Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Light-Life Rings (Page 2 of 6)

Mocktail Recipes

To many of us, summer means BBQs. And BBQs mean great food, great conversations, and great drinks. So today, I thought I would share some mocktail recipes because a great night with friends shouldn’t come with regret the next morning.


Watermelon Basil Cooler:


  • 1 cup diced watermelon
  • 4-5 fresh basil leaves
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or simple syrup, or I prefer coconut nectar)
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • Ice**


  1. In a blender, combine the diced watermelon, basil leaves, juice of half a lime, and honey (or simple syrup/coconut nectar). Blend until smooth.
  2. Strain the mixture into a glass to remove any pulp or seeds.
  3. Add sparkling water to the strained watermelon mixture and stir gently.
  4. Fill another glass with ice cubes and pour the mocktail over the ice.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of fresh basil or a watermelon slice if desired.
  6. Stir gently before serving.

Virgin Mojito Mocktail


  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 lime, cut into wedges
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar (I use Monk Fruit or Xylitol – no calories and tastes just like sugar)
  • 1/2 cup club soda
  • Crushed ice**


  1. In a glass, muddle the mint leaves, lime wedges, and sugar (or Monk Fruit) until the lime releases its juice and the mint becomes fragrant.
  2. Fill the glass with crushed ice.
  3. Pour in the club soda and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a lime wedge.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Strawberry Lemonade Fizz:


  • 1 cup fresh strawberries,
  • hulled 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 2 teaspoons honey (or simple syrup/coconut nectar)
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • Ice cubes**


  1. Combine the fresh strawberries, lemon juice, and honey (or simple syrup) in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Strain the strawberry mixture into a glass to remove any seeds or pulp.
  3. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  4. Pour in the sparkling water and stir gently.
  5. Garnish with a strawberry slice or lemon twist if desired.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Pineapple Ginger Mocktail:


  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or simple syrup)
  • 1/2 cup ginger ale or sparkling water


  1. Combine the pineapple juice, lime juice, grated ginger, and honey (or simple syrup) in a shaker or glass. Stir until well mixed.
  2. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  3. Pour the pineapple mixture over the ice.
  4. Top it off with ginger ale or sparkling water.
  5. Stir gently.
  6. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or a slice of lime if desired.
  7. Serve and enjoy!


**I prefer to use ice cubes made with filtered and ‘ringed’ water. I love the structure our Light-Life Tensor Rings give the water.

Water crystal formation after being set inside a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring for 4 hours

Feel free to copy these recipes and try them out with your friends.

Enjoy your mocktails and let us know your favorites!

The Eclipse Season and Healing

With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always 😉 have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.

This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.

A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.

These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.

Supporting Us Through Changes

Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.

One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

1 Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.

Which Tool to choose?

Which Tool to choose is the question our customers ask when shopping for Tools. One of the ways they navigate their shopping journey, is to look for all the Tools with the type of Cubit measurement that resonates with them.

Here’s how you pick from the three size options, Sacred, Lost and Empowerment.

Sacred Cubit nested inside Lost Cubit, with the Empowerment Cubit as the Outer Ring.

Sacred Cubit

The Sacred Cubit is the first Cubit measurement to be re-discovered and implemented in tensor technology called Light-Life Tools by Slim Spurling. Once this length is “constructed into a circular form and connected, it creates a column of light”. Excerpt from In the Mind of a Master. One Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring vibrates at the frequency of 144MHz. It is an exact fraction of the circumference of the Earth. It makes me wonder; how did the Egyptians know about that?!

This means that the Sacred Cubit Tools are an excellent choice for various applications in our 3D world. This measurement oscillates at the harmonic of pure white light that our physical body responds to easily. It may harmonize physical discomfort. The Sacred Cubit also can help to clear manifestations of disharmony that we can see in our environment.

Lost Cubit

The Lost Cubit is the second Cubit measurement that was discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling through further experimentation and investigation. It is also called the “hidden” Cubit. Interestingly, the 1 Lost Cubit length has an even higher frequency with 177MHz. Which provides a frequency delta of 33MHz between the Sacred and the Lost. The number 33 shows up in many conspicuous places, like 33 vertebrae in the spine. Or even the Merkabah (known as the ascension vehicle) has six points to it, which is 3+3.

This clues us into the limitless functions of the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools. It is important for applications of things happening at a higher or more complex level than that of the Sacred Cubit measurement. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools are incredible for things we cannot see, like our emotional states, mental loops, and chronic issues. Even physical things that we can see, but we know or suspect their origins are from the mind or from somewhere else (quantum entanglement). Some say the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools heal by acting as a portal between one level to another. We may think an issue presenting trouble on the physical level stems from a physical origin, but there could be other factors that need to dissolve in order for that issue to finally resolve itself completely.

