Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Meditation/Relaxation (Page 4 of 7)

Environmental Harmonizers – Ask Katharina March 2021

Here is a summary of our Environmental Energy Harmonizers as I have been asked many times which one to use for what.

Each Energy Harmonizer is a combination of Light-Life Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil shaped into a 3-dimensional sphere. This creates a unique, continuous flow of energy which increases the vibrational frequency of any nearby energy. For instance, clearing the environment and your personal energy field by generating a harmonious toroidal field around them. We create them with the intention of bringing more harmony and balance to the owner. That is to say, that they can positively influence your home, workplace, environment and can be used interchangeably to support your needs. They have been applied to cleaning up air pollution, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes. The Environmental Energy Harmonizers are said to encourage plant growth and to raise consciousness. However, we found that some work better in one area than others.

All Environmental Energy Harmonizers comes with an Environmental Clearing CD and a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Please always place the Harmonizer outside of the ring to let it do its work. To contain the field of the Harmonizer or to recharge it place it inside the ring.

In general, we observed that silver-plated Harmonizers work best on the invisible, for instance, emotional and mental issues, EMF, and radiation. However, the 24K gold plated ones work best on all we can see.

I will focus on our Environmental Harmonizers because those were the ones that Slim Spurling created first in the early 90s.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:

We have found it works best to reduce environmental pollution, divert tornadoes and hurricanes, and promote plant growth. Of course, they may also bring more harmony and balance to your home and environment. It may aid in energy sessions by placing it either under the massage table or directly on the body of the client. If you are open to making changes in your life, they can point you in the right direction. They don’t do the work for you; however, they do support your growth.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:

Tests showed that this one works best for reducing the harmful effects of EMF, the Hartmann Grid, and geopathic stress zones. This was confirmed by Feng Shui practitioners who learned to appreciate the results. For that purpose, you have to keep your Harmonizer activated 24/7. I have always one sitting on my desk in addition to Light-Life Rings around my Wi-Fi equipment, laptop, printer, and phone.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:

The Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated is our recommendation for plant growth. According to reports, it works faster than the Sacred Cubit one. Avid gardeners noticed that the plants reacted positively immediately upon receiving the Lost Cubit 24K gold-plated Environmental Harmonizer in the mail. Of course, you can use this one also for other applications. For instance, in sessions, place a Harmonizer on a CD on top of your client’s body where they require the most attention. However, you can also use it for cleaning the environment, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes, and more.

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:

This one has been powerful assistance in turbulent environments with mental and emotional issues. It seemed to help people calm down, see the bigger picture, and enjoy a more harmonious home.

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated:

The Empowerment Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated has multiple applications. It can serve in the same areas as the Sacred and Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers. In addition to they may enhance your positive intentions, increase your intuitive abilities, and connect more directly to the source of healing, light, and life.

Empowerment Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K gold plated

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer silver-plated:

It may offer the same support as the 24K gold plated one and in addition, it may positively affect you and people in your vicinity. Therefore it may bring you and your environment into a state of harmony and reduce the harmful effects of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies).

Empowerment Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated

Final thoughts

These have been our observations as well as reports from customers and practitioners. Please trust your intuition and do what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong, they will work with you and your intentions. We also recommend our book In the Mind of a Master by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson. It is a great reference guide and has many transcripts of talks by Slim Spurling. Also, our first book Slim Spurling’s Universe – Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind which is available as an e-book.

Solutions – October 2020

Solutions, where do they come from and how do we allow them when situations arise? All too often we are going about our day and “something” comes up. We have a choice at this point. What meaning are we giving the situation? What do we believe about it? What we believe about the situation or the “something” is going to determine how we feel about it and how we react to it. Is a solution readily available or will we be stuck for a bit thinking about it? Do we really know what we belief is true or are we just making assumptions? How about, we give it a different meaning; one that serves us better? I know that there is no problem without a solution.

