Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Wellness (Page 1 of 2)

A Fall Deep Clean: Clear Negative Energy from Your Space

As November ushers in the chill of late autumn and the last leaves fall, it’s a wonderful time to rejuvenate your home and clear negative energy. However, preparing your space for the colder months ahead is not just about cleaning out closets and switching up your decor. It is about ensuring the energy in your home flows freely and supports a peaceful, harmonious environment. Light-Life Tools can help you achieve that harmony. So, let’s dive into how you can get a deep clean that reaches into the energetic realm.

Light-Life Synergy Harmonizer (silver) sitting on a large fallen leaf

Why Energy Clearing is Important

Just like dust and clutter, energy can build up in our homes over time. Whether from stress, emotional turmoil, or the daily hustle, this energy can create blockages that affect how you feel and function in your space. Clearing out stagnant energy helps to uplift the atmosphere, improve well-being, and create a supportive environment for you and your family.

Tips for Clearing Energy

Start with a Smudge

  • Traditional energy-clearing practices like smudging with sage or Palo Santo are effective at removing negative energy. Start at the front door and work your way clockwise around each room. Set an intention for peace and harmony as you go.

Use a Light-Life Feedback Loop for Targeted Energy Clearing

  • If there are specific areas in your home where you feel heavy or stuck energy – like a cluttered corner or a space where arguments often occur – the Feedback Loop is an excellent tool to utilize. Hold the Loop in the space where the energy feels dense, and slowly move it in circular motions. The Feedback Loop works to pull out the negative energy, leaving behind a more balanced and open flow.
  • You can also stand the Feedback Loop on its end and simply let it sit in the area you are trying to clear. Placing it on your nightstand is also an excellent way to help you get a restful night’s sleep.

Rearrange Your Furniture

  • Sometimes there is nothing quite as satisfying as redecorating. That can get expensive though, so try redecorating with what you already have. Breathing new life into a room can be as easy as changing the angle of a couch or table.
  • Even better if you want to try and incorporate some Feng Shui principles into your home.
    • However, if you are new to Feng Shui, it is important to do your research and start with small and simple elements. For instance, the entryway or front door is where all life force energy enters, and it should be kept clear of clutter.

Place a Harmonizer in Your Home

  • Placing a Harmonizer in your home is a wonderful way to keep the energy clear and focused on your current intention. Place your harmonizer in a central area and take a few moments each day to breathe and place your intentions for your space/life. And don’t forget to clear your harmonizer every so often (by putting a Tensor Ring around it). Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, clear your Harmonizer on a schedule that works for you.
Family room with Harmonizer
Synergy, Environmental Harmonizer

Clear Your Energy Field with a Personal Harmonizer

  • Just as you clear your space, it’s equally important to clear your personal energy field. Wearing a Personal Harmonizer during your cleaning process may help you to keep your energy grounded and also stay aligned with your intentions for your home. As you declutter and reorganize, you’ll feel more centered and at ease, ensuring that the positive shifts in your space extend to your own well-being.

Go at Your Own Pace

  • Remember this is an uplifting activity, not a stressful one. So, if you have a hard time letting go of objects or events, go slow! Start with the room you spend the most time in. And if one room is too much, start with one corner. You may find that even clearing out one corner helps you move on to the rest of the house. Just remember to go at your own pace.

Maintain the Balance Throughout Fall and Winter

Once you’ve completed your fall deep clean, you can maintain the balance by regularly checking in with your space. Every couple of weeks do a quick sweep with a Feedback Loop or Acu-Vac Coil. Or smudge your rooms to ensure energy remains clear. As you prepare for winter, consider introducing candles or salt lamps to enhance warm and welcoming energy in your home.

By using Light-Life Tools, you’re not only cleaning the physical aspects of your space but also giving your home an energetic refresh that promotes peace, balance, and harmony. This fall, take the time to deep clean your space on all levels – physically, emotionally, and energetically – and enjoy the tranquility it brings.
With these tools, your home can become a sanctuary of positive energy.

If you want to learn how Light-Life Tools can help you detoxify your home, read this blog.

Heal Thy Healer – Unity Pyramid Unit

As we approach the Winter Solstice, we are sharing with you a very special new Tool, the Pyramid Unit with a Unity Personal Harmonizer inside. This combination is a an example of what Aristotle described as the whole being greater than its parts.

