• Celebrate Earth Day: Honoring Our Planet (4/17/2024) - Every April 22nd, we come together to celebrate Earth Day. It’s a day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and renew our commitment to environmental stewardship. This year, as we mark another Earth Day, let’s reflect and explore how we can make a positive impact on our planet. Earth Day History The first […]
  • Acupressure Tool (4/9/2024) - Creation of our Acupressure Tool Today we’d like to give you some insight into our Acupressure Tools. To begin with, it’s important to know what Acupressure is; Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate healing and promote wellness. The effectiveness of acupressure often […]
  • 30 Years of The Denver Clearing Project (3/18/2024) - Three decades ago, Slim Spurling and ten dedicated individuals embarked on a mission to transform the Denver skyline. They called it the Denver Clearing Project. At the time, the infamous brown cloud plagued the sky and symbolized environmental degradation and air pollution. Slim made 11 Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers and set them up strategically from […]
  • Light-Life Workshop: Transformational Experience (2/27/2024) - Our next Live Workshop is right around the corner. So we wanted to share with you a few testimonials from the participants of our previous workshops. Light-Life Live Workshops can be a truly transformational experience. The feedback we receive from our community makes us so happy and grateful every day. Amazing Feedback From the Participants […]
  • Why should I attend the Light-Life Workshop? (2/21/2024) - With a wide array of workshops and additional options to choose from, you probably asked yourself ‘Why should I attend a Light-Life Workshop?’ We definitely understand you being on the fence. So, we would like to share with you how this Workshop can elevate your well-being and offer a transformative experience unlike any other. Hands-On […]
  • Understanding Geopathic Stress: Insights from Slim Spurling (2/13/2024) - Geopathic stress is a topic of interest for those exploring the relationship between the Earth’s energy and our well-being. However, this isn’t a new trend. As you may know, our ancestors knew to avoid negative earth energies (geopathic stress) and also sought areas of positive earth energy to build places of spiritual significance (think stone […]
  • Valentine’s Day: A Celebration of Love for All (1/30/2024) - While Valentine’s Day is generally known as a day for romantic partners we think it can, and should, be embraced as a celebration of love in all its forms. In a world of diverse connections, why do we limit the scope of love to just one type? So today, we think it’s time to explore […]
  • A Glimpse into the Mind of a Master (1/16/2024) - Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master , where Slim Spurling shares how he invented the Energy Harmonizer. The Creation of the first Harmonizers “…The Harmonizer is a combination of rings and coils. I’d like to describe how we came to do this. We first […]
  • Resolution Blahs – An Opportunity to Redefine Ourselves (1/3/2024) - We know, here it is, yet another post about a new year and a new you! Just follow these 5 easy goal-setting steps! Lose the weight, save the money, be less stressed! Blah, blah, blah…We don’t know about you, but we are ready to take a different approach in 2024. However, we also have some […]
  • Harmony Unleashed: Elevate Family Gatherings with Energy Harmonizers (12/13/2023) - Family gatherings are often a mixed bag of emotions, with the potential for joy, laughter, and love, but also the occasional clash of opinions and differences. Maintaining harmony during these events can be challenging. But with a few mindful strategies, and the use of our Light-Life Energy Harmonizer, you can steer the ship toward peaceful […]