I am very solution-oriented woman. What I have learned it not to focus on the problem but instead looking at what outcome I want for the problematic situation. My focus is on creating a win-win for all involved. Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve a problem with the same thinking we used when we created them. My late husband, Slim Spurling, was committed to finding a solution for the devastating air pollution in Denver, Colorado in the early 90s. His focus was on the solution not hanging on to the problem. And he succeeded by creating the Light-Life Harmonizers. Energy goes where our focus is! This is not new age this is physics. And I agree, some situations are out of our control. However, we always have a choice as to how we react to it. Are we feeling helpless like a victim or are we resourceful and committed to finding solutions?

Here are some suggestions that have worked for me:

  • You can hand it over to God or the higher power you believe in and ask for divine solution, divine resolution, and divine conclusion and trust that it will be there when you need it.
  • You can go into silence and ask for an answer.
  • Many great scientist and inventors went to bed with their problems and woke up with a solution in the morning. You don’t have to be a scientist or famous person to have it work for you as well.
  • You can use our Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Manifestation Ring and ask for a solution that is for the highest good of all.
  • You can put your prayer on a piece of paper and tuck it in your Harmonizer with the intention to receive a solution.
  • If you have been following our newsletters and blogs for a while you know that we put the Harmonizer on a map of an area where there is danger of a hurricane coming down and it diverted.

Whatever you choose to do make sure to go into your heart, away from fear and into the knowing that there is a solution for every problem in the world. Use your tools to assist in your journey and create an environment of peace and harmony for you, your home, your family, and your community.

The Light-Life Tools can be wonderful way to bring in solutions as well as hold a space for them. To assist you with both personal and environmental energy, I decided to gift you a Mini Unity Harmonizer with the purchase of a Matrix 44 Harmonizer and a standard size Unity Personal Harmonizer with the purchase of a Matrix 22 Harmonizer for a limited time. This way you can experience the benefits of peace and harmony in and around your home as well as wherever you go.

Matrix 22

Plus, you will receive Free Shipping until the end of October. It is a perfect time to try a new tool.

Enjoy creating solutions!

Back to School – August 2020

Strange times ‘Back to School’ this year! How different things have been since March of 2020! From the outside things may look not much different if you consider that we’re used to seeing people wearing masks in stores and public places. People are on the roads, people go to stores, people are walking their dogs, biking, and hiking but where is the community and social part of it? In a world so confused and unsure of where COVID will go, not to mention social unrest it is hard to think about the missed connections, the need for social and physical contact, and the need for communication.

Schools are getting ready to re-open in some form or fashion but as social beings how does that work? We have social distancing, the inability to see the person we are talking to due to a face covering. No physical contact at all including a handshake let alone a hug.  Kids will be going “back” to school either at home on a computer, seeing their teachers and peers on their computer screen or they will be allowed to go to school in a limited fashion, a couple of days per week without any social aspect. (According to the schools it will be very different from what kids are used to and not allowing the social aspects such as lunch or hall conversations.)  I’m not sure if it is better to be home on a computer or in person without the joys of the community.

Either way, we must support our children, teachers,, and administrators. They are following guidelines and working harder than ever to be safe, learn, teach, and still deal with their own lives, fears, and homes. Kids want to get back to normal and the only way we can support that right now is to make community mean family and very close friends. It may mean not be seeing people in person but on a computer. It may mean extra hugs from Mom and Dad and no hugs for people outside of the home. Saying I Love You and Thank You a bit more. Appreciating the things that we do have, are able to do and can look forward to. Rather than that which we feel has been lost. Positive feelings, words, and views of the future will help us bridge the gap in social contact and communication while we wait for things to get us out of here to a new “normal”. While each of us experienced this time differently I believe we learned a lot about ourselves, what matters most in our lives, and we see life with new eyes. Our values probably changed, and I hope you also found some gifts in the situation. My dad always said that every ‘bad’ situation has a gift in it. I must say, he is right.

