Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Intention (Page 3 of 5)

Welcome January 2020! Happy New Year!

Welcome, January and Happy New Year! This New Year marks a fresh new start. We not only begin a new year but a new decade. We set our sights on this year’s goals with our New Year’s intentions, letting go of the past year (and past decade) and moving toward the new beginning as daylight expands. 2020 offers wonderful new opportunities!

To support a good start in the New Year, we are featuring our 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings. They are extremely versatile and a favorite go-to ring for many. The light from the rings penetrates everything in its path and the size of the larger tensor ring offers a broader area of application.

The 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings come in three different cubit measurements: the Sacred, the Lost and the Empowerment Cubit. Each measurement holds a slightly different energy and function. While each cubit measurement is multi-faceted, we simplify and say that the Sacred Cubit addresses the physical, the Lost Cubit addresses the mental and emotional and the Empowerment Cubit addresses the spiritual. The beads are additional energy amplifiers and the Sacred and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings have 5 beads – where the Empowerment Cubit has 7 beads.

We also offer each cubit measurement in a heavy gauge wire option. The heavier wire intensifies the energetic impact and provides a stronger, denser energy within the tensor field that is emitted from the ring, which works more quickly and effectively. The large beads on the heavy rings are each handmade here in Colorado.

Some of the many reported benefits of 3-1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings:

  • can shorten the time to reach a relaxed meditative state when sitting in meditation within a ring
  • can help one achieve whole body relaxation
  • can help to calm and center the mind
  • can be energizing in the morning or evening when passed slowly over the body top to bottom and then back up which we call the Aura Shower
  • can help to shorten sessions when placed under a healing table in a vesica pisces arrangement
  • can reduce the negative effects of EMF’s when placed around electronics
  • can alleviate chronic discomfort and enhance well-being when placed under a mattress or bed while sleeping
  • can increase energy levels and clarity while standing or sitting within a ring while working or meditating
  • can reduce the impact or severity of an impending hail storm or tornado and reduce or possibly dissipate the threat altogether if the ring is held at a perpendicular angle to the approaching weather pattern and activated with intention
  • can energize your groceries when you place them within a ring in the trunk of your car on your way home from the grocery store, or place a ring on the top of your refrigerator to keep your food fresh longer
  • can clear energy by passing a ring across a room or situation
  • can clear clothing of previous energy or make them feel “alive” by passing your clothing through a ring or hanging a ring in your closet

You can discover your own uses – there are always new ways to apply the rings!

Here is the full selection of 3-1/2 cubit rings that we offer:

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 beads

This ring is a staple and very helpful to feel grounded and more present in your physical body while clearing and releasing old energy, blockages and chronic discomfort. It can feel comforting and womb-like to sit inside this ring.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 Beads

This ring offers the Lost Cubit measurement which addresses mental and emotional energy. It is also wonderful to use in an aura shower for clearing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 7 beads

This ring addresses the spiritual realm and higher mental plane. The energy of the ring may feel very spacious and expansive. It also may support mental focus when performing tasks where mental clarity is helpful.

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 beads

This ring has the thicker gauge wire and a more substantial energy than the lighter version that helps to deepen your sense of peace.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 Beads

This ring has a stronger energy field than the lighter version of the ring, providing a deeper sense of relaxation and mental/emotional balancing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 7 beads

This is our largest ring and the thicker gauge wire strengthens the energy the ring emits. It helps people to get into a deeper state of meditation more quickly than the lighter version of the ring.

The 3-1/2 Cubit combination set which includes the Sacred Cubit and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings in the heavy gauge wire.

People like the combination of these two rings together, which address both the physical and mental-emotional planes. They’re a great combination when used in aura showers or even just sitting or meditating inside them.

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

Sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know for our upcoming promotions and workshops. You can also access very informative YouTube videos online about the Light-Life Tensor Rings and other Light-Life Tools. It’s a nice way to get a broad overview of our many products.