The Holidays can be a time of chaotic energy. Using the Unity Pyramid Unit seems to block unwanted energies from stagnating. It can help you remain rooted in your own power and keep giving with an open heart without being depleted. If you are a healer, empath, caregiver or just an everyday superhero, this is a perfect Tool to have close by. This Unity Pyramid Unit is a wonder at keeping the energy coherent and light.

Pyramid Environmental Unit with Personal Unity Harmonizer, 24 Gold Plated

Healer Holiday Support

We recommend the Unity Pyramid Unit as a “magic pill” to support you if you feel anxiety or overwhelm around this time of year.

In fact, this Pyramid Unit enjoys being directly in a central location where we are. This dynamic Tool likes to stay in one place for a time to grid the location where you are. It appears to work room by room, moving and smoothing the energy back into coherence.

Let us share a reading for one of our psychic and clairaudient friends:

“It sings, the energy sings, this makes people feel good. They want to hold it, touch it, have it, be with it.

Almost like a personal totem, that each one is personalized to the person.

Healers heals himself – bring better energy in to heal other people and keeps the healer healed. Sometimes healers are tuned to this energy and it seems to keep them clean and harmonized. When people deal with illnesses that have aggressive chi, vibrations, like cancer I would suggest to have it on their bedside.

It can enhance dreams, be a protection for your home and workspace, You want this in your energy field. It strengthens the energy.”

E. D., AZ

Using the Gift of the Full Moon

When we are aware of the effects of the lunar cycles, we can use the full moon to bring forth what we want to see in our lives. By pairing these full moon cycles with our energy Tools, such as our Moon Earrings, our intentions to shift things in our reality seem to happen even quicker than we might expect.

moon earrings testimonial

“These Moon Earrings are a very effective partner in manifesting the highest outcomes when we are clear in what we want, and what we choose to release.” – A.S., CO

Using all three Cubit measurements, Moon Earrings are in a fantastic place close to our throat chakra, the temporal lobe that processes auditory input, memory, and the occipital lobe that is the visual processor of the brain. 

Our Moon Earrings in sterling silver have an angelic or celestial vibration.  It is very gentle and highly supportive. This may positively influence our perspective of what we see and hear.

We also have Moon Earrings in sterling silver plated with 24K gold. These are a perfect pair to wear when we want to embody our intended shifts during the moon cycles quickly. Wearing these can open us up to allowing new, positive higher frequencies to come right into our cells and light us up! The gold plating on top of the Sterling Silver carries a luminous earthly radiance in addition to the celestial vibration.

By wearing Moon Earrings during a Full Moon, we can harness the power to bring forth what we want to see more of in our lives, while removing the things we no longer need to hold onto.

Freeing the Song of your Soul

In our Song of the Soul Pendant, we use all three cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and the Empowerment Cubit. The result is a very delicate and beautiful piece of jewelry.

If you’ve ever felt held back from moving forward, this could be your key.

  • Have you caught yourself repeating unwanted behaviors?
  • Do you sometimes feel you are continuing ancestral patterns?
  • Is it hard for you to replace dysfunctional habits with supportive ones?

If you resonate with any of these questions, the Song of the Soul Pendant may be the right choice for you. Our research group has released generational patterns and experienced profound impacts on a subconscious level by clearing out unwanted habits with this Pendant. It does this by replacing outdated patterns with ones that support you and your life purpose best.

We have named it Song of the Soul, as it is said to create clear, concise, and loving communication between you and those around you. By wearing the Song of the Soul Pendant, you may feel the support in realigning to your best self.

Song of the Soul Pendant

Could this be your key to freedom for your soul?

We found that by connecting you into your soul, the harmonizing vibrational frequencies attune your consciousness to the reality of your soul. Over time, one could experience increased clarity, a feeling of more awakened consciousness and a greater sense of well-being.

“I immediately noticed how potent the Song of the Soul Pendant is for me. I had only been wearing it for about a week when I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV. Swimming through the sea of people on the strip, I felt completely protected from other people’s energy interfering with my own. I sensed a protective bubble around my aura. This to me, was the ultimate test. I noticed that I was unscathed energetically and was still in a good mood when I returned to my room.
I felt a difference in my way of thinking, all within a few short weeks of wearing it. It seemed to put me on a different level of consciousness. I felt more self aware and it pointed me in a direction of self growth. Which can be a difficult thing to do on one’s own.”

