and Agricultural Harmonizers have been well demonstrated and proven over and over again, their field radius is not big enough to handle storms of this magnitude. In order to cover the amount of atmosphere that feeds these “super hurricanes”, I had to invent a larger unit. This is what led to the creation of the Storm Chaser in 2004.

To give you an idea of what the Storm Chasers are capable of, it might help you to know that right after the Katrina disaster (2005) I sent the first units to Florida where they were installed in Pensacola, Sarasota and Vero Beach. The next unit was sent to a site near Galveston, Texas, about 200 miles inland.

Predicted to be heading toward the middle of the Florida coast, Hurricane Wilma (2005) got diverted by the Storm Chaser manned by Anthony Cowan in Sarasota. That storm hit the Keys briefly. It then scooted out to sea and took a sudden northeastern path. Deprived of its negative ionic charge over the cooler Atlantic, Wilma dissipated rapidly, due to the high numbers of different sized Harmonizers maintained by people in our network up and down the Eastern seaboard.

Hurricane Rita (2005) was predicted to hit Galveston and inexplicably shifted to a Northeastern course, heading toward Houston instead. When it got to Houston, the eye of that storm ran into the 65-mile wall of energy produced by the dozen active Agricultural Harmonizers manned by the people in Sandee Mac’s network. Rita lost her steam and collapsed suddenly a few miles out to sea.

If you don’t have a copy of In The Mind of a Master, I highly recommend that you pick one up as you continue to heal and grow using the Light-Life Tools. It contains fabulous testimonials and information such as this, directly from Slim from one of his workshops, that can help explain how and why each tool was invented.


When you hear of a hurricane threat, I ask all of you to put your Harmonizers on a map of the area in the world that is affected by a tropical storm. While having a Storm Chaser is ideal, I truly understand that it doesn’t fit everyone’s budget. There are so many Harmonizers available! We’ve found that the Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to be the best at potentially diverting storms, however all of them will work. Remember to put your intention in and they work even better.. After you’ve placed your Harmonizer on the map, put a ring around the area you want to affect, turn on the Environmental Clearing CD (or download the mp3 file) and put headphones around the Harmonizer. This frequency was created by Slim to clean the air and seems to work best for diverting tornadoes and hurricanes.

If you or a loved one lives in an area that is currently being affected by a storm please do not hesitate to notify us. We often send emails alerting our worldwide community of the situation and it’s so powerful to watch everyone band together in solidarity. Together we truly make a difference!

Lastly, when setting your intention as you activate the Harmonizer ask for collapsing hurricanes so no one else gets hurt. Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer that is free of natural disasters and hurricanes!


Cherishing the Moment

Those of you who receive our newsletter (sign-up here) know that I’ve set my intention this month towards cherishing those we love the most – whether that’s mom for Mother’s Day, your recent grad for graduation or perhaps even taking a moment to cherish yourself. This sentiment also gave rise to another thought: What if we take time to cherish the moment?

Have you thought of getting together with a group of people who own Light-Life Tools and work on/with each other? If you have Harmonizers you can put your intentions in there. I think it’s a very powerful and healing activity to gather together and set an intention. What would your collective celebrate? Harmony? Peace? Love? Acceptance? I think this is a wonderful example of truly cherishing the moment and those you love by gathering together for a common goal. I was listening to Archangel Haniel this Saturday and she said (like others before), that when three of us get together and set our intentions towards a goal we can achieve anything. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on what we want instead of being upset about all the things we see in the world and don’t like?

Another way to be present and “live in the now” is to practice meditation. I heard a spiritual advisor joke recently that if meditation came in a pill form everyone would be taking it! I think in this age of technology, it’s so hard for us to unwind from our phones or laptops and take time to do absolutely nothing. Meditation is needed more than ever in our lives to help us balance and return to center. What does your practice look like? Even two minutes a day is said to have tremendous health benefits. I like to take time each morning to write my intentions for the day down, sip a cup of hot water and do my meditation and prayers. I have a box as headboard which is hiding my 3 ½ Sacred and Lost Cubit heavy rings. Sitting in my bed I’m in a light tunnel created by the rings. This energy seems to add an even deeper relaxation to my meditation.