Testimonial for the 3-1/2 cubit Light-Life Rings:

I have been using the “3 ½ Empowerment Cubit Ring” for over a month now and I am feeling mentally and physically much better since working with it. I find as I move the ring slowing down over my body from my head to my toes and back up, I feel a sense of peace and calmness float over my body.  

I hang the ring on the wall at the head of my bed or I sometimes place it under the bedsheets. I feel I am sleeping more soundly with it in my bedroom.  ~ TP, OH

We at Light-Life Technology are here to support you and your use of the Light-Life Tools! Have a Happy New Year and keep us informed of your experiences. We love to hear how you are using the tools to enrich your life! New testimonials are very much appreciated and always welcome.

Ask Katharina – June 2019

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, President and CEO of Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,
I purchased my Agricultural Harmonizer many years ago, and I love it! Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten the procedure for clearing the harmonizer and re-activating it with the Environmental Clearing CD. Could you please refresh my memory on the technique and also the range when activated? Thank you so very much for your help!
Sherri B.

Dear Sherri,
I am happy to refresh your memory on the clearing of the Agricultural Energy Harmonizer. What you do is very simple. You place it in the 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring it came with and leave it there overnight. That’s all it takes. We cannot really give an exact range anymore due to the significant increase in pollution and wireless technology worldwide. If you’re living in a rural area it may go out up to 65 miles, however, when you’re close to a city or many cell phone towers its range may be much less. If you want it to go to a specific area you can always put your Harmonizer on a map of the area, put the ring around it, activate the CD and put your intention for the need of the area in it, i.e. calming down a storm, bringing rain, reducing the effects of chemtrails and air pollution, etc..

I hope this helps. Please share your experiences with us.

Warm regards,

PS: If you have other Light-Life Tools and don’t remember how to use them, I highly recommend getting the book In the Mind of a Master by Susan Anderson and Slim Spurling. It’s a great reference guide and a good read with transcripts of some of Slim’s talks.

Dear Katharina,
My son lives in Japan, and recently he’s been having terrible sciatic nerve pain from an old sports injury. I was wondering which of the Light-Life Tools would work the best for remote healing. I’ve heard that sterling silver works wonderfully, but I just read on your website about the Acu-Vac coils and remote healing. Any advice would be truly appreciated!
Judy A.

Dear Judy,
I’m sorry to hear your son is having terrible sciatic nerve pain. I’ve experienced it myself and it is no fun at all. For long distance work all Acu-Vac Coils seem to work fine. You would need to get a full body picture of him, put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around it and point the Acu-Vac Coil (the bead pointing away from the picture) to the area of his pain. Remember to add your intention to relieve him from his discomfort. If you’re a dowser you could dowse to see if the Sterling Silver Acu-Vac Coil would work better in his case or not.

I hope this helps and your son’s health is fully restored.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
I am curious to learn more about the Empowerment Cubit. Would you please share more information with me? I don’t seem to find much on the internet.
Thank you.
Lisa N.

Dear Lisa,
The measurement for the Empowerment Cubit was given to me by a gentleman. His spirit guides recommended he call me to inquire if I was open to receiving the information. I was, and we made some rings according to his measurements and sent them out to a specific group in our network to test. Among them were two women who frequently communicate telepathically with each other. They reported that it is easier for them to get in communication and the information received is much clearer as well. We do not share the exact measurements as people are out there counterfeiting. I came across some measurements on the internet where people had copied my text, however, the measurement they are using is not what we are using. It is larger than the Lost Cubit and also has a higher frequency. It fits over everybody’s head and can support mental clarity and focus, spiritual growth, and connect you with your own light and love inside of you. It also works on a physical level as reported by an acupuncturist.
Also, when I took the first empowerment rings to my brother in Germany, he showed me a ring that Slim gave him in the late 90s that was exactly the same measurement. This shows that Slim knew about the measurement, however, during his lifetime we did not have the capacity to start a new line of products.

I hope this helps. Take advantage of our upcoming sale and get an Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring or Empowerment Energy Harmonizer for yourself. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.
Please keep me posted on your findings.

Warm regards,

PS: Our ‘Birthday’ Sale runs from June 27 through July 3, 2019.

