Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Category: Sleep (Page 2 of 2)

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements?

Did you know Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit? All our Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to have limitless ways you can use them to help enhance your life! They can help speed up the self-healing process, fight fatigue, decrease discomfort and stress, boost the flavor of food and drinks, potentize drinking water, nourish plants and animals, and so much more. With so many excellent options available, how do you know which is the right Light-Life Tensor Ring for you? Let me explain the basics of our three measurements of Light-Life Tensor Rings we offer.

Light-Life Tensor Ring Measurements

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to benefit foremost the physical conditions. They have been reported to help with sleep and improve overall well-being. A 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is the harmonic of the speed of light.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit ones. The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings appear to help with mental and emotional issues. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings have been said to support meditation, a manifestation of intentions, and deeper relaxation. A 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light.

Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are in my opinion the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements. Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings seem to benefit on a metaphysical and spiritual level supporting telepathic communication and mental clarity. You can wear them around your neck and they may encourage the opening of the mind and assist you to remain calm during chaos.

All cubit measurements are available in a heavier gauge wire which makes the tensor field of the Light-Life Ring denser and stronger.

Beware of Counterfeits

Did you know that even though Light-Life Tensor Rings come in 3 measurements, we only publish two of them? The Empowerment Cubit measurement you find on the internet is not the measurement we are using. Those are counterfeits, using our wording but not our measurement.

FAQ about the Light-Life Tools. Ask Katharina.

After having our first Virtual Workshop recently, I realized that it’s time to answer some FAQ about the Light-Life Tools.

What is the main difference between silver-plated plated and gold-plated jewelry?

The silver-plated jewelry pieces have an additional layer that seems to increase the thermocouple effect Slim Spurling talks about. What we found is that some people who always wear silver are now attracted to the gold-plated and vice versa. We always recommend trusting your intuition and going with what feels right to you. Silver tarnishes, gold doesn’t. Generally speaking, silver works better on the unseen and gold better on the visible: e.g., for air pollution use a gold-plated Harmonizer; for EMF, and mental and emotional issues use a silver-plated.

Is there a tool that will help calm my nerves?

Please understand I am not a medical professional or a psychologist. I will share what customers and I found helpful when the nerves need calming. First and foremost, I would look at what makes me nervous. Sometimes, giving a situation a different meaning can make us automatically feel calmer.

All our Personal Harmonizers seem to have a calming effect, however, we found our Lost Cubit or Unity Personal Harmonizers work the best. Also, a Personal Harmonizer in combination with our Sacred or Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants has been appreciated. When I am totally overwhelmed, I take the Bach flower remedy ‘Elm’, which works like a charm for me. You can find it in any health food store or online.

What is the main difference between Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Environmental Harmonizers, so I can understand which one is right for me?

Thank you so much for your question. Please click here to read my blog about the differences between the Environmental Harmonizers.

What Tools do you recommend for better sleep?

Some people found it helpful to have one of our Light-Life Tensor Rings under their pillow. It may support remembering your dreams or having lucid dreams. Others like one of our 3 1/2 Light-Life Tensor Rings under their bed or at the headboard. We do have reports of people who mentioned the energy of the rings kept them awake, however, they still felt energized in the morning and not as tired as without the rings. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

I’ve never used Light-Life Tools before. What tool do you recommend I start with and how should I use it? 

I would highly recommend you get the book, In the Mind of a Master, as this is a great reference guide and also gives background on how the Light-Life Tools came about. In my opinion, you can never have enough Light-Life Tensor Rings. Their applications are only limited by your imagination. Our Practitioner Set would also be a good way to get started. If you’re around many people or challenging situations, one of our Personal Harmonizers could give you great support. I would really need to know more about your situation to give you a more detailed recommendation. Please check out our YouTube channel to learn more about the applications.

Light-Life Practitioner Set

How do I choose between an Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop?

That really depends on what you want to do with it and it is also a personal preference. Slim Spurling always had an Acu-Vac Coil in his jacket and I also prefer it over the Feedback Loop. I do use the two in combination during a session, tucking the Feedback Loop onto the Acu-Vac Coil to boost their power.

