Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Slim Spurling (Page 3 of 3)

Ask Katharina

Dear Katharina,

Unfortunately, I don’t think my tool is working anymore! I used to sleep with a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring underneath my bed religiously as it helped me with my insomnia. Now I find that it feels like the ring is actually keeping me awake. What could be causing this issue? Is there a way to fix it?

Thank you,

Josefina S., Denver, CO

Dear Josefina,

Thank you so much for writing. Your question is not unusual as these are energy based or frequency based tools. Our frequencies are constantly changing and therefore it would only be natural for you to experience a shift over time. Here are some possible explanations as to why this particular tool no longer seems to suit your needs:

  • Your frequency has gone up! This seems to be the most common reason why customers claim their tools are “no longer working”. Think about when you first bought the tool. Now close your eyes and do a body scan. Are you happier? Lighter? More open? More in tune with your divine? If you answered yes, then you might need a small break from this particular ring and might want to try something that operates at an even higher frequency such as a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Ring. This is great news! The tool isn’t broken, you are evolving and I applaud you for all the hard-work you are doing on self-growth.
  • Your frequency has gone down. Unfortunately, this happens too. Have you had a bout of bad news? A death in the family? Financial troubles? Stress can live in the body and slow down our frequencies. Do not despair as this too shall pass! I suggest doing some extra meditation in the morning or in the evenings to help center yourself. If you incorporate this practice daily into your life, it can do wonderful things. Try doing the meditation outside the ring and inside the ring. When you come back to the present and let go of the outside stressors, you can raise your vibration and bring yourself and your body back into alignment. Still having trouble sleeping? My question would also be – how do you feel in the morning? I’ve had people tell me that even though they felt the rings kept them awake, they still felt refreshed and recharged in the morning.
  • You need to recharge the tools and reset your intentions. Do you have a cleansing ritual that you enjoy? It’s especially poignant right now as we just enjoyed a full moon. I like to burn sage while some of my staff enjoys burning palo santo. You can set the ring in the sunshine, much like you would do with a crystal. Whatever you feel will reset or purify the energy. Then I ask you to hold the ring in your arms or sit inside it (whatever feels most comfortable) and reset your intentions. You can also hold the ring and run it through your hands as if climbing a rope and focus on resetting your intention while you do this. Yours will be towards sleep, self-care, rest and rejuvenation. Try this out and let me know how it is working for you!



Personal Harmonizers - Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,

I noticed that my Personal Harmonizer is tarnishing and the coating seems to be a bit cloudy. Is there anything I can do to delay this process? Why is this happening?

Thank you,

Samuel B., Boston, MA

Dear Samuel,

As we know, Slim built the tools based upon sacred geometry and physics. Copper is a superconductor and is the base metal for all of our tools. When left to its own devices, copper will oxidize and produce a green patina. There’s no reason for alarm! Copper is just behaving how it would naturally. This is actually a good thing. Any metal or gemstone, when placed against the skin is going to have a natural chemical reaction. Silver naturally oxides to black, white gold naturally becomes more yellow over time and turquoise can change significantly from a bright blue to a green! You are witnessing natural chemistry in action. While I can sympathize with you not wanting your tool to look “aged”,  I think it’s important to understand how powerful a metal copper is at conducting energy. The tool may not be as effective if it didn’t have a copper base.

The “cloudiness” you are experiencing most likely is because of the lacquering. It is a sealant process on the top coat of the metal. While lacquering can be quite advantageous to fine jewelry and metals, it also can produce a cloudy surface if the underlying metal oxidization process is rapid. It’s been my observation over the years that if a customer has quite a bit of healing to do or energy to shift, it would cause the oxidation process of the metal to speed up quite significantly. You may choose to purchase un-lacquered pendants moving forward with the knowledge that the metal color will change, but perhaps it’s a good thing! In my opinion, it strikes me almost like a mood ring. Again, in this particular instance the lacquer is just doing its job and trying to slow down the oxidation process, but apparently it can’t keep up with all the healing you are doing! 🙂

You are more than welcome to send the Personal Harmonizer back to our shop for a tune up if the aesthetic no longer suits you. We offering re-plating and re-lacquering services. Please contact our office for cost information if you wish to do so.: (303) 833-9033.




Fracking – The Ugly Truth


Each morning as my employees drive into work they are greeted with the visual delights of mountain ranges, fields, horses, ponds and the idyllic countryside. Unfortunately this landscape has been been peppered with ugly enormous green structures which do their best to hide the environmentally damaging process, fracking.