JFL Loveland, CO

Ask Katharina – May 2019

Dear Katharina,
I live in Houston, TX, and with spring upon us and all the flooding and tornadoes that are a possibility every year, which Harmonizer would you recommend to deter this severe weather? We also had a terrible oil tank fire in March and I would like to protect myself and my family from the chemical residue. I appreciate any guidance you have to offer.

Thank you so much,
Margaret A.


Dear Margaret,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. When it comes to diverting tornadoes and hurricanes our Sacred Cubit Energy Harmonizers seem to work the best. You can choose an Environmental or Agricultural Energy Harmonizer or even a Storm Chaser. The larger the Harmonizer the larger the area of influence will be. We cannot predict the exact range anymore as the environment has changed over time. The more Harmonizers we have in an area the better, simply because where their fields interact the light is more intense. For tornadoes, hurricanes and air pollution I would go with the gold plated Harmonizers as we have found that they work better for any visible issues. When it comes to EMFs, radiation, mental and emotional issues I would suggest going with the silver plated Harmonizers as they seem to work best for all invisible issues. Regarding the chemical residues of the oil tank fire, our Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer, 25K gold plated comes to mind right away.
I hope this helps.

Please feel free to call us if you need more guidance.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I’m thinking of purchasing a Storm Chaser Harmonizer to help diffuse the severe tornado outbreaks that we deal with every year (I live in central Kansas). I see that you offer 3 CDs with it – Environmental Clearing, King’s Chamber and Grandmother’s Drum. Which one would you recommend for the best protection against these storms? Thank you for your help!

John R.


Dear John,
All of our Energy Harmonizers apart from the Personal Energy Harmonizers come with the Environmental Clearing CD. We have found this one most helpful for all environmental issues. When you purchase a Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer or a Washtub, you’ll also receive the King’s Chamber CD. These Harmonizers also come with a Light-Life Tensor Ring. We recommend placing the Harmonizer inside the ring to give it a recharge or cleaning every now and then. When not used for that purpose there are many other applications to use the ring for, like charging your beverages and food or placing it on areas of discomfort, and much more.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I have issues with my knee and I wonder if you have anything that you can recommend?

Thank you for your help,
Deb J.


Dear Deb,
First of all, I cannot give any medical advice and therefore would always recommend that you go to a doctor and have your knee checked out. I am happy to share my own experience with knee issues I have been having on and off. I use one of our ½ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants, gold plated. I put an elastic band around them, the type we use for our nose mask, and wear it over my pants on my knee. This works like magic for me 95% of the time. I have it with me when I travel and I don’t mind walking around with it in public. It simply helps. Of course, you can also try with one of our other rings or the ¼ Sacred Cubit gold plated Lotus Pendant. I hope this helps and that one of our Light-Life Tools works for you as well.

Good luck and please keep me posted.

Warm regards,

Soothing the Soul – May 2019


Oh! fragrant is the breath of May
In tranquil garden closes,
And soft yet regal is her sway
Among the springtide roses.
~ William Hamilton Hayne, American poet (1856–1929)

Welcome May! The sun is invigorating, birds are singing, flowers are blossoming and the garden is thriving. Mother Nature’s multitude of colorful flowers is so inspiring this time of year! There is a story and symbolism behind each bloom, but the profound symbolism of the Lotus flower seems to have especially captured the human imagination and spirit like no other!

All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Both the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are universal symbols of sacred geometry. Ancient civilizations used a form with seven circles to create what they called the Seed of Life. When multiplied and extrapolated, it is a basic component of the Flower of Life’s design. In this season of flowers and harmony, we would like to share some history and shine some light on our Lotus Pendants.

Lotus Pendants

Lotus Pendants


The concept for the Lotus Pendants came about 8 years ago from the desire to create a more personal way to use the Seed of Life configuration that would provide a daily benefit. Like all of our jewelry, the Lotus Pendants are functional art forms that can be worn throughout the day. They are said to help improve overall health and well-being, strengthen the immune system and balance chakras among their multiple healing uses. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants are said to help improve your overall health and well-being both mentally and physically, while the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants are reported to be most supportive to your emotional and mental needs.

These distinctive pendants have been referred to as the “Soothers of the Soul”. They are said to align harmony and vibrations according to what is correct for the wearer. Please visit our Lotus Pendants page for more information, insight, and to read testimonials from our happy customers!

Shipping is FREE on ALL Light-Life Tools
for the entire month of May!

Would you rather have a hands-on experience with the Lotus Pendants and all of the Light-Life Tools? Then we suggest attending one of our unique workshops!