With the Acu-Vac Coil, you determine the direction, e.g., if you want to pull out negative energy of a situation or work on an issue you hold it first with the bead away. Once the session is complete you turn it over and give light to the area you worked on. The Feedback Loop draws out and gives right back so you don’t have to remember to give back. The best choice would be to get our Practitioner Set so you have both and can use them together or individually.

Welcome January 2020! Happy New Year!

Welcome, January and Happy New Year! This New Year marks a fresh new start. We not only begin a new year but a new decade. We set our sights on this year’s goals with our New Year’s intentions, letting go of the past year (and past decade) and moving toward the new beginning as daylight expands. 2020 offers wonderful new opportunities!

To support a good start in the New Year, we are featuring our 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings. They are extremely versatile and a favorite go-to ring for many. The light from the rings penetrates everything in its path and the size of the larger tensor ring offers a broader area of application.

The 3 1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings come in three different cubit measurements: the Sacred, the Lost and the Empowerment Cubit. Each measurement holds a slightly different energy and function. While each cubit measurement is multi-faceted, we simplify and say that the Sacred Cubit addresses the physical, the Lost Cubit addresses the mental and emotional and the Empowerment Cubit addresses the spiritual. The beads are additional energy amplifiers and the Sacred and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings have 5 beads – where the Empowerment Cubit has 7 beads.

We also offer each cubit measurement in a heavy gauge wire option. The heavier wire intensifies the energetic impact and provides a stronger, denser energy within the tensor field that is emitted from the ring, which works more quickly and effectively. The large beads on the heavy rings are each handmade here in Colorado.

Some of the many reported benefits of 3-1/2 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings:

  • can shorten the time to reach a relaxed meditative state when sitting in meditation within a ring
  • can help one achieve whole body relaxation
  • can help to calm and center the mind
  • can be energizing in the morning or evening when passed slowly over the body top to bottom and then back up which we call the Aura Shower
  • can help to shorten sessions when placed under a healing table in a vesica pisces arrangement
  • can reduce the negative effects of EMF’s when placed around electronics
  • can alleviate chronic discomfort and enhance well-being when placed under a mattress or bed while sleeping
  • can increase energy levels and clarity while standing or sitting within a ring while working or meditating
  • can reduce the impact or severity of an impending hail storm or tornado and reduce or possibly dissipate the threat altogether if the ring is held at a perpendicular angle to the approaching weather pattern and activated with intention
  • can energize your groceries when you place them within a ring in the trunk of your car on your way home from the grocery store, or place a ring on the top of your refrigerator to keep your food fresh longer
  • can clear energy by passing a ring across a room or situation
  • can clear clothing of previous energy or make them feel “alive” by passing your clothing through a ring or hanging a ring in your closet

You can discover your own uses – there are always new ways to apply the rings!

Here is the full selection of 3-1/2 cubit rings that we offer:

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 beads

This ring is a staple and very helpful to feel grounded and more present in your physical body while clearing and releasing old energy, blockages and chronic discomfort. It can feel comforting and womb-like to sit inside this ring.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 5 Beads

This ring offers the Lost Cubit measurement which addresses mental and emotional energy. It is also wonderful to use in an aura shower for clearing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring with 7 beads

This ring addresses the spiritual realm and higher mental plane. The energy of the ring may feel very spacious and expansive. It also may support mental focus when performing tasks where mental clarity is helpful.

The 3-1/2 Sacred Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 beads

This ring has the thicker gauge wire and a more substantial energy than the lighter version that helps to deepen your sense of peace.

The 3-1/2 Lost Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 5 Beads

This ring has a stronger energy field than the lighter version of the ring, providing a deeper sense of relaxation and mental/emotional balancing.

The 3-1/2 Empowerment Cubit copper Light-Life Tensor Ring (heavy) with 7 beads

This is our largest ring and the thicker gauge wire strengthens the energy the ring emits. It helps people to get into a deeper state of meditation more quickly than the lighter version of the ring.