During these times, when your kids are going back to school, assist them by activating your Harmonizers. Put your intentions for a safe and peaceful year in them. Put your intentions for a feeling of connections and joy. Put all of your intentions to support them, your home, and everyone in your lives. Even if you don’t know them personally, including people who enter your neighborhood such as the postal worker, garbage collector, or mail carrier. Include people working on roofs and painting houses. Include all living beings so that peace and harmony, connection, and communication are all felt by those who are near you.

If you live near the school that your child attends, you may consider using your Agricultural Harmonizer.  Place your intentions into the Harmonizer as well as some remedies for good health and activate it so that it can go out through your child’s school. If you aren’t in close proximity to the school, place a map of the school under the Harmonizer and put your intention on that location. (See Video Here)

You can also send an Environmental Harmonizer with your child to school in their backpack. Put your intentions into the Harmonizer, activate it, and place it in a sturdy box or plastic container. I recommend the silver-plated Lost-Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, however, if you have any gold plated one, use what you have. Then place it in a pocket of the backpack. This can help with the stress of being at school during the Pandemic as well as can help the environment within the school.

Talk to your children, be open with the faculty and staff at the school, share your child’s concerns or struggles and build relationships with those who need our support and who are there to support our kids. Remind yourself to be grateful and say thank you often. It is not easy to be a teacher or administrator right now. It is not easy to be a kid right now. It is not easy to be a parent right now.

While my focus here was on back to school, I also want to speak to those of you who are not involved in ‘back to school’ in one way or another. You may have your own challenges; maybe you lost your job, have a financial hardship or just want to help those in need, please use your Harmonizer and put your intention in there for new opportunities to improve the current situation. You can also use our Manifestation Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring. Many of our customers had great results when speaking their intentions through the ring. I want to encourage you to look at your end result and not limit yourself with just looking at the next day/week or month. Be bold and courageous! After all, what do you have to lose?

As always, my invitation is to focus on love, not fear; stay in gratitude, and share the love with everyone around you. You have no idea who may be in need of your thought and compassion today.

Wishing you peace and harmony!

Hawaiian Islands

On a different note, we wanted to say thank you to all of those who participated in activating your Harmonizers to keep the Hawaiian Islands safe from Hurricane Douglas. Our friend asked for help and our community answered. The islands are safe. Please read the Thank You from our friend.

Harmony -July 2020

I think of Slim often but every year, during his birthday month of July, I think about his goal of Harmony. Slim hoped that the creation of the Harmonizer would help with harmony for every person, harmony for the planet, and harmony between people and the planet.

Our mission statement sums that up perfectly. Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time. You see, it starts with an individual and their intentions. It goes out into the community and environment, cleans the air, brings more light into the field which creates higher consciousness thus more harmony.

By activating our Harmonizers, sending into them an intention of peace, calm weather and happy relationships we begin to set in motion a wave of harmony. Now it doesn’t have to be this exact intention. You should put in your own intention but as we focus our intention on the highest good for all we create a place for people to coexist in harmony, we create a community that speaks to our soul and builds unity rather than discord.

Customers shared with us that having a Harmonizer in their home improved their relationships, helped with better communication, the energy felt better not only in their own home but positive changes were also experienced in their neighborhood.

When you have more Harmonizers in an area their fields are interacting and creating a denser light-field which can bring a cleaner environment on all levels, more peace, harmony, and well-being and increased consciousness. Just imagine, if we had a least a couple of Harmonizers in each community what that would it do for the whole world?! We could create a future of healthy, happy, peaceful people and a clean environment.

So if you have a Harmonizer activate it. Put your intentions in it and spend a few minutes a day reflecting on your intentions. See how it starts to reflect in your life and the lives of those around you. We would love to hear your experiences.

Wishing you peace and harmony!

Compassion, Understanding and Creating a Brighter Outcome – June 2020

In the past weeks we have gone from living within the restrictions of the Pandemic to Social unrest in our country. It is hard to fathom that such atrocities happen in our seemingly modern society, but clearly they do.

