Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Animals (Page 4 of 4)

Ask Katharina February 2020

Dear Katharina,

A friend of mine voiced her concern about me charging my cell phone on my nightstand. She said the EMF’s coming off the phone would disturb a good night’s sleep and be detrimental to my health. My sister has a charging unit on her desk where she charges her phone and iPad. Do you have any recommendations for us? We would prefer doing what we have done in the past and hope some of the Light-Life Tools could help us. We are not that sensitive; however, we don’t want to have to pay for our ignorance later.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Deborah J., MI

Dear Deborah,

Thank you so much for your email. Yes, all the wireless technology has its pros and cons. I have one of our larger rings on my nightstand and put my glass of water and my phone in there when I charge it at night.

Here is how Hans Becker, the researcher we worked with explains it:

“The Light-Life Ring is a closed-loop wire. If a wire has current going through it, it’s going in a right-hand roll direction creating magnetic lines.  These magnetic lines are going in two directions within a circle and cancel one another out. Then you have pure current, a super current vector.  In AC fields like monitors, it’s flipping – so these are going back and forth but this vector is always canceled.  It turns into current in the ring and basically, it creates a blocking effect.”

I place two Light-Life Tensor Rings on a pullout drawer for a keyboard on my desk and my laptop sits on the desk above those rings.

Light-Life Rings under Laptop

Your sister can also use one or two Light-Life Tensor Rings and fix them under the desk so they don’t show – but may still give her the EMF protection. Also, if you have a lot of EMF’s, Hartmann Grid and other geopathic stress lines in your house I would recommend one of our Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver plated.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer #512
silver plated

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,



What’s up with your New Dimension Light-Life Rings? I read recently that you said the 1 ½ Lost Cubit New Dimension Rings increase the field of any Harmonizer. I’m confused because I thought the rings contain the field of the Harmonizer to the size of the ring and upwards and downwards.

Please clarify.


Tom H., CA


Good question! Thanks for asking! We knew from the very beginning that the New Dimension Light-Life Tensor Rings have a different field and that their energy is not only contained to the tensor field inside the ring, but also goes out in a spiral-like motion. After some very gifted psychics/clairvoyants suggested that putting the Harmonizer in a 1 1/2 Lost Cubit New Dimension Tensor Ring would increase the field of the Harmonizer we had an institute in Belgium do testing with this configuration and they confirmed the results.

You are correct, if you would put any of our standard Light-Life Tensor Rings around a Harmonizer it would contain the toroidal field of the Harmonizer to the size of the Ring. We would also use this configuration when we want the Harmonizer to work remotely on a specific area. See our calls to action when there are fires, hurricanes or similar threats on our Facebook page.

How to use the Harmonizer to impact a specific area!

If you have any of our Harmonizers get one of our 24K gold plated 1 ½ New Dimension Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings and test it yourself. Keep me posted!

New Dimension Community Harmonizer in a
1 1/2 New Dimension Lost Cubit Ring



Ask Katharina – July 2019

Dear Katharina,
I’m a grad student at UC Davis, and I’m studying the harmful effects that environmental and chemical pollution are having on the bee population. During my research, I came across your website and am fascinated by the Harmonizer technology. Can you recommend a specific Energy Harmonizer to help the bee population, or perhaps any other Light-Life Tools? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance,
Derek L.

Dear Derek,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. We have received several reports from beekeepers telling us how well the bees are doing since they have a Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer gold-plated running. It also depends on the area and how many bees someone has. It may be more helpful to incorporate a Sacred Cubit Agricultural Energy Harmonizer gold-plated. We have had people use the Environmental Energy Harmonizer together with Cloud Busters to fight the chemical pollution coming off chemtrails. From our experience and understanding the more Energy Harmonizers we have in an area the stronger/denser the light field they are emitting will be and the better it is for all living be(e)ings in the area.

I hope this helps. Let me know what your studies will reveal.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I have just seen Slim’s video for the first time on YouTube and I am amazed! Such an enlightened moment! Do you know where I can get one of those molecular scanners he was telling about in the video?

Dear Octavian,
Thank you for your email. The molecular scanner that Slim talks about in the video was created by a friend of his. However, Slim lost contact with him and I have no idea where he is and where you would get a molecular scanner. I just googled to see if I find anything, but nothing! Maybe tech universities or MIT would have one or can help you find one.
I wish I could be of more help. Please keep me posted and let me know if you find one.

