Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Light-Life Tools (Page 1 of 4)

Welcome to Your New Light-Life Tools!

Welcome to Your New Light-Life Tools!

Hey there! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably just got your hands on some amazing Light-Life Tools. These Tools are designed to help you feel better, think clearer, and bring more positive energy into your life. Don’t worry, they’re super easy to use. Let’s dive right in!

What Are Light-Life Tools?

Light-Life Tools were invented by Slim Spurling. They’re special devices made to improve your well-being, bring more harmony to your home and workplace, clean the environment, and much more. They come in different shapes and sizes, like rings, coils, Harmonizers, and pendants. Each tool has its unique benefits, but they all are designed to enhance your energy.

How to Use Your Tools

Light-Life Rings

What They Are: Rings made of copper or silver, designed to create a positive energy field. The ring’s area of influence (or tensor field) is inside the ring. Once you know where you want to use it, you can select the properly sized ring (i.e. for smart meters our 1 Lost Cubit Plain Jane ring works best).

How to Use Them:

  • Personal Use: Hold the ring or place it on your body where you feel discomfort or need healing.
  • Water Charging: Place a glass of water in the center of the ring for a few minutes. This can make the water taste fresher and feel more energized.
  • Food Charging: Put your food inside the ring before eating. This can improve the taste and quality of your food.

Light-Life Pendants

What They Are: Beautiful necklaces to wear or carry to protect and enhance your energy field.

How to Use Them:

  • Wearing: Simply wear the pendant around your neck. It helps balance your energy and can even boost your mood.
  • Carry: Place the pendant in your pocket and receive the same benefits as wearing it.
  • Meditation: Hold the pendant in your hand while you meditate. This can deepen your relaxation and focus.

Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop

What It Is: Coil-shaped tools designed to draw out negative energy and discomfort.

How to Use It:

  • Discomfort Relief: Hold the coil with the bead away from the area of discomfort, you may move the coil in a circular motion if you wish. After the session feels complete, turn the coil over and point the bead toward the area you worked on. It will fill your body with more light.
  • Energy Clearing: Wave the coil around your body to clear any negative energy. This is great to do before bed to help you sleep better.
  • Water Charging: Place a glass or pitcher of water in the center of a ring with an Acu-Vac Coil and a Feedback Loop for a few minutes or even overnight. This can make the water taste fresher and feel more energized.
  • Sleep: Place the Coil or Feedback Loop pointing toward you on your nightstand to help give you a more restful night’s sleep.

Remember, when working with the Acu-Vac Coil, whenever you want to pull negative energy out, hold the Acu-Vac Coil with the bead away from the area. If you want to give yourself a boost of energy point the bead towards your thymus or any area you’re guided to address.

Tips for Best Results

  • Stay Positive: Your mindset can influence how well the tools work. Stay open and positive!
  • Experiment: Try using the tools in different ways and see what feels best for you.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re using the tools for energy work.

Sharing the Good Vibes

Tell your friends and family about your experiences with Light-Life Tools. You might be surprised at how many people are interested in improving their well-being too!


Using Light-Life Tools is all about bringing more harmony and positive energy into your life. They’re easy to use and can make a big difference in how you feel. Enjoy exploring your new tools, and remember to have fun with them!

Happy energy boosting!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to share your experiences. We’re here to help you get the most out of your Light-Life Tools!

Enhance Your Sleep Routine: Tips for a Night of Restful Sleep

With winter quickly approaching, and the end of daylight savings time in sight, we seem to yearn for more (and better) sleep. Many of us struggle with occasional or chronic sleep issues. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, integrating expert tips with our innovative Light-Life Tools, might be just the combination you need to improve your sleep quality.

Understanding Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances can result from various factors, including stress, an imbalanced environment, or an active mind. Before exploring the potential benefits of Light-Life Technology Tools, let’s dive into some effective tips to enhance your sleep routine.

Tips for Better Sleep and Light-Life Tools to Help

1. Establish a Consistent Routine:

Set a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Consistency helps regulate your body’s internal clock, aiding in a better sleep-wake cycle.