Fracking is a process drilling deep into the earth and then shooting water, sand and chemicals at high speeds into rock to release gas or fuel. What might be a financial gain for the multi-billion dollar fossil fuel industry is a detrimental loss to the environment. The short term benefit can wreak havoc on our environment for years to come. This process has been linked to contaminated ground water, releasing carcinogens in the air and even is attributed to be the cause of earthquakes. Not a nice way to treat Mother Earth is it? I’m aware that people are into fracking because of the money will tell you the opposite, and have many arguments to make you believe it doesn’t do any harm. I’m sure if it wasn’t about the money they wouldn’t care.

Slim Spurling's Light-LIfe Tools

Most of you who know me well by now, know that I wouldn’t bring light to a problem, especially one this big, without offering a new perspective. While we are all acutely aware of how much  trouble our environment is in, there are millions of us who are working in the opposite direction towards peace, harmony and love for this beautiful planet. The Light-Life Tools were originally designed by Slim Spurling for this very purpose. How lucky are we, that we get to reap the benefits of these revolutionary tools while they are working hard to repair the ground, water and air around us?

The Light-Life Harmonizers are built upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Using the cubit lengths originally found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, each Harmonizer serves a different purpose. The first Harmonizers Slim Spurling created were all in the Sacred Cubit measurement and they worked for cleaning the environmental atmosphere as well as for agricultural purposes, to achieve higher yield without additional pesticides. What we found once we made Harmonizers in the Lost Cubit measurement was that they worked much faster on plant growth and seemed to also be the better choice for cleaning water and soil. If you are in an area where fracking is abundant, much like where our office is in Colorado, you may want to activate your Lost Cubit Agricultural Harmonizer.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

What makes the Harmonizers so special is that not only do they benefit the environment, but they benefit us as well. When you have a Harmonizer in your home or office you are continuously clearing out negative energy and replacing it with amplified scalar, or life force energy. We’ll let Slim describe the changes that often occur:

We introduced one of our very early, very primitive Agricultural Harmonizers (Sacred Cubit) into a detox center where a chiropractor friend was treating some of the inmates. He just walked in, set the Harmonizer on the director’s desk and said, “I’ll be back in a little while.” When he walked in, it was bedlam- men and women screaming and hollering, struggling with their detox symptoms. He said in two minutes flat, it was quiet in that building. Two minutes flat.


From the day I was first introduced to the tools it’s been my unwavering mission to get the tools into as many hands as possible. Think about it for a moment. If every community had a Light-Life Harmonizer and had it activated at the same time what would happen? Slim believed that we could one day achieve world peace. Were his ambitions lofty? Perhaps, but if you are ever feeling hopeless and depressed about the world around you, know that the simple action of buying a Harmonizer for yourself or a loved one can be a huge step towards that goal. Your purchase of a Light-Life Harmonizer could reduce the harmful effects of fracking and that is no small feat! We may never be able to convince corporations or administrations to change their ways, but do not lose faith. It was a very wise man who once said “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.”


Please activate your Harmonizer or consider buying one today not only for yourself, but for the health of our planet. As always, I want to hear how this is working for you. Please be sure to share your experiences on our Facebook wall.


What’s Lost is Now Found

Many of you already know that our tools have been built based upon principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics, but do you know the historical reference of the cubit? The cubit is a length of measurement that was first found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world that still exists today! The cubits were so precisely measured that if any of the workers significantly deviated from this stringent guideline that the punishment was often death. Makes you wonder: were the Egyptians only intent on being precise or was their something larger at play? Turns out the cubit lengths, or neter lengths, each have specific properties that directly correlate with our universe. Let me explain.

1/2 Lost Cubit Light-LIfe RIght

1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring

In his book, In The Mind of a Master, Slim explains that there are probably about 64 different neter lengths and only nineteen of those are readily available today. The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring is based upon the cubit length found in the Pharoah’s chamber or final resting place. We have discovered through time that this cubit length is related to all that is physical or earthly. I’ve seen remarkable healing take place with the use of the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring from easing discomfort to helping with sleep. It’s daily applications seem to be endless and I talk about this more in a previous entry. (Link to sacred cubit blog). What I’d like to focus on this month as we set our intentions towards transition is the Lost Cubit.