LLT YouTube Channel

All the best!

Greetings Katharina,
I’m looking a bit at the environmental harmonizers and am not sure I understand the differences between them very well. (The Synergy is out of my price range, but I’m looking at the others, and perhaps leaning toward the Lost cubit.) Would you have some additional information on the differences between the effects of these?
Another place says the Lost cubit works on the emotional/mental field —but for these environmental harmonizers it talks about pollution, storm severity etc. Does it do both?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

Lynn E.

Greetings Lynn,
I understand your dilemma. When you are looking to purchase any Energy Harmonizer you want to get clear first on your main concern. If air pollution and severe storms are your main concerns, I would always recommend either the Sacred Cubit Environmental or Agricultural Energy Harmonizers, gold-plated. When EMFs are your main concern, get the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Energy Harmonizer, either Environmental or Agricultural. If mental and emotional issues are your main concern, choose the Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer silver-plated, while for plant growth you would choose the gold-plated one. Having said that, if you choose a silver-plated Energy Harmonizer and you are faced with a severe storm coming your way, hold it between your hands and program it to divert the storm or to reduce the negative effects. If your budget allows you could consider a Matrix 44 Energy Harmonizer in silver – that is a favorite of many of our customers.

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,

Ask Katharina – April 2018

Dear Katharina,

My dog has been diagnosed with arthritis. I remember that you shared in the workshop that you treated your dog with the Light-Life Tools very successfully. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what tools you’ve used. Would you please let me know?

Thank you!


Christine V., NY

Dear Christine,

You have a great memory! I had a black lab named Bo, and he was diagnosed with arthritis in 2010. He was only six years old when diagnosed and the doctors wanted to perform surgery. However, after tons of deliberation I determined it wasn’t the right course of action for my furry baby. Right around this time we had come out with a new tool, the Re-Calibrator, which was reported to align our human energy field. I thought: tested by humans, it should work on my dog as well! I put the smallest Re-Calibrator on a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring and placed it over my dog’s head. This seemed to provide him with comfort and he wore it as collar everyday until his final breath.

In addition to the new collar we created, I wanted to find additional holistic remedies for my pet. I learned that a cinnamon and honey mix is a great natural antidote for arthritis. Each day I put about a teaspoon of honey and about a ½ teaspoon of cinnamon in some yogurt which Bo gobbled up in no time. I also placed one of our 2 Lost Cubit Seed of Life units under his bed. A few years later I started bring Bo to a pet acupuncturist and that helped a lot as well.

As I’m not a medical professional I can’t guarantee any of these suggestions. However, I do believe they are worth trying if you are interested in finding a holistic action plan for your pet’s health. Arthritis is extremely painful for any animal and unfortunately surgery doesn’t come with any guarantees. I hope you’ll keep me posted on your pet.  Bo passed away at the ripe old age of 14 last year. I miss him very much and it feels good to share what worked for him,

Warm regards,


Dear Katharina,

I have a fish tank that always seems to collect algae and glow bright green! I’ve tried everything! Do you have any Light-Life Tools that I might try to employ to get rid of the stuff?

Thank you,

Jason S. Boulder, CO

Dear Jason,

The thing that first comes to mind is Slim telling me of a friend who put Light-Life Rings in her swimming pool and took care of the algae. That would be the least expensive option to try. We also had great results on a much larger scale in the late nineties on the harmful Florida Red Tide. The algae was everywhere and was having a very harmful effect on the environment. You might want to try the same tactics and place an Environmental Harmonizer by your tank and activating your Harmonizer with our Environmental Clearing MP3. If possible, please send me before and after pictures. I’d love to see how this is working for you!



Dear Katharina,

My cat’s labs came back pretty bleak and I’m concerned. The most alarming report was his urine pH levels. Most cats already have a high pH but my baby had lab results that were through the roof. I have him on a new low-carb diet and I’m trying to encourage him to drink more water. Do you have any other suggestions? I live in a high altitude so it’s already easy to become dehydrated. I want to ensure I’m giving my fur baby the best possible care.

