Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Stress (Page 4 of 5)

Anchoring – Tip of the month

I would like to share a technique with you that I learned during my NLP training. It is called anchoring and can help you getting out of an unresourceful state in no time. Anchoring does take some practice. To set an anchor you first have to choose a body part that you can touch in public without drawing attention to yourself, i.e. holding one of your fingers.

Next you go back in your memory to find an event that was most uplifting, something that opens your heart and puts a big smile on your face. You start holding your anchor, the one you choose, while you look for that event. Once you have it, you hold your anchor really firm, squeeze it. You can do it with open or closed eyes, that doesn’t matter. Important is that you are in the feeling while you hold your anchor. Take some deep breath and let it go.

You can use one of your fingers for anchoring.

What kind of event should I use?

One you were extremely grateful, happy, confident, you felt most appreciated, or rich or abundant without any evidence in your bank account.

Start with one anchor and situation that is most dear to you and practice. Over time incorporate more anchor as you find necessary. I.e.

  • For fear find an anchor when you felt grateful
  • If you are angry find an event where you felt loved
  • For financial worries find an event where you felt rich or abundant even it didn’t show on your bank account
  • For ill health remember a time where you were healthy and vital or focus on a body part that is healthy.

I think you get the picture. Have fun with it. What I recommend is that you practice it and set a timer on your phone to activate your anchor every few hours and over a period of time until you feel it served its purpose and is installed in you, so you have it at your fingertips when you need it. Makes sense?

How else I can use anchoring ?

You can also apply it with your children or students. How? You let your child talk about something that cheered it up, where you can see and feel how happy she is, then you touch her, maybe on the shoulder, or arm, or hand. When you feel her not so happy, touch the same location. This may need to take more repeats but worth doing.

The Power of Our Word

I believe the power of our word is much undervalued. It is, however, very important and it has been written about it in many books.

A personal experience

Let me give you an example from my own life that happened just three weeks ago. I haven’t had a vacation for some time. I said, “I need a break.” I am sure many of you say, “I need a break,” when you need to rest, relax, take time off or have a vacation. Well, that’s what I said before I went on vacation. I needed a break.

Guess what, my subconscious took it literally, and on the first night on my way home from dinner I fell to the ground which resulted in a little break in my shoulder. Obviously, that was not the break I intended to have. I promised myself this was the last time I will say I need a break. From now on, I only take time off or go on vacation or a trip. We really want to pay attention to what we say to ourselves, to our loved ones, and friends and colleagues.

Did you know that your subconscious cannot hear “not”?

Have you noticed that when you tell yourself “I should not forget that” that you actually will forget it? Or is it just me? When I catch myself thinking, “I must not forget that” I immediately correct myself and say instead, “I will remember to do this.” Or, you tell yourself you don’t want to experience a certain situation again but it happens again and again. Listen to what you are telling yourself. When you find a negative statement in there, anything with I don’t want this or that anymore, rephrase it. Observe your self-talk and make changes to be kinder to yourself and others.

What we resist persists.

If we consider that, wouldn’t it make more sense to look at our resistance from a different point of you. Maybe there is a gift in the situation, a lesson to be learned, or simply an opportunity to walk away. Would it not make more sense to look at what we want to create, i.e. a safe and harmonious environment, clean air, healthy food, equality, sustainable living, etc. and allow that to show up in our lives?

I find it interesting that it seems to be so much easier for us to say what we don’t want and therefore focus on that versus voicing what we stand for and to focus on that.

What feels better, to focus on staying healthy and take the right action or to focus on not getting sick and being stuck in fear? Again, watch what you think and say!

When we are against something, we create resistance, and that resistance can own us and keeps persisting. It is so much more effective to state what we want and give our energy to that. Where focus goes energy flows. This is the power of your word in action.

Are you familiar with the power of “I am”?