Goals and Numerology – January 2019

2019 Goals and Numerology


As we work our way through the first month of the year I looked to see what the numbers in numerology mean for us, 2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2=3. 2019 is a 3 year.  Below are some interpretations of the number 3. It’s powerful!

Three is the first number to which the meaning “all” was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end. The power of three is universal and is the tripartite nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit; Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Of course I can’t help but think of our Slim Spurling Light-Life Tools when I read heaven, earth and waters.

So what does this mean for you? With 3 being a powerful number you can make great things happen in your life. You can choose to regain your health, create more peace in your life and follow your hearts desires to live the life you choose to live.

This year as you look to the future and put together goals to help guide you, be sure to incorporate your Light-Life Tools.

You can use the Harmonizers to enhance your home and make your space more peaceful or use the Acu-Vac Coils and Feedback Loops to reduce discomfort in your body.  The Light-Life Rings can be used to re-energize, potentize water and get more restful sleep.

If you are looking to complete some goals in 2019, use the Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Light-Life Ring as a manifesting ring. Of course you don’t need a Light-Life Ring to manifest, but it can be helpful to increase your life force energy when affirming your goals out loud.

This ring is about 7″ in diameter and is made with a heavier gauge copper wire that produces a stronger energy field.

Be very clear and direct when using the Manifesting Ring. You can wear it over your head like a necklace or you can hold it to your chest as you speak to strengthen the energy around what you are manifesting.

People report amazing results. For example, you may have heard me tell the story of one associate who had her car stolen and spoke into the ring that she wanted her car to be found by midnight that night. About 2 weeks later she got her car back. When she looked into how the car was recovered, she found out that her car was found at 11:45 on the night that she used the ring, but due to a clerical error, was not returned to her for 2 weeks. Perhaps she could have asked for her car to be returned to her rather than found.

If you are ready to kick start 2019, learn about geopathic stress reduction as well as experience the Light-Life Tools, attend our upcoming workshop April 5 – 7, 2019. This is a rare opportunity as Scott Anderson comes only once a year when he comes. You don’t want to miss his teachings; he is an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress Reduction. I’m excited that this time he is joined by his wife Susan, the co-author of In the Mind of a Master. Susan is an artist and also is an experienced dowser and has worked with Scott in clearing homes and properties. You will have one day learning about the Light-Life Tools with an option for a session on a massage table or working with one another on a chair. For details on the workshop and to register please Click Here.

May this be the best year of your life and bring you more of what makes you happy and content!

Warm Regards,


PS: In case you haven’t heard it – it takes not 21 days but between 66 – 254 days to change a habit! So don’t be discouraged – be patient with yourself.

Celebrate – December 2018

As the year comes to a close and I celebrate the holidays with my staff, friends and family – I am filled with joy and appreciation. These celebrations remind me to look back on the year and relish all of the things that we have to celebrate about 2018.

I celebrate not only my life and accomplishments, but I celebrate you and yours as well. Without a wonderful staff, dedicated distributors and affiliates – and all of our customers around the world, we would not be where we are today. We are making a difference, each and every one of us. Whether it’s something that seems small like blocking geopathic stress from entering our home or big such as using a Washtub Harmonizer to assist with hurricanes or fires; together we are making a difference. I celebrate the changes that we are making in our lives, our bodies and our communities.

During the remainder of this month I ask that you too celebrate. Bring joy, gratitude and laughter into your lives and into your homes. Celebrate both the good and not so good as they have both brought you to where you are in this minute. Allow the not so good to fade as you accept help from others and work with your tools to gain more peace in your life and build positive energy around you.

Let’s celebrate that which is yet to come – 2019 is an open book that is yours to write. Begin setting your intentions now. Write your plans, hopes, and dreams down and look at them often. Put your intentions into your Harmonizers and Light-Life Rings as you use them. Know that as you put forth your wishes and intentions the universe will respond. Light-Life Tools are designed to assist you. They can help you reduce discomfort, get better sleep, alter energy from your surroundings and help you feel more peaceful.