Our next workshop,

Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the
Applications of the Light-Life Tools

is coming up on

June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Our last workshop in April was SOLD OUT, so register today!
**Early bird pricing runs through June 14**

Click here for more information

Have a lovely May and remember to let the flowers of love soothe your soul!

Warm regards,


Ask Katharina – April 2019

Dear Katharina,

I just received my Unity Personal Energy Harmonizer, thank you for such quick service! I read that the energy field goes out for 10 ft for some. Does this mean that the energy field is a 10 ft size bubble of energy or is it 10 ft each side making it a 20 ft size bubble of energy surrounding the wearer?

Thank you for your help,

Valerie S.


Dear Valerie,

Thank you so much for your email. The reach of the Unity Personal Energy Harmonizer is approximately a 10 ft radius, or a 20 ft bubble of energy surrounding the wearer. I have had some great personal experiences with it. When a lady in a store complimented me on my Unity Harmonizer, I explained to her that it is a ‘Functional Art Form’ and that it may also help people in close proximity of its energy field. She said she felt it had a positive impact on her. We have also had several reports where people could feel a significant difference when wearing it. Negative people would not come close to them anymore.





I hope this helps. Please share your experiences with us.

Warm regards,


Dear Katharina,

Are any of the Light-Life Tools good for luck? I have a conference in Las Vegas next week, and was wondering if I could wear my mini Personal Energy Harmonizer for luck or if there was something else you could recommend. I already have several rings, including a ½ sacred cubit and a ½ lost cubit ring.

Thank you in advance,

Brett F.


Dear Brett,

That’s a really good question. I remember one gentleman telling me that he puts a Heavy Lost 1 Cubit Ring under his shirt when he plays the slot machines. It gives him a specific body sensation when he comes to a machine that will be lucky for him. Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly what he notices, but I think it would be different for everybody. You can also use this ring for manifestation by speaking your desired outcome through it. Please remember to be specific, i.e., be precise about how much money you want to win, don’t just say, “I want to win”.
One of our customers used the ring to ask for a lottery win. She won $12. Next time she’ll be more specific. 🙂 Of course, you can also program your mini Personal Energy Harmonizer to bring you good luck. I don’t have any reports on people using it for good luck, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. Harmonizers work with each individual person’s energy.


I wish you the best of luck. Please share with me what you did and how it worked for you. You don’t need to share the win with me. 😉



Dear Katharina,
I am a counselor in an addiction recovery center, and I was wondering if you could recommend any tools that might help my patients with their recovery. Thank you so much for your help and for these wonderful healing tools!


Janie R.


Dear Janie,

Thank you so much for reaching out. I do remember a report from a customer who worked in a facility where people were going through a lot of emotional trauma. It was very noisy and turbulent at this place. One day he brought his Environmental Energy Harmonizer in and reported that the noise was significantly reduced and the patients seemed to be calmer. I don’t remember which Harmonizer he used, however, I would recommend the silver-plated Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, as this one seems to work best with mental and emotional issues in particular.

If your main work is individual counseling, you might consider getting a silver-plated Unity Personal Energy Harmonizer. I could see it being of great support to you and your patients.

Please let me know what tools you decide to use and what results you experience. Your work is very important, and if we can share positive results with other customers in your field it would be very beneficial.

Thanks again.



Cherishing the Moment

Those of you who receive our newsletter (sign-up here) know that I’ve set my intention this month towards cherishing those we love the most – whether that’s mom for Mother’s Day, your recent grad for graduation or perhaps even taking a moment to cherish yourself. This sentiment also gave rise to another thought: What if we take time to cherish the moment?

Have you thought of getting together with a group of people who own Light-Life Tools and work on/with each other? If you have Harmonizers you can put your intentions in there. I think it’s a very powerful and healing activity to gather together and set an intention. What would your collective celebrate? Harmony? Peace? Love? Acceptance? I think this is a wonderful example of truly cherishing the moment and those you love by gathering together for a common goal. I was listening to Archangel Haniel this Saturday and she said (like others before), that when three of us get together and set our intentions towards a goal we can achieve anything. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on what we want instead of being upset about all the things we see in the world and don’t like?

