Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Remote Healing

Celebrate! – July 2019

Fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July

Welcome July! Summer now has a firm hold on all of us. July is typically the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere, and the “Dog Days” of summer began around July 3. There are many reasons to celebrate in July – Canada Day on July 1, Independence Day on July 4 (USA) and Bastille Day on July 14 (France), just to name a few.

This month we also celebrated the late Slim Spurling’s birthday on July 3! Slim would have been 81 this year, and his legacy and vision live on through the Light-Life Tools.

Slim Spurling

Click on each photo to learn more about the tools.

There are so many more Light-Life Tools – Lotus Pendants, Pyramid Units, Finger Rings – the list goes on. I’d like to focus this month on one of Slim’s first discoveries – the Acu-Vac Coil.

Slim described the Acu-Vac Coils as working much like a vacuum cleaner. They are said to pull negative energy out on one end of the coil and said to project positive energy from the other end. The drawing in, or suction end, is furthest from the bead. This has been verified with scientific research. The further away the coil is from your body, the stronger the effect seems to be. After pulling out the unbeneficial energy, you will want to turn the coil around and point the end with the bead to the area you have been working on to fill it with light energy. The Acu-Vac Coil can also be used for long distance healing by using a picture of the person that needs assistance.

The original Acu-Vac Coils were made of plain copper. Silver and 24k gold plating were later added to increase the vibration, speed and smoothness of its action. Later on, sterling silver coils were determined to be beneficial as well.

There are so many uses and applications for the Acu-Vac Coil, here a just a few:

And so much more!

Slim wanted to find a way to help heal the Earth and leave it a better place than when he started. Even though he is no longer with us in the physical plane, his legacy, vision, and true desire to help and heal live on in every Light-Life Tool we make and continue to create.

If you would like to learn more about Slim Spurling and the Light-Life Tools, please visit www.lightlifetechnology.com. While you’re there, sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know about other upcoming celebrations and promotions.

If you would like a hands-on experience with the tools and are passionate about continuing Slim’s quest to restore the health of the environment and humankind, there are still seats available for our upcoming workshop!

Introduction and Applications of the Light-Life Tools

Presented by Katharina Spurling-Kaffl
July 12-13, 2019
Winchester Medical and Health
28 East Waterloo Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Click here for more information

At Light-Life Technology, it has always been our mission to continue Slim’s legacy and to ensure that YOU have the energy and vitality you need to live your most amazing life! Have a happy and safe July, and enjoy all there is to celebrate!

Warm regards,


Ask Katharina – June 2019

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, President and CEO of Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,
I purchased my Agricultural Harmonizer many years ago, and I love it! Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten the procedure for clearing the harmonizer and re-activating it with the Environmental Clearing CD. Could you please refresh my memory on the technique and also the range when activated? Thank you so very much for your help!
Sherri B.

Dear Sherri,
I am happy to refresh your memory on the clearing of the Agricultural Energy Harmonizer. What you do is very simple. You place it in the 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring it came with and leave it there overnight. That’s all it takes. We cannot really give an exact range anymore due to the significant increase in pollution and wireless technology worldwide. If you’re living in a rural area it may go out up to 65 miles, however, when you’re close to a city or many cell phone towers its range may be much less. If you want it to go to a specific area you can always put your Harmonizer on a map of the area, put the ring around it, activate the CD and put your intention for the need of the area in it, i.e. calming down a storm, bringing rain, reducing the effects of chemtrails and air pollution, etc..

I hope this helps. Please share your experiences with us.

Warm regards,

PS: If you have other Light-Life Tools and don’t remember how to use them, I highly recommend getting the book In the Mind of a Master by Susan Anderson and Slim Spurling. It’s a great reference guide and a good read with transcripts of some of Slim’s talks.

Dear Katharina,
My son lives in Japan, and recently he’s been having terrible sciatic nerve pain from an old sports injury. I was wondering which of the Light-Life Tools would work the best for remote healing. I’ve heard that sterling silver works wonderfully, but I just read on your website about the Acu-Vac coils and remote healing. Any advice would be truly appreciated!
Judy A.

Dear Judy,
I’m sorry to hear your son is having terrible sciatic nerve pain. I’ve experienced it myself and it is no fun at all. For long distance work all Acu-Vac Coils seem to work fine. You would need to get a full body picture of him, put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around it and point the Acu-Vac Coil (the bead pointing away from the picture) to the area of his pain. Remember to add your intention to relieve him from his discomfort. If you’re a dowser you could dowse to see if the Sterling Silver Acu-Vac Coil would work better in his case or not.

I hope this helps and your son’s health is fully restored.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I am curious to learn more about the Empowerment Cubit. Would you please share more information with me? I don’t seem to find much on the internet.
Thank you.
Lisa N.

Dear Lisa,
The measurement for the Empowerment Cubit was given to me by a gentleman. His spirit guides recommended he call me to inquire if I was open to receiving the information. I was, and we made some rings according to his measurements and sent them out to a specific group in our network to test. Among them were two women who frequently communicate telepathically with each other. They reported that it is easier for them to get in communication and the information received is much clearer as well. We do not share the exact measurements as people are out there counterfeiting. I came across some measurements on the internet where people had copied my text, however, the measurement they are using is not what we are using. It is larger than the Lost Cubit and also has a higher frequency. It fits over everybody’s head and can support mental clarity and focus, spiritual growth, and connect you with your own light and love inside of you. It also works on a physical level as reported by an acupuncturist.
Also, when I took the first empowerment rings to my brother in Germany, he showed me a ring that Slim gave him in the late 90s that was exactly the same measurement. This shows that Slim knew about the measurement, however, during his lifetime we did not have the capacity to start a new line of products.

I hope this helps. Take advantage of our upcoming sale and get an Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring or Empowerment Energy Harmonizer for yourself. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.
Please keep me posted on your findings.

Warm regards,

PS: Our ‘Birthday’ Sale runs from June 27 through July 3, 2019.