Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Healing Principles (Page 4 of 4)

The Seed of Life

The Seed of Life is an important part of the sacred geometry historical record. If you go through the archives, you’ll be inundated with countless accounts of its origin, meaning and significance today. What interests me most, is to look at how our Seed of Life unit came about.

Many moons ago, our friend Tanah was visiting from Montana. She spent some time with Slim in the shop and played around with unsoldered Plain Jane rings. She put seven together and asked Slim if he could make this configuration for her mom who had severe digestive issues. Slim put a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around it to give it some structure. Voila – the Seed of Life Light-Life Tool was born without us knowing the breadth of its power.

This shape has been a highly regarded symbol in sacred geometry for centuries. The pattern incorporates the vesica pisces and its aesthetic has traveled through time. Some argue it’s the physical representation of the birth of reality. Pretty profound I’d say! It has been called the visual representation of the start of our universe, or as many say in yoga “Om”. I think it’s also poignant to note that the symbol is attributed to Egyptian wisdom and the Sacred Cubit length we employ in our tools is derived from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

At first we donned the tool the ‘Flower of Life’ until we were educated by a sacred geometry expert that gave us the correct name: ‘Seed of Life’. As space in the shop was limited at the time, we did not go into production with this particular configuration – only one was made for our friend. In 2005, Tanah visited again and shared her experiences with the Light-Life Tools at the workshop. Tanah owns a 3,500 acre ranch where she is raising buffalo and provided us with countless tales of the animals interactions with the tools, especially how she attributes the Seed of Life to saving her dog’s life. In addition to rescuing her beloved pet, ‘The Star,’ (affectionately named by her mom), seemed to have significant impact on people on the ranch – body, mind and soul.

Tanah’s tales inspired us to put the tool into production so we could help more people. It quickly became a favorite for many healers, including myself. When I have issues like my lower back hurting or digestive issues, this tool is always close by. I also love the smaller version, which was named the Lotus Pendant as it reminded me of a Lotus Flower.

I appreciate all the writings and research Slim did about his work. His writings on the Seed of Life I found especially powerful. I’m enclosing them here just as they were written by him so many years ago.

It uplifts the consciousness into higher mind states where all is released and forgiven, knowing that with this clarity you can see the good in all your life. This is very good for individuals who get caught up in mental anguish and do not remember the source of love they were created in.

Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it. It is essential that it be at the level of the heart. The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level. When the vibration is higher, there is less discomfort.

The Seed of Life can help humanity to know their own personal truth. Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down. As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely. The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size. The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy.

Have you had a chance to experience the power of this tool firsthand? If so, please share your comments below or on our Facebook page. It’s so important that we share these findings so we can continue to feel better and grow. Let’s expand the awareness of the tools around the globe by Harmonizing the World – One Community At a Time.


2018: A Master Year

You might not know it, but I really like to play with numbers. I constantly amaze my team with my ability to memorize birthdates, credit card numbers, phone numbers, calculate complex equations in my head and show correlations between numbers and intention. We all have our natural talents and while my Marketing Director is gifted for words, numbers come to me easily. I especially love the study of numerology, a term coined in 1907 that describes the study of numbers and their divine implications.

You may already be familiar with some of the principles of the practice and not even know it. Do you get excited when you see 11:11 multiple times in a row? Does it frighten you when 666 shows up in a spreadsheet? Have you ever added up your birthday to figure out your birth number? It seems that numerology acceptance grows within the popular consciousness as I’ll often see it in magazines, right next to horoscopes.

The reason I bring light to this fascinating discipline is because 2018 has serious significance. The numbers add up to 11 (2+0+1+8), which is an indication of a master year. A master number is when you see a repetition of a number such as 11, 22, 33, etc. The numbers rotate in a circle, each year adding up to the numbers 1-9. This number (2+0+1+8 = 11 = 1+1 = 2) 2 is nothing out of the ordinary, but the way it came about with the 1+1 is something we don’t see often.

The number one, carries a masculine energy and is associated with self, creativity, initiation, independence, innovation and self-confidence. This masculine energy when doubled and added together, brings about two – which is inherently feminine. The number 2 brings about others, partnership, group dynamics and being supportive. It’s essentially a yin/yang relationship played out in a numerical format. What does this mean for you?

