Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time.

Author: Katharina Spurling-Kaffl (Page 4 of 19)

I'm the wife of the late Slim Spurling, creator of the Light-Life Tools. My company, IX-EL, Inc. is the only authorized manufacturer of the tools in the world. I've created this blog to talk about my experiences with the tools and show how incorporating them into your daily life is easy!

Multiple Benefits of Energy Harmonizers

With phase 3 of The Clearing Project approaching I thought it is time to give some examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. All our Energy Harmonizers are created with the intention to bring more harmony and balance into your life.

  • Home and workplace
    • Bringing more balance to the home
    • Protecting from EMF
  • Community and Environment
    • Reducing air pollution
    • Encouraging more harmony in the neighborhood
  • Weather improvements
    • Diverting tornadoes and hurricanes
    • Reducing intensity of thunderstorms and hail
  • Farming and Gardening
    • Providing pest control
    • Increasing crop yield

Home and Workplace

We have amazing reports from people whose family lives are impacted by placing an Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their homes. For example, teenagers reacted positively, and other overall relationship issues are reported to improve.

Place a silver-plated Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit in your home office or workplace and it can reduce the harmful effects of EMF and neutralize the Hartmann Grid. In addition, it can also help raise the vibrations and assist in positive interactions between colleagues.

The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that is save for us?

Community and Environment

Our Agricultural Harmonizers have brought multiple benefits to large communities; therefore, we renamed them to Community Harmonizers.

Multiple benefits with an Empowerment Community Harmonizer

Let me share an excerpt from a testimonial we received some time ago, after an Empowerment Community Energy Harmonizer was placed in this community:

September, 2012  Senate appointments began shifting.

January-February, 2013   House of Representatives and the Senate voted to impeach Governor Benigno Fital.  Trial date was set. (Impeachment requests had been happening for quite some time, never passing in either the House or Senate, so this was a major break-through)

Feb 20, 2013, Governor Benigno Firial resigned from office.  (1st time in the history of the US that impeachment proceedings for a governor were going to be completed, and the first time for a resignation of a governor of a territory. It was easier than expected, no trial necessary.)

Feb 22, 2013, There was finally an arrest for a murder committed one year prior.  He was in prison for other crimes and apparently would have been in prison at the time of the murder if a judge hadn’t let him off extremely leniently on even more crimes he committed earlier.  He was related to powerful political figures.  The Commissioner of Public Safety was accused of purposely interfering with the investigation. (Other old crime cases are beginning to be resolved as interference is decreasing.)…” 

Slim created the Environmental Energy Harmonizers to reduce air pollution in Denver, Colorado. As a result, they are being used now worldwide to bring clear air on all levels. Likewise, our larger Energy Harmonizer are used for that same purpose.

We found that the 24K gold-plated Energy Harmonizers work best on everything you can see, for example, air pollution, and plant growth, and the silver-plated ones on the other hand seem to work best on unseen, but felt issues, like mental and emotional issues as well as EMF (electromagnetic fields).

Weather Improvement

The Environmental Energy Harmonizer is about the size of a golf ball and has been successfully activated to divert tornadoes. As a result, we have many reports from customers who told us they activated their Harmonizer during a tornado warning, and the satellite picture the same night on the news showed how the tornado went around their city and the weatherman didn’t know how it happened.

give multiple benefits to communities in its range
Work remotely with the Harmonizer to give multiple benefits to large communities.

Therefore, when we hear about hurricane warnings, we print a map of the area and put it on the top of an Environmental Clearing CD. The Energy Harmonizer is then placed on top with our intention to diverting the hurricanes. It has brought about multiple benefits, certainly collapsed hurricanes, and improved marine life.

Also, a friend, who activated a Storm Chaser in Florida, sent us a report that it eliminated the Red Tide.

Farming and Gardening

Customers reported that having a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their home visibly increased their plant growth in no time.

Report from a farmer in Colorado

A farmer noted that the numbers of corn borer millers attracted to outside lighting on the house in the evening declined rapidly from approximately 100-150 on the window screens to maybe 3-6. This happened within 48 hours after activating an Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated. Another positive factor was that more beneficial insects, like lady bugs, were attracted to the area.