Empowerment Cubit

The Empowerment Cubit is the final measurement to complete the selection of Light-Life Cubits. This exact length seems to resonate with the Unified Field. It is also the largest circumference, so the correlation of it being “closest to the Universe” may feel comforting or “like home” to Starseed’s, Indigo’s or Crystal children. Therefore, this measurement is fantastic for a rainbow of high harmonic frequencies according to some participants in our research group. In theory, by positively affecting multiple layers of our energy field that may need support in clearing or holding a coherent field, the body can heal itself more easily without that resistance.

credit to Barbara Brennan School of Healing

Still Need Help Deciding which Tool to choose?

Call our office or email us and chat with any one of our intuitive and knowledgeable staff members. We will be able to guide you to your own answers on what would be the perfect option for you.

101 Ring No Beads: Just the Twist

A lot of you are familiar with Light-Life Tensor Rings. They consist of a twisted circle of copper, that can be plated in silver or 24K gold. Our 101 Ring: ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring with 3 beads in 24K gold is a staple in our collection. This is one of the first Tensor Rings that Slim ever created. For many of our customers, the 101 Ring is an introduction into the world of Light-Life Tools.

This simple and practical Ring has been a must-have Tool for experienced practitioners and beginners alike. This is thanks to its convenient, compact size and versatility. Throughout the years we’ve received hundreds of testimonials from the happy customers. They share how 101 Tensor Ring have supported them in everyday life in so many ingenious ways. From potentizing water, to assisting with alleviation of physical discomfort, balancing chakras, as well as reducing EMFs; these are just a few ways the Rings have been used by our community.

One of the most popular applications for the ½ Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring is wearing it on the left wrist/arm to enhance the energetic current and oxygen uptake throughout your body. This seems to combat fatigue and energy drain, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. However, for some people, the beads can get in the way, or make it slightly uncomfortable to wear it on your arm.

Now for Just the Twist!

You asked, and we listened. We have created the 101 Ring without beads, so more of us can wear it comfortably and keep experimenting with this wonderful Tool.

This limited edition 101 Tensor Ring without beads will be available for purchase starting December 1st for this month only.

Focused Intention to Partner with Nature

When we work by ourselves, we can accomplish much; when we work together with Nature, we can accomplish anything with a focused intent.

As you may already know, or if you are new to us, here at Light-Life Technology, we are focused on restoring the health of the environment. And the health and well-being of all those who reside here.

This is a core service-oriented principle that I hold in my mind’s eye every day. I do not exist in a vacuum and believe we are all one. So why not invite in the partnership formally?

Here’s a field report from a friend who has done just that.

“On a hike with a friend by her house in the mountains, we met a large bull moose. Then, a few minutes later, we came to the momma moose and her calf. We stood still in awe of their peaceful presence. As we trekked back to her house, we couldn’t believe our luck! She began seeing them in her backyard in the days to follow. One morning, she noticed the calf’s legs were all cut up. It appeared to be a barbed wire fence incident. Hearing this news, I immediately thought of my 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings. I had the idea to bring all the Light-Life tools I had over to her property, where the moose had been bedding down. I held the intent to set up ‘something’ to help the calf. We asked Nature to help us support the calf.
That afternoon turned into one of the most memorable experiences of my life. As we worked with the Tools in the field, it was incredible to feel the partnership and connectivity with all of Nature that these Tools have. My original idea of throwing two Rings out there and hoping the calf would plop down there at night, turned into a symphony of vibrational patterning that sang out the various configurations we made with the 3 ½ Cubit Rings and moving a Acu-Vac Coil vertically in the space with a ½ Sacred Cubit around the Coil. I can only describe the “music” that we felt flow into the ground and into the sky. It was in a fantastic toroidal shape. We had positively affected the entire zip code if I had to guess!” -A.S., Colorado

Daddy Moose enjoying the backyard

How inspiring, right?

It sounds so much more fun to invite Nature to partner with us when we wish to accomplish something we may not know how to if we were just “trying to figure it out” by ourselves. With focused intention and partnership with the Light-Life Tools and Nature, we might be surprised at how much greater our positive impact is!


Light-Life Tools for Pets

Our pets are part of our family, that is why we take their health and well-being seriously as well. Today we wanted to share with you more tips on how you can help support your darlings with the Light-Life Tools.

Light-Life Tensor Rings, of different sizes, can be used on animals the same way we use them on us.

If you already make the potentized water for yourself and enjoy the benefits, share some with your furry friend. It will nourish them the same way it nourishes you.

If you would like to help you pet with physical discomfort – place a Sacred Cubit Ring, of the appropriate size, under your dog’s/cat’s bed. Or try the Seed of Life if it looks like they need extra help. The Seed of Life configuration has multiple Tensor Rings overlapping and is much more powerful than a single Tensor Ring. This Tool is designed to raise the vibration on a cellular level. Read the report on ‘Little bear’ in the book, In the Mind of a Master, where the Seed of Life is said to save the little dog’s life.