We celebrate you and wish you a Peaceful and Joyous Holiday Season and Happy New Year!

Ask Katharina – December 2018

Dear Ms. Spurling-Kaffl,

I am new to the Light-Life Tools and heard about the use of the Acu-Vac Coil to do long distance work. Which coil would you recommend for that purpose and how exactly would you do it?

I am very intrigued by the Light-Life Tools and look forward to learning more about them. When is your next workshop?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Dr. B.


Dear Dr. B.,

Thank you so much for your email and inquiry. You can use any Acu-Vac Coil you have. Depending on what issue you’re addressing, you can lean a picture of the person or animal up against an object, put a Light-Life Ring around the picture (any 24K gold plated or Sterling Silver Light-Life Ring would work) and point the Acu-Vac Coil with the bead away from the picture on the area that needs work done.

One of our new customers who just read in the book how to treat sprained ankles, got a call from a friend who lived about 600 miles away from her telling her that she sprained her ankle. Our customer asked her to send her a picture of her ankle. She left the picture on her mobile phone and put a Light-Life Ring around it with a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil and a Sacred Feedback Loop hooked on it as shown on the picture with the water glass.

She left the phone in this configuration overnight. The next morning her friend called to tell her that the pain was almost gone and she could move her foot again.

We have not done our workshop schedule for next year. If you don’t have the book In the Mind of a Master I highly recommend getting it. It is a great reference guide and also gives you transcripts of Slim’s talks.

Please keep me posted on your results when you’re doing long distance work.

Warm regards,

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Dear Katharina,

Do you have any suggestions on which tools to use for migraines? A friend of mine is suffering quite a bit and I would like to help him.

Thank you.




Dear K.B.,

Please understand that I cannot give any medical advice, however, I can give you some ideas on which tools have helped people in the past. We can never guarantee that it works for everybody the same, simply because we don’t know the source.

Some people have great results wearing our eye masks. One found out by accident that it brought him great relief and we shared this information and got reports from other people also with great results.

I personally used to have migraines occasionally at our previous home. When I caught it right in the beginning by putting a Lost Cubit Sterling Silver over my head it stopped in its tracks. When I waited too long it didn’t work.

One time we had a guest who used the Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop in combination by hooking the Feedback Loop into the coil and scanned around my head. It took about 20 minutes and my migraine was gone. Please remember to also use your intention when working with the tools. It may give even faster results.

Please let me know what you’re doing and how it is helping your friend. I would love to share your ideas and results.  I do hope one of my suggestions brings him relief.



Dear Katharina,

I love the potential of the Light-Life Tools and would like to learn how to preserve food. Here are my ideas and questions:

  • Can I place a Light-Life Ring horizontal in the fridge to increase the lifespan of food?
  • Does the Ring have to be placed in the middle of the fridge or is it better in the upper or bottom shelf?
  • If you would put it an inch above the fridge, would it still have an impact on the food in the fridge?
  • Which Light-Life Ring would you recommend to increase the durability of the food?

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to hearing from you.




Dear B.,

Thank you so much for your questions. I have a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring on my fridge in my home in Colorado. It’s been amazing. My produce seems to keep forever. Even a bottle of organic milk stayed fresh for over five months after its expiration date. I will try to put a ring in the fridge of my office in Germany as I have no access to the top. The field of the Light-Life Rings seems to go infinitely in both directions.

You can also put a Light-Life Ring around your fruit bowl on your counter top and observe how much longer your fruit will stay fresh.

I hope this helps. Try it and let me know how it works for you.




Greetings and Happy November!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am setting my intention for November on Gratitude. If you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving, I would still like to invite you to focus on everything in your life you are grateful for. It can be little things like the sun shining or snow falling or a kid laughing or the car starting on an icy morning, the train being on time… I think you get the picture! I have so much in my life to be grateful for year round, but want to express my sincerest gratitude to you now for being part of our Light-Life community.