Another way to be present and “live in the now” is to practice meditation. I heard a spiritual advisor joke recently that if meditation came in a pill form everyone would be taking it! I think in this age of technology, it’s so hard for us to unwind from our phones or laptops and take time to do absolutely nothing. Meditation is needed more than ever in our lives to help us balance and return to center. What does your practice look like? Even two minutes a day is said to have tremendous health benefits. I like to take time each morning to write my intentions for the day down, sip a cup of hot water and do my meditation and prayers. I have a box as headboard which is hiding my 3 ½ Sacred and Lost Cubit heavy rings. Sitting in my bed I’m in a light tunnel created by the rings. This energy seems to add an even deeper relaxation to my meditation.

Cherishing the moment and being present may not be easy at first. It takes, like everything else, practice and support. Even when I’m traveling I have found a way to follow my routine. I have some guided meditations on my cell phone and I listen to them when I’m on a plane. I also have my prayers on my cell phone and my mantras, so when I’m traveling I am can continue my practice. I would love to know what you’re doing to stay on track and what helps you with your meditations? Please share them below or on our Facebook page. I know I’d be grateful for the tips, but more importantly we need to share our best practices with one another.

Lastly, cherishing the moment doesn’t need to be planned. All of us at one point have experienced those deep belly laughs with friends that have us doubled over with amusement. Have you ever noticed that in those moments all your worries and cares seem to slip away? While cherishing the moment is a nice sentiment, I suggest that you cherish what brings you the most joy. When was the last time you chatted with your best friend on the phone? Done a simple, silly activity like mini-golf that brought you back to joyful childhood moments?

Meditation can assist us in letting go and joy seems to bring us back to the flow of the positive energy of our universe in nanoseconds. I encourage all of you to put down your phones for a few hours and find joy in the simple things. Just being out in nature brings me a lot of joy. It brings my soul so much peace and serenity. Let’s take time this month to cherish all that we hold dear together. Gratitude is such a powerful tool and for everything we cherish that energy seems to grow and expand.

Using the Tools to Align Your Chakras

When I talk about the Pyramid Unit, it’s impossible not to immediately associate it with the solar plexus, or your third chakra. The pyramid unit is comprised of two tetrahedrons, a well known shape in sacred geometry that is almost always associated with this energy field in the body. The solar plexus, or manipura in Sanskrit, is located right above the navel. I’m no expert, but I have a strong suspicion that the phrase “she’s got guts” was derived because of the solar plexus’ location in the body.

Why should you care about your solar plexus? What significance does it have for you? Well essentially the chakras are wheels of energy that align vertically along the mid-line of the body. Among other things, they allow energy to flow from one area to another. When your chi, or life force energy, is blocked in any of these areas it can cause harm without us even realizing it until symptoms start appearing.

The solar plexus is associated with the color yellow as well as the element of fire. This important energy point gives you the ability to rise to the occasion in times of need and difficulty, or anytime you are challenged. This chakra speaks to creativity, personality, intellect and ego and gives you increased awareness and clarity of thought, along with great curiosity. When blocked or unbalanced, ego can quickly run awry. All of us are perfectly imperfect and we wouldn’t be human if our chakras didn’t get out whack. You can easily tell when your solar plexus is weakened, when you find your self-esteem in the gutter or you’re playing the victim. Your solar plexus is also off when you move far too much in the other direction and you become selfish or manipulative in order to fulfill your need to get ahead. As in most everything in life, a balanced solar plexus is key.

I think of someone with a balanced solar plexus as a natural leader. They have the ability to make thoughtful decisions, move forward with projects taking all ideas into consideration, have a healthy self-esteem (read: NOT cockiness) and applaud other’s successes. They do not need to boast of their accomplishments. I like to say that someone who has energy flowing freely through their solar plexus is one who is sitting in their own power. This energetic focal point is associated with inner fire and warrior power. Used mindfully when in balance, there’s nothing in your way!

We are constantly working to improve our processes in the shop and I find it’s important to give my extremely talented team of metalsmiths the freedom to play. The Pyramid Unit came into play when our shop manager started to explore other shapes in the sacred geometry record. The tetrahedron caught her eye. Instead of building just one, she made two that face each other, so they are constantly in a field of balance and equilibrium. One day someone on the team suggested putting a Harmonizer in the unit and the results were pretty incredible. We had a psychic reader/energy healer describe her experience with the tool:

The Pyramid Unit may assist to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that goes throughout your entire energy field body and through the mental and emotional bodies as well. It assists in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that you are flowing with your energies on all levels. The standard one without a Harmonizer may bring in the same power as all of the 16 core crystals together. So you are mimicking with this pyramid the same energies that are vibrating through the earth. As a result of this, it assists to raise your vibrations, to raise your light back into awareness, raise greater harmony physically, mentally and emotionally, raising you back into the light and the truth of who you are and assists you throughout your entire spiritual journey as well as simply the journey of your life so that you’re pulsating with radiant light to raise the vibration not only of yourself, but wherever you go.