Thank you,

Juliette C., Nederland, CO

Dear Juliette,

I’m so sorry to hear about your cat! From what I’ve gathered you aren’t alone. Cats are notorious for having issues with their urinary tracts and you can often find crystals in their bladder. I’m glad you are taking great strides towards a new healthy diet that I’m sure will help tremendously. Another suggestion: potentized water. You may want to purchase our Practitioner Set and offer your kitty potentized water in his water dish. I would start with only a little bit in the beginning to see what type of effect it has on his system. Potentized water is said  have wonderful effects on our health and I’m curious to see if it helps your cat as well. Of course, I’m not a medical professional or a vet, so this may be something you want to run by your pet’s primary care physician before making any changes. Please keep me posted on how your pet is doing! I would also put a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring around his water and food dish. Animals seem to really like the ‘ringed’ water.



April’s Spirit Animal – The Bovine

April is my birthday month! While as many get older and start to dread their birthday, I’m all about celebrations. I mean what is the alternative?! I love any excuse to spread joy and happiness and that is what my birthday means to me. It makes sense as I am a Taurus, and I would go to any lengths for my friends or family. It’s a day not so much about me, but having fun with those I love around me.


Taurus is represented by the bull: stubborn, determined, reliable and strong. I thought it would be fun this month to make our spirit animal the bovine to include the bull’s relatives, the cow and the buffalo!

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Here in Colorado the buffalo has tons of significance as it is the mascot for many of our sports teams. My team often drives by them on their way to work as our office is in farm country. This majestic beast always make me think of my dear friend Tanah who has a ranch in Montana. She has testified that after receiving the Washtub Harmonizer, the largest Harmonizer we manufacture, she has seen an incredible transformation of her land and most importantly, her animals. She claims that she does not worm or vaccine any of her buffalo and the entire herd has been disease free for years. A pretty powerful testimonial!


Tanah also tells a beautiful story about her Buffalo named Junior. Although he was about 6 feet tall and 8 feet long, he was still smaller than his father, hence his nickname. He had injured Victor, one of her farmhands. Since the incident Victor was terrified of the buffalo where he used to run freely amongst them. As the story goes, Tanah was at the farm when she saw Junior come over the hill and run towards the house. She immediately called to Victor and the rest of her staff as where one bull goes, they all go as a herd. She assumed they all must of broken through the fence. As time passed they learned Junior had broken through two of the fences by himself to return back to the ranch and left the herd behind. Tanah is convinced it was to make peace with Victor. She tells us that the buffalo taught her about harmony and how we are all, humans and animals, part of one family.

Sacred Cow

In India, they may take their love of the bovine even further with their devotion to the sacred cow. There are more than 3,000 Gaushalas that care for the cows around the country. It’s been reported that over 45 million cows reside in India. The largest cow population in the world!


I love the idea of adopting a spirit animal every month because it reminds me of the beauty of Mother Earth. We are so lucky to live amongst such gorgeous creatures. After Slim’s passing I’ve made it my mission to carry on his legacy. His purpose was to restore harmony and balance to the planet. If we would have a Harmonizer in every community can you imagine how beautiful our world could be? After all, our company motto is “Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time”. Sending lots of love to all my fellow Taurus this month.


April Intentions: Restoration

Tree Planting

Here in Colorado we’ve welcomed April with a snow shower! However, our thoughts and the intentions are set towards spring and restoration. April marks Earth Day, which is celebrated by approximately 250 Million people around the globe. Environmental conservation has gone mainstream and we’re so grateful for it as the earth desperately needs our attention. I’m a big believer in positive energies and raising your vibration. Instead of focusing on all the damage we’ve caused Mother Earth, I’d like to focus this month on what we can do to help restore her beauty. You could plant a tree, make a promise to only buy sustainable goods, get involved with local environmental legislation or you could simply buy an Environmental Harmonizer.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Slim created the Light-Life® Harmonizer with the earth’s restoration and health in mind. It was a happy coincidence to discover that this powerful tool could also bring many benefits to our personal lives. He also wanted to help farmers to get better crop without the use of harmful pesticides, hence the Agricultural Harmonizer was born. The healers in his community finally persuaded him to create a smaller version that they could wear around their neck when working with clients. The  Personal Harmonizers are result of that, which have evolved over time and are available now in all three Cubit measurements, the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit. Our Light-Life® Jewelry was not far away. We’ve recently been reviewing Slim’s writings and came across this powerful thought:

The Environmental Harmonizer may be used in clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farms fields flourish in its environment. Plants grow lush, full and strong. Birds, butterflies and worms thrive and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive beneficial energy.