Being a white woman, albeit from a different country, I do not experience the hardships that some of our fellow Americans feel. I can only speak from my experience and perspective which fortunately does not include prejudice against me or my family.

Watching things unfold over the past week and the emotions that have erupted bring me so much sadness. There are no words for the violent act, only shock and dismay. The resulting protests both peaceful and otherwise have left many more injured or dead. It breaks my heart to think of all of the families who have lost a loved one as a result of this and things that have led up to this.

As a society, a community, we need to stop the separation, stop the judgment, stop the hatred and be a part of the change. It is interesting but one of my marketing staff regularly asks when we stopped living and teaching our children the “Golden Rule”. She says that back when she was a child, kids were taught to treat people how you want to be treated. Teachers would reference it in class, parents would use the term often and to her it meant we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, love and understanding. Treat someone how you expect them to treat you. Value yourself and treat others with that same value. It seems so simple but with all of the pressures of life it seems like people have forgotten that we are all human. We all have darkness and light within us. We all have a choice on how we show up in the world.

This is not the first time that we have seen such prejudices, injustice, heartache and death but hopefully we, as a society, have had enough and now can be the time for change.

We saw it during COVID-19 with fights in grocery stores over social distance or hording food and toilet paper. We saw judgments rise as people were in fear for their families. Judgment of those wearing a mask or those not wearing a mask. Judgment of how things are handled or not. Judgment of what’s essential or not.

It seems to me that this is a reflection of how our society was trained early on, before our current generations, and has been slightly suppressed but not eliminated. It is time to look within ourselves and be the light the world needs to see. See through the darkness that has been growing in our society and be the beacon of light. See the light in others with compassion and understanding.

Use your Harmonizers to spread peace, love, joy and compassion to those in your home, your neighborhood and your community. Put your intention into your Harmonizers for a healing to occur within those who are in pain and suffering, those who have had prejudices against them, their families or friends.

Let’s join together and be one, one peaceful country, one peaceful world, filled with people assisting others, lending a hand when one is needed, looking for the good in others and seeing that instead of color, gender or country of origin.

I believe that having a Harmonizer in every community will begin to shift the consciousness from hate and judgment to harmony and understanding.

Please join us and put your intention for peace into your Harmonizer and help us create light where there was darkness. If you purchase a Harmonizer in June to be a part of our mission to spread harmony, we will donate 25% of your Harmonizer purchase to an organization to help stop social injustices. This is just one of the things that we do to help create lasting change in our country and around the world.

Protect Yourself with White Light – April 2020

Some of my friends told me that during times of stress, fear and uncertainty, they go within and connect with white light. White light has a cleansing energy that surrounds you with peace. I recommend that if you too are feeling uneasy, go within and surround yourself with white light.

This may sound so simple. It’s easy to test yourself, just remember to set your intention as you do it.

One example, in the morning while you take your shower, visualize yourself also getting a shower of white light that protects you. Another example focus during your meditation on placing a protective shield of white light around you and your loved ones, your property, your cars, your business, etc. radiating out as far as you want. These work for me.

I’d like to share a true story that shows you the power of white light. A friend of mine lived in Australia during one of the fires and he had to be evacuated at 2 am in the morning. He told me going up the hill to his neighbors he turned around and looked at his house thinking poor house. He then said, “let me put white light around you.” Well, the next day he went down to look at his house. To the amazement of the fire fighters and him, his house was protected, even the hot water tank that was outside of the house. It just showed black signs of flames on the wood but no damage. Everything else outside the house was burnt down, but his house was saved. No joke, white light worked for him.

I don’t know if you ever flown over the big Island of Hawaii. You’d see a remarkable spot with a house surrounded by lava. The guide told us that the owner wasn’t going to evacuate assuring the rescue team he’d be save and he was. I don’t know what he did but it shows the power of our intentions, our thoughts and our beliefs. During this challenging time and any time, it is always a good idea to focus on what we want vs. going into fear. You’ll be amazed at the miracles setting your intentions will bring.