Did you know that by using “I am,” over time you are putting into existence whatever you claim to be? Some other powerful words with the same effect are “always,” and “never.” Knowing that and applying it correctly can change your life for the better. For instance, instead of saying “I am always late,” say, “I am always on time,” or “I am never late,” instead of “I never get it right” say “I always get it right.”

Be careful what you tell yourself, your children, friends, and colleagues. Always remember the power of your word and be intentional in your communication, with yourself and others. As a result, your life will be filled with more joy and miracles.

Also, when you experience pain, discomfort, or any other unpleasant circumstances, don’t say “my pain,” “my bad luck,” “my misfortune.” Why not? Well, whenever you say “My,” you claim it, and it will stay with you because it is yours. New concept? Just food for thought. Play with it! Use “my” consciously when you truly want to own it and claim it as yours, of course, only when it is actually yours, i.e. my health is getting better every day.

What are limiting beliefs and how can you change them?

Limiting beliefs are thoughts we think that stop us from getting what we want in life. If you wonder what they are, just look at your life and around you. Do you have what you want or do you have limiting beliefs that stop you from having it? Those limiting beliefs could be: you’re not worthy, you’re not good enough, you’re not capable, you don’t belong, you are insignificant, you are not perfect. You may believe that you have to work hard to earn money or that it is better to be poor because you believe rich people are greedy.

Change those beliefs by telling yourself:

New beliefs you can choose from.

If you find it challenging in the beginning to allow yourself to even think like that, do it anyway. It is so worth it. I highly recommend the newly released book of my mentor, Chris M. Duncan, You’re Not Broken. He gives you five steps to create the life you want. If you apply his process, it can change your life.

“Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

Use words of love and gratitude during difficult times

It is no secret that planet earth and we as human beings are going through huge changes. Some say humanity is entering a phase we have never experienced before in history. Therefore, it can be scary, and we want to have compassion for ourselves and others. When we focus on love and gratitude for all, we have the best ‘tools’ to make it through.

When we are moving from the third to the fourth and fifth dimensions, whatever we are saying has the potential to manifest faster than ever. Practicing the power of your words and using them consciously and intentionally can make the transition and your life so much easier. Let me know how it is working for you.

Manifest the power of your words with the Light-Life Tools

Use your Manifestation Tensor Ring, remember the power of your word when you speak your intentions through it. Also, when you write your intentions down and place the piece of paper in your Harmonizer, use this language. Some of you are using it already successfully, so keep doing it. For others, it may be a very new and strange concept. My invitation is to experiment with it just for a week or two, or a month. Put a sticky note on your mirror ‘the power of our word’, and observe positive changes in your environment. Once it becomes a habit, you will attract more of what you want in your life. By the way, changing a habit may take not only 21 days as it was told for a long time, but up to over 260 days. So, stay with it!

Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, 24K Gold Plated

I wish you lots of fun experimenting with new ways to use your words and many amazing miracles as a result.

Ask Katharina – Help with Breast Cancer? January 2021

A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. Can you recommend a tool that can support her in her journey? I know you cannot make medical claims but I do hope you have suggestions that can help her.
Thank you.
Kathryn H.

Dear Kathryn,
Yes, you are correct, we cannot give medical advice and our amazing Light-Life Tools are not medical devices. However, I am happy to share some information that may help your friend.

It was suggested that often one of the causes of breast cancer can be a lack of self-love and self-worth. However, nutrition and clothing can also add to getting breast cancer. I heard from a doctor that since the 80s it is known that soy products can cause breast cancer. I would look at her diet and eliminate as much food as possible that is processed. Have her search the internet for the best recommendation to heal breast cancer. There is a lot of great information out there.

There is also a book called Dressed to Kill by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, that mentions that bras, especially with wire, may be the cause of breast cancer because they block the lymphatic system. Even it has been first published in 1995, the research they have done is very interesting, and their suggestions can still be applied today. If she is open to some guidance in self-love I highly recommend the book Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It by Kamal Ravikant.