The 3-1/2 Cubit combination set which includes the Sacred Cubit and Lost Cubit Tensor Rings in the heavy gauge wire.

People like the combination of these two rings together, which address both the physical and mental-emotional planes. They’re a great combination when used in aura showers or even just sitting or meditating inside them.

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

Sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know for our upcoming promotions and workshops. You can also access very informative YouTube videos online about the Light-Life Tensor Rings and other Light-Life Tools. It’s a nice way to get a broad overview of our many products.

Testimonial for the 3-1/2 cubit Light-Life Rings:

I have been using the “3 ½ Empowerment Cubit Ring” for over a month now and I am feeling mentally and physically much better since working with it. I find as I move the ring slowing down over my body from my head to my toes and back up, I feel a sense of peace and calmness float over my body.  

I hang the ring on the wall at the head of my bed or I sometimes place it under the bedsheets. I feel I am sleeping more soundly with it in my bedroom.  ~ TP, OH

We at Light-Life Technology are here to support you and your use of the Light-Life Tools! Have a Happy New Year and keep us informed of your experiences. We love to hear how you are using the tools to enrich your life! New testimonials are very much appreciated and always welcome.

Ask Katharina – December 2019

Dear Katharina,

I have only now become aware of Light-Life Tools. A friend worked on me with the tools and I was absolutely thrilled. What would you recommend me to get started? I travel a lot by car on business and I often have trouble sleeping in hotels.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Melanie. S.

Hello Melanie,

I am glad that your friend was able to inspire you for the Light-Life Tools. My enthusiasm is just as great as it was 22 years ago when I first came in contact with the tools.

Now to your question: I would definitely sit on a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Energy Ring or on a heavy two Sacred Cubit Light-Life Energy Ring.

This can be a pick-me-up on long car journeys. You can then take the ring with you to your hotel room and for example, place it under your pillow. People report they had better sleep. Give it at try! In addition, maybe a Sacred Cubit Environmental  Energy Harmonizer, silver plated could be helpful. This has proven to be very supportive for geopathic interference fields and the Hartmann grid, which can be the cause of poor sleep.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver-plated

Please let us know about the experiences you have with the tools. If you would like additional information, just visit our website:  www.lightlifetechnology.com or you can reach us by email cs@ix-el.com or phone (303)833-9033.

Warm regards,

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Dear Katharina,

I have been using the New Dimension Lost Cubit Feedback Loop with enthusiasm and good success for several months. Now I have noticed that the silver plating is going back. Does this affect the energy and what can I do to make it last longer?

I look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely

Mr. L.

Dear Mr. L.,

Thank you very much for your email. I am happy to hear that you’re having good results with our New Dimension,  Lost Cubit Feedback Loop. The wear and tear you are reporting is a very natural phenomenon. The energy is not affected. The New Dimension tools are somewhat more sensitive than the standard Acu-Vac Coils and Feedback Loops. There are so many aspects involved in using the tools that it is too much to figure out why one tool wears out faster than another. To protect the silver plating a little more, you can also keep it in a small bag.

I look forward to further reports from you.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Falling Leaves-October 2019

Autumn Leaves

Welcome October! October is such an amazing rite of passage. Nature shifts her last expression of warmth into the crisp coolness of mid-fall. We celebrate the bounty of the fall harvest with pumpkins, squashes, gourds, leafy greens and root vegetables. Baking returns as a pastime and everything pumpkin is on our palate. It is also a time to have outdoor bonfires or a fire indoors if you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove. How cozy!

The full moon in October is called the “Falling Leaf” moon.  After a show of incredibly vibrant, warm glows of golden yellows, burnt oranges, flame reds and deep burgundies, the falling leaves signal the shift toward turning inward for the waning cycle that is necessary for all life. It’s also a metaphor for letting go. October is a wonderful time for deep meditation and to focus on reflecting inward.