If you are new to our community let me tell you how the Light-Life Tools can improve your life and help our planet. The Light-Life Rings can be placed anywhere on your body where you feel discomfort, they are used for energizing water and food; they are even used to transform hail clouds into rain. They seem to bring more light to anything that comes into their tensor field. The Acu-Vac Coils are designed and reported to remove unpleasant energies from areas when held with the bead away, and bring light to it when the bead is pointed towards it. The Harmonizers are a combination of the Light-Life Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil and generate a toroidal light-field that is visible to the clairvoyant’s eyes only. You have to imagine it as moving energy field that brings everything in its field into motion. They are used for reducing air pollution, encouraging plant growth, improving health and well-being and much more. Our book In the Mind of a Master would be a great guide for you to learn more and/or refresh your memory on how to use a tool that you bought many moons ago. You may not even have one of our amazing tools yet, but now is the time to get one. We have our last great sale of the year coming up and you don’t want to miss it!

It is with much love and gratitude that we are offering a limited time Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale to everyone on ALL of our Light-Life Tools. If you have been thinking about investing in better health and environmental harmony now is the time to do it.

You can get a Light-Life Ring for your faucet to enhance your drinking water. Or how about an Agricultural Harmonizer to reduce air pollution and help crops grows. Maybe a Personal Harmonizer has been on your wish list. Whatever the tool, it is on sale (I’ll give you all of the details in a moment.).

In case you aren’t sure what tool to use or why, I will give you a little insight as I am happy to share my love of these with you.

Slim started designing the rings and shortly after, began making them in a variety of sizes. He did this so that people could use the rings for different purposes. Some people needed a large ring to place around a large printer or to use to clear energies around a person. Some people want a smaller ring that they could put on their arm or around their glass of water to potentize it. Then there is a ring that fits perfectly over your head to wear around your neck. All of the rings serve to bring in positive energy and can be used for any of these purposes. It is sometimes easier to use a smaller ring or a bigger ring depending on what you want to do with it.

The Harmonizers also come in Silver or Gold Plated and the larger the Harmonizer the greater distance the energy flows.  Harmonizers, Agricultural, Environmental and Personal are a perfect tool for your home, your land and the self.

The Light-Life Harmonizers are designed and reported to clean the environment (including air, water, and soil) without the use of chemicals, and create a harmonious field around them.”

In one of my previous newsletters I suggested to do a gratitude journal and write down every day three things you’re grateful for before you go to bed and/or also in the morning to start your day. I have done that for many years and it’s been very helpful for me especially when times were tough – and I had my fair share of those as well.

My gratitude goes to my employees in the shop who excel in making highest quality of products, to my customers service team and strives in giving you the best customer service experience and support you in finding the right Light-Life Tools for your needs. I am also grateful for my marketing team that makes sure we get the correct information out to you and so can make an educated choice. I am very grateful for you, our loyal customers, who understand the value of the original Slim Spurling Light-Life Tools and for improving your life as well as that of your loved ones and the environment. And of course I am especially grateful for Slim and all of his dedicated research to find ways to better our lives and our planet. I am grateful to have shared in his zest for life and immense caring and I am grateful for the ability to share these wonderful gifts with you in the hope that you live a life filled with joy and peace.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer | Ask Katharina Sept. 2018

Each Harmonizer is a combination of rings and a coil shaped into a 3-dimensional sphere that creates a unique, continuous flow of energy. Research has shown that they emit a Light Field (L-field) that has a positive output.” – www.lightlifetools.com

I am especially grateful for the Feedback Loop and Acu-Vac Coils. These tools have helped me tremendously with physical discomfort, healing from an injury and creating super potentized water. These tools were designed to help remove negative energy. They are slightly different in their design as the Feedback Loop draws out negative energy, and then feed it back into the body as positive energy.

“The Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil was developed from the principle of the Light-Life Ring. It is also a superconductor, differing in the fact that the one-way energy flow is selectively directed along the axis of the coil. The energy causing discomfort in the body (or in a situation) is drawn through the coil and converted to helpful energy benefiting your environment when it leaves the coil. The drawing in, or suction end, is furthest from the bead. In a sense, the coil acts as a vacuum cleaner for the discomforting energies. This has been verified with scientific research. The further away the coil is from your body, the stronger the effect seems to be. After pulling out unwanted energy, at the end of the session, you want to turn the coil and point with the bead to the area you have been working on to fill with light energy. You can also use the Acu-Vac Coil for long distance healing by using a picture of the person that needs assistance.” – www.lightlifetools.com.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We are happy to help you in making and educated choice.