Report from a farmer in Laredo, TX

“Summarizing in a few words, the autumn crop which we expected to have only 30 kg per hectare, resulted in an incredible crop of 100 kg per hectare and if the weather continues fine, we might have another crop of 10 kg or more by hectare.

The neighboring lots of Nueces Buffel Grass (50 hectares) within a radius of 1 km from the point in which we placed the Harmonizer, also produced an estimate of 100% more crop than were raised in previous years.

I must emphasize that none of my neighbors were able to obtain more than two crops because their grass dried up due to the lack of humidity….”

As I said in the beginning these are just a few examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. The testimonials we receive are awesome and fill us with lots of gratitude. We would love to receive yours.

Please sign up for The Clearing Project, because it takes all of us to get clear air on all levels and everywhere.

Thank you.

How to Cope with Overwhelm

Who hasn’t experienced overwhelm? While we believe it is safe to say we’ve all been there, being a mother, parent, guardian or caregiver comes with feelings of overwhelm. In this blog we want to offer some new perspectives on how to cope with overwhelm.

Where is it coming from?

Even today, there is still a stigma in openly talking about our vulnerabilities and how we are faring in our mental fortitude. Add in the role of being a parent– and the time in which we can cultivate our self-care decreases to an even smaller sliver. While at the same time we are being asked to endlessly flex our stamina superpowers.

Who seems most affected?

I look around at the (single) parents that I know, and I am in awe. What a feat have they accomplished! Of course, being a single parent can be even more challenging and therefore easy, to get out of balance. The competing needs of others ahead of your own is a challenge. And you don’t have to be a parent; having your own business, being a leader of an organization, being in health care or other demanding professions can be just as stressful.

What can we do about it?

We’d like to offer another perspective on how to cope with overwhelm.

We offer a new perspective against the mainstream culture of “being-the-most-busy-wins“, and offer subtle energy Tools that support a lifestyle of “self-care” and help us cope with overwhelm.

Paramedics reported that when only one of them wears a Personal Harmonizer the whole team seems to be more focused when they come to severe accidents. Also, the people injured appear calmer and more aware.

Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer
The Pyramid Pendant

“Katharina, I have to order another Pyramid Pendant. Actually, I better buy two now because every time I let someone borrow it, I did not get back. However, I didn’t mind, because those friends were kind of grumpy old men, and since wearing the Pyramid Pendant they seemed to change from the inside out. It’s a pleasure to be around them now. Thank you for those. They are changing lives.” J.M., CA

The Eclipse Season and Healing

With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always 😉 have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.

This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.

A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.

These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.

Supporting Us Through Changes

Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.

One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

1 Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.

Working in Harmony: The amazing power of focused intention in a group setting

Communities around the globe have long felt the amazing power of focused intention in a group setting through rituals and rites of passage.

Now, research is backing this up.

At a basic level, our ability to collaborate toward specific social goals is part of what separates humans from other species.

Beyond that, groups of people working together are finding they can better overcome feelings of isolation and depression, while increasing motivation.

Experiments show group intention to have a measurable healing effect.

Indeed, Lynne McTaggart, the author of Power of 8 and developer of more than 40 intention experiments, has stated that “sending altruistic thoughts of healing in a group setting is a fast track to the miraculous.”

In other words, when we see life beyond our individual story, we find an interconnected web of activity of all living beings.

And there is no better time to come together in collaboration to support life on Earth than right now.

Collaboration as a path to healing

When people join forces and set the entire group’s intention toward increasing well-being, focused intention can have a healing effect. For example, we can focus on mending specific areas of our lives and over time we can alter the state of everything and everyone around us.

And so we can work synergistically and collaboratively to:

  • Regularly set intentions through group processes
  • Tune in to our deeper desires, such as becoming more attuned with nature
  • Use intuition to read situations and other people
  • Break away from established patterns

And there’s so much more. We’re just beginning to understand the potential on our own well-being (and that of our environment) when we work together, co-regulating and co-creating.