Cherishing the moment and being present may not be easy at first. It takes, like everything else, practice and support. Even when I’m traveling I have found a way to follow my routine. I have some guided meditations on my cell phone and I listen to them when I’m on a plane. I also have my prayers on my cell phone and my mantras, so when I’m traveling I am can continue my practice. I would love to know what you’re doing to stay on track and what helps you with your meditations? Please share them below or on our Facebook page. I know I’d be grateful for the tips, but more importantly we need to share our best practices with one another.

Lastly, cherishing the moment doesn’t need to be planned. All of us at one point have experienced those deep belly laughs with friends that have us doubled over with amusement. Have you ever noticed that in those moments all your worries and cares seem to slip away? While cherishing the moment is a nice sentiment, I suggest that you cherish what brings you the most joy. When was the last time you chatted with your best friend on the phone? Done a simple, silly activity like mini-golf that brought you back to joyful childhood moments?

Meditation can assist us in letting go and joy seems to bring us back to the flow of the positive energy of our universe in nanoseconds. I encourage all of you to put down your phones for a few hours and find joy in the simple things. Just being out in nature brings me a lot of joy. It brings my soul so much peace and serenity. Let’s take time this month to cherish all that we hold dear together. Gratitude is such a powerful tool and for everything we cherish that energy seems to grow and expand.

Fifteen Years of Excellence

I can’t believe it’s been fifteen years since I founded IX-EL, Inc., the manufacturing and retail company of the Light-Life Tools. While I take a moment to contemplate all we’ve accomplished in this time, it also is fun to take a moment of reflection about where we started. When I first met Slim he was making tools out of his one car garage and plating was done in the kitchen in a tiny home in Golden, Colorado. Slim’s goal was never worldwide domination or tons of money, he simply wanted to leave the planet a little bit better than he found it. I truly believe it was kismet that the two of us met. I felt I had met a man who was sitting on top of a goldmine of knowledge and knew I had to help him get his technology out into the world. I often joke that I fell in love with the tools before I fell in love with the man.

Slim may no longer be with us, but his legacy lives on. I’m so proud of the team I’ve built throughout the years, especially the artists in the shop. Our Director of Manufacturing has been with us for over 11 years and while only with Slim for a short period of time, she still feels his guidance and inspiration. She continues to make the products by hand with her devoted team, all to Slim’s exact specifications.

As we celebrate this huge milestone, I think it’s really important to celebrate you! Our community around the world is absolutely incredible and I feel truly blessed to receive your questions, comments and words of encouragement each and every day. While our customers come from all walks of life and every profession, many of you are healers. I’d like to take a moment to honor all that you do to provide health and happiness to your customers and how you use our tools to make those realities possible.

Many healers use our tools in their energy healing practices, such as massage or reiki, but did you know the tools can also be used to protect you and clear your space? I think the hardest thing an energy healer experiences is how to ground their energy after a long day. We all have our various practices that allow us to return back to center, but I wanted to share some useful applications of the tools that will help you balance much more quickly. Those will help you if you’re a healer or not.

First of all, I highly recommend to any energy healer to wear a Personal Harmonizer. They come in so many sizes and varieties and I encourage you to pick the one that feels right for you. Each Personal Harmonizer comes with a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring that allows you to re-calibrate the device. During the day you can wear the ring on your arm, tuck it in the sleeve of your shirt or sweater or jacket to energize you or use it to energize your food and water. At night take the ring and your Harmonizer off and put it in the ring to recharge it. If you wish you can program your Harmonizer with a specific intention for the day. Your intention may be “please give me clarity and focus” or “please fill my heart up with so much love that I have plenty to give to others”. However you choose to program the device, I think this is a sound investment for anyone – especially those in the holistic healing arts. It may help you keep balanced and protect your energy. I especially love the Unity Harmonizer which seems to create a protective bubble around the wearer and bring anyone around it into harmony.

During your day or at the end of your sessions, you may want to try an aura shower. This is also recommended if you have been at the mall, at a conference or concert, any time you’re around of many people an aura shower after you return home is a good idea. This involves taking a 3 ½ Sacred or Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring and holding it above your head and slowly bringing it down to your feet. As you are already energy sensitive, you’ll feel places where the ring might feel “stuck” as you bring it down over your body. Let the ring hover there for a few moments longer or perhaps take more than one shower! You can also do this with a colleague if it feels right. You’ll often find us in the office doing this after an intense day of back-to-back phone calls or meetings. It allows you center and I love how it makes me feel much more relaxed.