Seed of Life

The Light-Life Tools were developed by Slim Spurling as a way to help to heal the Earth and all living things. This month we’d like to introduce you to the Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is a configuration of eight rings; seven 24K gold plated ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings inside a 24K gold plated 1 Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring. 

Let’s hear what Slim Spurling had to say about the applications of Seed of Life: “Hold the Seed of Life with your arms around it at the level of the heart, and connect with it.  It is essential that it be at the level of the heart.  The Seed of Life is used for healing by raising the vibration on a cellular level.   When the vibration is higher, there is less pain. 

I created the Seed of Life in order that humanity may know their own personal truth.  Each of us faces struggles that do not allow us to clearly hear our truths due to negative judgments and the learned behavior of holding oneself down.  As an individual encounters the energy from this configuration, there is a gentle inward reminder that humanity is not created falsely.

The energy seems to flow out of the ring, expanding to approximately three times the size.  The closer the body is to the tool, the stronger the energy.  Rubbing your hand quickly back and forth across the Seed of Life in a straight motion helps to balance and clear the energy before each use.  Do not go in a circular motion, so as not to disrupt the matrix.  Moving the Seed of Life slowly up and down when concentrating on a specific area puts the energy into motion and seems to kick it up a notch.  We found that the Seed of Life works extremely well in healing sessions. We are getting a lot of positive feedback from users of this tool and continue to research its potential.”

It was originally designed for the mother of a friend who was experiencing severe health issues. Here is a summary of her report. You can read the full report in the book In the Mind of a Master.  “I got the call from Mother shortly after she left the emergency room with a diagnosis of double pneumonia and a strong recommendation to be admitted immediately.  She was calling from the ranch, an hour’s drive from the hospital.  I was in Colorado on business.  I called Slim to see if he had any special magic for her and, thank goodness, his place was on my way.  He handed me one of the prototypes of the Seed of Life units and another strange thing he had just come up with.   It looked like a wire cage shaped like an oxygen mask, with a light elastic strap tied on.   He said, “Have her breathe through this, and it should make a world of difference.”  It did!   When I arrived home, Mother was truly very ill and weak.   She also had huge, red, and grossly swollen fever blisters all over her nose and mouth.  She held the Seed of Life over her chest, and we placed the “mask” over her nose and mouth just like an oxygen mask.  Of course she was on antibiotics and every natural medicine I could get down her, but she just wanted to sleep, and did for nearly 24 hours. 

I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast trying to be quiet, when Mother walked around the corner.   It was the first time I had seen her in bright sunlight, and I was shocked!  She had good color and smiled and said she felt good enough to help out with dishes at least.  I could not take my eyes off of her face … the fever blisters were small scabs and all the swelling and redness were gone!  These things usually take weeks to dry up.  Mother did not stay up, as we all drove her back to bed.  Mother takes forever to get over these kinds of illnesses, but not this time.  She got plenty of rest and we did give her lots of love, but she was up and dressed within two days.  From that day forward, she literally went nowhere without her Star.”

This tool should always be cleared between people using it. Lay it on a flat surface and move your flat hand north to south – and east to west a couple of times. Don’t use a circular direction as that will disrupt the energy.

The Seed of Life is available in 24K gold or silver plating and is our featured tool. From October 15th – 22nd, buy one and receive downloadable copy of the e-book, Slim Spurling’s Universe, for free!!

For more information on our full line of Life-Light Technology Tools visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com

While you are there sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be in the know of our upcoming promotions and other workshops. You can also access our YouTube videos online here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAfraYnSvKTnZIJ10EWqEw/videos

Slim Spurling held a vision to help the earth and humanity. The Light-Life Tools he created are a gift to us all, and his continued efforts to expand and evolve what he developed led to many amazing new tools that we now have access to. Thank you Slim!

We at Light-Life Technology want you to have the best experience possible and help you sense your highest energy potential. Enjoy October as a passage into the season of slowing down, getting in touch with yourself and letting go! Above all, enjoy the coziness of fall!