The Heart Math Institute has done extensive studies regarding “coherence”. They noted that the heart produces oxytocin, the “love” or “bonding hormone.” The Heart Math Institute reports:

“Science has only begun to understand the effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by the heart, but there is evidence that the information contained in the heart’s powerful field may play a vital synchronizing role in the human body—and that it may affect others around us as well.”

How Harmonizers work, individually and collaboratively

As our customers know, Harmonizers have many benefits for individuals, animals, and plant life. The benefits are somewhat affected by the user. The more intuitive the person possessing the equipment, the more focused intention they apply, and the longer the tools are used, the better the results can be. We can also amplify our effects by coming together — joining forces so to speak — and letting the light fields work together just as antennas work. A single antenna can pick up signals, but the more that work together, the better the reception.

Katharina holding the Cosmic Washtub and Matrix 22 in 24K Gold

Create group synergy for the environment using Harmonizers

Working the Harmonizers in a group setting can yield many benefits, as we’ve seen in field tests.

In fact, users report that working with Harmonizers helps them:

  • Find “flow” much more easily
  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Forge better relationships
  • Enjoy more balance in their lives
  • Meet beautiful, well-intentioned people

Harmonizers help us operate as our best selves.

Using Harmonizers in Groups

As you may know, Light-Life® Energy Harmonizers may be used to promote a thriving environment. They can help us clean the environment (air, water, and soil) without chemicals. Research has shown that they emit a coherent Life Field (L-field) with a positive output.

Light-Life Energy Harmonizers combine Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil into a 3-D sphere. The sphere creates a field with a continuous energy flow that positively affects anything crossing its energetic path.

Clairvoyants see Energy Harmonizers as emitting a coherent holographic light field. The field increases the vibrational frequency of nearby energy. Field tests indicate that Harmonizers have the potential to not only protect a single person’s personal energy field but help clear the environment as well.

Working with specific Light-Life Tools may help us:

  • Clean air pollution
  • Improve the quality of water
  • Reduce effects of harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
  • Balance emotional energy
  • Abate severe storms

We know it may sound “too good to be true,” but we also know it works. The quantum power of Light-Life Technology is amplified when people work together.

We hope you will join us for The Clearing Project to learn more and see for yourself how to work with these tools in a group setting.

Environmental restoration: What’s needed now

Our environment suffers from the effects of pollutants caused by human activity. Many of us, naturally, want to change the course of this environmental degradation, but we may not be sure exactly what we can do.

Clearing the air

One of our most serious current environmental problems is air pollution. Moreover, continual exposure to particulate matter in the air poses high risks for both health concerns and premature deaths

The American Lung Association’s 2022 annual “State of the Air” report, using data from 2018-2020, has reported that 125 million people currently live in areas with highly polluted, unhealthy air. That’s 4 of every 10 people in the U.S.

Linking pollution and stress

We’ve long known that a damaged environment impairs health. We know we need to breathe clean air, consume safe drinking water, and avoid chemicals that cause disease. 

Perhaps, we should not be surprised, then, that researchers around the globe have also found that particulates (tiny particles of soot and ozone) may actually increase aggressive and violent behavior, by increasing the stress hormone cortisol. (SOURCE: World Economic Forum)  

Rates of aggravated assault and abusive behavior tracked alongside high rates of pollution.

Our Toxic Environment

Let’s face it. Our environment suffers from an influx of toxic contaminants and urban air pollution. It’s easy to see how our ecosystems — fields, forests, oceans, coastlines, wetlands, lakes, streams – could benefit from concerted efforts at restoration. 

Problems of our toxic environment include:

  • air pollutants (particulates, smog, radiation)
  • water shortages 
  • soil erosion
  • biodiversity loss
  • pollination threats
  • instability in historical climate patterns (fires, floods, destructive storms).

Many of these problems seem (and in fact are) bigger than one person can tackle alone. 

Our Toxic Attitudes

We see these environmental concerns reflected in negative energy that pops up all around us in daily life. People react out of fear and anxiety. It’s human nature to live defensively, and we can too easily become “triggered”. The result is a world filled with complaints, anxieties, and overwhelm. Simply put, bad vibes all around. Many times, we knowingly or unwittingly pass this fear on to those around us.