There could also be toxic relationships in her life that she needs to give up. You see, there are many different areas to look at. I believe that any cancer is a wake-up call for us to look at our life and be honest about what we’ve put up with and went against our innate intelligence that told us a long time ago about the changes that need to be made.

Another possibility is that your friend has been affected by Hartmann Grid or Geopathic Stress lines. I would contact a dowser who is familiar with the Slim Spurling method to locate and block those lines. Click here to learn more.

Here are suggestions for our Light-Life Tools:
Our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer can help with increasing self-esteem, lifting up our mood, and overall strengthen our energy field. We can program all our Harmonizers to what we need, i.e., trust in our self-healing capacity, love may replace fear, gratitude may replace fear. I think you get the idea.

Lost Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer

Our Lotus Pendants can also help us raise our vibrations and the higher our vibrations are the less likely we attract anything that could be harmful to us. Everything on the planet has a frequency and vibrations. When we go into fear, depression, anxiety, anger, judgment of ourselves and others, any emotions that bring us down, we lower our own vibrations and are subject to all kinds of diseases.

Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant

I hope some of the information is helping your friend.
I am sending both of you prayers and healing energy.

Warm regards,

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Back to School – August 2020

Strange times ‘Back to School’ this year! How different things have been since March of 2020! From the outside things may look not much different if you consider that we’re used to seeing people wearing masks in stores and public places. People are on the roads, people go to stores, people are walking their dogs, biking, and hiking but where is the community and social part of it? In a world so confused and unsure of where COVID will go, not to mention social unrest it is hard to think about the missed connections, the need for social and physical contact, and the need for communication.

Schools are getting ready to re-open in some form or fashion but as social beings how does that work? We have social distancing, the inability to see the person we are talking to due to a face covering. No physical contact at all including a handshake let alone a hug.  Kids will be going “back” to school either at home on a computer, seeing their teachers and peers on their computer screen or they will be allowed to go to school in a limited fashion, a couple of days per week without any social aspect. (According to the schools it will be very different from what kids are used to and not allowing the social aspects such as lunch or hall conversations.)  I’m not sure if it is better to be home on a computer or in person without the joys of the community.

Either way, we must support our children, teachers,, and administrators. They are following guidelines and working harder than ever to be safe, learn, teach, and still deal with their own lives, fears, and homes. Kids want to get back to normal and the only way we can support that right now is to make community mean family and very close friends. It may mean not be seeing people in person but on a computer. It may mean extra hugs from Mom and Dad and no hugs for people outside of the home. Saying I Love You and Thank You a bit more. Appreciating the things that we do have, are able to do and can look forward to. Rather than that which we feel has been lost. Positive feelings, words, and views of the future will help us bridge the gap in social contact and communication while we wait for things to get us out of here to a new “normal”. While each of us experienced this time differently I believe we learned a lot about ourselves, what matters most in our lives, and we see life with new eyes. Our values probably changed, and I hope you also found some gifts in the situation. My dad always said that every ‘bad’ situation has a gift in it. I must say, he is right.

During these times, when your kids are going back to school, assist them by activating your Harmonizers. Put your intentions for a safe and peaceful year in them. Put your intentions for a feeling of connections and joy. Put all of your intentions to support them, your home, and everyone in your lives. Even if you don’t know them personally, including people who enter your neighborhood such as the postal worker, garbage collector, or mail carrier. Include people working on roofs and painting houses. Include all living beings so that peace and harmony, connection, and communication are all felt by those who are near you.

If you live near the school that your child attends, you may consider using your Agricultural Harmonizer.  Place your intentions into the Harmonizer as well as some remedies for good health and activate it so that it can go out through your child’s school. If you aren’t in close proximity to the school, place a map of the school under the Harmonizer and put your intention on that location. (See Video Here)

You can also send an Environmental Harmonizer with your child to school in their backpack. Put your intentions into the Harmonizer, activate it, and place it in a sturdy box or plastic container. I recommend the silver-plated Lost-Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, however, if you have any gold plated one, use what you have. Then place it in a pocket of the backpack. This can help with the stress of being at school during the Pandemic as well as can help the environment within the school.