This cubit was originally discovered by Hans Becker in 2006. One Lost Cubit Light-LIfe Ring has a frequency of 177 mHz. Slim described in relation to the Sacred Cubit as the atmosphere is to the earth. When the discovery was made it was quickly deemed the ‘forbidden cubit’ as it seemed many of the records about this power neter length had been destroyed in the historical record. I’ll let Slim explain:

Truly transformative power is often kept back from the general audience and held in the hands of a chosen few.

Early professional reports point to effects consciously and willfully created when an intention is fueled by a strong emotional content felt within the researcher’s physical body. As of late, what some healers are noticing is that the tensor field of the Lost Cubit functions much like a lens or a window, which allows them to view information that is stored in the Akashic records. When a Lost Cubit Ring is held over a client or chakra or problematic area, deeper knowledge appears to be transferred or picked up by the field inside the ring. It deals more with the atmosphere or aura of a person, there being an analogy, and it deals more with the mental and emotional issues we human beings experience. We find, often times, a release from long standing emotional or mental problems when using the Lost Cubit.

How lucky are we that Hans and Slim re-discovered this ancient technology and it’s now readily available for you to incorporate in your daily life? As you may remember, I’ve had the honor and privilege of working with Akiko Stein, a student of the late Dr. Emoto.  Dr. Emoto was a researcher who discovered that our thoughts have an affect on the molecular structure of water. I gave Ms. Stein ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings for her research and previously posted on our findings when she incorporated the ½ Sacred Cubit into her studies. It gives me great pleasure to present to you the images she created when incorporating the Lost Cubit Light-Light Ring (½ Cubit, 24 kt gold plated with 3 beads) into her studies. It’s phenomenal when you stop to think that over 70% of your body is made out of water. Can you imagine what the Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring could do for you? It’s nice to have a visual representation of Slim’s explanation:

The light from the ring penetrates everything in its path. Since the human body is about 70-80% water, this light goes deep into the cells, generating positive healing effects at the cellular level. The rings appear to relax the cell membranes and allow for better oxygen/ nutrient/ waste transport in and out of the cells.

This remarkable tool has a variety of uses for your health and wellness. It’s assumed that this measurement was ‘lost’ or ‘forbidden’ as it’s said to help with longevity and rejuvenation which the pharaohs, or Egyptian royalty, wanted to keep only for themselves! We also know that this ring is connected to your emotions or mental state. Some call this ring the ‘manifestation ring’! I have heard enough stories in my day from our loving Light-Life community to truly believe this sentiment. Recently we’ve had a customer manifest a place to stay in a town that was notorious for a housing crunch. If you have something in your life you wish to manifest think about it carefully and put as many details into the intention that you possibly can as the universe is listening! I suggest that you speak the intention out loud while holding the ring in front of you. Please be sure to let me know how this is working for you and share your stories on our Facebook page!

Tap water sitting in a 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring Overnight, then frozen

Another great use for this tool is focus. My Marketing Director will often wear a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around her neck, like a necklace, when she needs to focus or she will place one on her chair to sit on before she begins her day. In the 3 ½ Cubit Length, this ring makes an excellent tool for meditation or an aura shower. If you’ve come home from a crazy day in the city or a big conference try moving this ring from your head to your toes to clear your energy and return to center.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring – 3 1/2 Cubits

The ways in which you decide to incorporate the Lost Cubit Light-Life ring into your life are endless and I ask you to do so respectfully. Please remember how this cubit received it’s name. We are proud to bring you this ancient technology and we want you to remember the responsibly associated with its power. When you move forward with love and an open mind, the possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to see all the incredible things that you manifest in your life!


Ask Katharina

Weight Loss and the Light-Life Tools

Dear Katharina,

Are any of your tools able to help me with weight loss? I just started a diet and exercise program and I’d see if any of the tools can aid in my progress. I got a serious talking to from my doctor and I need to make significant changes.

Thank you,

Shirley K., Pittsburgh, PA

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools, Cubit Rings

Light-Life Tools: Cubit Rings

Dear Shirley,

As you know, weight gain can have many different causes and therefore there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. However, I’ve had many reports from customers on how they’ve used the tools as a weight loss aid. Here are some examples for you to try:

  • Place several 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings underneath your bed, right underneath the area where you sleep. I had a distributor who lent some to her friend for this purpose. When she went to pick the rings up again two weeks later, she noticed the friend had lost some weight. Her friend claimed she didn’t do anything different in her diet and attributed the weight loss to the Light-Life Rings under her bed.
  • Place a 2 Sacred Cubit Light-Ring around your waist and wear it everyday for several weeks. This has reported to help a customer slim down.
  • Drink super potentized water! You can find out more about this process and its overall health benefits in my previous blog entry. Drinking super potentized water is said to have a detox effect and may help you flush out unwanted toxins that hold the weight.