Restoring the Balance of Life

When we think of restoring ecosystems, we often think of activities like:  

  • Creating green spaces 
  • Planting trees  
  • Rehabilitating coral reefs 
  • Eradicating invasive species
  • Filtrating ground-water 

But there’s actually a lot to be said for energetic healing and the power of groups as well. 

Thanks to quantum coherence, we can harness energetic forces and multiply our efforts to clear our environment of harmful substances at the particle level.

Protecting the environment, and ourselves 

Perhaps we start by respecting the inherent intelligence of the universe. Nature often heals itself when we humans take a step back. We must learn to match our pace and vibrations to those of the natural world. 

Another step is inviting more of our friends, family, and colleagues to join us in our efforts to restore harmony. Working together we can create interventions that result in greater engagement in life as it is, resulting in greater ease and fulfillment. In March 2023 Light-Life Technology launches a huge environmental initiative to clear the pollution all across the US, so stay tuned to learn more about The Clearing Project.



World Economic Forum, “Scientists now think air pollution is fueling violent crime,” October 29, 2019. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/10/air-pollution-violent-crime/

Which Tool to choose?

Which Tool to choose is the question our customers ask when shopping for Tools. One of the ways they navigate their shopping journey, is to look for all the Tools with the type of Cubit measurement that resonates with them.

Here’s how you pick from the three size options, Sacred, Lost and Empowerment.

Sacred Cubit nested inside Lost Cubit, with the Empowerment Cubit as the Outer Ring.

Sacred Cubit

The Sacred Cubit is the first Cubit measurement to be re-discovered and implemented in tensor technology called Light-Life Tools by Slim Spurling. Once this length is “constructed into a circular form and connected, it creates a column of light”. Excerpt from In the Mind of a Master. One Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring vibrates at the frequency of 144MHz. It is an exact fraction of the circumference of the Earth. It makes me wonder; how did the Egyptians know about that?!

This means that the Sacred Cubit Tools are an excellent choice for various applications in our 3D world. This measurement oscillates at the harmonic of pure white light that our physical body responds to easily. It may harmonize physical discomfort. The Sacred Cubit also can help to clear manifestations of disharmony that we can see in our environment.

Lost Cubit

The Lost Cubit is the second Cubit measurement that was discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling through further experimentation and investigation. It is also called the “hidden” Cubit. Interestingly, the 1 Lost Cubit length has an even higher frequency with 177MHz. Which provides a frequency delta of 33MHz between the Sacred and the Lost. The number 33 shows up in many conspicuous places, like 33 vertebrae in the spine. Or even the Merkabah (known as the ascension vehicle) has six points to it, which is 3+3.

This clues us into the limitless functions of the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools. It is important for applications of things happening at a higher or more complex level than that of the Sacred Cubit measurement. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools are incredible for things we cannot see, like our emotional states, mental loops, and chronic issues. Even physical things that we can see, but we know or suspect their origins are from the mind or from somewhere else (quantum entanglement). Some say the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools heal by acting as a portal between one level to another. We may think an issue presenting trouble on the physical level stems from a physical origin, but there could be other factors that need to dissolve in order for that issue to finally resolve itself completely.

Empowerment Cubit

The Empowerment Cubit is the final measurement to complete the selection of Light-Life Cubits. This exact length seems to resonate with the Unified Field. It is also the largest circumference, so the correlation of it being “closest to the Universe” may feel comforting or “like home” to Starseed’s, Indigo’s or Crystal children. Therefore, this measurement is fantastic for a rainbow of high harmonic frequencies according to some participants in our research group. In theory, by positively affecting multiple layers of our energy field that may need support in clearing or holding a coherent field, the body can heal itself more easily without that resistance.

credit to Barbara Brennan School of Healing

Still Need Help Deciding which Tool to choose?

Call our office or email us and chat with any one of our intuitive and knowledgeable staff members. We will be able to guide you to your own answers on what would be the perfect option for you.

Imagine Having a Personal Bodyguard

We hear so many incredible stories from our customers who have experienced the benefits of wearing our Pendant Jewelry. The Light-Life team calls them “everyday miracles.”