Master years bring with them an intensity that is undeniable. The master numbers are supposed to bring us closer to a divine purpose and move us there much more rapidly. You may start to notice that blocks that once existed in your path have been cleared. However, much like the yin/yang you may also feel those opposing forces at work. It carries a very high vibration. This combination seems to bring light to the dark shadows, much like stirring up the dirt from the bottom of a still pond. What was once hidden now appears before us, and it’s our decision to take in the information and what we choose to do with it. It’s as though the universe is collectively asking us all to step it up. Understand that ‘master’ means ‘teacher’. The time is now and the tools you’ve collected, the education you’ve acquired, will all be put to the test this year.

2018 is going to be a universal year of passion and illumination. It’s going to be a struggle between your head and your heart until you learn how to strike a balance between the two. This year is symbolic of divine intervention for the greater good. Your higher self is asking you to vibrate at a higher frequency. It’s a connection between the physical and spiritual world making a direct connection between your desires and manifestation. This is the year you can watch your dreams come to life if you’ve done the work.

I’m so excited to see what 2018 has in store for me, for you and for us all. Do you feel the collective shift? It’s so powerful! Please let me know how this higher vibration is showing up in your life and let me know what goals you have set for yourself for this master year. I can’t wait to see all of our hard work come to fruition! Even if you don’t believe in numerology, there is no denying the power of numbers. All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of Sacred Geometry. If you’ve experienced the healing energy of the tools you’ll understand firsthand the mystical, magical power of numbers. Here’s to a wonderful year!

Ask Katharina

Weight Loss and the Light-Life Tools

Dear Katharina,

Are any of your tools able to help me with weight loss? I just started a diet and exercise program and I’d see if any of the tools can aid in my progress. I got a serious talking to from my doctor and I need to make significant changes.

Thank you,

Shirley K., Pittsburgh, PA

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools, Cubit Rings

Light-Life Tools: Cubit Rings

Dear Shirley,

As you know, weight gain can have many different causes and therefore there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. However, I’ve had many reports from customers on how they’ve used the tools as a weight loss aid. Here are some examples for you to try:

  • Place several 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings underneath your bed, right underneath the area where you sleep. I had a distributor who lent some to her friend for this purpose. When she went to pick the rings up again two weeks later, she noticed the friend had lost some weight. Her friend claimed she didn’t do anything different in her diet and attributed the weight loss to the Light-Life Rings under her bed.
  • Place a 2 Sacred Cubit Light-Ring around your waist and wear it everyday for several weeks. This has reported to help a customer slim down.
  • Drink super potentized water! You can find out more about this process and its overall health benefits in my previous blog entry. Drinking super potentized water is said to have a detox effect and may help you flush out unwanted toxins that hold the weight.

Unfortunately there is no quick fix for weight loss or else we’d all be involved! By practicing healthy eating habits and focusing on the end result and not on where you are right now in combination with some Light-Life Rings may help expedite your process. Recently I started focusing on my health a bit more and have incorporated dark green vegetables, protein, and healthy fats (such as avocados or walnuts) into my diet. I’m proud to report I’ve dropped a few pounds by eating more of those and drinking super potentized water daily.

I hope this helps. Please keep me posted on what worked best for you.



Dear Katharina,

I suffer from intense migraines that have been debilitating. I’m unable to work at the moment and I’ve been on disability. I’m willing to try anything! Someone suggested your tools and I’m curious to see what you’d recommend.


Paul S., Tucson, AZ

Dear Paul,

I’m so sorry to hear about your suffering. Unfortunately I am not a health professional and therefore cannot give you any medical advice. However, I do know that migraines have a variety of causes. Here are some  questions for you that might help you determine the root issue and may help you free yourself from this debilitating pain.

  • Are you only experiencing migraines only at home or do they happen anywhere? If it is mostly at home it could be due to geopathic stress. Slim describes a case in his book, In the Mind of a Master, where his client started to get migraines when she moved to a new house. Once Slim eliminated the geopathic stress the migraine completely disappeared. We may be able to connect you with dowsers who would be able to perform this work for you remotely. If you’re interested please contact me and I will connect you with one of them.
  • What type of  exposure do you have to EMFs (electromagnetic fields)? Excessive exposure can bring all kind of health hazards including migraines. I talk about this subject in detail in last week’s blog.
  • Did your migraines start after you had surgery with anesthesia? When we do not protect ourselves before we go into surgery we can sometimes bring home unwanted guests. This happened to me once. According to our clairvoyant community, there are spirits that hang around at the hospital looking for another ‘host’. Believe it or not this can also happen when you are drunk or use recreational drugs as you open your aura to outside influences. But there are people out there that specialize in removing those unwanted guests.