Goals and Numerology – January 2019

2019 Goals and Numerology


As we work our way through the first month of the year I looked to see what the numbers in numerology mean for us, 2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2=3. 2019 is a 3 year.  Below are some interpretations of the number 3. It’s powerful!

Three is the first number to which the meaning “all” was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end. The power of three is universal and is the tripartite nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit; Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Of course I can’t help but think of our Slim Spurling Light-Life Tools when I read heaven, earth and waters.

So what does this mean for you? With 3 being a powerful number you can make great things happen in your life. You can choose to regain your health, create more peace in your life and follow your hearts desires to live the life you choose to live.

This year as you look to the future and put together goals to help guide you, be sure to incorporate your Light-Life Tools.

You can use the Harmonizers to enhance your home and make your space more peaceful or use the Acu-Vac Coils and Feedback Loops to reduce discomfort in your body.  The Light-Life Rings can be used to re-energize, potentize water and get more restful sleep.

If you are looking to complete some goals in 2019, use the Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Light-Life Ring as a manifesting ring. Of course you don’t need a Light-Life Ring to manifest, but it can be helpful to increase your life force energy when affirming your goals out loud.

This ring is about 7″ in diameter and is made with a heavier gauge copper wire that produces a stronger energy field.

Be very clear and direct when using the Manifesting Ring. You can wear it over your head like a necklace or you can hold it to your chest as you speak to strengthen the energy around what you are manifesting.

People report amazing results. For example, you may have heard me tell the story of one associate who had her car stolen and spoke into the ring that she wanted her car to be found by midnight that night. About 2 weeks later she got her car back. When she looked into how the car was recovered, she found out that her car was found at 11:45 on the night that she used the ring, but due to a clerical error, was not returned to her for 2 weeks. Perhaps she could have asked for her car to be returned to her rather than found.

If you are ready to kick start 2019, learn about geopathic stress reduction as well as experience the Light-Life Tools, attend our upcoming workshop April 5 – 7, 2019. This is a rare opportunity as Scott Anderson comes only once a year when he comes. You don’t want to miss his teachings; he is an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress Reduction. I’m excited that this time he is joined by his wife Susan, the co-author of In the Mind of a Master. Susan is an artist and also is an experienced dowser and has worked with Scott in clearing homes and properties. You will have one day learning about the Light-Life Tools with an option for a session on a massage table or working with one another on a chair. For details on the workshop and to register please Click Here.

May this be the best year of your life and bring you more of what makes you happy and content!

Warm Regards,


PS: In case you haven’t heard it – it takes not 21 days but between 66 – 254 days to change a habit! So don’t be discouraged – be patient with yourself.

Ask Katharina

Dear Katharina,

Unfortunately, I don’t think my tool is working anymore! I used to sleep with a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring underneath my bed religiously as it helped me with my insomnia. Now I find that it feels like the ring is actually keeping me awake. What could be causing this issue? Is there a way to fix it?

Thank you,

Josefina S., Denver, CO

Dear Josefina,

Thank you so much for writing. Your question is not unusual as these are energy based or frequency based tools. Our frequencies are constantly changing and therefore it would only be natural for you to experience a shift over time. Here are some possible explanations as to why this particular tool no longer seems to suit your needs:

