Welcome October! October is such an amazing rite of passage. Nature shifts her last expression of warmth into the crisp coolness of mid-fall. We celebrate the bounty of the fall harvest with pumpkins, squashes, gourds, leafy greens and root vegetables. Baking returns as a pastime and everything pumpkin is on our palate. It is also a time to have outdoor bonfires or a fire indoors if you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove. How cozy!
The full moon in October is called the “Falling Leaf” moon. After a show of incredibly vibrant, warm glows of golden yellows, burnt oranges, flame reds and deep burgundies, the falling leaves signal the shift toward turning inward for the waning cycle that is necessary for all life. It’s also a metaphor for letting go. October is a wonderful time for deep meditation and to focus on reflecting inward.
The Light-Life Tools were developed by Slim Spurling as a way to help to heal the Earth and all living things. This month we’d like to introduce you to the Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is a configuration of eight rings; seven 24K gold plated ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings inside a 24K gold plated 1 Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring.
Let’s hear what Slim Spurling had to say about the applications of Seed of Life: “Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it. It is essential that it be at the level of the heart. The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level. When the vibration is higher, there is less pain.
I created the Seed of Life in order that humanity may know their own personal truth. Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down. As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely.
The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size. The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy. Rubbing your hand quickly back and forth across the Seed of Life in a straight motion helps to balance and clear the energy before each use. Do not go in a circular motion, so as not to disrupt the matrix. Moving the Seed of Life slowly up and down when concentrating on a specific area puts the energy into motion and seems to kick it up a notch. We found that the Seed of Life works extremely well in healing sessions. We are getting a lot of positive feedback from users of this tool and continue to research its potential.”
It was originally designed for the mother of a friend who was experiencing severe health issues. Here is a summary of her report. You can read the full report in the book In the Mind of a Master. “I got the call from Mother shortly after she left the emergency room with a diagnosis of double pneumonia and a strong recommendation to be admitted immediately. She was calling from the ranch, an hour’s drive from the hospital. I was in Colorado on business. I called Slim to see if he had any special magic for her and, thank goodness, his place was on my way. He handed me one of the prototypes of the Seed of Life units and another strange thing he had just come up with. It looked like a wire cage shaped like an oxygen mask, with a light elastic strap tied on. He said, “Have her breathe through this, and it should make a world of difference.” It did! When I arrived home, Mother was truly very ill and weak. She also had huge, red, and grossly swollen fever blisters all over her nose and mouth. She held the Seed of Life over her chest, and we placed the “mask” over her nose and mouth just like an oxygen mask. Of course she was on antibiotics and every natural medicine I could get down her, but she just wanted to sleep, and did for nearly 24 hours.
I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast trying to be quiet, when Mother walked around the corner. It was the first time I had seen her in bright sunlight, and I was shocked! She had good color and smiled and said she felt good enough to help out with dishes at least. I could not take my eyes off of her face … the fever blisters were small scabs and all the swelling and redness were gone! These things usually take weeks to dry up. Mother did not stay up, as we all drove her back to bed. Mother takes forever to get over these kinds of illnesses, but not this time. She got plenty of rest and we did give her lots of love, but she was up and dressed within two days. From that day forward, she literally went nowhere without her Star.”
This tool should always be cleared between people using it. Lay it on a flat surface and move your flat hand north to south – and east to west a couple of times. Don’t use a circular direction as that will disrupt the energy.
The Seed of Life is available in 24K gold or silver plating and is our featured tool. From October 15th – 22nd, buy one and receive downloadable copy of the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe, for free!!
For more information on our full line of Life-Light Technology Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com
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Slim Spurling held a vision to help the earth and humanity. The Light-Life Tools he created are a gift to us all, and his continued efforts to expand and evolve what he developed led to many amazing new tools that we now have access to. Thank you Slim!
We at Light-Life Technology want you to have the best experience possible and help you sense your highest energy potential. Enjoy October as a passage into the season of slowing down, getting in touch with yourself and letting go! Above all, enjoy the coziness of fall!