Let me know if any of those scenarios may be true for you and if you would like further help.

Wishing you best of luck!



Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Reasons to Celebrate!

Ever wonder why we celebrate birthdays? It’s not something I usually ponder, but as I set my intentions towards celebration this month I started to think more about the festivities that surround one’s day of birth. We may never know it’s origin as babies were born long before the written word. Perhaps it’s always been a joyous day that is celebrated each year from birth until death. However, the earliest known record is from the bible, about 3,000 BC from Genesis 4:20. So that makes me feel not so bad that I started celebrating my birthdays when I got older. When I was younger I didn’t want  people make a fuss over it, however, since I’m older, I love celebrating my birthdays and friends and families birthdays as well. I’m celebrating life and that I am on this beautiful planet at this time being around amazing people doing very rewarding work.

Thus it came about on the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that he made a feast for all his servants;and he lifted up the head of the chief cup bearer and the head of the chief baker among his servants.

The Egyptians started the party, but the Greeks are the ones who gave us the tradition that many would agree is the most important: the birthday cake! Not originally intended for birthday celebrations at all, the Greeks would offer lunar shaped cakes to their moon goddess, Artemis. They started adding candles to the cakes to symbolize the moon’s bright glow. And while we appreciate their contribution, it should be duly noted that at this time only religious figures, such as Pharohs, Gods or Goddesses were worthy of any attention on their birthday. The Romans busted through this golden rule when they started acknowledging well-respected dignitaries on their big day. Still missing from the festivities? Women!

What I find most interesting as I looked into the history of the birthday celebration is that Jesus didn’t even get a nod in the first four centuries! The Christians believed that birthdays were a Pagan tradition and did not practice any sort of celebration for anyone’s birth, even their savior! It’s a riot to think of what Christmas has become in modern day.

It also evoked laughter when I learned my country of origin, Germany, was a huge influencer on modern day birthday rituals. In the 18th century Germany started Kinderfeste, which was a huge jubilee that mothers put together for the children, or the kinder, of their hometown.

One powerful player in the birthday trajectory that often doesn’t get a lot of credit is China. The Chinese government notoriously censored much of the literature throughout the ages so the time of origin is quite blurry, but the Chinese find a ton of importance in the year of birth and the symbolic animal that is associated with that year. My Marketing Director is born in the year of the goat which seems fitting as she is astrologically coined as a Capricorn! China doesn’t get much credit for their birthday contributions as traditionally you were given noodles to eat that represented the wishes for longevity and prosperity in one’s life.

There are so many celebrations throughout the year, but it’s been fun to explore the history of the birthday party. Slim’s birthday is in July and it always marks a good time for me to pause and think about all of his contributions. My life was forever changed after our fortuitous meeting in 1997. The Light-Life Tools were Slim’s life work and soon became mine after I learned firsthand about their powerful healing properties. I hope you’ll join me this month as I celebrate all that we learned from Slim. While there are so many birthday traditions in the world, I hope you’ll join me as I activate my Harmonizer in his honor and set my intentions towards celebration. Just think if all of us joined in together each year on this practice? The world would be a very joyous and exuberant place indeed. Until then, wishing you many blessings and many reasons to celebrate!

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

Ask Katharina


Dear Katharina,

I’ve been an insomniac for as long as I can remember. I feel like I’ve tried absolutely everything! Can you please suggest what tool would be helpful as a sleep aid?

Thank you,

Sandy B., Brooklyn, NY

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water

Dear Sandy,

Sleep deprivation is more common than you might think and it affects our daily lives in such a profound way. It can cause us to be irritable, unfocused and at times, fearful. The tools are remarkable in that we have many testimonials from our customers about the wonders of sleep when using the tools. If you were only to buy one item, I would suggest our Light-Life Practitioner Set.