There are so many tools available to support self-care and I hope you’ll start experimenting with them. As healers, you have such a generous spirit and you give so much of yourself during the day. Please remember to slow down and take some time to unwind and treat yourself with kindness. I recommend sleeping with a Seed of Life unit underneath your mattress or your bed. You can also sleep inside any of the Light-Life Rings to help you raise your vibration all night long!

Anyone can benefit from the suggestions I provided, you don’t need to be a healer to reap the rewards of the tools. I just think it’s important to recognize all the healers in the world who seem to put all of us stressed out folk back together again. I know how grateful I am when I leave a healing session. In my opinion, healers are angels on earth and we’re lucky to have them to help support us on our journey.

Slim invented the tools as he was looking for a way to help the environment and to find a non-invasive way for us to heal ourselves. It quickly became apparent that there was a profound effect the tools had on the all the people who came in contact with them. I know he would be proud of the work we are doing and I know he would be proud of all of you. Thank you to all of you for helping to support our mission: Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

I hope you’ll take a moment to celebrate with us and use this opportunity to participate in our sale. To share the joy of our fifteen year anniversary we are offering 25% off everything on the website. The sale ends today at midnight! Please take the time to load up on everything on your wish list and I hope you’ll buy something special, just for you.


Ask Katharina – March 2018

Dear Katharina,

I really enjoyed your video about March’s intention: honor. I’m taking your advice and doing my best to honor myself. I feel like I can be really hard on myself. One of my greatest character defects is perfectionism, which is essential to the nature of my work (fine jewelry creation), but also can be my greatest personal challenge. I absolutely hate making mistakes and beat myself up when I do. Additionally, I find myself focusing unrealistic expectations upon others. Could you please let me know what tool you suggest to amplify compassion? I want to learn how to be kinder to myself and give others the necessary space to be human, perfectly imperfect.

Thank you,

Jane S., Boulder, CO

Dear Jane,

Thank you so much for your kind email. I’ve been dealing with perfectionism myself and one of my mentors once said, “Better done than perfect!” It shocked me at first, but then at the same time it freed me up. I’ve gotten more done since then and have much more tolerance towards my mistakes and others. After all, mistakes are just learning experiences. Please do your best to learn from them so you don’t have to make the same mistakes again as there are so many more we can make! Also remember: what you resist persists! Embrace your perfectionism and utilize where it fits (for example, when you make jewelry), but when you work on other projects try to be more forgiving. Embrace and enjoy imperfection and incorporate more humor, love for yourself and your need to have it all perfect. It takes the heaviness out of it.

If you are looking for a Light-Life Tool to support your process, I would take the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendant either in 24K gold plated or silver plated, lacquered. They can be programmed. Hold the tool in your hand and program it with something like. “Give me more compassion today!” or “Let me be kind to myself today.” I would recommend not to put more than one or two programs in the tool per day.

Last but not least, please stop judging yourself. Embrace yourself and know it’s all okay. When we are judging ourselves or others we get it all back even stronger than we sent out. I have a strong suspicion that judgement hasn’t had a positive impact in your life.  Try setting your intention towards honor, but more importantly to kindness, for yourself and others.

Please let me know how the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendant is working for you. Sending unconditional love to you and those around you.



Dear Katharina,

I had an extremely difficult childhood marked by significant trauma. I’m going to a tremendous amount of work to heal and grow. For a lot of time I tried to shove my pain underneath a rug, but I’m learning the hard way that this just seems to amplify the source and my anger comes out sideways. I’ve started doing work in a program called ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), started working with an EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapist and started my journey with body work. Most research studies show that trauma actually lives in the body and talk therapy is helpful, but won’t help you release the pain. I’m having fun exploring the different modalities: tapping, watsu, float tanks and healing touch. I’m also learning how to play! Trampoline park here I come!

Could you please recommend several tools that will support my healing practices? I absolutely adore the Light-Life Tools and I’d love your expertise on what will help with the traumatic release.