Unfortunately there is no quick fix for weight loss or else we’d all be involved! By practicing healthy eating habits and focusing on the end result and not on where you are right now in combination with some Light-Life Rings may help expedite your process. Recently I started focusing on my health a bit more and have incorporated dark green vegetables, protein, and healthy fats (such as avocados or walnuts) into my diet. I’m proud to report I’ve dropped a few pounds by eating more of those and drinking super potentized water daily.

I hope this helps. Please keep me posted on what worked best for you.



Dear Katharina,

I suffer from intense migraines that have been debilitating. I’m unable to work at the moment and I’ve been on disability. I’m willing to try anything! Someone suggested your tools and I’m curious to see what you’d recommend.


Paul S., Tucson, AZ

Dear Paul,

I’m so sorry to hear about your suffering. Unfortunately I am not a health professional and therefore cannot give you any medical advice. However, I do know that migraines have a variety of causes. Here are some  questions for you that might help you determine the root issue and may help you free yourself from this debilitating pain.

  • Are you only experiencing migraines only at home or do they happen anywhere? If it is mostly at home it could be due to geopathic stress. Slim describes a case in his book, In the Mind of a Master, where his client started to get migraines when she moved to a new house. Once Slim eliminated the geopathic stress the migraine completely disappeared. We may be able to connect you with dowsers who would be able to perform this work for you remotely. If you’re interested please contact me and I will connect you with one of them.
  • What type of  exposure do you have to EMFs (electromagnetic fields)? Excessive exposure can bring all kind of health hazards including migraines. I talk about this subject in detail in last week’s blog.
  • Did your migraines start after you had surgery with anesthesia? When we do not protect ourselves before we go into surgery we can sometimes bring home unwanted guests. This happened to me once. According to our clairvoyant community, there are spirits that hang around at the hospital looking for another ‘host’. Believe it or not this can also happen when you are drunk or use recreational drugs as you open your aura to outside influences. But there are people out there that specialize in removing those unwanted guests.

Let me know if any of those scenarios may be true for you and if you would like further help.

Wishing you best of luck!



Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Amazon’s Alexa – Friend or Foe?

Amazon's Alexa

When was the last time you thought about an electromagnetic field (EMF)? Not on your radar? Ok, when was the last time you asked Alexa or Siri a question? Right, I thought so. As the digital age continues to evolve so does our technology and how we use it daily. Due to my accent, Siri and I don’t communicate very well, which is fine with me. However, my Marketing Director loves her Google assistant and she uses it for almost everything. At first I thought our differences might be age related, but then I remembered that some of my older friends are on Facebook and they seem to use technology just as frequently as the younger generation. According to the Pew Research Center, about 95% of Americans now own a cell phone. Maybe you haven’t thought much about EMFs lately, but I’m sure you’ve wondered once or twice about how all that cell phone use will affect your health. Don’t worry, I definitely won’t be telling you to give up your mobile devices! As those who know me well, I don’t like to talk about problems without offering a solution.

This month as we set our intentions towards protection, I immediately thought about EMFs and how important it is to protect yourself from their harmful rays. Before you can properly armor yourself, many of you may first need to be educated as the key phrase of ‘electromagnetic field’ is not readily found in the everyday lexicon.

Let me explain. Every time any of us uses an electronic device there are two types of alternating energy fields being emitted from the supercharged object: electric and magnetic. While this might not seem to be significant at first, it should be noted what natural occurrences of this phenomenon exist on our planet. Thunderstorms are a perfect example of a build-up of natural electricity in the atmosphere. Man-made EMFs are created when we watch television, operate a microwave or simply talk on our cell phone.

And then there is another aspect to it that people seem to forget. We also have an electromagnetic field around our body! Human electric energy is generated by chemical processes in our nerve cells. It is important that we keep our own electromagnetic field strong by focusing on positive things. If we become stressed out and start creating negative thoughts, such as anger or hate, we can cause harm to our own field. The more we focus on positive thoughts and actions, it seems the stronger our field becomes.