Another great Tool that may assist your pet with physical discomfort is an Acu-Vac coil. The bigger the Coil – the faster it works. If you are working with large animals, like horses or cows, consider getting a larger Coil for faster results.

Light-Life Tools for Horses

If you are a horse owner, you know how painful and dangerous colic can be for them. Our 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Rings have been used by the horse community for many years here in Colorado and around the country. There are not many things that can bring colic relief to you hoofed one. However, this Tensor Ring is a must have Tool in your stable. Some of our practitioners also use the Acupressure Tool to treat their horses and other animals.

Another useful Tool to have in your horse first-aid kit is a Horse Mask. Slim Spurling designed this Mask for an employee’s horse when it had trouble breathing. Judy (the horse owner) decided to try our Copper Nose Mask. She noticed that it really helped, so she spent the whole night holding and alternating the Mask in front of horse’s nostrils. The next day she asked Slim to make a bigger Mask that will fit a horse’s face. This is how the Horse Mask came to life helping many horses and humans thereafter.

Share how you are using Light-Life Tools for your pets with us!

These are just a few examples, but as you know, Light-Life Tools have limitless applications, and your imagination is the key ingredient here. We always learn new ideas and get our inspiration from you, the Light-Life community! So, if you would like to share your story or experience of using the Tools for your pets and animals – please send us and email to cs@ix-el.com or share your story on our Facebook or Instagram.

Pumpkin Soup

This pumpkin soup was so delicious! An employee brought it in to share for lunch and it was the perfect recipe to make us all dream of autumn, which is soon to come! If you have the time, roast a fresh pumpkin to use in the recipe. However, canned pumpkin puree works just as well and taste just as delicious.


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 small yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 ½ cup pumpkin puree (either fresh or a 15-ounce can)
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 (14-ounce) can coconut milk
  • Optional garnishes: extra coconut milk, pumpkin seeds


  1. In a large pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add onion and sautĂŠ for 4 minutes until softened.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, and curry powder. Cook for 1 minute until fragrant.
  3. Stir in the pumpkin puree and broth. Then, increase heat to high and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat to low. Simmer softly for 10 minutes or until heated through.
  5. Add coconut milk and bring to a soft boil. Simmer for another 10 minutes or until heated through.
  6. Remove from heat. Then, puree soup by using an immersion blender. Alternatively, transfer soup in small amounts to a blender and puree each batch until smooth. Hot soup splatters in a blender and can cause the lid to pop off mid-blend, so be careful and don’t overfill.
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Finally, serve hot garnished with a drizzle of coconut milk and pumpkin seeds.


  • The soup is meant to a have a rich consistency. If it’s too thick for you, just add more broth or water to thin it out.
  • If you are not vegan or vegetarian, vegetable broth can be substituted with chicken broth.
  • Leftovers can be stored in the fridge for up to five days.

P.S. Tensor Rings can be used to give more “livingness” to your food and water. For this soup, we placed the bowl inside a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring before devouring it.

Light-Life Tools for Self-Care

As a lot of you know, the Light-Life Tools have endless applications. Today, we wanted to share with you some examples of how you can incorporate Light-Life Tools into your self-care routine. We would like to thank our Light-Life community for sharing your findings with us and we hope these ideas will inspire you to use our Tools in many different ways and experiment with applications more often 😊

Mediation Practice

Our Tensor Rings are great helpers if you want to deepen your meditation and/or relaxation practice. You can use ½ or 1 Cubit Tensor Rings on your chakras, placing them where you most need attention now. Use a 1 Cubit Ring as a “crown” on your head or try sitting inside a 3 ½ Cubit Ring during your meditation practice.

Visualization and/or Manifestation may also be more powerful if you use Tensor Rings around your body or around your head/neck. Our Manifestation Ring, Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring, got this name for a reason – it has helped so many of our customers manifest their intentions.

Energy Harmonizers are another great Tool for your manifestation routine. Hold the Harmonizer in your hands, try to connect with it, and broadcast your visions through it.

Visualizing intentions with a Manifestation Ring

Skincare Routine

A friend of Light-Life Tools, Amy Wall, shared the following tips with us. She uses Light-Life Tools in her amazing Energetic Beauty program (check it out, we promise you’ll find a lot of powerful information there). Our Acupressure Tool can be used as a massage wand for your face, neck, and head. The Manifestation Ring is one of Amy’s favorites. She wears it as a crown during the skincare routine and visualizes the end results. Imagine lotion nourishing your skin and the skin responding positively, wrinkles disappearing, skin tone improving, etc. And when you are not using the Ring, you can place your cosmetics inside it to help keep their potency.