Aerial view of lava flows from the eruption of volcano Kilauea on Hawaii, May 2018

Light-Life Tools can help you stay calm and centered and send out good vibrations, because I’m sure you’d agree that this is what we need right now more than ever.

What is Your Heart’s Desire? – February 2020

Welcome February! With hearts displayed in every store we can’t ignore it is the months of love!

With January behind us and the depth of the winter season setting in, this is a wonderful time and opportunity to slow down, allow ourselves to be still and quiet and reflect inward. Being in that quiet space and silencing the impact of the outer world, we can connect to that clear, soft voice inside ourselves that is the core and essence of our being. We can ask the question: what is it that we want to create moving forward – what is our heart’s desire? What is the spark within us that desires to come to fruition?

Peeling away the outer influences and the reality around us, we can have the most direct and clear vision into what it is that we are ready to undertake. We don’t need to know all of the details. Sometimes it’s only about taking the first step and trusting the unfolding process, knowing on a deep internal level that each step will be revealed as the vision slowly unfolds and crystalizes.

What can be helpful as a priority is to keep connecting inside to our heart’s guiding light and clear voice while being in the present moment. This is the essence of the creative process. The stillness holds the entire vision of what’s on the horizon. We already have all of the answers to our questions.

February brings Valentine’s Day – a holiday centered around the heart. With all that is going on in the world around us, it’s always helpful to remember that no matter WHAT IS, we have the heart to guide us in each and every moment on our path. We only have to take the time to be centered in this beautiful space of truth, clarifying each moment of our experience through love.

So this February, I wish you the very best. May you define your own vision of your heart’s desire. May you know in each moment the beauty of who you are and follow the path guided by your own heart.

We at Light-Life Tools are happy to offer support and guidance through our blog, website and workshops, with information on the tools as they support your personal journey. Let us know how we can help you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Welcome January 2020! Happy New Year!

Welcome, January and Happy New Year! This New Year marks a fresh new start. We not only begin a new year but a new decade. We set our sights on this year’s goals with our New Year’s intentions, letting go of the past year (and past decade) and moving toward the new beginning as daylight expands. 2020 offers wonderful new opportunities!

To support a good start in the New Year, we are featuring our 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings. They are extremely versatile and a favorite go-to ring for many. The light from the rings penetrates everything in its path and the size of the larger tensor ring offers a broader area of application.

The 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings come in three different cubit measurements: the Sacred, the Lost and the Empowerment Cubit. Each measurement holds a slightly different energy and function. While each cubit measurement is multi-faceted, we simplify and say that the Sacred Cubit addresses the physical, the Lost Cubit addresses the mental and emotional and the Empowerment Cubit addresses the spiritual. The beads are additional energy amplifiers and the Sacred and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings have 5 beads – where the Empowerment Cubit has 7 beads.

We also offer each cubit measurement in a heavy gauge wire option. The heavier wire intensifies the energetic impact and provides a stronger, denser energy within the tensor field that is emitted from the ring, which works more quickly and effectively. The large beads on the heavy rings are each handmade here in Colorado.

Some of the many reported benefits of 3-1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings:

  • can shorten the time to reach a relaxed meditative state when sitting in meditation within a ring
  • can help one achieve whole body relaxation
  • can help to calm and center the mind
  • can be energizing in the morning or evening when passed slowly over the body top to bottom and then back up which we call the Aura Shower
  • can help to shorten sessions when placed under a healing table in a vesica pisces arrangement
  • can reduce the negative effects of EMF’s when placed around electronics
  • can alleviate chronic discomfort and enhance well-being when placed under a mattress or bed while sleeping
  • can increase energy levels and clarity while standing or sitting within a ring while working or meditating
  • can reduce the impact or severity of an impending hail storm or tornado and reduce or possibly dissipate the threat altogether if the ring is held at a perpendicular angle to the approaching weather pattern and activated with intention
  • can energize your groceries when you place them within a ring in the trunk of your car on your way home from the grocery store, or place a ring on the top of your refrigerator to keep your food fresh longer
  • can clear energy by passing a ring across a room or situation
  • can clear clothing of previous energy or make them feel “alive” by passing your clothing through a ring or hanging a ring in your closet

You can discover your own uses – there are always new ways to apply the rings!