This set includes 3 items:

  • Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1 Cubit
  • Sacred Acu-Vac Coil
  • Sacred Feedback Loop

Individually all three of these items have countless uses, but when used in tandem, configuration pictured here, they can be used to “super-potentize” your water. Slim explains the super-potentization process in detail (insert blog link here), but I think in the simplest terms, you are providing a “super-filter” for your water. Not only are you removing the water’s impurities, but you are adding positive life-force energy. We are able to support these findings with the latest imagery from Dr. Emoto’s European lab (insert blog link here) who used the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring (24K gold plated, 3 bead) in their studies. Keeping water in the ring overnight causes the water to potentize.

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

Keeping the water in the Practictioner Set allows the water to become “super-potentized”. There are endless benefits for your health by drinking this water, but the one you will notice immediately is your ability to fall asleep much more quickly. Customers have reported it allows for a deeper sleep and helps them wake feeling refreshed!




Air Pollution

Dear Katharina,

We have seen more chemtrails and increased air pollution in our area and a friend of mine suggested to contact you as one of your tools may be able to help us.

-Sal V., Mexico City

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Dear Sal,

Heavy air pollution in Denver, Colorado was one of Slim Spurling’s major concerns. His regard for the environment guided him to create the Light-Life Harmonizer. When it comes to air pollution and chemtrails I would recommend the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. This powerful device can be activated using our Environmental Clearing CD. You can see my video on how to accomplish that in my video here.

Having the Harmonizer in your home may not only help you to divert chemtrails and decrease air pollution, it may also support more harmony and balance in your family and your neighborhood. Please make sure to let me know all the positive changes you experience.



dad with kids

Hello Katharina,

I am interested in the Light-Life Harmonizers and would like some guidance please.  I have been looking at the Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit and Empowerment Harmonizers. I have so many questions! Here are few of them:

  • EMFs: The Empowerment one seems to cover most of my requirements (in particular health& intuitive benefits), but does not mention EMF. Does this particular tool have any known effects on EMFs?
  • Environment: I live in a city suburb in the United Kingdom and we would like the Harmonizer to be of benefit to  both for ourselves and the surrounding area, but are unfortunately limited by budget, so are looking to do this at the most cost effective price, if possible.
  • Family Balance: We have two children, both fast approaching adolescence, and feel that covering mental and emotional issues would also be of benefit.
  • Harmonizer Details: Would there be any major benefit in purchasing all three or would one or two be sufficient?
  • Harmonizer Sizes: If it is possible to have the individual harmonizers, do they all need to be of the same size, or could we have for example the agricultural sacred cubit, together with the environmental Lost & Empowerment harmonizers?


Apologies for so many questions!  Although we already have several of the Rings  and Feedback loops, we have not yet had any experience of the Harmonizers.

Many thanks again for your assistance.

Kind regards

Andrew T., United Kingdom


Light-Life Harmonizers come in a variety of shapes, sizes and alloys

Hello Andrew,

Thank you so much for your inquiry. I truly understand that unless you have in-depth knowledge of the tools, questions are essential when making your purchase! There is no such thing as tool many of them and I’ll do my best to answer them all!

  • EMFs: When it comes to protect from EMF the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to work the best, either the Environmental or the Agricultural.
  • Environment: The Sacred Cubit Harmonizer would be sufficient to cover the energy field of your home, however, if you want to help your community and have also the benefits of the other measurements we have two options for you:
    • The Matrix 44 Harmonizer – It incorporates the Sacred Cubit inside and the Lost Cubit on the outside.
    • The Synergy Environmental Harmonizer incorporates all three measurements: Sacred, Lost and Empowerment Cubits.
  • Family Balance: When it comes to help your children going through mental and emotional challenges on their way to adolescence, I would recommend the silver-plated Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.
  • Harmonizer Details: You may decide to purchase two harmonizers. One in silver would benefit your children and the emotional balance while clearing up EMF. One in gold would be more environmentally focused as they gold alloy seems to negate air  pollution
  • Light-Life Synergy HarmonizerHarmonizer Sizes: Yes, you can choose Harmonizers in different cubit measurements! The size only affects how far the energy field can reach. As it seems you are budget conscious and really want to pack a punch, my recommendation is this:
    • Take advantage of our sale (ending July 11) and buy two Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers, one in silver, one in gold
    • Set your intentions towards balance, pollution reduction and harmony
    • Come back to us again when your budget permits and procure the Synergy Harmonizer which is a long-term investment in your health and happiness. Don’t forget the tool can be passed along to your children, even your grandchildren! The power of the tools does not dissipate over time, although sometimes we need to re-adjust our intentions.