  • Your frequency has gone up! This seems to be the most common reason why customers claim their tools are “no longer working”. Think about when you first bought the tool. Now close your eyes and do a body scan. Are you happier? Lighter? More open? More in tune with your divine? If you answered yes, then you might need a small break from this particular ring and might want to try something that operates at an even higher frequency such as a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Ring. This is great news! The tool isn’t broken, you are evolving and I applaud you for all the hard-work you are doing on self-growth.
  • Your frequency has gone down. Unfortunately, this happens too. Have you had a bout of bad news? A death in the family? Financial troubles? Stress can live in the body and slow down our frequencies. Do not despair as this too shall pass! I suggest doing some extra meditation in the morning or in the evenings to help center yourself. If you incorporate this practice daily into your life, it can do wonderful things. Try doing the meditation outside the ring and inside the ring. When you come back to the present and let go of the outside stressors, you can raise your vibration and bring yourself and your body back into alignment. Still having trouble sleeping? My question would also be – how do you feel in the morning? I’ve had people tell me that even though they felt the rings kept them awake, they still felt refreshed and recharged in the morning.
  • You need to recharge the tools and reset your intentions. Do you have a cleansing ritual that you enjoy? It’s especially poignant right now as we just enjoyed a full moon. I like to burn sage while some of my staff enjoys burning palo santo. You can set the ring in the sunshine, much like you would do with a crystal. Whatever you feel will reset or purify the energy. Then I ask you to hold the ring in your arms or sit inside it (whatever feels most comfortable) and reset your intentions. You can also hold the ring and run it through your hands as if climbing a rope and focus on resetting your intention while you do this. Yours will be towards sleep, self-care, rest and rejuvenation. Try this out and let me know how it is working for you!



Personal Harmonizers - Light-Life Technology

Dear Katharina,

I noticed that my Personal Harmonizer is tarnishing and the coating seems to be a bit cloudy. Is there anything I can do to delay this process? Why is this happening?

Thank you,

Samuel B., Boston, MA

Dear Samuel,

As we know, Slim built the tools based upon sacred geometry and physics. Copper is a superconductor and is the base metal for all of our tools. When left to its own devices, copper will oxidize and produce a green patina. There’s no reason for alarm! Copper is just behaving how it would naturally. This is actually a good thing. Any metal or gemstone, when placed against the skin is going to have a natural chemical reaction. Silver naturally oxides to black, white gold naturally becomes more yellow over time and turquoise can change significantly from a bright blue to a green! You are witnessing natural chemistry in action. While I can sympathize with you not wanting your tool to look “aged”,  I think it’s important to understand how powerful a metal copper is at conducting energy. The tool may not be as effective if it didn’t have a copper base.

The “cloudiness” you are experiencing most likely is because of the lacquering. It is a sealant process on the top coat of the metal. While lacquering can be quite advantageous to fine jewelry and metals, it also can produce a cloudy surface if the underlying metal oxidization process is rapid. It’s been my observation over the years that if a customer has quite a bit of healing to do or energy to shift, it would cause the oxidation process of the metal to speed up quite significantly. You may choose to purchase un-lacquered pendants moving forward with the knowledge that the metal color will change, but perhaps it’s a good thing! In my opinion, it strikes me almost like a mood ring. Again, in this particular instance the lacquer is just doing its job and trying to slow down the oxidation process, but apparently it can’t keep up with all the healing you are doing! 🙂

You are more than welcome to send the Personal Harmonizer back to our shop for a tune up if the aesthetic no longer suits you. We offering re-plating and re-lacquering services. Please contact our office for cost information if you wish to do so.: (303) 833-9033.




Ask Katharina


Dear Katharina,

I’ve been an insomniac for as long as I can remember. I feel like I’ve tried absolutely everything! Can you please suggest what tool would be helpful as a sleep aid?

Thank you,

Sandy B., Brooklyn, NY

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water

Dear Sandy,

Sleep deprivation is more common than you might think and it affects our daily lives in such a profound way. It can cause us to be irritable, unfocused and at times, fearful. The tools are remarkable in that we have many testimonials from our customers about the wonders of sleep when using the tools. If you were only to buy one item, I would suggest our Light-Life Practitioner Set.

This set includes 3 items:

  • Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1 Cubit
  • Sacred Acu-Vac Coil
  • Sacred Feedback Loop

Individually all three of these items have countless uses, but when used in tandem, configuration pictured here, they can be used to “super-potentize” your water. Slim explains the super-potentization process in detail (insert blog link here), but I think in the simplest terms, you are providing a “super-filter” for your water. Not only are you removing the water’s impurities, but you are adding positive life-force energy. We are able to support these findings with the latest imagery from Dr. Emoto’s European lab (insert blog link here) who used the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring (24K gold plated, 3 bead) in their studies. Keeping water in the ring overnight causes the water to potentize.