Here is the full selection of 3-1/2 cubit rings that we offer:

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 beads

This ring is a staple and very helpful to feel grounded and more present in your physical body while clearing and releasing old energy, blockages and chronic discomfort. It can feel comforting and womb-like to sit inside this ring.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 Beads

This ring offers the Lost Cubit measurement which addresses mental and emotional energy. It is also wonderful to use in an aura shower for clearing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 7 beads

This ring addresses the spiritual realm and higher mental plane. The energy of the ring may feel very spacious and expansive. It also may support mental focus when performing tasks where mental clarity is helpful.

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 beads

This ring has the thicker gauge wire and a more substantial energy than the lighter version that helps to deepen your sense of peace.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 Beads

This ring has a stronger energy field than the lighter version of the ring, providing a deeper sense of relaxation and mental/emotional balancing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 7 beads

This is our largest ring and the thicker gauge wire strengthens the energy the ring emits. It helps people to get into a deeper state of meditation more quickly than the lighter version of the ring.

The 3-1/2 Cubit combination set which includes the Sacred Cubit and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings in the heavy gauge wire.

People like the combination of these two rings together, which address both the physical and mental-emotional planes. They’re a great combination when used in aura showers or even just sitting or meditating inside them.

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

Sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know for our upcoming promotions and workshops. You can also access very informative YouTube videos online about the Light-Life Tensor Rings and other Light-Life Tools. It’s a nice way to get a broad overview of our many products.

Testimonial for the 3-1/2 cubit Light-Life Rings:

I have been using the “3 ½ Empowerment Cubit Ring” for over a month now and I am feeling mentally and physically much better since working with it. I find as I move the ring slowing down over my body from my head to my toes and back up, I feel a sense of peace and calmness float over my body.  

I hang the ring on the wall at the head of my bed or I sometimes place it under the bedsheets. I feel I am sleeping more soundly with it in my bedroom.  ~ TP, OH

We at Light-Life Technology are here to support you and your use of the Light-Life Tools! Have a Happy New Year and keep us informed of your experiences. We love to hear how you are using the tools to enrich your life! New testimonials are very much appreciated and always welcome.

Ask Katharina – June 2019

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, President and CEO of Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,
I purchased my Agricultural Harmonizer many years ago, and I love it! Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten the procedure for clearing the harmonizer and re-activating it with the Environmental Clearing CD. Could you please refresh my memory on the technique and also the range when activated? Thank you so very much for your help!
Sherri B.

Dear Sherri,
I am happy to refresh your memory on the clearing of the Agricultural Energy Harmonizer. What you do is very simple. You place it in the 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring it came with and leave it there overnight. That’s all it takes. We cannot really give an exact range anymore due to the significant increase in pollution and wireless technology worldwide. If you’re living in a rural area it may go out up to 65 miles, however, when you’re close to a city or many cell phone towers its range may be much less. If you want it to go to a specific area you can always put your Harmonizer on a map of the area, put the ring around it, activate the CD and put your intention for the need of the area in it, i.e. calming down a storm, bringing rain, reducing the effects of chemtrails and air pollution, etc..

I hope this helps. Please share your experiences with us.

Warm regards,

PS: If you have other Light-Life Tools and don’t remember how to use them, I highly recommend getting the book In the Mind of a Master by Susan Anderson and Slim Spurling. It’s a great reference guide and a good read with transcripts of some of Slim’s talks.

Dear Katharina,
My son lives in Japan, and recently he’s been having terrible sciatic nerve pain from an old sports injury. I was wondering which of the Light-Life Tools would work the best for remote healing. I’ve heard that sterling silver works wonderfully, but I just read on your website about the Acu-Vac coils and remote healing. Any advice would be truly appreciated!
Judy A.