I hope this helps. Keep me posted!

Warm regards,


Hollywood Medium

Hello Katharina,

I recently was watching the show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. While I’ve always been a skeptic of psychics, watching Tyler in action made me much more of a believer. One episode struck me immediately as a gentleman had a “spirit” or “entity” attached to him and needed more information to free his energy. I’ve been extremely weighed down lately and a lot of it has to do with grief. Do you have a tool that would aid me in clearing my energy and/or dispelling any unwanted spirit entities? It’s something I’m willing to try.

Thank you,

Doug L., Portland, OR


Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Dear Doug,

We live in a society where many are hesitant to talk about the spirit world. It’s fun to watch our spiritual lives become more mainstream with television shows such as these! We’ve had the opportunity to work with many clairvoyants over the years and the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil may be the perfect tool for you. However, I would advise you to work with a trusted spiritual guide if you are a novice to healing energy work. I’ll let Slim describe the coil’s attributes in more detail:

The Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil with the wire inside may be used to clean homes of unwelcome spirits and entities. Hold it horizontally with the bead pointing outward while scanning the area. This tool is for heavyweight issues that go beyond the dimensions. You don’t want to pull the negative energies into the coil; instead, you’ll enhance the positive by blasting light energy, and the negative has to go. It is almost like it is pulling you into a vortex in a higher dimension. You may feel like you’re becoming invisible. You’re becoming the anchor of the intention; your body becomes the intention to be cleared.

To support your grieving process  I would recommend our Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant silver plated. This has helped me a lot working through grief processes. I just recently lost a dear friend of mine and wearing this pendant helps me a lot.

I hope you find this information useful! Please share with me how the pendant and the coil worked for you!



For The Love of Science

Recently we had a disgruntled person post on our Instagram wall proclaiming “I hate pseudoscience!” Well, what if we just simply called it ‘science’? Because now we can! I’m so excited to share the news that in my last journey to Germany I was able to meet with Akiko Stein, a student of late Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you aren’t familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work please take a moment out of your day to show respect for this scientist and researcher who demonstrated that our intentions (emotions) have an effect on the molecular structure of water. Pretty remarkable isn’t it? You know the expression “thoughts become things”? Well, it bears a bit more weight after taking time to visit Dr. Emoto’s work.


Mrs. Stein was kind enough to meet with me and showed great enthusiasm for the Light-Life Tools. Our Light-Life Rings are said to amplify Life Force (Chi) energy and Mrs. Stein’s work will be able for us to provide proof for this claim. Although we can’t share all the secrets behind Mrs.  Stein’s process, we can share these images. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words and we can’t agree enough. What do you think of the results?

Tap Water - Microscopic View - Dr. Masuru Emoto

Tap Water – Photograph by Dr. Emoto’s student, Akiko Stein

Water through the Light-Life Ring

Water Running Through the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – Photograph by Akiko Stein

While it might take a second for this soak in, let us acknowledge that these photographs have not been digitally photo-shopped or altered in any way. You are witnessing the photography of water under a microscope before and after the introduction of a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Pretty profound to see the changes happening so rapidly!

Water Through a Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes

Water sitting in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes – Photograph by Akiko Stein

What does this mean for you? Well seeing that your body is composed of 65% water and that doctors recommend that you drink six 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day (based upon weight), it might be meaningful for you to pick up a ½ Sacred Cubit 24 K gold plated Light-Life Ring. Try it for 30 days and see if you notice any changes. We have testimonials from our clients that this potentized water helps with sleep, restores balance, clears acne, aids with digestion and so much more!

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

We are so grateful to Mrs. Stein and her team for taking the time to include the Light-Life Tools in their work. Although the imagery is gorgeous and moving, their mission continues on with the Dr. Emoto Peace Project. They are bringing the images and their book into schools to help educate children on the power of intention. For it’s love that is inherent and only hate that is taught, Mrs. Stein hopes that the powerful imagery will encourage children to think twice before they shoot a hateful remark at a fellow classmate.

