Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Energy Healer

Fifteen Years of Excellence

I can’t believe it’s been fifteen years since I founded IX-EL, Inc., the manufacturing and retail company of the Light-Life Tools. While I take a moment to contemplate all we’ve accomplished in this time, it also is fun to take a moment of reflection about where we started. When I first met Slim he was making tools out of his one car garage and plating was done in the kitchen in a tiny home in Golden, Colorado. Slim’s goal was never worldwide domination or tons of money, he simply wanted to leave the planet a little bit better than he found it. I truly believe it was kismet that the two of us met. I felt I had met a man who was sitting on top of a goldmine of knowledge and knew I had to help him get his technology out into the world. I often joke that I fell in love with the tools before I fell in love with the man.

Slim may no longer be with us, but his legacy lives on. I’m so proud of the team I’ve built throughout the years, especially the artists in the shop. Our Director of Manufacturing has been with us for over 11 years and while only with Slim for a short period of time, she still feels his guidance and inspiration. She continues to make the products by hand with her devoted team, all to Slim’s exact specifications.

As we celebrate this huge milestone, I think it’s really important to celebrate you! Our community around the world is absolutely incredible and I feel truly blessed to receive your questions, comments and words of encouragement each and every day. While our customers come from all walks of life and every profession, many of you are healers. I’d like to take a moment to honor all that you do to provide health and happiness to your customers and how you use our tools to make those realities possible.

Many healers use our tools in their energy healing practices, such as massage or reiki, but did you know the tools can also be used to protect you and clear your space? I think the hardest thing an energy healer experiences is how to ground their energy after a long day. We all have our various practices that allow us to return back to center, but I wanted to share some useful applications of the tools that will help you balance much more quickly. Those will help you if you’re a healer or not.

First of all, I highly recommend to any energy healer to wear a Personal Harmonizer. They come in so many sizes and varieties and I encourage you to pick the one that feels right for you. Each Personal Harmonizer comes with a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring that allows you to re-calibrate the device. During the day you can wear the ring on your arm, tuck it in the sleeve of your shirt or sweater or jacket to energize you or use it to energize your food and water. At night take the ring and your Harmonizer off and put it in the ring to recharge it. If you wish you can program your Harmonizer with a specific intention for the day. Your intention may be “please give me clarity and focus” or “please fill my heart up with so much love that I have plenty to give to others”. However you choose to program the device, I think this is a sound investment for anyone – especially those in the holistic healing arts. It may help you keep balanced and protect your energy. I especially love the Unity Harmonizer which seems to create a protective bubble around the wearer and bring anyone around it into harmony.

During your day or at the end of your sessions, you may want to try an aura shower. This is also recommended if you have been at the mall, at a conference or concert, any time you’re around of many people an aura shower after you return home is a good idea. This involves taking a 3 ½ Sacred or Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring and holding it above your head and slowly bringing it down to your feet. As you are already energy sensitive, you’ll feel places where the ring might feel “stuck” as you bring it down over your body. Let the ring hover there for a few moments longer or perhaps take more than one shower! You can also do this with a colleague if it feels right. You’ll often find us in the office doing this after an intense day of back-to-back phone calls or meetings. It allows you center and I love how it makes me feel much more relaxed.

There are so many tools available to support self-care and I hope you’ll start experimenting with them. As healers, you have such a generous spirit and you give so much of yourself during the day. Please remember to slow down and take some time to unwind and treat yourself with kindness. I recommend sleeping with a Seed of Life unit underneath your mattress or your bed. You can also sleep inside any of the Light-Life Rings to help you raise your vibration all night long!

Anyone can benefit from the suggestions I provided, you don’t need to be a healer to reap the rewards of the tools. I just think it’s important to recognize all the healers in the world who seem to put all of us stressed out folk back together again. I know how grateful I am when I leave a healing session. In my opinion, healers are angels on earth and we’re lucky to have them to help support us on our journey.

Slim invented the tools as he was looking for a way to help the environment and to find a non-invasive way for us to heal ourselves. It quickly became apparent that there was a profound effect the tools had on the all the people who came in contact with them. I know he would be proud of the work we are doing and I know he would be proud of all of you. Thank you to all of you for helping to support our mission: Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

I hope you’ll take a moment to celebrate with us and use this opportunity to participate in our sale. To share the joy of our fifteen year anniversary we are offering 25% off everything on the website. The sale ends today at midnight! Please take the time to load up on everything on your wish list and I hope you’ll buy something special, just for you.


The Seed of Life

The Seed of Life is an important part of the sacred geometry historical record. If you go through the archives, you’ll be inundated with countless accounts of its origin, meaning and significance today. What interests me most, is to look at how our Seed of Life unit came about.