Why should you be concerned? Well scientists have determined that EMFs can be harmful to our health. In smaller naturally occurring quantities the body can absorb them and return to center. In larger quantities, many the result of our recent technology boom, the EMFs can adversely affect how you sleep, zap your energy, cause migraines and be the source of many other mental and physical issues. If that isn’t enough, extensive exposure to EMFs can cause premature aging of your cells! Don’t just take my word for it. There are extensive studies provided by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine that demonstrate how cell phone use can adversely affect bone density and have also been linked to breast cancer. In fact the World Health Organization has recently claimed that EMFs are one of the fastest growing environmental concerns.

Light-Life Rings Around Computer Router

Now that I’ve captured your attention to the severity of the problem, I’m sure you’re ready for tu can convince them to protect themselves. Case in point? Many of the Light-Life Tools can help you to protect yourself. The invention of our Light-Life Phone Rings which can easily be attached to the back of your cell phone is just one of them.

1 Sacred Light-Life (R) Ring

A Sacred Light-Life Ring, 1 Cubit, is said to emit a frequency of 144 mHz

The Light-Life Tools are built on the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. While I wasn’t the scientist in my relationship with Slim, I can still speak to how they harness life force or chi energy. When surrounded in this powerful healing energy (for example, a one Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring has a frequency of 144 mHz) you are raising the natural vibration of your body. If you read my blog on frequencies you’ll better understand the concept. For example, disease and death sink in when we are operating at about 28 Hz and we naturally operate at about 65 Hz. When we raise our natural frequency we are less susceptible to EMFs and their often negative or disruptive waves. Additionally, when we surround an EMF omitting object with a Light-Life Ring, we are essentially neutralizing the field where the EMFs can travel. They are now contained within the ring. A pretty simple, yet remarkable discovery!

How can you protect yourself from EMFs? A simple suggestion is to limit electronic use, but realistically I know that option is not as readily available as we might like. For example, I’m writing this blog entry on my laptop! With the Light-Life Tools in your hands you can start to feel protected. I put them over my computer router, my laptop, my landline telephone, lamps and the television. I normally use the Sacred Cubit Rings but I believe any of our rings would be beneficial towards the cause. Additionally, I would recommend having a silver plated Light-Life Harmonizer in your home as our health practitioner community reported  that silver has a better effect on combatting EMF than gold. I would also suggest putting a Light-Life Ring around the microwave. I got rid of that particular electronic device immediately after I moved here from Germany, over seventeen years ago. It’s probably one of the smartest decisions you can make for yourself in EMF protective care.

Is Alexa your friend or foe? Well, I’m not going to weigh in on that conversation any time soon. Alexa might not be the best choice for our health, but she is essential to our development in this age of technology. I believe we can live in peace with our electronics when we place them inside of a Light-Life Ring. Think of it as giving your new virtual assistant a nice necklace for all her hard work that keeps both of you out of harm’s way. Please be sure to let me know how you are feeling after you put your Light-Life Tools to use!

Reasons to Celebrate!

Ever wonder why we celebrate birthdays? It’s not something I usually ponder, but as I set my intentions towards celebration this month I started to think more about the festivities that surround one’s day of birth. We may never know it’s origin as babies were born long before the written word. Perhaps it’s always been a joyous day that is celebrated each year from birth until death. However, the earliest known record is from the bible, about 3,000 BC from Genesis 4:20. So that makes me feel not so bad that I started celebrating my birthdays when I got older. When I was younger I didn’t want  people make a fuss over it, however, since I’m older, I love celebrating my birthdays and friends and families birthdays as well. I’m celebrating life and that I am on this beautiful planet at this time being around amazing people doing very rewarding work.

Thus it came about on the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that he made a feast for all his servants;and he lifted up the head of the chief cup bearer and the head of the chief baker among his servants.

The Egyptians started the party, but the Greeks are the ones who gave us the tradition that many would agree is the most important: the birthday cake! Not originally intended for birthday celebrations at all, the Greeks would offer lunar shaped cakes to their moon goddess, Artemis. They started adding candles to the cakes to symbolize the moon’s bright glow. And while we appreciate their contribution, it should be duly noted that at this time only religious figures, such as Pharohs, Gods or Goddesses were worthy of any attention on their birthday. The Romans busted through this golden rule when they started acknowledging well-respected dignitaries on their big day. Still missing from the festivities? Women!