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Ask Katharina


Thank you all so much for continuing to build our beautiful community. It’s such a joy to learn how you are applying the tools to your daily life. Each month I plan on including actual questions from customers in this column to help us all benefit from the shared knowledge. If you have a question for me, please don’t be shy and leave a comment below!

Back Pain

Dear Katharina,

I’ve suffered from chronic back and shoulder pain for years now. My friend mentioned to me that I might try out the Light-Life Tools as they are said to alleviate physical discomfort. Could you please point me in the right direction? What is the best tool for me to start with? How is it applied? Do I need to be trained in energy healing in order for the tool to work properly?


Katie D., Boulder, CO

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

Dear Katie,

I’m so sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Unfortunately it’s more common than one might think in today’s environment. We’ve had hundreds of testimonials from customers that choose to use the Light-Life Tools with great results. While we can’t make any promises and guarantees (everyone’s situation is different), I would like to recommend using one of our Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. The Sacred Cubit seems to work best in the physical realm. One method of discomfort relief is to take a ½ or 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring and tuck it in your pants or belt. Some customers have suggested first tying the ring to a string so you don’t lose it when changing or using the bathroom.  I would also suggest buying a 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring to put under your bed.  This is said to be a wonderful sleep aid. The tools are reported to amply life force energy which can work on your aches and pains while you slumber. What I love about the tools is how easy they are to be incorporated into everyday life. You don’t need a special training, even children can use them with great results!

Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil

The Light-Life Acu-Vac Coils come in a variety of sizes and alloys

In an addition to your new Sacred Light-Life Rings, please be sure to pick up a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil for your shoulder.  I’m a big believer that every first aid kit should contain this versatile tool!  In your specific case you’ll need to place the coil under your armpit with the bead pointing away from your shoulder. Much like a vacuum, the coil gets it’s name as it’s said to suck away physical discomfort. Please give these items a try and let me know how they are working out. Testimonials are what help us get the word out about these revolutionary items.

Warm regards,




Dear Katharina,

I’m grateful to learn that you’ve dedicated the month of May to remembrance. I recently lost my dear cat Coconut and I find myself incredibly depressed. It’s painful to hear others tell me that I should “get over it” or “she was just a cat”. To me, Coco was a part of my family. Do you have any tools that help alleviate depression? I would like to find peace over my loss and move on as best I can. I know you love animals so I appreciate your advice.

Thank you,

Gwen F., San Francisco, CA

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

Dear Gwen,

I totally understand, our animals are part of our family and life and to lose one is extremely painful. Recently I received a powerful report from a young woman with depression who got great relief from one of our Lost Cubit Mini Personal Harmonizers. I would like to recommend checking out our website and looking at our pendants and Personal Harmonizers and then choosing what you feel most attracted to. The answer is never wrong as these are intention based tools that work directly with your own energies to bring about the desired results. Go with your gut and let me know what you choose! Depression is a mental disorder that has such an awful stigma. It’s nice to see that sentiment dissipating as we talk about it more openly and honestly than ever before. If you feel overwhelmed, I strongly suggest that you go and see your doctor. Holistic medicine and traditional medicine work very nicely with one another. I believe in a balance of both and want to make sure you are getting all the help that you need!

Sending you many blessings and hopes for happier days.

Warm regards,


Stressed Out

Dear Katharina.

I recently started a new, very demanding job. Overwhelming impressions, new technologies to learn and I also have some personal stress and home that affects my ability to focus. Is there any Light-Life Tool that could possibly help me? I need all the help I can get.

Thank you,

Anne-Marie C., Boston, MA

Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1 Cubit

1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring

Dear Anne-Marie,
I know the feeling! I think we’ve all had moments in our lives when we are overwhelmed. When I get overloaded I like to our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings around my neck. The 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring doesn’t fit over everybody’s head, but our Empowerment Ring does. I gave the Empowerment Ring to one my employees when she went through a very stressful situation in her life. I also gave her a Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant (gold plated) and this combination worked very well for her.  By the way, the ring looks great as a necklace! Let me know if this did the trick.