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

Keeping the water in the Practictioner Set allows the water to become “super-potentized”. There are endless benefits for your health by drinking this water, but the one you will notice immediately is your ability to fall asleep much more quickly. Customers have reported it allows for a deeper sleep and helps them wake feeling refreshed!




Air Pollution

Dear Katharina,

We have seen more chemtrails and increased air pollution in our area and a friend of mine suggested to contact you as one of your tools may be able to help us.

-Sal V., Mexico City

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Dear Sal,

Heavy air pollution in Denver, Colorado was one of Slim Spurling’s major concerns. His regard for the environment guided him to create the Light-Life Harmonizer. When it comes to air pollution and chemtrails I would recommend the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. This powerful device can be activated using our Environmental Clearing CD. You can see my video on how to accomplish that in my video here.

Having the Harmonizer in your home may not only help you to divert chemtrails and decrease air pollution, it may also support more harmony and balance in your family and your neighborhood. Please make sure to let me know all the positive changes you experience.



dad with kids

Hello Katharina,

I am interested in the Light-Life Harmonizers and would like some guidance please.  I have been looking at the Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit and Empowerment Harmonizers. I have so many questions! Here are few of them:

  • EMFs: The Empowerment one seems to cover most of my requirements (in particular health& intuitive benefits), but does not mention EMF. Does this particular tool have any known effects on EMFs?
  • Environment: I live in a city suburb in the United Kingdom and we would like the Harmonizer to be of benefit to  both for ourselves and the surrounding area, but are unfortunately limited by budget, so are looking to do this at the most cost effective price, if possible.
  • Family Balance: We have two children, both fast approaching adolescence, and feel that covering mental and emotional issues would also be of benefit.
  • Harmonizer Details: Would there be any major benefit in purchasing all three or would one or two be sufficient?
  • Harmonizer Sizes: If it is possible to have the individual harmonizers, do they all need to be of the same size, or could we have for example the agricultural sacred cubit, together with the environmental Lost & Empowerment harmonizers?


Apologies for so many questions!  Although we already have several of the Rings  and Feedback loops, we have not yet had any experience of the Harmonizers.

Many thanks again for your assistance.

Kind regards

Andrew T., United Kingdom


Light-Life Harmonizers come in a variety of shapes, sizes and alloys

Hello Andrew,

Thank you so much for your inquiry. I truly understand that unless you have in-depth knowledge of the tools, questions are essential when making your purchase! There is no such thing as tool many of them and I’ll do my best to answer them all!

  • EMFs: When it comes to protect from EMF the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to work the best, either the Environmental or the Agricultural.
  • Environment: The Sacred Cubit Harmonizer would be sufficient to cover the energy field of your home, however, if you want to help your community and have also the benefits of the other measurements we have two options for you:
    • The Matrix 44 Harmonizer – It incorporates the Sacred Cubit inside and the Lost Cubit on the outside.
    • The Synergy Environmental Harmonizer incorporates all three measurements: Sacred, Lost and Empowerment Cubits.
  • Family Balance: When it comes to help your children going through mental and emotional challenges on their way to adolescence, I would recommend the silver-plated Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.
  • Harmonizer Details: You may decide to purchase two harmonizers. One in silver would benefit your children and the emotional balance while clearing up EMF. One in gold would be more environmentally focused as they gold alloy seems to negate air  pollution
  • Light-Life Synergy HarmonizerHarmonizer Sizes: Yes, you can choose Harmonizers in different cubit measurements! The size only affects how far the energy field can reach. As it seems you are budget conscious and really want to pack a punch, my recommendation is this:
    • Take advantage of our sale (ending July 11) and buy two Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers, one in silver, one in gold
    • Set your intentions towards balance, pollution reduction and harmony
    • Come back to us again when your budget permits and procure the Synergy Harmonizer which is a long-term investment in your health and happiness. Don’t forget the tool can be passed along to your children, even your grandchildren! The power of the tools does not dissipate over time, although sometimes we need to re-adjust our intentions.