Talk to your children, be open with the faculty and staff at the school, share your child’s concerns or struggles and build relationships with those who need our support and who are there to support our kids. Remind yourself to be grateful and say thank you often. It is not easy to be a teacher or administrator right now. It is not easy to be a kid right now. It is not easy to be a parent right now.

While my focus here was on back to school, I also want to speak to those of you who are not involved in ‘back to school’ in one way or another. You may have your own challenges; maybe you lost your job, have a financial hardship or just want to help those in need, please use your Harmonizer and put your intention in there for new opportunities to improve the current situation. You can also use our Manifestation Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring. Many of our customers had great results when speaking their intentions through the ring. I want to encourage you to look at your end result and not limit yourself with just looking at the next day/week or month. Be bold and courageous! After all, what do you have to lose?

As always, my invitation is to focus on love, not fear; stay in gratitude, and share the love with everyone around you. You have no idea who may be in need of your thought and compassion today.

Wishing you peace and harmony!

Hawaiian Islands

On a different note, we wanted to say thank you to all of those who participated in activating your Harmonizers to keep the Hawaiian Islands safe from Hurricane Douglas. Our friend asked for help and our community answered. The islands are safe. Please read the Thank You from our friend.

Protect Yourself with White Light – April 2020

Some of my friends told me that during times of stress, fear and uncertainty, they go within and connect with white light. White light has a cleansing energy that surrounds you with peace. I recommend that if you too are feeling uneasy, go within and surround yourself with white light.

This may sound so simple. It’s easy to test yourself, just remember to set your intention as you do it.

One example, in the morning while you take your shower, visualize yourself also getting a shower of white light that protects you. Another example focus during your meditation on placing a protective shield of white light around you and your loved ones, your property, your cars, your business, etc. radiating out as far as you want. These work for me.

I’d like to share a true story that shows you the power of white light. A friend of mine lived in Australia during one of the fires and he had to be evacuated at 2 am in the morning. He told me going up the hill to his neighbors he turned around and looked at his house thinking poor house. He then said, “let me put white light around you.” Well, the next day he went down to look at his house. To the amazement of the fire fighters and him, his house was protected, even the hot water tank that was outside of the house. It just showed black signs of flames on the wood but no damage. Everything else outside the house was burnt down, but his house was saved. No joke, white light worked for him.

I don’t know if you ever flown over the big Island of Hawaii. You’d see a remarkable spot with a house surrounded by lava. The guide told us that the owner wasn’t going to evacuate assuring the rescue team he’d be save and he was. I don’t know what he did but it shows the power of our intentions, our thoughts and our beliefs. During this challenging time and any time, it is always a good idea to focus on what we want vs. going into fear. You’ll be amazed at the miracles setting your intentions will bring.

Aerial view of lava flows from the eruption of volcano Kilauea on Hawaii, May 2018

Light-Life Tools can help you stay calm and centered and send out good vibrations, because I’m sure you’d agree that this is what we need right now more than ever.

Ask Katharina March 2020

The main question people are asking me these days is ‘how can I use the Light-Life Tools to protect myself?’
In my last newsletter and video, I gave you some examples of how to use the tools during this time. If you did not receive it, you can still access it online – visit the Newsletter page.

Here are just a few suggestions:

  • If you have a Light-Life Tensor Ring, either a 1 Lost or 1 Empowerment or a 1 ½ Sacred Cubit you can put it around your head. I got the idea from a person who worked in a lab in Canada. They put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around a petri dish with E. coli bacteria and they stopped spreading, which is the opposite of what they would normally do.
  • Drink lots of super potentized water. Read related blogs. Staying hydrated is more important than ever.
  • Put your remedies in a Light-Life Tensor Ring.
  • Make sure to have a Light-Life Tensor Ring around all your wireless equipment, like a router, monitor, Alexa, computer. Wireless technology can harm our mitochondria and scientists found that the mitochondria are also regulating our immune system.
Light-Life Rings Around Computer Router

Light-Life Tensor Rings around a router.