Thank you,

Susan F., Des Moines, IL

Dear Susan,

I am so sorry to hear about your childhood. I applaud you for taking action to completely heal and look at all the ‘stuff’. It takes a lot of courage to do that. I’m thrilled you are working with seasoned professionals. Trauma work is intense and it’s important to work with professionals who know how to help you in a safe, gentle and compassionate way.

When I was reading your message I immediately thought of our Seed of Life unit. I remember when Slim and I did a workshop in Germany, we used the Seed of Life and placed it on the solar plexus of women who  had traumatic experiences in their lives. We also placed rings on other places on their body.  It was amazing to see how their faces changed once they released all this trauma. Having said that, if you want to try this, make sure you have a friend around who can support you in whatever may come up for you. You could also wear one of our silver plated Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants. This has helped a lot with grieving processes and it sounds like this is part of what you’re going through as well. 

I am wishing you strength to go through your healing process. Please let me know how you’re doing and how the tools are supporting you.



Dear Katharina,

Although I’m extremely excited that spring is around the corner, I find that the change in seasons is taking a toll on my respiratory tract. Between catching colds and my allergies I feel like I’m always stuffed up! What Light-Life Tools do you use when you aren’t feeling that well? Do you have any essential oils that you recommend?

Thank you,

Charles K., Pittsburgh, PA

Dear Charles,

What comes first to mind is our Nose Mask. It has helped many people with allergies throughout the season. When you don’t need to fight off allergies, you can use it as massage tool. It feels great and – btw – one of our customers came up with this idea. She bought 20 at a time to give to her clients because it helped so much releasing tension in the body.

If you have a Harmonizer you put a few drops of essential oils on a Q-Tip and put in your Harmonizer. Make sure you’re not allergic to any of them. I was told that Eucalyptus removes over 90% of bacteria in a room. Thyme, Peppermint and Rosemary may also be good choices. Of course you can also use those oils in a steam bath. Please again, make sure you’re not allergic to those.

I hope those ideas help. Wishing you a free nose and an enjoyable spring time!


Harmonizing Your Health and Wellness

As this month comes to an end I’d like to revisit my intention. In the month of January I asked all of us to set our intention towards goal setting, and to each take a quiet moment of self-reflection. What makes you happy? What do you want to accomplish this year? This sentiment is a nice fit with February as we celebrate Valentine’s day and all that has to do with love. Self-love doesn’t get enough attention, in my opinion. How can you have love to spread to others if you haven’t started with yourself first?

On that note, I’d like to talk a little bit about self care. What do your morning practices look like? Do you have any? I love to take quiet time for myself each morning, say my prayers, set intentions for the day and offer gratitude. My evenings include lighting candles for dinner and sometimes I use essential oils to set the ambiance. I absolutely love essential oils and the natural and healing effect they have on the psyche.

I was chatting with my team the other day and the topic of essential oils came up. I sometimes put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton swab and place it inside my Agricultural Harmonizer.  I find a cotton swab is best as I don’t want to inadvertently harm the plating with the oil. The Harmonizer is an intention based tool and is said to clear the air and spread the information of the essential oils, as well as our intentions we have programmed into them. I like to think of it as a natural diffuser that adds life force energy instead of watery mist to the oils’ holistic objective.

I highly recommend using only high quality essential oils. It’s so worth the money and quality oils can even be used for cooking. When I lived in Germany, my preferred one was from Primavera. Here in the states there are excellent oil suppliers to find as well. I’m constantly changing what oils I use based upon my desired outcome. I use a few drops of dill when I cook fish, or a few drops of basil in winter in my salad.

Red mandarin oil dates back thousands of years where it was first discovered in China. It’s said to relieve anxiety and I find it to be a perfect antidote to the winter blues. Rose Geranium is also a wonderful mood elixir if you like the smell. For me it is the ultimate in self-care. Did you know that there are over 700  species of this flower on the planet, but only 10 varieties that are able to produce this intoxicating scent? Rose Geranium is used for vitality, healthy skin and is helpful in combating stress. Patchouli oil is a bit polarizing as I find people either love it or hate it! If you appreciate the odor you’re in luck as patchouli is helpful for those battling depression. It’s also rumored to be an aphrodisiac!