Aura Shower

Another great way to use 3 ½ Cubit Rings is giving yourself or another person an Aura shower. Stepping inside the Tensor Ring and moving it up and down slowly over your body may help you get rid of the energies that don’t serve you. It may also help to cleanse your aura, relax your body and mind, and make room for the new and positive.

We hope these tips were helpful and we will be thrilled to hear from you if you’ve discovered new ways Light-Life Tools has helped you on your journey to harmony, happiness, and well-being.

Start with Yourself to Bring Positive Changes to the World 

Harmony creators know that you first start with yourself in order to bring positive changes to the world. However, this can seem impossible. Your social media news feed is filled with posts of fights and death. News segments talk of war and crime. Neighbors talk about burglaries and destruction of their properties. There are so many wildfires and droughts everywhere. Then illnesses and disease? Let’s not even get started on that. With all this negativity surrounding the world, how are you supposed to bring a positive state to it? Then once you start thinking like this, you start to give up on your dreams. And harmony seems so far away. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way.

The truth is, it is possible to create harmony and bring a positive state to the world. But first, you have to start with yourself. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary to make an impact. American author and speaker John C. Maxwell wrote: “Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves.”

Upgrade How You Think and Act

You bring a positive state to the world not by pointing out what is wrong with it, but by upgrading how you think and act, and coinciding this with what you wish to see in the world. You accomplish this by changing what you pay attention to. By feeding the positivity. Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This alone will have a ripple effect on the lives of those around you. For example, you read a negative post on social media that ignites fear and anger inside you. Rather than bash on the person who made the post, you share an inspiring quote that makes you feel strong and grounded. That quote gets shared and shared again. This ripple effect of positivity was started with yourself.

Have you heard the saying, “You are the sum of the five people you most associate with”? Let’s expand this. Say you start acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Then the five people around you most will start acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Each of those five people will affect their top five people. Now, 25 people are acting from a place of peace, love, and joy. Are you able to see where this cycle is going?

Meditating while wearing a Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring

Light-Life Tools Can Help You

Light-Life Tools can help you create a positive state in the world inside you. Our energy Tools were designed and created to help you activate your own inner power and find that place of peace, love, and joy. Once you operate from that place inside you, you will create harmony. Remember, you need to start with yourself to bring positive changes to the world.

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Only useful information that will support you on your journey to a happier and more harmonious life. Click here to subscribe to our list.

You too can can make your home a harmonious place!

When one of our associates sent us the video of Kendall Jenner showing the copper energy rings (Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest. https://youtu.be/yjhibJ-OqxE – go to minute 8:00 in the video) in her bedroom saying she doesn’t know what they do, but they make her feel better, we had to smile. Because this is what many of our customers say, “I don’t know what they do and how they work, BUT they do work.”

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Light-Life Tools emit a coherent light field. Reports state they help people: stay calm in the midst of chaos, sleep better, and have more energy. In addition, water charged, or potentized, by a Light-Life Tensor Ring not only tastes better but seems to give people more energy and vitality. There are many more benefits that you can read about on our website. Also Check out Slim Spurling’s book: In the Mind of a Master, and the e-book: Slim Spurling’s Universe. Download the eBook for free here.

One of the best things about Light-Life Energy Tools, and especially Tensor Rings, are the countless applications. We are continually discovering more ways to use them to support peace and harmony in your life and in the world.

Ways to Use Copper Rings Around Your Home

Put a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring on your water bottle, like Kendall Jenner did when showing us the copper rings. You may notice that your water tastes better. Keep your produce inside a Ring to preserve the freshness. Place a Ring under your pillow to give yourself deep and restoring sleep. Customers have also said using a bigger Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Tensor Ring under your mattress works even better. Try putting a Ring around house plants that need a little more love. Household pets and animals can also enjoy the benefits of the Tensor Rings. Try placing one under your dog’s or cat’s bed and see how they positively respond to it. Keeping your skin care products and supplements within a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring seems to help them stay fresh and potent.

Photo credit: Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

A lot of us know or have heard about harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Due to ever present electronics, EMFs are everywhere nowadays. We have found that Light-Life Tensor Rings addresses the harmful issues effectively. The way the wire is twisted creates a zero-point energy field that seems to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF. So, placing the Rings over your router, your smart meter, and any other electrical devices in your house, can bring you some relief and maybe even better health and harmony.

Hans Becker, one of Slim Spurling’s researcher friends, used a special device to determine that our Tensor Rings have antiviral and antibacterial properties. This may explain why the health-improving results people are reporting are so significant.

Just remember as you’re reading more about our Light-Life Tools, the applications are only limited by your imagination. It really comes down to getting some Tensor Rings for yourself and applying them around your house. And please let us know your findings!

PS: Light-Life Technology can now text you updates! Click here to subscribe to our list. We promise we won’t bombard you with text messages! Just special promotions with a few tips & tricks here and there.

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