  • If you own one of our ¼ Cubit Lotus Pendants separate the little ring and place it over your thymus to bring more light into your thymus. This may strengthen your immune system. Make sure to wear your Lotus Pendant as it can support you staying calm during chaos.


  • If you own an Acu-Vac Coil you can hold it with the bead pointing toward your thymus. It may also help to boost your immune system.

Empowerment Cubit Acu-vac Coil

Example of using Empowerment Cubit Acu-vac Coil with the Thymus.

  • If you own any of our Harmonizers you can place an antiviral remedy in a piece of tissue and stick it into your Harmonizer. Depending on the size of the Harmonizer you own you can also write your prayers and affirmations on a piece of paper and stick them into your Harmonizer. Always remember to put your intention in there as well for a clean, clear and calm environment.
  • You can also put a few drops of essential oils that have antiviral properties on a piece of tissue and stick in your Harmonizer.

Synergy Personal Harmonizer with Cotton wool

  • If you put your Harmonizer in one of our Lost Cubit New Dimension Rings the field of the Harmonizer expands exponentially and your neighbors may also benefit. The New Dimension Rings work differently than our standard Light-Life Tensor Rings. Our standard Light-Life Tensor Rings contain the field of the Harmonizer to the size of the Harmonizer while the New Dimension Light-Life Tensor Rings expand the field of the Harmonizers. We’ve tested that recently in an institute in Belgium and also confirmed it by a very gifted psychic.

New Dimension Community Harmonizer inside a New Dimension 1 1/2 Lost Cubit New Dimension Light-Life Tensor Ring

Please share with us what you are doing by adding a comment below. The applications are only limited by our imagination and we all can learn from each other. Whatever you may do, PLEASE stay calm, strengthen your immune system, be positive and stay away from fear (fear simply does not help).

Also, watch for our mini blog series. I will be sharing more ideas that may help you but are not necessarily in relation to the Light-Life Tools.

Welcome January 2020! Happy New Year!

Welcome, January and Happy New Year! This New Year marks a fresh new start. We not only begin a new year but a new decade. We set our sights on this year’s goals with our New Year’s intentions, letting go of the past year (and past decade) and moving toward the new beginning as daylight expands. 2020 offers wonderful new opportunities!

To support a good start in the New Year, we are featuring our 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings. They are extremely versatile and a favorite go-to ring for many. The light from the rings penetrates everything in its path and the size of the larger tensor ring offers a broader area of application.

The 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings come in three different cubit measurements: the Sacred, the Lost and the Empowerment Cubit. Each measurement holds a slightly different energy and function. While each cubit measurement is multi-faceted, we simplify and say that the Sacred Cubit addresses the physical, the Lost Cubit addresses the mental and emotional and the Empowerment Cubit addresses the spiritual. The beads are additional energy amplifiers and the Sacred and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings have 5 beads – where the Empowerment Cubit has 7 beads.

We also offer each cubit measurement in a heavy gauge wire option. The heavier wire intensifies the energetic impact and provides a stronger, denser energy within the tensor field that is emitted from the ring, which works more quickly and effectively. The large beads on the heavy rings are each handmade here in Colorado.