Essential oils can affect our mood, but they also are helpful for our environment. Did you know that lemongrass oil can clear the air? Back in my life in Germany, I had an advent wreath (which we use as decoration before Christmas) with four candles burning on my dining room table. I made the mistake to going back to my office, just to finish a “few” things on my computer and about an hour later smoke and the smell of burning pine twigs was coming out of my kitchen. The candles burned down and lit the wreath on fire and started on my wooden dining table. After extinguishing the flames I used a high quality lemongrass spray from Primavera and sprayed my kitchen, my hallway and the rest of my apartement. It was amazing how quickly it took care of the smell. I also used it on the walls of the cellar of this rental building as it always had a bad moldy smell when I opened the door. It’s the perfect oil if you are in search of a natural air freshener rather than using chemical solutions.

In addition to this natural wonder, Eucalyptus has also been shown to kill bacteria in lab studies. It’s a perfect natural solution to employ when cleaning your home. I like to use it in my Harmonizer when I feel a cold coming on. I love the perfume and I find it clears out my nose. If you don’t appreciate the smell of eucalyptus you can always try tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is especially helpful with any inflammation.

While on the subject of cleaning I can’t forget to mention the formidable sandalwood oil! Sandalwood is often found in aftershave lotions for its anti-inflammatory properties, but what I enjoy is the cleansing effect it has on the mind. A little goes a long way! One or two drops on a cotton swab put in my Harmonizer and I immediately can feel the clear of any mental fog. Sandalwood helps me focus. When you are in the process of re-organizing or de-cluttering your space, cypress is the perfect oil choice. It’s said to provide renewed vitality, energy and enthusiasm for the task at hand. Sandalwood and cypress are great scents for the office.

Finally, no blog entry on essential oils would be complete without mentioning beloved lavender oil. This soothing scent is said to calm the nerves and induce sleep. I love using this at nighttime or for meditation.

Ultimately the choices are endless! What is your favorite essential oil? Have you tried it out in your Harmonizer? I hope you do and report back to us how it’s working for you. Also, place your essential oils in a LIght-Life Ring, especially the citrus ones as they usually don’t last that long. It may extend their life span and will definitely bring more light and life to all of your oils. Let me hear what you’re doing. Enjoy your own special way to practice self-care!

Amazon’s Alexa – Friend or Foe?

Amazon's Alexa

When was the last time you thought about an electromagnetic field (EMF)? Not on your radar? Ok, when was the last time you asked Alexa or Siri a question? Right, I thought so. As the digital age continues to evolve so does our technology and how we use it daily. Due to my accent, Siri and I don’t communicate very well, which is fine with me. However, my Marketing Director loves her Google assistant and she uses it for almost everything. At first I thought our differences might be age related, but then I remembered that some of my older friends are on Facebook and they seem to use technology just as frequently as the younger generation. According to the Pew Research Center, about 95% of Americans now own a cell phone. Maybe you haven’t thought much about EMFs lately, but I’m sure you’ve wondered once or twice about how all that cell phone use will affect your health. Don’t worry, I definitely won’t be telling you to give up your mobile devices! As those who know me well, I don’t like to talk about problems without offering a solution.

This month as we set our intentions towards protection, I immediately thought about EMFs and how important it is to protect yourself from their harmful rays. Before you can properly armor yourself, many of you may first need to be educated as the key phrase of ‘electromagnetic field’ is not readily found in the everyday lexicon.

Let me explain. Every time any of us uses an electronic device there are two types of alternating energy fields being emitted from the supercharged object: electric and magnetic. While this might not seem to be significant at first, it should be noted what natural occurrences of this phenomenon exist on our planet. Thunderstorms are a perfect example of a build-up of natural electricity in the atmosphere. Man-made EMFs are created when we watch television, operate a microwave or simply talk on our cell phone.

And then there is another aspect to it that people seem to forget. We also have an electromagnetic field around our body! Human electric energy is generated by chemical processes in our nerve cells. It is important that we keep our own electromagnetic field strong by focusing on positive things. If we become stressed out and start creating negative thoughts, such as anger or hate, we can cause harm to our own field. The more we focus on positive thoughts and actions, it seems the stronger our field becomes.