Wishing you all the best in your new job and calm and peace for your personal situation.



Earth Harmonies

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

April is one of my favorite months. It’s my birthday, the spring weather is beautiful and most importantly, all of us get to join in to celebrate Earth Day! Earth Day was inspired by activist Rachel Carson, whose writings sparked the global environmental movement. Her most famous work Silent Spring aired on CBS in 1963 and brought international awareness about the negative effects pesticides have on the planet.


Senator Gaylord Nelson

Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin

The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970. It was an initiative created by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who much like Ms. Carson, thought environmental issues were not being taken seriously. His efforts proved to resonate with the people as over 20 million people around the world chose to join in the celebration. Now we have over 250 million around the globe who join in celebrating Mother Earth and focusing on ways we can conserve our beautiful planet.


Light-Life Washtub Harmonizer

The Light-Life Washtub Harmonizer is the largest Harmonizer we produce

I know Slim would be so thrilled to know how much the crowds have increased over the years in our efforts on environmental conservation. He built the Light-Life Harmonizers with his intentions set on restoring the health of the planet. In one of his interviews he was asked if pollution could completely be eradicated and the damage reversed. In true Slim form he simply replied “I don’t see why not!”. He estimated that if an Agricultural Harmonizer is placed every 70-80 miles from the North to South pole that the atmosphere would be 99% clear of any smog or pollution. Isn’t that an incredible thought?

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes

After Slim’s passing I made it my mission to carry on his legacy. Not only do I have a deep respect for the tools my late husband left in his wake, but his purpose was something we can continue to benefit from forever. If we all lived our lives that way, thinking about what we can contribute to the planet rather than what we can take, then I truly believe this would be an absolutely gorgeous and peaceful place for all to live.

Native American Proverb

Mother Earth gives all of us life. We wouldn’t be able to breathe, eat or drink without her bountiful gifts. Much like Slim, I believe we can restore her back to balance. Sad, but true, we could have a learned a lot from our Native American ancestors who respected the planet in such a way that they only took what they needed. They did their best to live in harmony with the animals and plants in their immediate environment.

Oil spills are destroying our oceans

No animal should have to live like this. What will you do to help?

Einstein once said that we can’t use the same technology to fix a problem created by it. The Light-Life Tools are a completely new approach to restoring the environment. Changing our ways of interacting with the environment is not going to change overnight. We are starting to recycle more, but the rate of change is not faster than the current destruction. Our oceans are becoming more polluted each year and the coral reefs which provide safety to thousands of creatures are slowly being eroded. Fracking, which is still a popular method for oil extraction from the land, is said to cause extreme devastation to the land and cause earthquakes.


While all this information may seem bleak, it’s important to stay informed and it’s important to know that their is a solution. The most important purchase you could probably make in a lifetime is a Light-Life Harmonizer. Not only are you taking a small step for mankind, but you can see immediate results in your life. Our research and findings are immense and we hope you’ll do your part in helping us spread the word about this brilliant new technology based upon ancient knowledge.And, remember, it’s heirloom which you can pass on from generation to generation!

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

I’m wishing you a very happy Earth Day! Please be sure to share your images of your Harmonizers at work! We ask that you all activate yours with the Environmental Clearing CD on Saturday, April 22 as we join together in helping our earth heal.

Earth Day

Ask Katharina

The positive response from last month’s column has been overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your support! The questions have been rolling in and I found these all to be interesting as we focus on restoration for the month of April. Enjoy!


Dear Katharina,

I’m an avid green thumb and love to garden. Are there any tools you would recommend to help my plants grow stronger and bigger?

-Alice M., Illinois

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

Dear Alice,

Believe it or not, the Light-Life Tools were designed also with agriculture in mind! Slim was interested in inventing tools that could help the environment. It was only later on that he discovered the Harmonizers were beneficial to humans as well. There are so many tools that could be helpful for your garden. The testimonials I’ve received on botany are pretty profound. One woman went on vacation to come home and found her garden infected with bugs. She activated her Environmental Harmonizer using an Environmental Clearing CD (you can place the Harmonizer on top of it or for extra charge you can put the CD in a CD player and place headphones around the Harmonizer). Within a day the bugs were all gone! A Harmonizer is a great tool to have in your home as it is said to cleanse the air, water and soil. I also recommend buying a bunch of Plain Jane Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. You can put these over your sprinklers, the hose, your watering can or any other water source that you will use to nourish your garden. Let us know how you do.