Some of the many reported benefits of 3-1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings:

  • can shorten the time to reach a relaxed meditative state when sitting in meditation within a ring
  • can help one achieve whole body relaxation
  • can help to calm and center the mind
  • can be energizing in the morning or evening when passed slowly over the body top to bottom and then back up which we call the Aura Shower
  • can help to shorten sessions when placed under a healing table in a vesica pisces arrangement
  • can reduce the negative effects of EMF’s when placed around electronics
  • can alleviate chronic discomfort and enhance well-being when placed under a mattress or bed while sleeping
  • can increase energy levels and clarity while standing or sitting within a ring while working or meditating
  • can reduce the impact or severity of an impending hail storm or tornado and reduce or possibly dissipate the threat altogether if the ring is held at a perpendicular angle to the approaching weather pattern and activated with intention
  • can energize your groceries when you place them within a ring in the trunk of your car on your way home from the grocery store, or place a ring on the top of your refrigerator to keep your food fresh longer
  • can clear energy by passing a ring across a room or situation
  • can clear clothing of previous energy or make them feel “alive” by passing your clothing through a ring or hanging a ring in your closet

You can discover your own uses – there are always new ways to apply the rings!

Here is the full selection of 3-1/2 cubit rings that we offer:

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 beads

This ring is a staple and very helpful to feel grounded and more present in your physical body while clearing and releasing old energy, blockages and chronic discomfort. It can feel comforting and womb-like to sit inside this ring.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 Beads

This ring offers the Lost Cubit measurement which addresses mental and emotional energy. It is also wonderful to use in an aura shower for clearing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 7 beads

This ring addresses the spiritual realm and higher mental plane. The energy of the ring may feel very spacious and expansive. It also may support mental focus when performing tasks where mental clarity is helpful.

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 beads

This ring has the thicker gauge wire and a more substantial energy than the lighter version that helps to deepen your sense of peace.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 Beads

This ring has a stronger energy field than the lighter version of the ring, providing a deeper sense of relaxation and mental/emotional balancing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 7 beads

This is our largest ring and the thicker gauge wire strengthens the energy the ring emits. It helps people to get into a deeper state of meditation more quickly than the lighter version of the ring.

The 3-1/2 Cubit combination set which includes the Sacred Cubit and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings in the heavy gauge wire.

People like the combination of these two rings together, which address both the physical and mental-emotional planes. They’re a great combination when used in aura showers or even just sitting or meditating inside them.

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

Sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know for our upcoming promotions and workshops. You can also access very informative YouTube videos online about the Light-Life Tensor Rings and other Light-Life Tools. It’s a nice way to get a broad overview of our many products.

Testimonial for the 3-1/2 cubit Light-Life Rings:

I have been using the “3 ½ Empowerment Cubit Ring” for over a month now and I am feeling mentally and physically much better since working with it. I find as I move the ring slowing down over my body from my head to my toes and back up, I feel a sense of peace and calmness float over my body.  

I hang the ring on the wall at the head of my bed or I sometimes place it under the bedsheets. I feel I am sleeping more soundly with it in my bedroom.  ~ TP, OH

We at Light-Life Technology are here to support you and your use of the Light-Life Tools! Have a Happy New Year and keep us informed of your experiences. We love to hear how you are using the tools to enrich your life! New testimonials are very much appreciated and always welcome.

Giving Thanks – November 2019

Welcome November!

The bold colors of October have given way to the subtlety of a palette of browns, grays and earth tones. The last leaves have fallen and the branches have become bare silhouettes against the sky, as another cycle is coming to completion. The holidays are just around the corner. And in keeping with that we want to express my gratitude for my loyal employees in the shop who proudly produce the highest quality of the Light-Life Tools, to my team in the office that provide exceptional customer service and support me with all my projects and of course to you, our loyal customers, who help us to fulfill our mission of ‘Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time!’ We couldn’t do what we are doing without your generous support. Thank YOU! And most of all of course, my deepest gratitude to my late husband, Slim Spurling, for creating the Light-Life Tools.

Today we’ll focus on the Light-Life Tensor Rings – the tools that were the start of Life-Light Technology. They were the first prototype that Slim developed in 1991.  At the time he did not fully grasp their full potential, but trusted the process and allowed it all to unfold. Over time, the feedback that Slim received helped to encouraged him to continue with evolving and developing the Light-Life Tools.

In their own right, the rings are amazing tools and offer many different energy applications. According to people who use them regularly, each cubit size has a different energetic influence and allows for specific intentions of use.