What I find most interesting as I looked into the history of the birthday celebration is that Jesus didn’t even get a nod in the first four centuries! The Christians believed that birthdays were a Pagan tradition and did not practice any sort of celebration for anyone’s birth, even their savior! It’s a riot to think of what Christmas has become in modern day.

It also evoked laughter when I learned my country of origin, Germany, was a huge influencer on modern day birthday rituals. In the 18th century Germany started Kinderfeste, which was a huge jubilee that mothers put together for the children, or the kinder, of their hometown.

One powerful player in the birthday trajectory that often doesn’t get a lot of credit is China. The Chinese government notoriously censored much of the literature throughout the ages so the time of origin is quite blurry, but the Chinese find a ton of importance in the year of birth and the symbolic animal that is associated with that year. My Marketing Director is born in the year of the goat which seems fitting as she is astrologically coined as a Capricorn! China doesn’t get much credit for their birthday contributions as traditionally you were given noodles to eat that represented the wishes for longevity and prosperity in one’s life.

There are so many celebrations throughout the year, but it’s been fun to explore the history of the birthday party. Slim’s birthday is in July and it always marks a good time for me to pause and think about all of his contributions. My life was forever changed after our fortuitous meeting in 1997. The Light-Life Tools were Slim’s life work and soon became mine after I learned firsthand about their powerful healing properties. I hope you’ll join me this month as I celebrate all that we learned from Slim. While there are so many birthday traditions in the world, I hope you’ll join me as I activate my Harmonizer in his honor and set my intentions towards celebration. Just think if all of us joined in together each year on this practice? The world would be a very joyous and exuberant place indeed. Until then, wishing you many blessings and many reasons to celebrate!

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

The Light-Life Harmonizers are all built using various cubit lengths

April Intentions: Restoration

Tree Planting

Here in Colorado we’ve welcomed April with a snow shower! However, our thoughts and the intentions are set towards spring and restoration. April marks Earth Day, which is celebrated by approximately 250 Million people around the globe. Environmental conservation has gone mainstream and we’re so grateful for it as the earth desperately needs our attention. I’m a big believer in positive energies and raising your vibration. Instead of focusing on all the damage we’ve caused Mother Earth, I’d like to focus this month on what we can do to help restore her beauty. You could plant a tree, make a promise to only buy sustainable goods, get involved with local environmental legislation or you could simply buy an Environmental Harmonizer.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Slim created the Light-Life® Harmonizer with the earth’s restoration and health in mind. It was a happy coincidence to discover that this powerful tool could also bring many benefits to our personal lives. He also wanted to help farmers to get better crop without the use of harmful pesticides, hence the Agricultural Harmonizer was born. The healers in his community finally persuaded him to create a smaller version that they could wear around their neck when working with clients. The  Personal Harmonizers are result of that, which have evolved over time and are available now in all three Cubit measurements, the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit. Our Light-Life® Jewelry was not far away. We’ve recently been reviewing Slim’s writings and came across this powerful thought:

The Environmental Harmonizer may be used in clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farms fields flourish in its environment. Plants grow lush, full and strong. Birds, butterflies and worms thrive and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive beneficial energy.

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

We cannot give any guarantees as there are so many factors that influence the outcome of working with the Light-Life Tools. They are energy based and if someone is operating at a lower frequency than the tools will have a less powerful effect. However, my expectation is as the collective conscious continues to grow that our tools will be more widely accepted. Let’s not forget that there was a time when people believed that the world was flat! And that without a scientist’s mistake, Penicillin, a drug created from mold to fight infection, would never been achieved. Before restoration can truly occur, there needs to be acceptance and a truly open mind.

Matrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K

Maxtrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K Gold Plating

As we set our intention towards restoration we have to accept responsibility for what has happened to our planet. While passing the blame might be top of mind as pollution is generational, nothing will be accomplished until we have acceptance that we are all in this together. We only have one earth and we need to nurture and restore her together.

Slim was once questioned in an interview if world peace could be obtained with use of the Harmonizers. He humbly said “I don’t see why not!” Slim was a man of discovery, research and action. He and his friends joined together for the
Denver Clearing Project. If more people joined together in these types of efforts imagine what we could do! We encourage you to join our community in conversation, workshops and stay tuned for our webinars which will be launched later in the year. However you choose to approach restoration this month, remember one thing: It starts with you.