The video below shows how our Synergy Personal Harmonizer saved the day for a grateful customer. Kim had been wearing her Synergy religiously and was at a hair salon appointment when a neighboring stylist started an unplanned highly toxic chemical process on the woman’s hair next to her. Diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity, she is highly reactive to toxins and is debilitated by them. However, this time she did not experience more than a slight headache for a few hours!

“It must have blown it’s circuits! I truly know it took a bullet for me and saved me from being in the fetal position for days trying to recover.”

Kim K. Colorado

Another Everyday Miracle from Pendants

Eric also says “the Synergy is the absolute best pendant they offer in my opinion.” He further explained that he initially dismissed the Empowerment sized cubit, the outer measurement, described as helping with luck and manifestation, when he was making his purchase.

“But things I wanted that were out of reach or a ‘hard no’ just fell into my lap shortly after this one came in the mail.”

Eric. C. Instagram

Your Protective Bubble

Many customers have stated that wearing one of our Personal Harmonizers is like having a superpower. One gentleman said it’s “like you are not going to get robbed wearing this thing”. A woman prone to taking on other people’s energy told us “It’s my cloak of protection” to help her stay safe from noxious energies when she is out and about running errands.

We love hearing these heartfelt stories, they inspire us to no end! We’ll leave you with a quote from Slim, who reminds us of our innate power and importance of our partnership with these Tools to change our life.

“The Tools don’t make the choices. They support choices. The Tools are not here to live for you. They support you toward being who you are, so remember to always make the highest choices. The Tools are based on Universal Truth and Harmony. Always choose universal truth.”

Slim Spurling, In the Mind of a Master

Finding the Best Light-Life Pendant for You

Often, we hear from our customers that they are challenged with finding the best Light-Life Tool for their personality, life situation, or obstacles they are trying to overcome. It’s worthy to note, that choosing a Tool that is small enough so you can have it with you all the time is a fantastic option. All of our Pendants are beautiful and at the same time, they are extraordinarily effective subtle energy Tools.

Our own Holy Trinity

Today we wanted to showcase our 3 favorite Pendants: the Pyramid Pendant, Song of the Soul Pendant and Personal Harmonizer. Despite their small size, these Functional Art Forms are very powerful and quite different from each other.

We have created this short reference guide showing you the main distinctive differences between these wearable Tools, so you can find the one that will support your needs.

Song of the Soul Pendant will be a great choice if you:

  • Are having a hard time connecting to your soul and your life’s purpose
  • Feel lost and are in need of divine guidance
  • Have been struggling to establish loving communication with your inner circle
Song of the Soul Pendant

Our Pyramid Pendant is similar to the Merkabah configuration, this is the Pendant we would recommend you if you:

  • Feel like you have lost your inner power and can’t get it back
  • Have strong emotions and need assistance with self-healing
  • Would like to get back to your true self and regain your inner light
Pyramid Pendant

Our Personal Harmonizer is a wonderful Tool to have when you:

  • Want to strengthen your energy field and boost your immune system
  • Need to stay calm and grounded in the turbulent circumstances
  • Desire to create harmony for you and for those around you
Personal Unity Harmonizers

Of course, everyone’s experience with our Tools is unique and individual. However, there’s some commonality in our customers’ feedback when it comes to a particular Tool, which is why we are sharing these valuable insights with you. Also, some benefits can overlap, and some are hard to be put into words. We often hear “feeling good” or “feeling light” as the feedback, whatever it means for the wearer. And last but not the least, we ask you to listen to your intuition when it comes to picking the right Tool for yourself. If you feel connected to a particular one, then trust your inner wisdom, that’s the perfect one to support you!

The Harmonic Convergence Is Coming to a Close, This is What’s Next

You may have heard of the Harmonic Convergence. It denotes the period (1987-2023) of 36 years of transition into a new era. This is according to Aztec and Mayan calendars, Buddhists, Lakota Sioux, and other indigenous people who were also tracking this planetary alignment.

Before 1987, many saw that we were not on our highest trajectory with a dramatic rise in unbalanced big business greed, capitalism over caring for the environment, Wall Street volatility, etc.