  • The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the physical state.
  • The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the mental/emotional state.
  • The Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the metaphysical/spiritual state.

Each cubit ring measurement is offered in multiple sizes from small (3.25” across) to very large (30” across) making them extremely versatile and easy to use. The active part of the ring is the open space, the tensor field which is based on quantum physics. Energy emits from both sides of the ring creating a column of light. The heavier gauge rings have a stronger tensor field.

In making all of our original Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools, we embed a healing frequency. Slim’s energy, intention and support permeate in them as well. Slim spent many years researching the field of subtle energy, working with gifted clairvoyants and using resources to test and confirm the actions of the tools. He listened to and documented field reports from users while he further experimented to develop the best possible products that were shown to be effective.  

We at Light-Life Technology would like to offer our support and assistance with your purchase and we are here to answer any questions that you may have. Over time we have collected many testimonials and validation on how Light-Life Tools have changed people’s lives and life experience. Let us know what your experience is!

Here are some suggested uses for the Light-Life Rings:

  • Wear a 1/2 cubit ring around your wrist to help combat discomfort from overuse
  • Wear a 1/2 cubit ring on your belt to support discomfort in your back
  • Place a ring under or around your water glass to structure your water in sacred geometry
  • Wear a 1/2 cubit ring around your left arm when working on a computer, it may reduce blood agglutination
  • Sit on a ring when traveling to help reduce fatigue and jetlag
  • Have someone do an aura shower on you with a 3 1/2 Cubit copper ring
  • Sit on a ring when working to help you stay focused
  • Place a 1/2 cubit ring over the gas fill pipe on your car
  • Place a 3 1/2 cubit ring under your massage table or under the chair, you use during client sessions to support the session
  • Place a ring under potted plants to encourage their growth

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

While you are there sign up for our newsletter so can stay in the loop for promotions or workshops. You can also access some very informative youtube videos:  http://bit.ly/31OGEBS

We at Light-Life Technology want you to have the best experience possible and usher in your highest energy potential. Enjoy November’s quietude and find appreciation in the small things! Be well.

Warm regards,

Falling Leaves-October 2019

Autumn Leaves

Welcome October! October is such an amazing rite of passage. Nature shifts her last expression of warmth into the crisp coolness of mid-fall. We celebrate the bounty of the fall harvest with pumpkins, squashes, gourds, leafy greens and root vegetables. Baking returns as a pastime and everything pumpkin is on our palate. It is also a time to have outdoor bonfires or a fire indoors if you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove. How cozy!

The full moon in October is called the “Falling Leaf” moon.  After a show of incredibly vibrant, warm glows of golden yellows, burnt oranges, flame reds and deep burgundies, the falling leaves signal the shift toward turning inward for the waning cycle that is necessary for all life. It’s also a metaphor for letting go. October is a wonderful time for deep meditation and to focus on reflecting inward.

Seed of Life

The Light-Life Tools were developed by Slim Spurling as a way to help to heal the Earth and all living things. This month we’d like to introduce you to the Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is a configuration of eight rings; seven 24K gold plated ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings inside a 24K gold plated 1 Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring. 

Let’s hear what Slim Spurling had to say about the applications of Seed of Life: “Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it.  It is essential that it be at the level of the heart.  The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level.   When the vibration is higher, there is less pain. 

I created the Seed of Life in order that humanity may know their own personal truth.  Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down.  As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely.

The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size.  The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy.  Rubbing your hand quickly back and forth across the Seed of Life in a straight motion helps to balance and clear the energy before each use.  Do not go in a circular motion, so as not to disrupt the matrix.  Moving the Seed of Life slowly up and down when concentrating on a specific area puts the energy into motion and seems to kick it up a notch.  We found that the Seed of Life works extremely well in healing sessions. We are getting a lot of positive feedback from users of this tool and continue to research its potential.”