In gratitude,



If you can choose to be anything – choose to be kind. This month I would like to focus my intention on Kindness. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. This month, let’s choose to be kind, to be friendly to those around us. Offer a smile when you see another person. Open a door for someone, say hello and smile, or give a compliment.

Kindness is a gesture that not only benefits the person that you are being kind to but also releases endorphins within your body that make you feel good. Being kind is such a simple thing to do daily that can mean so much.
Kindness | Light-Life Technology Blog
When I was growing up – teachers, parents and grandparents would tell kids to live by the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule meant, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Basically, treat people how you want to be treated. I feel this rule is one that would be good to pass on and teach to our children and to be taken to heart as we go through our lives.

How do I wish to have others treat me? I want to be treated with respect, appreciation, cared for and I want to feel loved. How do I bring that into my life? I treat others that way. Even if someone is not treating me as I feel I deserve, I intentionally treat them with respect and kindness. I have no idea what they are going through, what has happened in their day or their life – but I do know that my kindness can make a difference to them.

My intention is to show kindness to all that I encounter. To smile, say something nice, give a compliment, hold a door – anything that shows I care. Show that the other person matters and hopefully they will feel the kindness. They will know that someone thinks they matter, and that through kindness we are all connected.

My recommendation for the month of September is for each and every one of us to choose to be kind rather than right. To choose to be kind rather than get mad and say something hurtful or hold a grudge – for anger and resentment benefit no one. Put your intention of kindness into your Light-Life Tools and continue radiating kindness to the world. At the end of the month, I hope that we are so accustomed to showing kindness that it is second nature and we never stop being kind to those around us.

When given a choice, choose kindness!

Ask Katharina – September 2018

I have just taken another look at the website, and the ix-el instagram, and remembered the properties of the silver plated Harmonizer, as the reason I purchased the Harmonizer for my sister, is because she has a neighbor whom by the sounds of it is rather difficult/disturbed etc.

Would the Gold plated Sacred Cubit be appropriate/have the potential to work on the Emotional frequencies?

With Best Wishes
Max H.

Dear Max,

All Harmonizers work with frequencies, however, we found that the silver plated Lost Cubit Environmental and Personal Harmonizer work the best when it comes to emotional/mental issues. Having said that, if you happen to have a gold plated one you can hold it in your hands, focus on the situation and put your intention in there that the situation is resolved.
Silver Plated Lost Cubit Harmonizers | Ask Katharina Sept. 2018
A friend of mine in Germany had miracles happen with difficult neighbors once she activated the Lost Cubit silver plated Environmental Harmonizer.

Wishing your sister best of luck with harmonizing her environment.

Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,

I love the tools and enjoy their energy. I am curious as to where they are made?

Thank you,
Kind regards,
Sue V.

Hello Sue,

Thank you so much for your question. All our Tools are handcrafted by our metalsmiths at our facility here in Colorado.

I am glad you are enjoying their energy because only the best goes into them.

Warm regards,

Good morning!

I live in a community where all homes have tile roofs which are highly susceptible to mold and algae buildup and require frequent cleaning.

All homes are within 1 mile from me.

Would one of the Harmonizers help to either, clean and/or slow down or prevent this buildup?

If so, which now would you recommend? I am retired and would like the lowest cost one that would be effective.

Thank you,


Bill P.

Hello Bill,

Thank you for your question. We received reports from customers who used the Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated very successfully to eliminate mold. They reported also that it took care of some algae build- up on water.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer | Ask Katharina Sept. 2018One of our customers in Spain was running an Agricultural Harmonizer, 24 hours/day to clean up mold in the cellar of their castle. Either can help you; however, the Agricultural Harmonizer is more expensive.