Dear Judy,
I’m sorry to hear your son is having terrible sciatic nerve pain. I’ve experienced it myself and it is no fun at all. For long distance work all Acu-Vac Coils seem to work fine. You would need to get a full body picture of him, put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around it and point the Acu-Vac Coil (the bead pointing away from the picture) to the area of his pain. Remember to add your intention to relieve him from his discomfort. If you’re a dowser you could dowse to see if the Sterling Silver Acu-Vac Coil would work better in his case or not.

I hope this helps and your son’s health is fully restored.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I am curious to learn more about the Empowerment Cubit. Would you please share more information with me? I don’t seem to find much on the internet.
Thank you.
Lisa N.

Dear Lisa,
The measurement for the Empowerment Cubit was given to me by a gentleman. His spirit guides recommended he call me to inquire if I was open to receiving the information. I was, and we made some rings according to his measurements and sent them out to a specific group in our network to test. Among them were two women who frequently communicate telepathically with each other. They reported that it is easier for them to get in communication and the information received is much clearer as well. We do not share the exact measurements as people are out there counterfeiting. I came across some measurements on the internet where people had copied my text, however, the measurement they are using is not what we are using. It is larger than the Lost Cubit and also has a higher frequency. It fits over everybody’s head and can support mental clarity and focus, spiritual growth, and connect you with your own light and love inside of you. It also works on a physical level as reported by an acupuncturist.
Also, when I took the first empowerment rings to my brother in Germany, he showed me a ring that Slim gave him in the late 90s that was exactly the same measurement. This shows that Slim knew about the measurement, however, during his lifetime we did not have the capacity to start a new line of products.

I hope this helps. Take advantage of our upcoming sale and get an Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring or Empowerment Energy Harmonizer for yourself. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.
Please keep me posted on your findings.

Warm regards,

PS: Our ‘Birthday’ Sale runs from June 27 through July 3, 2019.

Soothing the Soul – May 2019


Oh! fragrant is the breath of May
In tranquil garden closes,
And soft yet regal is her sway
Among the springtide roses.
~ William Hamilton Hayne, American poet (1856–1929)

Welcome May! The sun is invigorating, birds are singing, flowers are blossoming and the garden is thriving. Mother Nature’s multitude of colorful flowers is so inspiring this time of year! There is a story and symbolism behind each bloom, but the profound symbolism of the Lotus flower seems to have especially captured the human imagination and spirit like no other!

All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Both the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are universal symbols of sacred geometry. Ancient civilizations used a form with seven circles to create what they called the Seed of Life. When multiplied and extrapolated, it is a basic component of the Flower of Life’s design. In this season of flowers and harmony, we would like to share some history and shine some light on our Lotus Pendants.

Lotus Pendants

Lotus Pendants


The concept for the Lotus Pendants came about 8 years ago from the desire to create a more personal way to use the Seed of Life configuration that would provide a daily benefit. Like all of our jewelry, the Lotus Pendants are functional art forms that can be worn throughout the day. They are said to help improve overall health and well-being, strengthen the immune system and balance chakras among their multiple healing uses. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants are said to help improve your overall health and well-being both mentally and physically, while the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants are reported to be most supportive to your emotional and mental needs.

These distinctive pendants have been referred to as the “Soothers of the Soul”. They are said to align harmony and vibrations according to what is correct for the wearer. Please visit our Lotus Pendants page for more information, insight, and to read testimonials from our happy customers!

Shipping is FREE on ALL Light-Life Tools
for the entire month of May!

Would you rather have a hands-on experience with the Lotus Pendants and all of the Light-Life Tools? Then we suggest attending one of our unique workshops!

Our next workshop,

Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the
Applications of the Light-Life Tools

is coming up on

June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Our last workshop in April was SOLD OUT, so register today!
**Early bird pricing runs through June 14**

Click here for more information

Have a lovely May and remember to let the flowers of love soothe your soul!

Warm regards,


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