It was originally designed for the mother of a friend who was experiencing severe health issues. Here is a summary of her report. You can read the full report in the book In the Mind of a Master.  “I got the call from Mother shortly after she left the emergency room with a diagnosis of double pneumonia and a strong recommendation to be admitted immediately.  She was calling from the ranch, an hour’s drive from the hospital.  I was in Colorado on business.  I called Slim to see if he had any special magic for her and, thank goodness, his place was on my way.  He handed me one of the prototypes of the Seed of Life units and another strange thing he had just come up with.   It looked like a wire cage shaped like an oxygen mask, with a light elastic strap tied on.   He said, “Have her breathe through this, and it should make a world of difference.”  It did!   When I arrived home, Mother was truly very ill and weak.   She also had huge, red, and grossly swollen fever blisters all over her nose and mouth.  She held the Seed of Life over her chest, and we placed the “mask” over her nose and mouth just like an oxygen mask.  Of course she was on antibiotics and every natural medicine I could get down her, but she just wanted to sleep, and did for nearly 24 hours. 

I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast trying to be quiet, when Mother walked around the corner.   It was the first time I had seen her in bright sunlight, and I was shocked!  She had good color and smiled and said she felt good enough to help out with dishes at least.  I could not take my eyes off of her face … the fever blisters were small scabs and all the swelling and redness were gone!  These things usually take weeks to dry up.  Mother did not stay up, as we all drove her back to bed.  Mother takes forever to get over these kinds of illnesses, but not this time.  She got plenty of rest and we did give her lots of love, but she was up and dressed within two days.  From that day forward, she literally went nowhere without her Star.”

This tool should always be cleared between people using it. Lay it on a flat surface and move your flat hand north to south – and east to west a couple of times. Don’t use a circular direction as that will disrupt the energy.

The Seed of Life is available in 24K gold or silver plating and is our featured tool. From October 15th – 22nd, buy one and receive downloadable copy of the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe, for free!!

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Technology Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

While you are there sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know of our upcoming promotions and other workshops. You can also access our YouTube videos online here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAfraYnSvKTnZIJ10EWqEw/videos

Slim Spurling held a vision to help the earth and humanity. The Light-Life Tools he created are a gift to us all, and his continued efforts to expand and evolve what he developed led to many amazing new tools that we now have access to. Thank you Slim!

We at Light-Life Technology want you to have the best experience possible and help you sense your highest energy potential. Enjoy October as a passage into the season of slowing down, getting in touch with yourself and letting go! Above all, enjoy the coziness of fall!

Celebrate – December 2018

As the year comes to a close and I celebrate the holidays with my staff, friends and family – I am filled with joy and appreciation. These celebrations remind me to look back on the year and relish all of the things that we have to celebrate about 2018.

I celebrate not only my life and accomplishments, but I celebrate you and yours as well. Without a wonderful staff, dedicated distributors and affiliates – and all of our customers around the world, we would not be where we are today. We are making a difference, each and every one of us. Whether it’s something that seems small like blocking geopathic stress from entering our home or big such as using a Washtub Harmonizer to assist with hurricanes or fires; together we are making a difference. I celebrate the changes that we are making in our lives, our bodies and our communities.

During the remainder of this month I ask that you too celebrate. Bring joy, gratitude and laughter into your lives and into your homes. Celebrate both the good and not so good as they have both brought you to where you are in this minute. Allow the not so good to fade as you accept help from others and work with your tools to gain more peace in your life and build positive energy around you.

Let’s celebrate that which is yet to come – 2019 is an open book that is yours to write. Begin setting your intentions now. Write your plans, hopes, and dreams down and look at them often. Put your intentions into your Harmonizers and Light-Life Rings as you use them. Know that as you put forth your wishes and intentions the universe will respond. Light-Life Tools are designed to assist you. They can help you reduce discomfort, get better sleep, alter energy from your surroundings and help you feel more peaceful.

We celebrate you and wish you a Peaceful and Joyous Holiday Season and Happy New Year!

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