Why should you be concerned? Well scientists have determined that EMFs can be harmful to our health. In smaller naturally occurring quantities the body can absorb them and return to center. In larger quantities, many the result of our recent technology boom, the EMFs can adversely affect how you sleep, zap your energy, cause migraines and be the source of many other mental and physical issues. If that isn’t enough, extensive exposure to EMFs can cause premature aging of your cells! Don’t just take my word for it. There are extensive studies provided by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine that demonstrate how cell phone use can adversely affect bone density and have also been linked to breast cancer. In fact the World Health Organization has recently claimed that EMFs are one of the fastest growing environmental concerns.

Light-Life Rings Around Computer Router

Now that I’ve captured your attention to the severity of the problem, I’m sure you’re ready for tu can convince them to protect themselves. Case in point? Many of the Light-Life Tools can help you to protect yourself. The invention of our Light-Life Phone Rings which can easily be attached to the back of your cell phone is just one of them.

1 Sacred Light-Life (R) Ring

A Sacred Light-Life Ring, 1 Cubit, is said to emit a frequency of 144 mHz

The Light-Life Tools are built on the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. While I wasn’t the scientist in my relationship with Slim, I can still speak to how they harness life force or chi energy. When surrounded in this powerful healing energy (for example, a one Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring has a frequency of 144 mHz) you are raising the natural vibration of your body. If you read my blog on frequencies you’ll better understand the concept. For example, disease and death sink in when we are operating at about 28 Hz and we naturally operate at about 65 Hz. When we raise our natural frequency we are less susceptible to EMFs and their often negative or disruptive waves. Additionally, when we surround an EMF omitting object with a Light-Life Ring, we are essentially neutralizing the field where the EMFs can travel. They are now contained within the ring. A pretty simple, yet remarkable discovery!

How can you protect yourself from EMFs? A simple suggestion is to limit electronic use, but realistically I know that option is not as readily available as we might like. For example, I’m writing this blog entry on my laptop! With the Light-Life Tools in your hands you can start to feel protected. I put them over my computer router, my laptop, my landline telephone, lamps and the television. I normally use the Sacred Cubit Rings but I believe any of our rings would be beneficial towards the cause. Additionally, I would recommend having a silver plated Light-Life Harmonizer in your home as our health practitioner community reported  that silver has a better effect on combatting EMF than gold. I would also suggest putting a Light-Life Ring around the microwave. I got rid of that particular electronic device immediately after I moved here from Germany, over seventeen years ago. It’s probably one of the smartest decisions you can make for yourself in EMF protective care.

Is Alexa your friend or foe? Well, I’m not going to weigh in on that conversation any time soon. Alexa might not be the best choice for our health, but she is essential to our development in this age of technology. I believe we can live in peace with our electronics when we place them inside of a Light-Life Ring. Think of it as giving your new virtual assistant a nice necklace for all her hard work that keeps both of you out of harm’s way. Please be sure to let me know how you are feeling after you put your Light-Life Tools to use!

The Sacred Cubit – A Natural Wonder of The World

According to almost every encyclopedia in existence, the natural wonders of the world are composed of these seven monumental structures: Colossus of Rhodes, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and, the Great Pyramid of Giza. The great pyramid was constructed in 2,580 BCE and is the oldest natural wonder to make the list. In my opinion, it’s the most important wonder as it is where the sacred cubit measurement was discovered. The same sacred cubit we use to construct many of our Light-Life Tools.

Great Pyramid of Giza

Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza took 20 years to build which sounds like a very long time, but let’s put it in perspective. The  Sagrada Família (Gaudi’s Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain), is still under construction. They broke ground in 1882 and it won’t be completely finished until 2032. That’s about 150 years of construction! And don’t forget that Gaudi broke ground many millennia after the great pyramid was finished. So much for modern technology! No one can quite figure out how the Egyptians constructed such an enormous behemoth in such a short amount of time. Many believe it had to do with their accurate understanding of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Slim was able to resurrect only a small piece of their knowledge.