  • If you are a parent, you know how important the bedtime routine is. So be as consistent with your own routine as you would be with your children’s.
  • You are bound to have to make adjustments every now and then, don’t ditch the whole routine just because you missed a night or two!
  • Be sure you are being realistic when creating a routine. Setting your bedtime for 9pm when you barely get the kids tucked in by 8, or you attend that unplanned Happy Hour, or you really need that girls/boys/date night, is just setting yourself up for failure.

Tools we recommend:

  • Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers have proven effective at providing a more restful environment for some. You can place it on a shelf, on your nightstand, or place it directly under your bed.
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer
Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver-plated.

2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual:

Wind down before bed. This could involve reading, meditating, a soak in a warm bath, or a gentle yoga practice. A relaxing routine signals to your body that it’s time to sleep.

  • As we approach the end of Daylight Savings Time, some people might find it beneficial to start shifting their bedtime ritual in 15 to 30-minute increments a few days to a week in advance.
  • Everyone finds something different to be relaxing, so try a few different things out and see what works best. Just be sure that whatever you’re doing isn’t too stimulating (so best to leave that latest murder mystery that you just can’t put down, for another time).

Tools we recommend:

  • If you choose meditation as a wind-down routine, placing a Lotus Pendant over your chakras can help clear your energy, allowing for a more restful sleep.
  • Check out our blog on incorporating our Tools into your wellness routine here to learn a few more tips.

3. Optimize Your Sleep Environment:

Ensure your sleep space is conducive to rest. Keep the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.

  • If possible, use blackout curtains or use an eye mask to block out excess light.
  • Most doctors recommend keeping the temperature anywhere between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If household members tend to argue over the thermostat, maybe try a fan if you sleep hot, or extra blankets if you tend to be colder at night.
  • If you live in an apartment building, or a noisier city perhaps earplugs or a white noise machine can help you cancel out the more jolting noises that occur.

Tools we recommend:

  • Placing Tensor Rings under the bed has helped many of our customers with sleep issues.
  • If something prevents you from placing a Ring under your bed, place a Tensor Ring under your pillow to help calm the mind.
Kendall Jenner using the Tensor Rings in her bedroom

4. Limit Stimulants and Screen Time:

Avoid caffeine and electronic screens at least an hour before bedtime.

  • The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle. This goes for televisions as well as cell phones and computers.

Tools we recommend:

  • If you cannot fathom sleeping without your phone on the nightstand, try placing it inside one of our Tensor Rings. This has been reported to block EMFs and any other negative energies that might be emitted during the night.

5. Seek Natural Light Exposure:

Get exposure to natural light during the day to support your body’s internal clock. Aim to spend time outside, particularly in the morning, to reinforce the wakeful phase of your cycle.

  • If you can’t break away from your desk to get outside, try opening the blinds and working with the natural light of a room instead of artificial light

Tools we recommend:

  • Wearing a Personal Energy Harmonizer can help keep you (and sometimes those around you) calmer and more at ease. You might find it easier to step outside for a few more minutes every day if your mind isn’t abuzz with a lot of unnecessary stress!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, combining these expert tips with the potential benefits of Light-Life Tools could offer a holistic approach to improving your sleep quality. Experiment with these tools while maintaining a consistent sleep routine to uncover what works best for you.

Here’s to more rejuvenating and restful nights ahead!

It’s important to note that while these Tools have been beneficial for some, individual experiences may vary. They are often used as complementary aids to established sleep practices. Should you experience persistent sleep issues, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

The Harmonic Convergence Is Coming to a Close, This is What’s Next

You may have heard of the Harmonic Convergence. It denotes the period (1987-2023) of 36 years of transition into a new era. This is according to Aztec and Mayan calendars, Buddhists, Lakota Sioux, and other indigenous people who were also tracking this planetary alignment.

Before 1987, many saw that we were not on our highest trajectory with a dramatic rise in unbalanced big business greed, capitalism over caring for the environment, Wall Street volatility, etc.