Beginning with 7 planets in harmonic alignment in 1987, it was said that having this planetary alignment unlocked massive free energy that could be harnessed for the good of humanity. Thousands gathered at sacred sites around the planet to meditate for peace on Earth. Also, in intentional support of Mother Earth’s shift out of the old ways of doing things that are unsustainable and into this new era of regaining balance and peace.

According to Cosmologist Christine Page (2008) this presented “a 36-year window of opportunity for humanity to participate in the creation of a new era of consciousness“.

With any transition, it can look like a very messy evolution before the reorganization settles into a new template. Especially with 8 billion people’s perspectives on how to do things better on Earth’s surface as well. To learn more, click here.

What’s Next?

As the cycle finally comes to a close this year, we are witnessing the brutal end of the chaos and change as we move into a new era of alignment. Some call this time a shift into prosperity, for others, it’s the beginning of the Aquarian Age. We are coming into a different mindset. More and more people are aware of universal truths, natural law and care about humanity as a whole. As Wayne Dyer said, “We are not humans with a spiritual activities. We are spiritual beings with human activities”.

From Duality to Unity. Fear to Love. War to Peace.

We are arriving into a greater comprehension of who we are and our innate power. We are recognizing more and more that we are multidimensional in value and our purpose. That’s where subtle energy is getting a lot more attention now. Light-Life Energy Tools are designed to support what we can see, AND what we can’t see. Our New Dimension Tools can offer support for our increasingly complex awareness of what our body needs. These are advanced Tools that researchers have reported experiencing remote viewing, time travel, and exceptionally profound results in healing work. Not only on the physical level, but healing far beyond, into mental and emotional wounds. Even into resolving issues from past lives and soul misunderstandings.

Nancy Holt “Sun Tunnels” with an overlay of the Light-Life 1 Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring

What are you seeing in your own shifts and expansion? I’d love to know. You can send us a message by replying to this email.

Harmonizer Announcements

Two Ways to Activate Your Harmonizer

We often get the question, “What the difference is between the two ways you can activate your Harmonizer?” Some people physically place it on top of the Environmental Clearing CD, and others play the CD or MP3 next to the Harmonizer.

Here’s what we’ve found. The field of the Harmonizer on top of the CD is calm and steadily grows to its maximum range. It begins amplification the moment it is placed on top of the CD. By expanding the coherent light field more and more, it gently breaks up and mitigates discordant energy surrounding the Harmonizer.

When you play the Environmental Clearing Frequencies (CD or MP3), the Harmonizer’s range of effectiveness immediately expands with force. Activating the Harmonizer this way transmutes the larger space into a more coherent light field. While at the same time, it helps to push out discordant energies to the perimeter, or may dissolve them all together.

Therefore, we suggest that when you are in an extreme situation, activate your Harmonizer by playing the Frequencies. For example, if you are experiencing intense air pollution, chemtrails, tornado or hurricane warnings, or heated arguments in the neighborhood.

Agricultural Harmonizers Have a New Name

All of our Agricultural Harmonizers will now be called Community Harmonizers. Just like we have already named our Empowerment Cubit Harmonizer, a Community Harmonizer.

Empowerment Cubit Community Harmonizer, Silver Plated

In the early 90’s, Slim Spurling created the first Harmonizers for Environmental Clearing work. Some of his friends who owned farmland, described to him their need for clearing out pests on their crops. To help them with this task, he created a Harmonizer double the size of the Environmental Harmonizer and named it the Agricultural Harmonizer. So the name was more referring to the extended range of effectiveness it was designed for; which happened to be sizable plots of farming land at the time. The positive changes this powerful Tool brings, go beyond farming, that is why we feel that calling it Agricultural does not encompass all the wonderful ways it affects large areas in which it is placed.

At that time, Slim only used the Sacred Cubit measurement, as this was the only one available to him. Later, when we had the Lost Cubit measurement available, we created Agricultural Harmonizers in that measurement. We found it was even more powerful for farming the land and plant growth than the Sacred Cubit one.

You can read my blog where I explain more about the different Harmonizers here.

Rest assured that only the name changes. The design, energy and highest intentions will remain the same in all Community Harmonizers.

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