The one with a Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer in the middle may allow you to bring back remembering essence of who you are and help you to let go of what is not to your highest good. It would be wonderful around children.

The one with a Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer in the middle may be beautiful for a person to come completely neutral, people be silent inside, still in the moment, what begins to come back up is a childlike joy. A person sitting next to it does not seem to have a story. I see this working like a spa, it is beautiful, strong and may assist you with your own physical healing, may bring you in healing and harmony. It may also help you to have a closer relationship with the divine.

The one with the  Harmonizer may also help promote love energy in spiritual environment. I see it as a spiritual and physical connector that brings in our light energy and allows DNA to shift in man. It may assist in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that energy flows smoothly on all levels. It can be placed next to one’s bed while they sleep to provide a clearing energy throughout the resting period and it may also help with cleaning the environment from pollution as well old history.

Do you own a Pyramid Unit or a Pyramid Pendant? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Have you noticed a difference with your solar plexus? Life in general? What has changed? I absolutely adore this tool and I hope it brings you just as much joy as it’s brought to my life. Something to note:  this tool wants its own place and doesn’t like to be moved around a lot. I have several of the units around my office as well as my home to keep my ego in harmony so I can move forward clearly, respectfully and can keep Slim’s legend moving forward with positive energy. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey!

The Seed of Life

The Seed of Life is an important part of the sacred geometry historical record. If you go through the archives, you’ll be inundated with countless accounts of its origin, meaning and significance today. What interests me most, is to look at how our Seed of Life unit came about.

Many moons ago, our friend Tanah was visiting from Montana. She spent some time with Slim in the shop and played around with unsoldered Plain Jane rings. She put seven together and asked Slim if he could make this configuration for her mom who had severe digestive issues. Slim put a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around it to give it some structure. Voila – the Seed of Life Light-Life Tool was born without us knowing the breadth of its power.

This shape has been a highly regarded symbol in sacred geometry for centuries. The pattern incorporates the vesica pisces and its aesthetic has traveled through time. Some argue it’s the physical representation of the birth of reality. Pretty profound I’d say! It has been called the visual representation of the start of our universe, or as many say in yoga “Om”. I think it’s also poignant to note that the symbol is attributed to Egyptian wisdom and the Sacred Cubit length we employ in our tools is derived from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

At first we donned the tool the ‘Flower of Life’ until we were educated by a sacred geometry expert that gave us the correct name: ‘Seed of Life’. As space in the shop was limited at the time, we did not go into production with this particular configuration – only one was made for our friend. In 2005, Tanah visited again and shared her experiences with the Light-Life Tools at the workshop. Tanah owns a 3,500 acre ranch where she is raising buffalo and provided us with countless tales of the animals interactions with the tools, especially how she attributes the Seed of Life to saving her dog’s life. In addition to rescuing her beloved pet, ‘The Star,’ (affectionately named by her mom), seemed to have significant impact on people on the ranch – body, mind and soul.

Tanah’s tales inspired us to put the tool into production so we could help more people. It quickly became a favorite for many healers, including myself. When I have issues like my lower back hurting or digestive issues, this tool is always close by. I also love the smaller version, which was named the Lotus Pendant as it reminded me of a Lotus Flower.

I appreciate all the writings and research Slim did about his work. His writings on the Seed of Life I found especially powerful. I’m enclosing them here just as they were written by him so many years ago.

It uplifts the consciousness into higher mind states where all is released and forgiven, knowing that with this clarity you can see the good in all your life. This is very good for individuals who get caught up in mental anguish and do not remember the source of love they were created in.

Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it. It is essential that it be at the level of the heart. The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level. When the vibration is higher, there is less discomfort.

The Seed of Life can help humanity to know their own personal truth. Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down. As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely. The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size. The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy.

Have you had a chance to experience the power of this tool firsthand? If so, please share your comments below or on our Facebook page. It’s so important that we share these findings so we can continue to feel better and grow. Let’s expand the awareness of the tools around the globe by Harmonizing the World – One Community At a Time.


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