Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Tag: Agricultural Energy Harmonizer

Ask Katharina – July 2019

Dear Katharina,
I’m a grad student at UC Davis, and I’m studying the harmful effects that environmental and chemical pollution are having on the bee population. During my research, I came across your website and am fascinated by the Harmonizer technology. Can you recommend a specific Energy Harmonizer to help the bee population, or perhaps any other Light-Life Tools? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance,
Derek L.

Dear Derek,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. We have received several reports from beekeepers telling us how well the bees are doing since they have a Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer gold-plated running. It also depends on the area and how many bees someone has. It may be more helpful to incorporate a Sacred Cubit Agricultural Energy Harmonizer gold-plated. We have had people use the Environmental Energy Harmonizer together with Cloud Busters to fight the chemical pollution coming off chemtrails. From our experience and understanding the more Energy Harmonizers we have in an area the stronger/denser the light field they are emitting will be and the better it is for all living be(e)ings in the area.

I hope this helps. Let me know what your studies will reveal.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I have just seen Slim’s video for the first time on YouTube and I am amazed! Such an enlightened moment! Do you know where I can get one of those molecular scanners he was telling about in the video?

Dear Octavian,
Thank you for your email. The molecular scanner that Slim talks about in the video was created by a friend of his. However, Slim lost contact with him and I have no idea where he is and where you would get a molecular scanner. I just googled to see if I find anything, but nothing! Maybe tech universities or MIT would have one or can help you find one.
I wish I could be of more help. Please keep me posted and let me know if you find one.

LLT YouTube Channel

All the best!

Greetings Katharina,
I’m looking a bit at the environmental harmonizers and am not sure I understand the differences between them very well. (The Synergy is out of my price range, but I’m looking at the others, and perhaps leaning toward the Lost cubit.) Would you have some additional information on the differences between the effects of these?
Another place says the Lost cubit works on the emotional/mental field —but for these environmental harmonizers it talks about pollution, storm severity etc. Does it do both?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

Lynn E.

Greetings Lynn,
I understand your dilemma. When you are looking to purchase any Energy Harmonizer you want to get clear first on your main concern. If air pollution and severe storms are your main concerns, I would always recommend either the Sacred Cubit Environmental or Agricultural Energy Harmonizers, gold-plated. When EMFs are your main concern, get the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Energy Harmonizer, either Environmental or Agricultural. If mental and emotional issues are your main concern, choose the Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer silver-plated, while for plant growth you would choose the gold-plated one. Having said that, if you choose a silver-plated Energy Harmonizer and you are faced with a severe storm coming your way, hold it between your hands and program it to divert the storm or to reduce the negative effects. If your budget allows you could consider a Matrix 44 Energy Harmonizer in silver – that is a favorite of many of our customers.

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,

Sunbeams and Summer Storms – June 2019

Welcome June! On June 21 we celebrate the first day of summer – the summer solstice – and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The summer solstice marks the point in the year where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The summer solstice has been celebrated for centuries by different cultures around the world.

Summer also brings with it storms – often severe – due to the changing of the weather patterns from spring to summer. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail and hurricanes are most prevalent during the summer, due to the heat energy in the atmosphere reacting with cooler air masses.

Unfortunately, global temperature is on the rise and is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns. Scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events such as heat waves and large storms are likely to become more frequent or more intense with human-induced climate change. Also, an El Niño event is likely underway in 2019, which could amplify the extreme weather already made worse by climate change and increase the odds that 2019 will be the hottest year in recorded human history, scientists warn.


Climate change and air pollution are among the top major environmental problems that we face today. My late husband, Slim Spurling, the creator of the Light-Life Technology, was as concerned about the environment and our future as you are. He wanted to find a way to help heal the Earth and leave it a better place than when he started. The Energy Harmonizers were born from that desire to improve the health of the Earth and its inhabitants.

The Agricultural, Storm Chaser and Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizers were designed to cover larger areas than the Personal and Environmental Energy Harmonizers. The larger size and wider range are found to be more effective in helping to abate severe weather and agricultural conditions caused by drought or pests.

Here are just a few of the many examples of the healing capabilities of the Agricultural, Storm Chaser and Washtub Energy Harmonizers:

• 2005 – A user reported that a Storm Chaser Energy Harmonizer helped divert Hurricane Wilma from making landfall on the central Florida coast.
• 2010 – In California’s Central Valley, a user reported that pollution and particulates in the air were cleared using an Agricultural Energy Harmonizer.
• 2012 – A user reported that Hurricane Sandy’s initial devastating forecast progressively diminished the closer the Washtub Energy Harmonizer that was being shipped to her neared  her house on the Eastern seaboard.
• 2018 – Residents reported that Hurricane Lane was diverted to the south of the Hawaiian Islands, due in part to the fact that a Washtub Energy Harmonizer was in transit to the islands. She did not make landfall.

If you live in an area that is affected by pollution, severe weather, flooding or earthquakes, try an Agricultural, Storm Chaser or Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer to help mitigate the length and severity of these occurrences.

Slim Spurling

Slim Spurling

Slim would have been 81 years old July 3. I feel blessed to be able to continue his legacy. His passion for healing the environment lives on in all of us at Light-Life Technology. We continue manufacturing the Light-Life Tools and creating new ones guided by Slim’s inventiveness to adapt to the changes on the planet. We will be celebrating Slim’s life and legacy in July, so visit www.lightlifetechnology.com often. While you’re there, sign up for our newsletter, so you’ll be in the know about upcoming celebrations and promotions.

If you would like to join us in the quest to restore the health of the environment and humankind, it’s not too late to sign up for one of our upcoming workshops!

Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the Applications of the Light-Life Tools

June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
This is the LAST workshop of 2019 with Scott Anderson, an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress reduction, so register today!
**Hurry! Early bird pricing runs through June 14**
Click here for more information

Introduction and Applications of the Light-Life Tools

July 12-13, 2019
Winchester Medical and Health
28 East Waterloo Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
**Early bird pricing runs through June 26**
Click here for more information

At Light-Life Tools, it has always been our mission to ensure that YOU have the energy and vitality you need to live your most amazing life…by bringing harmony and healing to the Earth and its entire population! Have a splendid June, and remember that the sun will still be shining after the storms have passed!

Warm regards,