Beginning with 7 planets in harmonic alignment in 1987, it was said that having this planetary alignment unlocked massive free energy that could be harnessed for the good of humanity. Thousands gathered at sacred sites around the planet to meditate for peace on Earth. Also, in intentional support of Mother Earth’s shift out of the old ways of doing things that are unsustainable and into this new era of regaining balance and peace.

According to Cosmologist Christine Page (2008) this presented “a 36-year window of opportunity for humanity to participate in the creation of a new era of consciousness“.

With any transition, it can look like a very messy evolution before the reorganization settles into a new template. Especially with 8 billion people’s perspectives on how to do things better on Earth’s surface as well. To learn more, click here.

What’s Next?

As the cycle finally comes to a close this year, we are witnessing the brutal end of the chaos and change as we move into a new era of alignment. Some call this time a shift into prosperity, for others, it’s the beginning of the Aquarian Age. We are coming into a different mindset. More and more people are aware of universal truths, natural law and care about humanity as a whole. As Wayne Dyer said, “We are not humans with a spiritual activities. We are spiritual beings with human activities”.

From Duality to Unity. Fear to Love. War to Peace.

We are arriving into a greater comprehension of who we are and our innate power. We are recognizing more and more that we are multidimensional in value and our purpose. That’s where subtle energy is getting a lot more attention now. Light-Life Energy Tools are designed to support what we can see, AND what we can’t see. Our New Dimension Tools can offer support for our increasingly complex awareness of what our body needs. These are advanced Tools that researchers have reported experiencing remote viewing, time travel, and exceptionally profound results in healing work. Not only on the physical level, but healing far beyond, into mental and emotional wounds. Even into resolving issues from past lives and soul misunderstandings.

Nancy Holt “Sun Tunnels” with an overlay of the Light-Life 1 Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring

What are you seeing in your own shifts and expansion? I’d love to know. You can send us a message by replying to this email.

101 Ring No Beads: Just the Twist

A lot of you are familiar with Light-Life Tensor Rings. They consist of a twisted circle of copper, that can be plated in silver or 24K gold. Our 101 Ring: ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring with 3 beads in 24K gold is a staple in our collection. This is one of the first Tensor Rings that Slim ever created. For many of our customers, the 101 Ring is an introduction into the world of Light-Life Tools.

This simple and practical Ring has been a must-have Tool for experienced practitioners and beginners alike. This is thanks to its convenient, compact size and versatility. Throughout the years we’ve received hundreds of testimonials from the happy customers. They share how 101 Tensor Ring have supported them in everyday life in so many ingenious ways. From potentizing water, to assisting with alleviation of physical discomfort, balancing chakras, as well as reducing EMFs; these are just a few ways the Rings have been used by our community.

One of the most popular applications for the ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring is wearing it on the left wrist/arm to enhance the energetic current and oxygen uptake throughout your body. This seems to combat fatigue and energy drain, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. However, for some people, the beads can get in the way, or make it slightly uncomfortable to wear it on your arm.

Now for Just the Twist!

You asked, and we listened. We have created the 101 Ring without beads, so more of us can wear it comfortably and keep experimenting with this wonderful Tool.

This limited edition 101 Tensor Ring without beads will be available for purchase starting December 1st for this month only.

Ask Katharina – July 2019

Dear Katharina,
I’m a grad student at UC Davis, and I’m studying the harmful effects that environmental and chemical pollution are having on the bee population. During my research, I came across your website and am fascinated by the Harmonizer technology. Can you recommend a specific Energy Harmonizer to help the bee population, or perhaps any other Light-Life Tools? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance,
Derek L.

Dear Derek,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. We have received several reports from beekeepers telling us how well the bees are doing since they have a Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer gold-plated running. It also depends on the area and how many bees someone has. It may be more helpful to incorporate a Sacred Cubit Agricultural Energy Harmonizer gold-plated. We have had people use the Environmental Energy Harmonizer together with Cloud Busters to fight the chemical pollution coming off chemtrails. From our experience and understanding the more Energy Harmonizers we have in an area the stronger/denser the light field they are emitting will be and the better it is for all living be(e)ings in the area.