Sacred Cubit Agriculture Harmonizer | Ask Katharina Sept. 2018

Please remember that you can always program your Harmonizer with your intentions.

Please keep us posted.




Fires, Hurricanes & Harmonizers

This year has been extremely difficult with dry conditions resulting in droughts and – subsequently – fires. The United States and Europe have seen wildfires, smoke, loss and destruction. Homes and lives have been lost, and, as a result of the fires, the skies have been filled with smoke that spans hundreds of miles and affects people in states clear across the country. I live in the country and usually have a great view of the Rocky Mountains, however, the last few weeks they were hidden behind the haze.

This drought brought with it fire, fear and loss.

Back in 1991 Slim Spurling created the Light–Life Ring and then went on to create the Environmental Harmonizers for just such a reason. He said “The Light-Life Technology is an ancient science rediscovered to restore the health of the environment and mankind.”

When placed in a specific configuration, the Harmonizer can help to bring moisture to areas that desperately need it. You do not need to be near the fire or location of drought in order to help bring moisture. Simply place this configuration on top of the area on a map and put your intention on it. Download the image

As we discussed in June, we are in the midst of Hurricane season. Although this year has been milder than last year, which may have very well to do with more Harmonizers out on the coasts, the season is not over.

The Sacred Cubit Harmonizers can work the best at diverting storms, but if you have a different one it will work as well. Like the configuration for bringing moisture, you do not need to be near a storm to assist in diverting it. Simply get a map of the area, put your intention on diverting the storm and place your Harmonizer on the map. Then put a ring around the area you want to affect, turn on the Environmental Clearing CD (or download the mp3 file) and put headphones around the Harmonizer or earbuds inside. This frequency was created by Slim and a friend of his to clean the air and seems to work best for diverting tornadoes and hurricanes.

Please note that you set up the Harmonizer the same to divert a hurricane or tornado as you do to bring water, the difference is that you do not use the dish of water and shells to bring moisture. If you want to stop a flood we have had great success with putting the Harmonizer in the center of a configuration of twelve double ended Herkimer Diamonds. You can download the picture here if you don’t have any!

Let’s join together as a community and set our intention on bringing rain to areas in California and Europe that desperately need it. Let’s watch for indications of storms growing and set our intention on the storm dissipating before it ever reaches land. We can make a positive difference in the lives of those affected when we join together, activate the Harmonizers and set intentions to bring relief to those in need.

If you don’t currently own a Harmonizer and are interested in buying one, we are offering Free Shipping for the month of August.


Harmony | Light-Life TechnologyI have chosen to focus my intention for the month of July on Harmony. Harmony is a resonance and a feeling that things are how they should be. Harmony within us is an inner peace, a flow to our lives that feels right, positive and moving in a direction that brings about joy.

We are free to choose to live in a harmonious state of joy and happiness or a state of fear and negativity. We can be in the flow of our highest and best good or stuck in a spot without growth.

Slim once said that we cannot be in harmony if we have our mind on war. I believe this; thinking and focusing on something negative only brings about more negative. It is important to shift our focus from that which is not what we would like it to be into something that is positive and in harmony with how we choose to be.

In an effort to create more harmony both personal and environmental, Slim created Harmonizers.

  • He created Environmental Harmonizers to assist clearing air pollution, earth energies and create a more harmonious atmosphere. Farm fields may flourish in its environment – plants may grow lush, full and strong; birds, beneficial bugs, butterflies and worms thrive; and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive its beneficial energy. He created the Agricultural Harmonizer to function the same as the environmental but with a wider range.*

Slim created Personal Harmonizers for our own individual energies.

  • Personal Harmonizer may affect an area of approximately 5 – 25 feet around and through our bodies. It’s range depends on which one you choose. It is our own personal bio-field that may be strengthened and enhanced by the light force energies.*

(* – http://www.slimspurling.com/slimsuniverse/harmonizers.html)

During July let’s focus on harmony and use our Harmonizers to enhance the energies in our bodies and our environment. Together we’re Harmonizing The World – One Community at a time.

In Love and Light,

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