In The Mind of a Master

Even if you don’t believe in metaphysics there is no denying the outstanding craftsmanship of this great structure which was said to be a tomb created for the late Pharaoh Khufu. The pyramid is 280 cubits tall by 440 cubits wide. In order to build the structure in only 20 years it is said that they moved 800 tons of material each day. What really blows my mind is the precision in which it was built. Each side of the pyramid has only a few inches  of variance, which is less than 1 percent of error. According to our book documenting Slim’s Findings, In The Mind of a Master, the standardization and precision of the Egyptian’s work was so important that error meant death!  As Jay L. Buchner writes:

To ensure standardization of the cubit length, the Egyptians created a master measuring instrument carved out of granite containing notches identifying various subdivisions, of which the cubit length had twenty-eight. This was the criteria upon which all other cubit sticks were subsequently measured and calibrated. When a construction project such as erecting a temple, a pyramid, or a tomb was underway, cubit measuring rods were supplied to workers. The royal architect who was responsible for overseeing the construction project and maintaining the precise standards of measurement would issue granite or wooden cubit sticks to the workers. The sticks were required to be returned each full moon to be compared to the Pharaoh’s master cubit stick. Severe penalties were enforced for failure to do so, resulting in death. With this standardization and uniformity of length, the Egyptians achieved surprising accuracy. Thousands of workers engaged in building the Great Pyramid of Giza. Through the use of cubit sticks, they achieved an accuracy of 0.05%. In roughly 756 feet or 9,069.6 inches, they were within 4 ½ inches.

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

All of the Light-Life Tools are built with this same precision in mind and we employ the various cubit lengths: sacred, lost, and empowerment. Slim was a blacksmith, a researcher, and a scientist. The discovery of the tools and their ability to harness life force energy was primarily a happy accident as he had a clairvoyant friend visiting as he conducted his experiments. Slim was a smart and humble man who realized the power behind the tools and wanted to do his best to get them into as many hands as possible.

Dr. Emoto - Water Photos

Starting at top left and moving clockwise: Tap Water, Water Running Through a 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring, 24 K gold plated, water sitting in the same ring for 15 Minutes, Water Sitting in the same ring overnight

I wonder what Slim  would think of the recent research provided by Dr. Emoto’s team. Akiko Stein, a student of Dr. Emoto, took photographs of water before and after the introduction of a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring, 24K gold plated. The results are outstanding! If you are not familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work with water, he was a researcher that was able to demonstrate that human emotion has an affect on the crystalline structure of water. As our bodies are composed of about 65% water that is a pretty amazing realization! The expression “mind over matter” now bears some significant weight.

Sacred Cubit which is found in The Great Pyramid of Giza

Natural Wonder of The World – The Great Pyramid of Giza

While many come to scoff at “pseudoscience” we hope the majority of you come to stay. The power of intention is mighty. Thoughts do become things. Obviously the Egyptians were operating at such a high mental frequency that they found a way to move mountains! 800 tons of it a day!

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

We’ve set our intentions in June towards harmony. I’m already starting to see the effects of it as I welcome new team members, enjoy the beautiful weather and soak in the joy of Dr. Emoto’s team’s recent findings in relation to our tools. Our mission to ‘Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time’ grows in magnitude with each passing year. And perhaps it was already set in motion in 2,580 BCE when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built. Their use of the Sacred Cubit was a monumental building block that has now unlocked the key towards health,  balance and restoration. We hope you’ll join us on our journey and pick up your first, or your fiftieth ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring today. You are worth so much more than this initial investment, but learning for most is experiential. Try it out and report back to us. Seeing is believing.

Meditation on Mountaintop


For The Love of Science

Recently we had a disgruntled person post on our Instagram wall proclaiming “I hate pseudoscience!” Well, what if we just simply called it ‘science’? Because now we can! I’m so excited to share the news that in my last journey to Germany I was able to meet with Akiko Stein, a student of late Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you aren’t familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work please take a moment out of your day to show respect for this scientist and researcher who demonstrated that our intentions (emotions) have an effect on the molecular structure of water. Pretty remarkable isn’t it? You know the expression “thoughts become things”? Well, it bears a bit more weight after taking time to visit Dr. Emoto’s work.