I hope this helps. Let me know what your studies will reveal.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I have just seen Slim’s video for the first time on YouTube and I am amazed! Such an enlightened moment! Do you know where I can get one of those molecular scanners he was telling about in the video?

Dear Octavian,
Thank you for your email. The molecular scanner that Slim talks about in the video was created by a friend of his. However, Slim lost contact with him and I have no idea where he is and where you would get a molecular scanner. I just googled to see if I find anything, but nothing! Maybe tech universities or MIT would have one or can help you find one.
I wish I could be of more help. Please keep me posted and let me know if you find one.

LLT YouTube Channel

All the best!

Greetings Katharina,
I’m looking a bit at the environmental harmonizers and am not sure I understand the differences between them very well. (The Synergy is out of my price range, but I’m looking at the others, and perhaps leaning toward the Lost cubit.) Would you have some additional information on the differences between the effects of these?
Another place says the Lost cubit works on the emotional/mental field —but for these environmental harmonizers it talks about pollution, storm severity etc. Does it do both?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

Lynn E.

Greetings Lynn,
I understand your dilemma. When you are looking to purchase any Energy Harmonizer you want to get clear first on your main concern. If air pollution and severe storms are your main concerns, I would always recommend either the Sacred Cubit Environmental or Agricultural Energy Harmonizers, gold-plated. When EMFs are your main concern, get the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Energy Harmonizer, either Environmental or Agricultural. If mental and emotional issues are your main concern, choose the Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer silver-plated, while for plant growth you would choose the gold-plated one. Having said that, if you choose a silver-plated Energy Harmonizer and you are faced with a severe storm coming your way, hold it between your hands and program it to divert the storm or to reduce the negative effects. If your budget allows you could consider a Matrix 44 Energy Harmonizer in silver – that is a favorite of many of our customers.

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,

Celebrate! – July 2019

Fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July

Welcome July! Summer now has a firm hold on all of us. July is typically the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere, and the “Dog Days” of summer began around July 3. There are many reasons to celebrate in July – Canada Day on July 1, Independence Day on July 4 (USA) and Bastille Day on July 14 (France), just to name a few.

This month we also celebrated the late Slim Spurling’s birthday on July 3! Slim would have been 81 this year, and his legacy and vision live on through the Light-Life Tools.

Slim Spurling

Click on each photo to learn more about the tools.

There are so many more Light-Life Tools – Lotus Pendants, Pyramid Units, Finger Rings – the list goes on. I’d like to focus this month on one of Slim’s first discoveries – the Acu-Vac Coil.

Slim described the Acu-Vac Coils as working much like a vacuum cleaner. They are said to pull negative energy out on one end of the coil and said to project positive energy from the other end. The drawing in, or suction end, is furthest from the bead. This has been verified with scientific research. The further away the coil is from your body, the stronger the effect seems to be. After pulling out the unbeneficial energy, you will want to turn the coil around and point the end with the bead to the area you have been working on to fill it with light energy. The Acu-Vac Coil can also be used for long distance healing by using a picture of the person that needs assistance.

The original Acu-Vac Coils were made of plain copper. Silver and 24k gold plating were later added to increase the vibration, speed and smoothness of its action. Later on, sterling silver coils were determined to be beneficial as well.

There are so many uses and applications for the Acu-Vac Coil, here a just a few:

And so much more!

Slim wanted to find a way to help heal the Earth and leave it a better place than when he started. Even though he is no longer with us in the physical plane, his legacy, vision, and true desire to help and heal live on in every Light-Life Tool we make and continue to create.

If you would like to learn more about Slim Spurling and the Light-Life Tools, please visit www.lightlifetechnology.com. While you’re there, sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know about other upcoming celebrations and promotions.

If you would like a hands-on experience with the tools and are passionate about continuing Slim’s quest to restore the health of the environment and humankind, there are still seats available for our upcoming workshop!