I hope this helps. Keep me posted!

Warm regards,


Hollywood Medium

Hello Katharina,

I recently was watching the show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. While I’ve always been a skeptic of psychics, watching Tyler in action made me much more of a believer. One episode struck me immediately as a gentleman had a “spirit” or “entity” attached to him and needed more information to free his energy. I’ve been extremely weighed down lately and a lot of it has to do with grief. Do you have a tool that would aid me in clearing my energy and/or dispelling any unwanted spirit entities? It’s something I’m willing to try.

Thank you,

Doug L., Portland, OR


Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Sacred Cubit Light-Life New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil

Dear Doug,

We live in a society where many are hesitant to talk about the spirit world. It’s fun to watch our spiritual lives become more mainstream with television shows such as these! We’ve had the opportunity to work with many clairvoyants over the years and the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil may be the perfect tool for you. However, I would advise you to work with a trusted spiritual guide if you are a novice to healing energy work. I’ll let Slim describe the coil’s attributes in more detail:

The Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil with the wire inside may be used to clean homes of unwelcome spirits and entities. Hold it horizontally with the bead pointing outward while scanning the area. This tool is for heavyweight issues that go beyond the dimensions. You don’t want to pull the negative energies into the coil; instead, you’ll enhance the positive by blasting light energy, and the negative has to go. It is almost like it is pulling you into a vortex in a higher dimension. You may feel like you’re becoming invisible. You’re becoming the anchor of the intention; your body becomes the intention to be cleared.

To support your grieving process  I would recommend our Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant silver plated. This has helped me a lot working through grief processes. I just recently lost a dear friend of mine and wearing this pendant helps me a lot.

I hope you find this information useful! Please share with me how the pendant and the coil worked for you!



For The Love of Science

Recently we had a disgruntled person post on our Instagram wall proclaiming “I hate pseudoscience!” Well, what if we just simply called it ‘science’? Because now we can! I’m so excited to share the news that in my last journey to Germany I was able to meet with Akiko Stein, a student of late Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you aren’t familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work please take a moment out of your day to show respect for this scientist and researcher who demonstrated that our intentions (emotions) have an effect on the molecular structure of water. Pretty remarkable isn’t it? You know the expression “thoughts become things”? Well, it bears a bit more weight after taking time to visit Dr. Emoto’s work.


Mrs. Stein was kind enough to meet with me and showed great enthusiasm for the Light-Life Tools. Our Light-Life Rings are said to amplify Life Force (Chi) energy and Mrs. Stein’s work will be able for us to provide proof for this claim. Although we can’t share all the secrets behind Mrs.  Stein’s process, we can share these images. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words and we can’t agree enough. What do you think of the results?

Tap Water - Microscopic View - Dr. Masuru Emoto

Tap Water – Photograph by Dr. Emoto’s student, Akiko Stein

Water through the Light-Life Ring

Water Running Through the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – Photograph by Akiko Stein

While it might take a second for this soak in, let us acknowledge that these photographs have not been digitally photo-shopped or altered in any way. You are witnessing the photography of water under a microscope before and after the introduction of a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Pretty profound to see the changes happening so rapidly!

Water Through a Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes

Water sitting in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes – Photograph by Akiko Stein

What does this mean for you? Well seeing that your body is composed of 65% water and that doctors recommend that you drink six 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day (based upon weight), it might be meaningful for you to pick up a ½ Sacred Cubit 24 K gold plated Light-Life Ring. Try it for 30 days and see if you notice any changes. We have testimonials from our clients that this potentized water helps with sleep, restores balance, clears acne, aids with digestion and so much more!

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

We are so grateful to Mrs. Stein and her team for taking the time to include the Light-Life Tools in their work. Although the imagery is gorgeous and moving, their mission continues on with the Dr. Emoto Peace Project. They are bringing the images and their book into schools to help educate children on the power of intention. For it’s love that is inherent and only hate that is taught, Mrs. Stein hopes that the powerful imagery will encourage children to think twice before they shoot a hateful remark at a fellow classmate.

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

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