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

We cannot give any guarantees as there are so many factors that influence the outcome of working with the Light-Life Tools. They are energy based and if someone is operating at a lower frequency than the tools will have a less powerful effect. However, my expectation is as the collective conscious continues to grow that our tools will be more widely accepted. Let’s not forget that there was a time when people believed that the world was flat! And that without a scientist’s mistake, Penicillin, a drug created from mold to fight infection, would never been achieved. Before restoration can truly occur, there needs to be acceptance and a truly open mind.

Matrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K

Maxtrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K Gold Plating

As we set our intention towards restoration we have to accept responsibility for what has happened to our planet. While passing the blame might be top of mind as pollution is generational, nothing will be accomplished until we have acceptance that we are all in this together. We only have one earth and we need to nurture and restore her together.

Slim was once questioned in an interview if world peace could be obtained with use of the Harmonizers. He humbly said “I don’t see why not!” Slim was a man of discovery, research and action. He and his friends joined together for the
Denver Clearing Project. If more people joined together in these types of efforts imagine what we could do! We encourage you to join our community in conversation, workshops and stay tuned for our webinars which will be launched later in the year. However you choose to approach restoration this month, remember one thing: It starts with you.

Going Green for Earth Day

March’s Spirit Animal – Fish

The Light-Life Tools can help clean the environment.

Have you ever heard of the Red Tide? This environmentally damaging seaweed is created off the Florida coast when Karenia Brevis, a microscopic algae, revs up into overdrive. In small doses Karenia Brevis is a useful part of our ocean’s ecosystem, providing food and nutrients to surrounding wildlife. When Karenia brevis starts to bloom in massive quantities we have a problem on our hands. The harmful algae bloom happens so rapidly that when the microscopic plants die, they deplete the oxygen in the water. This causes massive amounts of fish to perish, shellfish can become toxic and the tide is said to have a harmful effect on the humans living in the area. The red tide got it’s name for the red color the algae can sometimes create in the water when releasing toxic gases. Essentially, red tide is a marine biologist’s worst nightmare.

Red Tide is said to be caused by pollution to our waters as well as global warming. It’s exact causes are still under investigation. Not only do scientists have difficulty pinpointing how the tides start, but they are stumped when it comes to stopping the bloom and it’s environmental damage.

Light-Life Tools can help restore ocean life.

After reading the book Slim Spurling’s Universe, Anthony C. and attending a workshop with Slim Spurling.  A massage therapist and environmental conservationist, Anthony came to believe that the Light-Life® Tools could be helpful in mitigating the Tampa Bay area of Florida’s red tide.  His first experiment was taking a harmonizer to Siesta Key and sound activating an Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. He was so thrilled with the results that he and his colleagues from the Rose Lettiere Water Project Group decided to invest in more tools. They were open to using higher conscious methods when finding a solution to the red tide problem as more practical and well-known methodologies were not producing any significant changes.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Light-Life (R) Harmonizer

Sacred Cubit Environmental Light-Life (R) Harmonizer

Anthony and his team put three harmonizers to work: the Storm Chaser, the Agricultural Harmonizer and the Environmental Harmonizer.  They activated all three harmonically starting on October 21, 2006 and ran the frequency 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Enclosed is an image of the shore provided by the FWRI (Fish and Wildlife Research Institute) in October, 2006. The red dots signify where the red tide (harmful Karenia Brevis algae bloom) are at their highest, over a million cells per liter of water.

Florida Red Tide- October 2006, Red dots are highest concentration of the harmful algae

Florida Red Tide- October 2006

After 10 months of activating the Harmonizers, the red tide was unable to be detected in any of the water on coast. The red tide went from 1 million cells to liter to “not present” in a report issued by the FWC (Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee, funded by the United States Government).

Enclosed are the results.  It’s easy to identify that all the red dots are gone and the red tide has cleared completely.

Florida Red Tide - April 2007

Florida Red Tide – April 2007

It helps so much for us to spread awareness about the Light-Life Tools when we have qualitative data to support our claims. If you are a marine biologist or scientist we would love to hear from you and collaborate on another experiment. Not only does the research benefit our product, but they can restore balance to the environment which is a like-minded goal for us both. In the meantime, let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the gorgeous ocean creatures that mother nature has provided.  This month we set our eyes on the fish, who not only is a vital part of our world’s ecosystem, but also reminds us of all our pieces friends.  Happy Birthday March babies!


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