Introduction and Applications of the Light-Life Tools

Presented by Katharina Spurling-Kaffl
July 12-13, 2019
Winchester Medical and Health
28 East Waterloo Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Click here for more information

At Light-Life Technology, it has always been our mission to continue Slim’s legacy and to ensure that YOU have the energy and vitality you need to live your most amazing life! Have a happy and safe July, and enjoy all there is to celebrate!

Warm regards,


Ask Katharina – June 2019

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, President and CEO of Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,
I purchased my Agricultural Harmonizer many years ago, and I love it! Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten the procedure for clearing the harmonizer and re-activating it with the Environmental Clearing CD. Could you please refresh my memory on the technique and also the range when activated? Thank you so very much for your help!
Sherri B.

Dear Sherri,
I am happy to refresh your memory on the clearing of the Agricultural Energy Harmonizer. What you do is very simple. You place it in the 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring it came with and leave it there overnight. That’s all it takes. We cannot really give an exact range anymore due to the significant increase in pollution and wireless technology worldwide. If you’re living in a rural area it may go out up to 65 miles, however, when you’re close to a city or many cell phone towers its range may be much less. If you want it to go to a specific area you can always put your Harmonizer on a map of the area, put the ring around it, activate the CD and put your intention for the need of the area in it, i.e. calming down a storm, bringing rain, reducing the effects of chemtrails and air pollution, etc..

I hope this helps. Please share your experiences with us.

Warm regards,

PS: If you have other Light-Life Tools and don’t remember how to use them, I highly recommend getting the book In the Mind of a Master by Susan Anderson and Slim Spurling. It’s a great reference guide and a good read with transcripts of some of Slim’s talks.

Dear Katharina,
My son lives in Japan, and recently he’s been having terrible sciatic nerve pain from an old sports injury. I was wondering which of the Light-Life Tools would work the best for remote healing. I’ve heard that sterling silver works wonderfully, but I just read on your website about the Acu-Vac coils and remote healing. Any advice would be truly appreciated!
Judy A.

Dear Judy,
I’m sorry to hear your son is having terrible sciatic nerve pain. I’ve experienced it myself and it is no fun at all. For long distance work all Acu-Vac Coils seem to work fine. You would need to get a full body picture of him, put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around it and point the Acu-Vac Coil (the bead pointing away from the picture) to the area of his pain. Remember to add your intention to relieve him from his discomfort. If you’re a dowser you could dowse to see if the Sterling Silver Acu-Vac Coil would work better in his case or not.

I hope this helps and your son’s health is fully restored.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I am curious to learn more about the Empowerment Cubit. Would you please share more information with me? I don’t seem to find much on the internet.
Thank you.
Lisa N.

Dear Lisa,
The measurement for the Empowerment Cubit was given to me by a gentleman. His spirit guides recommended he call me to inquire if I was open to receiving the information. I was, and we made some rings according to his measurements and sent them out to a specific group in our network to test. Among them were two women who frequently communicate telepathically with each other. They reported that it is easier for them to get in communication and the information received is much clearer as well. We do not share the exact measurements as people are out there counterfeiting. I came across some measurements on the internet where people had copied my text, however, the measurement they are using is not what we are using. It is larger than the Lost Cubit and also has a higher frequency. It fits over everybody’s head and can support mental clarity and focus, spiritual growth, and connect you with your own light and love inside of you. It also works on a physical level as reported by an acupuncturist.
Also, when I took the first empowerment rings to my brother in Germany, he showed me a ring that Slim gave him in the late 90s that was exactly the same measurement. This shows that Slim knew about the measurement, however, during his lifetime we did not have the capacity to start a new line of products.

I hope this helps. Take advantage of our upcoming sale and get an Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring or Empowerment Energy Harmonizer for yourself. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.
Please keep me posted on your findings.

Warm regards,

PS: Our ‘Birthday’ Sale runs from June 27 through July 3, 2019.

Sunbeams and Summer Storms – June 2019

Welcome June! On June 21 we celebrate the first day of summer – the summer solstice – and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The summer solstice marks the point in the year where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The summer solstice has been celebrated for centuries by different cultures around the world.