Mrs. Stein was kind enough to meet with me and showed great enthusiasm for the Light-Life Tools. Our Light-Life Rings are said to amplify Life Force (Chi) energy and Mrs. Stein’s work will be able for us to provide proof for this claim. Although we can’t share all the secrets behind Mrs.  Stein’s process, we can share these images. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words and we can’t agree enough. What do you think of the results?

Tap Water - Microscopic View - Dr. Masuru Emoto

Tap Water – Photograph by Dr. Emoto’s student, Akiko Stein

Water through the Light-Life Ring

Water Running Through the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – Photograph by Akiko Stein

While it might take a second for this soak in, let us acknowledge that these photographs have not been digitally photo-shopped or altered in any way. You are witnessing the photography of water under a microscope before and after the introduction of a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Pretty profound to see the changes happening so rapidly!

Water Through a Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes

Water sitting in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes – Photograph by Akiko Stein

What does this mean for you? Well seeing that your body is composed of 65% water and that doctors recommend that you drink six 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day (based upon weight), it might be meaningful for you to pick up a ½ Sacred Cubit 24 K gold plated Light-Life Ring. Try it for 30 days and see if you notice any changes. We have testimonials from our clients that this potentized water helps with sleep, restores balance, clears acne, aids with digestion and so much more!

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

We are so grateful to Mrs. Stein and her team for taking the time to include the Light-Life Tools in their work. Although the imagery is gorgeous and moving, their mission continues on with the Dr. Emoto Peace Project. They are bringing the images and their book into schools to help educate children on the power of intention. For it’s love that is inherent and only hate that is taught, Mrs. Stein hopes that the powerful imagery will encourage children to think twice before they shoot a hateful remark at a fellow classmate.

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

The King’s Treasure

Great Pyramid of Giza

Great Pyramid of Giza

Our intentions in May are set towards remembrance. We’ve been busy remembering our mothers on Mother’s Day and our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day. What if we go even farther back into antiquity and remember our kings and Egyptians pharaohs? If you remember, the Sacred Cubit we are using is based off of measurements from the Great Pyramid of Giza!

kAMILEmerald Mountain, or as the Romans called it Mons Smaragdus, was located deep in the desert of Cairo. The Egyptians are given credit in the archaeological record for being the first to mine this green beauty back in 3,500 B.C. The first mines were developed in 330 B.C. and remained open until 1237 A.D. The record shows they mysteriously disappeared at this point in time, right around the death of Sultan Al-Kamil. It interested me enough to review more about this gentlemen. He, his three brothers and his son were the collective rulers of Egypt, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan, Syria and Jazira (now known as Upper Mesopotamia). This marked the time of the Sixth Crusade. Before another war could erupt, Al-Kamil made a treaty with the Crusaders to evacuate Egypt. In return he struck a 10 year deal of peace. He returned Jerusalem and all holy sites back to the Crusader Kingdom. Perhaps the mines were secretly covered over so the crusaders wouldn’t know how much money they lost out in the deal!

The Emerald Mountain of Cairo remained quiet until its discovery in 1816 by French explorer Frederic Cailliaud. At that time not many emeralds were discovered and they Emerald Pinwheelwere seen as milky, included and not as fine as the emeralds that were currently being mined in Columbia. Folklore has it that sorcery and magic contributed to the disappearance of the fine emeralds in the Egyptian archaeological record. It makes me laugh as according to friends, Slim was able to make himself ‘disappear’ when doing geopathic stress work on land where he’d be considered trespassing. Perhaps there is a cubit length that produces this effect! It’s fun to explore the thought.


What is real, tangible and oh so powerful, is emeralds and it’s easy to understand why. Emerald marks the birthstone of May and has been metaphysically coined as the “stone of successful love”. It restores balance to the heart chakra, promotes loyalty, friendship and deepens love and connections.


Some of you may remember that we used to manufacture a collection of Light-Life Tools jewelry with gemstones. Our healing community let us know that Light-Life Tools amplify the energy and properties of gemstones, while quartz crystals apparently amplify the energy of the Harmonizer. If you are into playing with crystals, creating beautiful crystal mandalas, be sure next time you build one to incorporate some emeralds if you need a love boost! And for an added benefit, always keep your Harmonizer in the center so it can work on amplifying all your good intentions! May the kingdom of happiness be yours!

Crystal with LLT

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