Many moons ago, our friend Tanah was visiting from Montana. She spent some time with Slim in the shop and played around with unsoldered Plain Jane rings. She put seven together and asked Slim if he could make this configuration for her mom who had severe digestive issues. Slim put a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around it to give it some structure. Voila – the Seed of Life Light-Life Tool was born without us knowing the breadth of its power.

This shape has been a highly regarded symbol in sacred geometry for centuries. The pattern incorporates the vesica pisces and its aesthetic has traveled through time. Some argue it’s the physical representation of the birth of reality. Pretty profound I’d say! It has been called the visual representation of the start of our universe, or as many say in yoga “Om”. I think it’s also poignant to note that the symbol is attributed to Egyptian wisdom and the Sacred Cubit length we employ in our tools is derived from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

At first we donned the tool the ‘Flower of Life’ until we were educated by a sacred geometry expert that gave us the correct name: ‘Seed of Life’. As space in the shop was limited at the time, we did not go into production with this particular configuration – only one was made for our friend. In 2005, Tanah visited again and shared her experiences with the Light-Life Tools at the workshop. Tanah owns a 3,500 acre ranch where she is raising buffalo and provided us with countless tales of the animals interactions with the tools, especially how she attributes the Seed of Life to saving her dog’s life. In addition to rescuing her beloved pet, ‘The Star,’ (affectionately named by her mom), seemed to have significant impact on people on the ranch – body, mind and soul.

Tanah’s tales inspired us to put the tool into production so we could help more people. It quickly became a favorite for many healers, including myself. When I have issues like my lower back hurting or digestive issues, this tool is always close by. I also love the smaller version, which was named the Lotus Pendant as it reminded me of a Lotus Flower.

I appreciate all the writings and research Slim did about his work. His writings on the Seed of Life I found especially powerful. I’m enclosing them here just as they were written by him so many years ago.

It uplifts the consciousness into higher mind states where all is released and forgiven, knowing that with this clarity you can see the good in all your life. This is very good for individuals who get caught up in mental anguish and do not remember the source of love they were created in.

Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it. It is essential that it be at the level of the heart. The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level. When the vibration is higher, there is less discomfort.

The Seed of Life can help humanity to know their own personal truth. Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down. As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely. The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size. The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy.

Have you had a chance to experience the power of this tool firsthand? If so, please share your comments below or on our Facebook page. It’s so important that we share these findings so we can continue to feel better and grow. Let’s expand the awareness of the tools around the globe by Harmonizing the World – One Community At a Time.


Ask Katharina

The positive response from last month’s column has been overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your support! The questions have been rolling in and I found these all to be interesting as we focus on restoration for the month of April. Enjoy!


Dear Katharina,

I’m an avid green thumb and love to garden. Are there any tools you would recommend to help my plants grow stronger and bigger?

-Alice M., Illinois

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

Dear Alice,

Believe it or not, the Light-Life Tools were designed also with agriculture in mind! Slim was interested in inventing tools that could help the environment. It was only later on that he discovered the Harmonizers were beneficial to humans as well. There are so many tools that could be helpful for your garden. The testimonials I’ve received on botany are pretty profound. One woman went on vacation to come home and found her garden infected with bugs. She activated her Environmental Harmonizer using an Environmental Clearing CD (you can place the Harmonizer on top of it or for extra charge you can put the CD in a CD player and place headphones around the Harmonizer). Within a day the bugs were all gone! A Harmonizer is a great tool to have in your home as it is said to cleanse the air, water and soil. I also recommend buying a bunch of Plain Jane Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. You can put these over your sprinklers, the hose, your watering can or any other water source that you will use to nourish your garden. Let us know how you do.

Yours truly,



Dear Katharina,

I’ve done a ton of work on myself over the years, but still struggle with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of a traumatic childhood. What tools do you recommend I use or wear as I continue my healing journey?

Thank you,

John S., Colorado

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Light-Life Song of the Soul Pendant

Dear John,

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough experience. It’s powerful to see that you are willing to get the help you need and move through the issues. Not everyone has this strength and you will emerge on the other side much better for it. While I strongly recommend doing work with a licensed therapist, the Light-Life Tools do have their place. I would recommend one of the newest additions to our assortment, The Song of the Soul Light-Life Pendant. It’s not only a gorgeous piece of art, but is said to clear away the blocks of ancestral patterns. I’ve also received a lot of testimonials that it gives the wearer strength to stand in their true self and speak their truth. You could also get a copper 2 Lost Cubit Seed of Life and place under your bed or under your mattress. This is supposed to help with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well. Please let me know how it works for you. Sending many blessings!