Summer also brings with it storms – often severe – due to the changing of the weather patterns from spring to summer. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail and hurricanes are most prevalent during the summer, due to the heat energy in the atmosphere reacting with cooler air masses.

Unfortunately, global temperature is on the rise and is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns. Scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events such as heat waves and large storms are likely to become more frequent or more intense with human-induced climate change. Also, an El Niño event is likely underway in 2019, which could amplify the extreme weather already made worse by climate change and increase the odds that 2019 will be the hottest year in recorded human history, scientists warn.


Climate change and air pollution are among the top major environmental problems that we face today. My late husband, Slim Spurling, the creator of the Light-Life Technology, was as concerned about the environment and our future as you are. He wanted to find a way to help heal the Earth and leave it a better place than when he started. The Energy Harmonizers were born from that desire to improve the health of the Earth and its inhabitants.

The Agricultural, Storm Chaser and Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizers were designed to cover larger areas than the Personal and Environmental Energy Harmonizers. The larger size and wider range are found to be more effective in helping to abate severe weather and agricultural conditions caused by drought or pests.

Here are just a few of the many examples of the healing capabilities of the Agricultural, Storm Chaser and Washtub Energy Harmonizers:

• 2005 – A user reported that a Storm Chaser Energy Harmonizer helped divert Hurricane Wilma from making landfall on the central Florida coast.
• 2010 – In California’s Central Valley, a user reported that pollution and particulates in the air were cleared using an Agricultural Energy Harmonizer.
• 2012 – A user reported that Hurricane Sandy’s initial devastating forecast progressively diminished the closer the Washtub Energy Harmonizer that was being shipped to her neared  her house on the Eastern seaboard.
• 2018 – Residents reported that Hurricane Lane was diverted to the south of the Hawaiian Islands, due in part to the fact that a Washtub Energy Harmonizer was in transit to the islands. She did not make landfall.

If you live in an area that is affected by pollution, severe weather, flooding or earthquakes, try an Agricultural, Storm Chaser or Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer to help mitigate the length and severity of these occurrences.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling

Slim would have been 81 years old July 3. I feel blessed to be able to continue his legacy. His passion for healing the environment lives on in all of us at Light-Life Technology. We continue manufacturing the Light-Life Tools and creating new ones guided by Slim’s inventiveness to adapt to the changes on the planet. We will be celebrating Slim’s life and legacy in July, so visit www.lightlifetechnology.com often. While you’re there, sign up for our newsletter, so you’ll be in the know about upcoming celebrations and promotions.

If you would like to join us in the quest to restore the health of the environment and humankind, it’s not too late to sign up for one of our upcoming workshops!

Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the Applications of the Light-Life Tools

June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
This is the LAST workshop of 2019 with Scott Anderson, an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress reduction, so register today!
**Hurry! Early bird pricing runs through June 14**
Click here for more information

Introduction and Applications of the Light-Life Tools

July 12-13, 2019
Winchester Medical and Health
28 East Waterloo Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
**Early bird pricing runs through June 26**
Click here for more information

At Light-Life Tools, it has always been our mission to ensure that YOU have the energy and vitality you need to live your most amazing life…by bringing harmony and healing to the Earth and its entire population! Have a splendid June, and remember that the sun will still be shining after the storms have passed!

Warm regards,


Ask Katharina – May 2019

Dear Katharina,
I live in Houston, TX, and with spring upon us and all the flooding and tornadoes that are a possibility every year, which Harmonizer would you recommend to deter this severe weather? We also had a terrible oil tank fire in March and I would like to protect myself and my family from the chemical residue. I appreciate any guidance you have to offer.

Thank you so much,
Margaret A.


Dear Margaret,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. When it comes to diverting tornadoes and hurricanes our Sacred Cubit Energy Harmonizers seem to work the best. You can choose an Environmental or Agricultural Energy Harmonizer or even a Storm Chaser. The larger the Harmonizer the larger the area of influence will be. We cannot predict the exact range anymore as the environment has changed over time. The more Harmonizers we have in an area the better, simply because where their fields interact the light is more intense. For tornadoes, hurricanes and air pollution I would go with the gold plated Harmonizers as we have found that they work better for any visible issues. When it comes to EMFs, radiation, mental and emotional issues I would suggest going with the silver plated Harmonizers as they seem to work best for all invisible issues. Regarding the chemical residues of the oil tank fire, our Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer, 25K gold plated comes to mind right away.
I hope this helps.