Going Green for Earth Day

Ask Katharina

Questions and curiosity are an everyday part of my work with the Light-Life® Tools. Recently, I brought on a new Marketing Director, and she encouraged me to start sharing some of the questions I receive publicly so that everyone can benefit from the knowledge shared. Do you have a question? Don’t be shy to reach out and ask! At IX-EL, Inc. we encourage everyone to let go of judgement to make room for enlightenment. Here are a collection of questions I’ve received recently which I think are rightly aligned with our intentions of cleansing and renewal in the month of March.  Enjoy!

-Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life® Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water


Dear Katharina,

Even into adulthood I seem to struggle with acne. Is it possible to utilize the tools to attain clearer skin?


Brittany S.

Light-Life (R) Tools Feedback Loop

Light-Life® Feedback Loop, one of the tools found in our practitioner set


Dear Brittany,

Acne is something that many of us have struggled with at some point in our lives! While some would think of this as a purely aesthetic discussion, your face is the first thing other people see and I believe that breakouts can lead to a breakdown of self-confidence. I remember Slim telling me a story once of a gentleman who drank plentiful amounts of super potentized water and his entire face cleared up in a matter of about six weeks! Although I cannot guarantee the same results, I do suggest you give it a try. You can find out how to potentize your water by watching one of our videos or reading more in our blog.

Warm regards,


Work Stress can be negated utilizing the Light-Life (R) Tools

Dear Katharina,

My work environment has been slightly toxic and extremely stressful lately. Do you have any suggestions on working with the tools to help restore me back to center after a long, hard day?

Thank you,

James P.


1 Lost Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring


Dear James,

Well we wouldn’t be human if we weren’t susceptible to stress. It’s a daily part of life and it’s truly a life-long practice to learn how to move through each day with openness, strength and centeredness. The tools are a great instrument to help bring you back to center. I have three suggestions that you might want to try:

  • Place a 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring on top of your head for increased focus and clarity. You may also consider sitting on top of one if you think your desk mates might give you a weird look if placed on your crown. 🙂
  • Try wearing one of our Lotus Pendants underneath your work shirt. One of my friends was in the midst of an immense amount of chaos that was causing her to feel emotional discomfort and overwhelm. She immediately felt a huge sense of relief after putting the pendant on, and it continued over time.
  • You may want to try wearing a Unity Personal Harmonizer as our clients have reported excellent results of re-centering and balance. In addition, the tool seems to protect the user from unfriendly people. Harmonizers are said to create spherical light fields around them. They can restore harmony not only to the wearer but they may help reset the energy of those who come in contact with the field.can

As always, please keep me posted on what method you choose and let me know how it is working for you. I can talk about the results I’ve seen, but it’s so much more powerful when we have our clients provide us with testimonials of how the tools are affecting their lives. May a much more stress-free zone be right around the corner for you!

Warm regards,


Unity Light-Life (R) Personal Harmonizer Pendant

Unity Light-Life® Personal Harmonizer Pendant

Dear Katharina,

About a year ago I lost my beautiful wife to cancer. While I want to give myself ample space to grieve, I also know that I can’t wallow in this space of sadness forever. I want to start moving through this pain so I can be a happy, productive soul again one day, if not for myself, for our three beautiful children. I love your tools and would appreciate your guidance on how to help me move through this tough time.

-Mike G.

The Light-Life (R) Tools are said to help with grief.

Dear Mike,

I am so sorry for your loss. The only certainty we seem to have in life is that one day it will come to an end, and for some that ending feels way too soon. I had a woman in Germany who lost her brother suddenly and wanted to help her sister-in-law heal. She used the 3 ½ Sacred and Lost Cubit Light-Life®  Rings as well as Light-Life® Feedback Loop to provide her sister with an “aura shower”. First she had her sister stand and held the 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring over her sister’s head and slowly brought it all the way down to her feet. She then did the same with the 3 ½ Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring. After this process she encouraged her sister to lay down and did a body scan with our Large Lost Light-Life® Feedback Loop. The results were immediate and easily noticeable to the family present. Her sister’s body and face moved fairly quickly from strain and trauma associated with the sudden passing of her loved one to a relaxed place of peace. I recommend that you work with a close loved one or knowledgeable healer to provide yourself with your own “aura shower” and see if it provides you with the same sense of centering. It’s been 10 years since Slims’s passing and you’ll often find me wearing my 1/4 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Lotus Pendant.  I found it helped me move through the grief.

Warm regards,


3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring

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