Yours truly,



Dear Katharina,

I’ve done a ton of work on myself over the years, but still struggle with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of a traumatic childhood. What tools do you recommend I use or wear as I continue my healing journey?

Thank you,

John S., Colorado

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Dear John,

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough experience. It’s powerful to see that you are willing to get the help you need and move through the issues. Not everyone has this strength and you will emerge on the other side much better for it. While I strongly recommend doing work with a licensed therapist, the Light-Life Tools do have their place. I would recommend one of the newest additions to our assortment, The Song of the Soul Light-Life Pendant. It’s not only a gorgeous piece of art, but is said to clear away the blocks of ancestral patterns. I’ve also received a lot of testimonials that it gives the wearer strength to stand in their true self and speak their truth. You could also get a copper 2 Lost Cubit Seed of Life and place under your bed or under your mattress. This is supposed to help with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well. Please let me know how it works for you. Sending many blessings!



April Travels: Arkansas


This month my travels bring me to Fayetteville, Arkansas to speak at the 29th Annual Dowsing and Alternative Health Convention. While at first glance Arkansas might not seem like an exciting tourist attraction, I can’t contain my excitement about my journey to America’s heartland. Unless you are an avid rock fan (pun intended) you don’t know that this state contains a plethora of crystal mines! Although I won’t have time on this trip, I love to travel down to Hot Springs which is a fun little town in the center of many of the mines.

Rough Zincite - Natural Gemstone

Rough Zincite

At Coleman’s Rock and Crystal Shop in Jessville, AR the curator, Jim Coleman, has a variety of rough and polished gemstones. He sells Arkansas rock crystal by the pound, but also boosts a collection of minerals that are collector and museum quality. One released recently for auction is a stone I’d never heard about before named Zincite. It made me laugh that this particular formation caught my attention as Zincite is an extremely powerful stone that is said to energize all of your chakras!

Arkansas Natural Crystals

Natural Arkansas Crystals

The Wegner Crystal Mine located in the Ouachita National Forest allows its guests to dig for their own crystals in their 40 acre plot. They also give you the option of panning through their sluice which is a 100 foot trough covered by shade. You can pick up a pail of gemstone rich earth and then use a screen to shake out the material, leaving you with an array of stones such as amethyst, emerald, ruby, opals and more!

Herkimer Crystal Formation

Herkimer Crystal Formation for The Harmonizer

Although I don’t have an extensive background in crystal healing, I do believe in their energies and know Slim would feel the same. He comes with a purely scientific viewpoint and would readily agree that crystals have different chemical structures therefore different energies or uses. This month we’ll start exploring with various crystal layouts and the use of the Harmonizer. As previous research has shown, placing the harmonizer in the center of 12 double ended herkimer diamonds is said to stop heavy rain and floods. Remember to use this configuration when you’re experiencing too much rain. Here in Colorado we could actually use some more right now!

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

While crystal healing is a hot topic this month my journey to Fayetteville will have a much different slant. The Ozark Research Institute is hosting their 29th Annual Dowsing and Alternative Medicine Convention. I am friends with the founders, Harold and Gladys McCoy. Since Harold’s passing Gladys and her team are doing an amazing job to keep the institute going. I’m so excited to attend the workshops and truly honored that I was asked to speak at the Power of Focused Thought School about the Light-Life Tools.

Healing Meditation

The Ozark Research Institute is a non-profit organization that was created to support humanity through education, support and research of holistic medicine. Now that is a purpose I support wholeheartedly! I believe in balance and while Western medicine is essential to our health, it’s wonderful to see Eastern medicine approaches become part of the popular conscious. Some insurance companies are now covering massage and acupuncture under their policies!

Sacred Cubit Pyramid Unit

Sacred Cubit Pyramid Unit

If you live in the Fayetteville area I do hope you’ll stop by at my booth and for my talk about how the Light-Life Tools can enhance your health and the health of the environment. We celebrate Earth Day this month and it’s so powerful to see our intentions aligned with others as we all do our part to help Mother Earth heal and celebrate all her beauty.

Mother Earth_2

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