Please feel free to call us if you need more guidance.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I’m thinking of purchasing a Storm Chaser Harmonizer to help diffuse the severe tornado outbreaks that we deal with every year (I live in central Kansas). I see that you offer 3 CDs with it – Environmental Clearing, King’s Chamber and Grandmother’s Drum. Which one would you recommend for the best protection against these storms? Thank you for your help!

John R.


Dear John,
All of our Energy Harmonizers apart from the Personal Energy Harmonizers come with the Environmental Clearing CD. We have found this one most helpful for all environmental issues. When you purchase a Matrix 22 Energy Harmonizer or a Washtub, you’ll also receive the King’s Chamber CD. These Harmonizers also come with a Light-Life Tensor Ring. We recommend placing the Harmonizer inside the ring to give it a recharge or cleaning every now and then. When not used for that purpose there are many other applications to use the ring for, like charging your beverages and food or placing it on areas of discomfort, and much more.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I have issues with my knee and I wonder if you have anything that you can recommend?

Thank you for your help,
Deb J.


Dear Deb,
First of all, I cannot give any medical advice and therefore would always recommend that you go to a doctor and have your knee checked out. I am happy to share my own experience with knee issues I have been having on and off. I use one of our ½ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants, gold plated. I put an elastic band around them, the type we use for our nose mask, and wear it over my pants on my knee. This works like magic for me 95% of the time. I have it with me when I travel and I don’t mind walking around with it in public. It simply helps. Of course, you can also try with one of our other rings or the ¼ Sacred Cubit gold plated Lotus Pendant. I hope this helps and that one of our Light-Life Tools works for you as well.

Good luck and please keep me posted.

Warm regards,

Soothing the Soul – May 2019


Oh! fragrant is the breath of May
In tranquil garden closes,
And soft yet regal is her sway
Among the springtide roses.
~ William Hamilton Hayne, American poet (1856–1929)

Welcome May! The sun is invigorating, birds are singing, flowers are blossoming and the garden is thriving. Mother Nature’s multitude of colorful flowers is so inspiring this time of year! There is a story and symbolism behind each bloom, but the profound symbolism of the Lotus flower seems to have especially captured the human imagination and spirit like no other!

All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Both the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are universal symbols of sacred geometry. Ancient civilizations used a form with seven circles to create what they called the Seed of Life. When multiplied and extrapolated, it is a basic component of the Flower of Life’s design. In this season of flowers and harmony, we would like to share some history and shine some light on our Lotus Pendants.

Lotus Pendants

Lotus Pendants


The concept for the Lotus Pendants came about 8 years ago from the desire to create a more personal way to use the Seed of Life configuration that would provide a daily benefit. Like all of our jewelry, the Lotus Pendants are functional art forms that can be worn throughout the day. They are said to help improve overall health and well-being, strengthen the immune system and balance chakras among their multiple healing uses. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants are said to help improve your overall health and well-being both mentally and physically, while the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants are reported to be most supportive to your emotional and mental needs.

These distinctive pendants have been referred to as the “Soothers of the Soul”. They are said to align harmony and vibrations according to what is correct for the wearer. Please visit our Lotus Pendants page for more information, insight, and to read testimonials from our happy customers!

Shipping is FREE on ALL Light-Life Tools
for the entire month of May!

Would you rather have a hands-on experience with the Lotus Pendants and all of the Light-Life Tools? Then we suggest attending one of our unique workshops!

Our next workshop,

Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the
Applications of the Light-Life Tools

is coming up on

June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Our last workshop in April was SOLD OUT, so register today!
**Early bird pricing runs through June 14**

Click here for more information

Have a lovely May and remember to let the flowers of love soothe your soul!

Warm regards,


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